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Portrays to youth the wide variety of career opportunities in sales and merchandising occupations, how entry jobs fit into the career ladder, work settings, levels of occupations, and information about preparatory experience available through part-time work or a summer job in the retailing industry.
Stresses the importance of appearance to a speaker's self-confidence and good audience reaction. Uses cartoon characters to show types of poor posture. A man preparing his first speech demonstrates balance and proper techniques of posture and movement. Reviews the suggestions made.
Introduces the principal amendments to the Constitution by showing in dramatic form what would happen if the Bill of Rights disappeared from the American scene. | Introduces the principal amendments to the Constitution by showing in dramatic form what would happen if the Bill of Rights disappeared from the American scene.
Shows visits to the homes of two Caucasian families who adopted children of Negro and mixed parentage, in which their hopes and problems are discussed.
Portrays the life of the Eskimos living in northeastern Canada, whose lives have been only slightly touched by civilization with emphasis on the technique and meaning in their stones sculptures. Describes a typical Eskimo family of this region; indicates their dependence on sea animals; and relates a number of the myths found in Eskimo culture. Carvings, made by the men during the long nights of winter, depict personalities from the myths and things from the Eskimos' world. Eskimos' summer tent and winter snow houses, a seal hunt, the festivities associated with a boy's first seal kill, and traditional dances and recreational activities are all surveyed.
Part 1: Emphasizes the Allied Nations victory over the Axis Powers. Highlights the surrender of Japan and points out political and economic repercussions after World War 11. Pictures the War Crimes Trials, the forming of the United Nations, and the emergence of the U.S. and Russia as the two dominant powers. Part II: Breakup of the Grand Alliance, explores the reasons for the breakup of the Grand Alliance between the U.S. and Russia. Explains some of the factors contributing to the widening gap between the U.S. and Russia and leading to the Cold War.
Traces the activities of a junior-high school boy in preparing a class report. Stresses the following steps: choosing the subject, thinking of one's interest and audience, gathering information and organizing the presentation.
The unit of life –the cell: history of the concept; validity of the concept; variations of size, form and function; limitations of a cell; details of structure and function; special features of plant cells, nuclear control of cellular activity, particularly reproduction (mitosis)
Points out character traits that are important to look for when evaluating a marriage partner. Stresses the importance of self-analysis, the possibility of making certain changes in oneself and fewer demands on other people, and accepting in a marriage partner those basic attributes which cannot be changed.