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Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the work on details begun in Sculpture V. Explains how an area can be broken up into planes by the use of a block of wood. Demonstrates ways of modeling the eyes. Discusses the importance of the sculptor being able to draw graphically. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture VI and completes the clay bust. Discusses and demonstrates how the eye is modeled. Emphasizes the importance of having different parts work together as a whole. Outlines the many finishing techniques that can be used. Comments briefly on several contemporary sculptors. (KECT) kinescope.
Describes and illustrates the mold casting stage in the development of the sculptural portrait. Shows how plaster is mixed, applied to the clay, and the importance of working fast. Discusses the use of shims for separating the mold. Concludes by showing the completed mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the process of making a plaster cast. Points out how the molds are shellacked and placed together again. Demonstrates how the plaster is mixed. Shows the process of pouring the plaster into the mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows how the mold is removed from the finished plaster bust. Discusses the use of bluing in the first coat of plaster. Illustrates the use of the screwdriver and mallet in removing the mold. Concludes with a comparison of the model and the completed plaster portrait bust. (KETC) Kinescope.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the importance of the self-portrait as a means of art expression. Tells how the self-portrait not only preserves a physical likeness of the artist, but provides an insight into his character, mode of dress, and customs. Demonstrates the various techniques involved painting self-portraits by having two professional artists develop their own likenesses. Presents and explains the work and self-portraits of great artists to help develop a greater understanding of this art form.
Discusses the essentials of love, and explains how sexual love and erotic love can be combined. Distinguishes between sexual desire and sexual love, outlining the elements of both. States that if sex or want come first, love is short lived but that love will last if it comes first. (Palmer Films) Film.
Man learned early to read the messages of the footprint and the broken twig and the book of the clouds and the tides, as truly as though these were printed texts. Soon he began to make readable marks, blazing trails, signaling with piled stones and scratches on rock. Out of this came primitive pictograph for purposes of magic, commemoration, and communication. He talked to strangers in a sign language, the very symbols of which later were written down as characters. Simple pictures of these things came to stand for complicated ideas, as well as the things themselves. This opening program shows how very elaborate messages were early conveyed by simple signs.