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No longer wanted by their masters, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster set out for Bremen to become musicians. They prove clever enough to outwit some robbers.
Uses animation to describe the economic principles underlying our private, competitive economy. Identifies the major forces that threaten its efficient operation and shows the close interrelationship between the freedoms enjoyed by the citizen and the continued functioning of a free economic system.
Short promotional video highlighting the various attributes of IU Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA). To learn more about IULMIA, check out our website:
The plot focuses on a murderer whose increasing guilt leads him to believe he can hear his victim's heart still beating beneath the floorboards where he buried him. Seen through the eyes of the nameless narrator, the surrealistic images in the film help convey his descent into madness.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Gift of Dr. Minot" (season 3, episode 20), which originally aired on April 12th, 1955 on ABC-TV. This film re-enacts the research of Boston physician and Nobel Prize winner Dr. George Minot, who disregarded his own diabetic condition to develop a cure for pernicious anemia in 1922. Concurrently, Canadian Dr. Frederick Banting (also a Nobel Prize winner) perfected insulin as a cure for diabetes, enabling Minot to conclude his experiment.
Dramatized incidents including a discussion between a disgruntled son and his parents over the boy's plans for a college education are used in explaining that discussion brings information to the individual, leads to a broader and richer life, and expedites cooperative achievement.
Illustrates and explains the use of role playing in analyzing problems of human relationships. Shows a mothers' club and a group at the 1947 National Training Laboratory in Group Development as they enact simple incidents involving various techniques of role playing.
Evolution of inherited patterns: adaptation; the means of evolution –mutation and recombination; retention of variability; results of evolution –specific selected examples such as drug resistance, melanism, mimicry; ecological aspects.
Vice-President Henry A. Wallace narrates a patriotic, propaganda short designed to boost morale in the the early days of World War II. This film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1943.