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Stresses the need for purifying water for the various uses of a community, and shows methods of aerating, filtrating, disinfecting, and testing a city's water supply. Illustrates the complexity of this aspects of defending the health of a city.
An educational film on eyesight which shows headaches, inefficiency in work and accidents to be results of defective vision. By animation and models, the mechanics of the eye are shown and the comparison between the eye and camera lens is drawn. Every movie maker should be interested in the diagram illustrating astigmatism and the film should be of value to schools in impressing the necessity of good vision.
Marcel Duchamp's only film is an example of "graphic cinema." It wittingly demonstrates the intertwining of the visual and verbal responses to viewing a film. The title itself- "anemic" is an anagram of "cinema." Disks of spirals which create optical illusions alternate with disks containing elaborately obscene puns. Duchamp condenses the whole range of sexual elements involving emergence and penetration of a plane surface into a model association between the illusions of gyrating cones and the allusions to breasts, genitals and defecation. --WorldCat
National Motion Picture Company Indianapolis and “produced under the auspices of the New York State Department of Health”
An educational film about social work for babies in Indiana, during a
time when better health services for American families was becoming a critical need.
Just as the local movie theater is about to begin showing a picture, the star of the film arrives and comes to see the movie himself. On screen, the star must rescue his girl from danger. In the theater, the star finds that not all of the audience admires his acting as much as he does.
A presentation of two of the first feature films in history, with the addition of sound. Bandits tie up the station master, stop the train, rob the mail car, take the passenger's valuables, and then escape, and the station master's daughter frees her father, alerts a group at a dance who then chase and overtake the robbers.
Shows how Springfield, Massachusetts, offers an inspiring plan to other communities for combating racial and religious intolerance, and shows how any school and any town can deal with the causes of this injustice.
Discusses business and labor in terms of the formulation of public policy. Considers the questions of denomination of the two parties by either of these interest groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Describes the economic, religious, and social characteristics of life in Bangkok, Thailand. Includes views of the temples, the old Palace of Kings, the King and the Queen at a state function, the floating river market, the busy streets, the celebration of the Buddhist New Year, and a traditional Thai funeral. Describes the attachment of the Thai people to ancient traditions as well as their love for modern comforts. Highlights the cooperation of the American and European businessmen with the Siamese in developing local industry and describes the country as the "rice bowl of Asia."
Shows the extent of communication between the East and the West in Berlin, including railroad and trolley connections, newspapers from the West, and pedestrian movement across zone lines. Pictures various shops set up near the border to cater to East Berliners and discloses black-market activities. Shows High Commissioner Conant stating his policies. Contrasts, during a sight-seeing bus tour, the dullness and inactivity of East Berlin to the busy, clean streets of West Berlin and describes the refugee problem in some detail.
Portrays through the experiences of a family recently moving into a community, the variety of services provided by a centralized county library system to branch libraries and their users. These services available to users include rotating book collections, recordings, motion pictures; library administration and technical services involved in ordering, processing, cataloging, publicity, and circulation of materials; and the advantages of the correlated use of equipment, personnel, and materials found in a central library system serving branch libraries.
Shows the gradual development of a balanced economy in Canada through the growth of industry in the various provinces. Includes views of wheat harvesting, logging, tourist attractions, the transportation of oil, food processing, and the production of power, metals, motors, planes, and radios. Mentions the controversial St. Lawrence Waterway project and presents the testimony of leaders in industry and government, including Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent.