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Interview of Cozart-Steele on the Transgender Singing Voice Conference which started at Earlham College in Richmond, IN in 2017 and the success with helping a transgender student in the process. It is now a biannual conference.
The Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics & American Institutions was an endowed ethics research center established in 1972 at Indiana University Bloomington. Through its programming, the Poynter Center addressed bioethics, religion, political ethics, research ethics, professional and educational ethics, technology, and many other areas. Initiatives over the years included courses such as "The Citizen and the News," supported by the Ford Foundation, which began in the fall of 1975 and studied the institutions that produce news and information about public affairs in America.
Q&A session with Senator Sam Ervin, discussing the 25th amendment and the Watergate scandal.
Meeting of the 9/11 Commissioners and a discussion of their report and its legacy, seven years after its publication. Includes questions from the moderator, Ken Bode, directed to members of the committee. These comments are sourced from the general public as well as other sources. Each question is responded to by an number of commission members in turn.
Mary Jo Weaver served as a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University from 1975 until her retirement in 2006. Audiovisual materials in Dr. Weaver’s papers consist primarily of recordings of radio appearances and conference presentations.
Presentation by Mary Jo Weaver on her fourth book: 'New Catholic Women: A Contemporary Challenge to Traditional Religious Authority'. Dr. Weaver discusses the role of women in religious systems around the world, and the role of gender in religious practice.
Digital technology is changing everything in our lives, including the ways in which we study, learn, teach, and create knowledge in the university. While these changes have been slower to come in the humanities, they are now well established and accelerating, with significant implications for teaching and research. What are the new opportunities afforded by the development of digital tools and platforms for humanists? What new fields of inquiry have opened for humanists as a result of the explosion of digital technology? And how should humanists understand and respond to the growing power and influence of the technical disciplines in shaping the priorities of the contemporary university?
Presented by Dr. William D. Adams, former head of the National Endowment for the Humanities, as part of the IU Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities 2017-18 Speaker Series, which had the theme "Making the Arts & Humanities."