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This film was shot on the 1963 Agri-business Caravan to Common Market nations in Europe and is used to show farm, business and civic groups some of the ideas the caravaners gathered on the trip. A movie co-produced by Dr. Landis Bennett, who is in charge of the visual Aids Section at North Carolina State College, has won first place in national competition sponsored by the Farm Film
The Farm Film Foundation $500 Award went to L. W. Riley, visual education editor, Clemson University, for his European-made film "One Ocean Away."
Provides a close look at the works and creative philosophy of Rudy Pozzatti, a printmaker who borrows themes from classical antiquity to interpret contemporary events. Observes that without abandoning his classical motifs, he now does portraits of presidents, gridiron clashes, and apollo space flights. Shows Pozzatti preparing for a major show in New York and working at his home in Bloomington, Indiana.
Silent footage in and around The Montefiore Home in Cleveland, Ohio. Naomi Feil, who grew up at the Montefiore Home for the Aged, where her father was the administrator and her mother was head of the social services department, can be seen in the opening sequence.