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Uses drawings and real photography to depict the origin and nature of the Hawaiian Islands. Shows a recent eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano and indicates how rain, wind, and the ocean have transformed the islands into fertile regions over the centuries.
Develops the need for a artificial hearts while arguing for cautious human experimentation. Interviews Dr. Denton Cooley, who made the first artificial heart insertion, and Dr. Michael DeBakey, who is opposed to heart insertion. Shows the famous Karp operation where Dr. Cooley inserted the first artificial heart. Explains that the main problems in using artificial hearts are the power source and the internal lining of the heart, which sometimes have an adverse effect upon red blood cells.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Alexander A. Nikolsky, Hal Kopel
Describes the unique contribution of the helicopter to transportation; explains how the helicopter flies and how it can be controlled; compares the helicopter with the conventional plane. Demonstrates the operation of many types of helicopters which are being flown today and points out the potentialities of the helicopter for reshaping the pattern of transportation.
Discusses the revolutionary reign of King Akhnaton in Egypt, 1400 B.C. Emphasizes his attempt to establish monotheism and to direct Egyptian death. Considers, also, the change in painting and sculpture from ritualistic forms to realism. (NYU) Kinescope.
Illustrates, using animation and live-action photography, man's efforts to learn more about the structure of the earth through study of deep mine shafts, deep wells, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Describes early theories of the earth's structure and the present world-wide efforts to discover more about its structure. Points out means scientists use to study earthquakes, how this study contributes to an explanation of the structure of the earth's interior, and the use of explosion seismology to produce artificial earthquakes. The intense heat of the earth's interior is evidenced in volcanic eruptions, geysers, and bubbling mud. The plan for placing a seismograph on the moon and the "Mohole Project'' are briefly discussed.
Shows the simple forms of plant life that appear upon retreat of the glaciers and the role of these plants in preparing the earth's surface for other plant and animal life. "Forests" of the high Arctic are shown to be only inches high though many years old. The struggle for life existing among plant forms and animal forms in this harsh environment is depicted as the variety of species in the region are surveyed.
Tells the story of the typical great agricultural estate in the highest farming land in the world--Bolivia. A landlord, whose family has owned his land for three hundred years, controls the labor of five thousand workers who regard him almost as a deity. Shows the stern life in this little kingdom with its own schools and churches, and its limited and hard-won crops.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
A narrated travelogue addressed to viewers in the U.S. shows life in several small towns surrounding Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Shows rope making from sisal hemp and traditional textile weaving. Concludes with a visits to the outdoor markets in Santiago Atitlan and Chichicastenango.
Tells the story of the bicycle as a means of transportation. Demonstrates various early models. Includes the songs "The Old Gray Mare" and "Lonesome Road Blues"/"Going Down the Road Feeling Bad".