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Williams, David, von Ende, Samantha, Shanahan, James
This week on Through the Gates, host Jim Shanahan is joined by David C. Williams, the executive director of the Center for Constitutional Democracy and the John S. Hastings Professor of Law in the Maurer School of Law.
Williams has written widely on constitutional law and consults with constitutional reform movements around the world. Presently, he advises elements of the Burma democracy movement on the constitutional future of the country. In today's interview, he will share some of how that process works.
Later in the episode, student Samantha von Ende will share some of her own work with the Center for Constitutional Democracy. As a Ph.D. student, von Ende has worked extensively on gender-related issues of democracy in the United States and around the world.
Folklorist Jon Kay made this short documentary for the exhibition, "Willow Work: Viki Graber, Basketmaker." The exhibit explored the work of Viki Graber a willow basketmaker from Goshen, Indiana. Viki learned willow basket weaving at the age of twelve from her father, who was recognized by the National Endowment for the Arts as a 2009 National Heritage Fellow. Where once her family plied their talents to make utilitarian workbaskets, Viki makes baskets for collectors and to sell at art shows and galleries. While using the same tools and methods as her great-grandfather, Viki's keen sense of color and innovative designs have elevated her family's craft to a new aesthetic level. Sponsored by the Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences as part of their Fall 2015 Themester @Work: The Nature of Labor on a Changing Planet, the exhibition and the video were on display at the museum from August 18 through December 20, 2015.
A man receives a distress call from someone stuck on the side of a cliff. The man race across difficult terrain in his Jeep. The man rescues the person from cliff by using the winch on his Jeep.
The commercial shows which Jeeps were used in the movie "Hatari!". The commercial portrays the different Jeeps as actors that were cast for specific roles and worked with the movie stars John Wayne, Red Buttons, and Elsa Martinelli. The Jeeps are shown in several movie clips driving across Tanzanian and herding animals.
Wilson, T. Kelly, Shanahan, James, Cummings, Janae
“I have yet to meet the person I can’t teach to draw,” T. Kelly Wilson tells Through the Gates host Jim Shanahan in this week’s episode. Wilson is an architect and director of the Indiana University Center for Art and Design in Columbus.
Wilson talks about the importance of drawing on creativity and invention. “When you go to draw and you look to perceive … the world becomes suddenly very strange and complex,” he said, adding that common notions of what you’re seeing change and modify when translating them to pictures.
This episode also introduces Janae Cummings, a new Through the Gates podcast host, who will also be featured in upcoming “Five Questions” segments featuring campus visitors and faculty, staff, students, friends and alums of IU.
COVID-19 is among the most salient issues in the world presently, and for many current executives, it is likely to be among the greatest challenges they will face. Upon entering the U.S. context, the disease was immediately subject to the process of affective polarization, with clear partisan splits forming around perceptions of its risks that did not relate to science. We explore whether firms’ preexisting political positioning affected how they voluntarily disclosed to their investors on a novel, affectively polarized issue by examining whether firms’ disclosure of COVID-19 risks covaries with their partisan political giving. Analyzing conference call and campaign contribution data for the S&P 500, we find a positive association between a firm’s contributions to Democrats and its disclosure of COVID-19 risks.
This presentation starts by discussing how COVID-19 has affected job markets worldwide, key questions, methods, and data sources used. I will then focus on the research my colleagues and I have conducted in the last year, paying most attention to the focal paper using Current Population Survey monthly data from the US. In that paper, we make several contributions to understanding the socio-demographic ramifications of the COVID-19 epidemic and policy responses on employment outcomes of subgroups in the U.S., benchmarked against two previous recessions. First, monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) data show greater declines in employment in April and May 2020 (relative to February) for Hispanics, younger workers, and those with high school degrees and some college. Between April and May, all the demographic subgroups considered regained some employment. Reemployment in May was broadly proportional to the employment drop that occurred through April, except for Blacks. Second, we show that job loss was larger in occupations that require more interpersonal contact and that cannot be performed remotely. Third, we show that the extent to which workers in various demographic groups sort (pre-COVID-19) into occupations and industries can explain a sizeable portion of the gender, race, and ethnic gaps in recent unemployment. However, there remain substantial unexplained differences in employment losses across groups. We also demonstrate the importance of tracking workers who report having a job but are absent from work, in addition to tracking employed and unemployed workers. We conclude with a discussion of policy priorities and future research needs implied by the disparities in labor market losses from the COVID-19 crisis that we identify.
G. Elliott Morris is a data journalist at The Economist and writes mostly about American politics and elections, usually by engaging in a close study of political science, political polling and demographic data. He is responsible for many of The Economist’s election forecasting models, including their 2020 US presidential election forecast.
Over the past couple of decades, technical models, both statistical, machine learning and combinations of these methods, for forecasting various forms of political conflict, including protest, violent substate conflict, and even coups, have become surprisingly common in policy and NGO communities, particularly in Europe, though not, curiously, in US academia. These methods, working with readily available, if noisy, open source data, use a number of familiar predictive analytical approaches such as logit models in the statistical realm and random forests in the machine learning, and consistently outperform human analysts. This talk will first review the current state of the field, with a particular emphasis on why current models work whereas prior to 2005 there was little consistent success with the problems, and then present some challenges that remain unresolved. The talk will assume familiarity with general social science quantitative approaches, but not with the details of specific technical approaches: lots of graphics, a couple tables, no equations.
Textual data are central to the social sciences. However, they often require several pre-processing steps before they can be utilized for statistical analyses. This workshop introduces a range of Python tools to clean, organize, and analyze textual data. It is intended for researchers who are new to working with textual data, but are familiar with Python or have completed the Introduction to Python workshop. Python is best learned hands-on. Python packages: nltk, fuzzywuzzy, re, glob, sklearn, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
In recent years, social scientists have increased their efforts to access new datasets from the web or from large databases. An easy way to access such data are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This workshop introduces techniques for working with APIs in Python to retrieve data from sources such as Wikipedia or The New York Times. It is intended for researchers who are new to working with APIs, but are familiar with Python or have completed the Introduction to Python workshop. Python is best learned hands-on. To side step any issues with installation, we will be coding on Jupyter Notebooks with Binder. This means that participants will be able to follow along on their machines without needing to download any packages or programs in advance. We do recommend requesting a ProPublica Congress API key in advance ( This allows participants to run the API script on their own machines.
Helge-Johannes Marahrens is a doctoral student in the department of Sociology at Indiana University. He recently earned an MS in Applied Statistics and is currently working toward a PhD in Sociology. His research interests include cultural consumption, stratification, and computational social science with a particular focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP). Anne Kavalerchik is a doctoral student in the departments of Sociology and Informatics at Indiana University. Her research interests are broadly related to inequality, social change, and technology.
After an historic win for women’s b-ball at IU, Elaine and Violet sit down with Nicole Cardano-Hillary to hear what it means to taste victory while being a full-time student, gender in a male-dominated sport, and what might be next for a sport champ at the Media School.
Indiana University School of Medicine. Medical Educational Resources Program
A tour of Indiana University School of Medicine's new Medical Research and Library Building on the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus. An abbreviated version of a longer video by the same name. The library building was dedicated on May 20, 1989 at the annual IU School of Medicine Alumni Day.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, United States. Office of Strategic Services, United States. Federal Security Agency. Office of Education
Reports on advancements in aviation in Brazil. Begins with an early figure in Brazilian aviation history, Alberto Santos-Dumont, the creation of his memorial, and the founding of the Escola de Especialistas de Aeronautica in 1941. Reports on Brazil's role among the allied nations in wartime, include air patrols of its coastline and providing protection for ocean transport ships. Profiles the developing infrastructure of air travel in Brazilian nation with visits to newly constructed airports at Belem, Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre and Natal.
This Pan Am travelogue about the Bahamas shows everything the breathtaking islands have to offer, including swimming, boating, shopping, and culture. Every visit offers a different variety of activities for tourists, and keeps them coming back.
United States. Army Air Forces. Motion Picture Unit, 1st
The story of the twelve weeks of discipline, concentrated study and hard work leading to graduation from the Officers' Candidate School of the U.S. Army Air Forces and the rank of second lieutenant.
Starring Lt. James Stewart, this WWII recruitment film shows jobs, training and education provided to men between the ages of 18 and 26 who enlist in the U.S. Army Air Forces.
A man and woman sing a jingle about Winston cigarettes. Accompanying the jingle is a stop motion animation of a male and female matchbox dancing around Winston cigarettes.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle describes the product's taste over an animation of the box and a cartoon xylophone. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Winston cigarettes in which a jingle plays over an animation describing the product's filter and taste. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Vicki Rubin, Edward G. Feil
Home movie of Ed Feil biking up and down Byron Road, the street where the family lives. Snow blankets the yards. Interspersed with shots of Naomi walking Tiger, the family dog, who tugs at his leash in an attempt to play.
Wish-Bone Chianti and Burgundy salad dressing are stated to be on par with old world gourmet cooking. There are several shots of the dressing being poured onto salads.
A cartoon of a boy, who pronounces his r as w, asking a pompous store clerk for Wishbone Russian Dressing. The dressing is advertised as making children want to eat their greens.
Develops the theme that the ultimate aim of literature is ethical. Defines the accent of literature as a characteristic way of thinking which reflects a particular manner of speaking or sounding. Points out that literature must serve a cause or purpose. Uses examples from the writings of Carl Sandburg and Mark Twain. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discuss the book, Witness, by Whittaker Chambers. Examines the content of this autobiographical work and the reasons why it was written. Appraises the significance of the book as a source for historians and as literature.
[motion picture] Reconstructs a three-car personal injury accident to show the role of police officers in gathering the physical evidence at the scene of the accident and the importance of this evidence. Following the officer's attention to the injured and securing of the scene from further hazards, he and a second officer begin their investigation. This includes interviewing eye witnesses, testing one of the driver's sobriety, measuring skid marks, and noting location of cars and extent of property damage. As the officers file their reports and opinions of the events leading to the accident, flashbacks verify their opinions.
Reconstructs a three-car personal injury accident to show the role of police officers in gathering the physical evidence at the scene of the accident and the importance of this evidence. Following the officer's attention to the injured and securing of the scene from further hazards, he and a second officer begin their investigation. This includes interviewing eye witnesses, testing one of the driver's sobriety, measuring skid marks, and noting location of cars and extent of property damage. As the officers file their reports and opinions of the events leading to the accident, flashbacks verify their opinions.
Alexis Witt, Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities
As part of my PhD dissertation in Musicology,I am building a network graph (visualized using Gephi) of Russian émigré and traveling performers who toured the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. By visualizing these relationships in a graph, I more clearly define the extent to which these people are related while presenting these relationships in a way that is more useful and illustrative than prose text. The relationships that exist between the people in my study fall into six types: artistic (when individuals collaborate together for a performance or other creative enterprise), patron (when one individual is providing money or influence in support of another with no expectation of reciprocation), professional (when an individual is employed by another individual), family (marriages, family relationships), educational (teacher-student relationships), and personal (mutual acquaintances exclusive of artistic or professional endeavors). The graph frames a more nuanced reading of particular nodes in the artistic networks of New York City in the 1920s.
These films are part of the John and Hilda Jay family papers. They likely date between 1939-1946.
Silent home movie shows Indiana University President Emeritus William Lowe Bryan at a dinner, baby and child (Emily Sue) playing, cars, and Hilda Lease Jay.
The dinner President Bryan appears at could possibly be Union Board. John was a member of the then all-male Board.
Enumerates the problems of living in ancient Egypt from a woman's standpoint--no running water, electricity, or refrigeration. Shows bronze ornaments used for bartering purposes as well as household equipment and cosmetics. (NYU) Kinescope.