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Explains the three basic symbols of Christianity--the church, the vine and branches, and the body. Diagrams the spread of the three largest Christian groups--Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Greek Orthodox--and emphasizes the main beliefs of each of these groups.
Discusses the weather of the United States and its effect on human comfort. Points out the nature of the country's agriculture as valuable bequests from our land. Shows how our climate differs from that of Alaska and Hawaii and the resulting differences in life and culture. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the supply of coal and iron ore in the United States. States that America has 4000 years supply of coal--this in spite of the fact that the U.S. produces thirty per cent of the world's supply. Points out that the reason for this large supply is that our mines are five times as productive as those of other nations. Uses maps to show the location and size of our supplies of iron ore. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Shows the preparation of a lithographic stone and methods of drawing on stone with crayons and Tusche liquid. Demonstrates the processes needed for three-color printing and presents and discusses examples of color litho work. Depicts an edition being made of 50 prints from original works.
This film was used to train American soldiers at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Produced during the height of the Cold War, this example of U.S. propaganda explains the reasons for American involvement in the Vietnam War and the threat of communism to the region. Describes the methods and techniques used by the Communists to seize power and shows how the party gains control of local and central governments; how it moves against other political parties, landowners, big business, the middle class, professional groups, workers, and churches; and describes the party attitude towards the individual in relation to the state.
Describes the life of Confucius as being that of a teacher and a statesman. Explains that Confucianism grew out of a question concerning how men could learn to live together without destroying each other. Points out that when spontaneous tradition breaks down it must be replaced with deliberate tradition, and reviews how this was done by those teachings called Confucianism.
Explains the functions of the House of Representatives and the Senate; then shows how a Congressional bill is introduced, considered, and voted upon. Discusses the special powers of the House and the Senate, and points out the relationship of Congress to the President and the Supreme Court.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Cowboy Small, by Lois Lenski, published by the Oxford University Press, to Jerome the giraffe. Then he tries to find a ten-gallon hat for Jerome. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
George K. Arthur, David Oistrakh, Aleksander Zarzycki
Presents the world-famous violinist David Oistrakh on concert stage as he plays Zarzycki's Mazurka. Uses close up photography to show the musician's techniques.