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There is in the heart of every man the desire to express himself through the creation of something beautiful, says Shari Lewis. Whatever the motivation for making the object, the result is, in many cases, beauty. Woodcarving from many parts of the world is examined and provides an opportunity to explore its beauty.
Shows a workman producing one of the wooden masks used in religious festivals in Guatemala. Then pictures a religious procession at Solosa, with its effigies of Christ, and a special worship service at the church.
Tells the story of the lumber frontier of the Midwest in the region west and south of Lake Superior. Describes the living conditions of the lumberjacks. Explains how the indiscriminate cutting of the forests led to the demise of lumbering in the Midwest.
Discusses Dutch holdings on the Hudson, in the East, and in Brazil. Appraises the Dutch efforts at empire building and governing. Relates Henry Hudson's discovery of the fur-rich Hudson valley in his search for a Northwest passage. (KETC) Kinescope.
Eugene Kash, Gudrun Parker, Denis Gillson, Joseph Champagne, Eldon Rathburn, Thomas Daly, Guy Glover, Peter Jones, Margaret Ellis, National Film Board
The various instruments of the wood-wind and brass sections of an orchestra are characterized as to appearance, tone, and use during a children's concert conducted by Eugene Kash, Canadian violinist. Then demonstrates the effect of both sections combined.
Laurence Olivier's reading of passages from Milton, William Blake, Robert Browning, Rudyard Kipling and Abraham Lincoln accompany scenes of daily life in wartime Britain. The texts selected emphasize national identity and heritage, patriotism, and the justness of the Allied cause.
Discusses the use of pre-symbolic language in furthering communication. Defines and illustrates the function of social language. Shows how social conversation enlarges the possibility of friendship and communication.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Television series Watch Your Language. Uses on-camera narration and a dramatic episode to teach new vocabulary and word analysis skills. In this episode Al chooses his words carefully when filling out a job application. Later, his friends help him realize that clear, concise language will be more effective during his job interview that big words and fancy phrases.
Shows how to choose a job by first knowing one's self as revealed by performance in intelligence, aptitude, and personality tests, by learning the characteristics of different jobs, and by fitting these two together. Illustrates these steps by following a series of counseling sessions between a counselor and a counselee. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Episode 2 from Bread and Butterflies, a project in career development for nine-to-twelve-year-olds. Based on two years of planning by educators and broadcasters, the project included 15-minute color television programs, a comprehensive Curriculum Guide, and in-service teacher's program, and international program, and workshop materials. Bread and Butterflies was created under the supervision of the Agency for Instructional Television, through the resources of a consortium of thirty-four educational and broadcasting agencies with assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., A. J. Carlson, H. G. Swann, F. J. Mullin
Describes the structure and function of the renal system, and explains how the kidneys maintain uniformity in blood and tissues. Demonstrates, with animated drawings and laboratory experiments, the formation of urine, the regulation of blood composition, and the functioning of the bladder. Explains the relation of blood pressure to urine flow, and the rate of secretion as affected by sugar, water, and temperature.
Unit 2 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Principles of Technology. Examines the physics of work as applied in mechanical and fluid systems.
Bash Kennett tells some unusual anecdotes about dogs in our history and then visits various places to watch today’s sheep herding dog, a retriever and a pointer. She visits a dog who can spell. Songs include “Old Blue” and “Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone."
Episode 6 of Trade-offs, a series in economic education for nine to thirteen year-olds that consists of fifteen 20-minute television/film programs and related materials. Using dramatizations and special visuals, the series considers fundamental economic problems relevant to everyday life. In its first year, Trade-offs was used by approximately 500,000 students and their teachers in about 25.000 fifth and sixth grade classrooms. This more than quadrupled the amount of teaching of economics as a subject. Trade-offs was produced under the direction of AIT by the Educational Film Center (North Spring-field. Virginia), The Ontario Educational Communications Authority, and public television station KERA, Dallas. Programs were available on film, videocassette, and broadcast videotape. Trade-offs was developed cooperatively by the Joint Council on Economic Education, the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, the Agency for Instructional Television, and a consortium fifty-three state and provincial education and broadcasting agencies.
Episode 6 of Trade-offs, a series in economic education for nine to thirteen year-olds that consists of fifteen 20-minute television/film programs and related materials. Using dramatizations and special visuals, the series considers fundamental economic problems relevant to everyday life. In its first year, Trade-offs was used by approximately 500,000 students and their teachers in about 25.000 fifth and sixth grade classrooms. This more than quadrupled the amount of teaching of economics as a subject. Trade-offs was produced under the direction of AIT by the Educational Film Center (North Springfield. Virginia), The Ontario Educational Communications Authority, and public television station KERA, Dallas. Programs were available on film, videocassette, and broadcast videotape. Trade-offs was developed cooperatively by the Joint Council on Economic Education, the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, the Agency for Instructional Television, and a consortium fifty-three state and provincial education and broadcasting agencies.