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The film portrays alcoholism as a mental health problem and as an illness that can respond to treatment. Demonstrates that the causes of this illness are imbedded personality difficulties often relating back to the early formative years of the victim’s childhood. The film discusses different forms of alcoholism and the different treatment required for each type. The role of Alcoholics Anonymous is covered and a plea made for increased public facilities for the treatment of alcoholics.
Depicts the five major groups of algae, showing growth, movement, reproduction, and nutritional patterns. Describes the tremendous size range of algae from the giant kelp to the minute forms found in a drop of pond water. Discusses the evolutionary development and the economic and ecological importance of the algae.
Jim shows Grace how she can use algebra to find out the quantities of red and yellow paint she needs to make enough orange paint to complete some stage scenery. Demonstrates the algebraic steps of observation, translation, manipulation, and computation, and mentions other uses of algebra.
A fantasy which shows the housewife that the farmer, the processor, the transporter, and the retailer must know "how much" and "how many" before they can make foods and other products available to the consumer.
Rain does not always evaporate immediately after falling. Dora tells a story of some raindrops with the help of Mr. Robinson's illustrations of some raindrops who had a series of adventures on their way to a distant lake where they learned how to do the "dance of the happy spray."
Examines the confused reaction in a community when a black family stops in front of a house with a "for sale" sign. Explores the contagion of unreason and the feelings of guilt which militate against a solution of the integration problem, appealing for intelligence and democratic principles as the only road to community equilibrium.
A chef shows the audience that he is able keep his food fresh and preserved by using aluminum cans and packaging. The chef also mentions how aluminum is used in agricultural and transportation industries.
A narrator talks about the vital role aluminum plays in the transportation industry. Footage of aluminum vehicles are shown. The narrator talks about how Aluminum Ltd. supplies the majority of the aluminum in the market and is the most active in aluminum research.
This is a legend about the sun goddess – on whom the world depends for light – who became angered and hid in a celestial cave and refused to shed her light on the world. A rooster’s crow, a fire and a big mirror were used to lure her from her cave. Mr. Mikami illustrates the story with a brush painting of a rooster.
Pictures of human hands are shown as a narrator explains how fragile and worn out human hands can be. The commercial then transitions to footage of American Machine & Foundry's automatic machines are shown doing jobs that used to be done by human hands. The narrator states how useful these machines can be to society.
A boy wakes up to find a new jet bike waiting for him. He then goes to fly model airplanes with his dad. As the boy goes home, he notices water skiers, scuba divers, and bowlers. In each scene and place the boy visit an American Machine & Foundry product is featured.
Friction in the Old World led to war. The USA tried to maintain neutrality, but with each passing month the problems created became more and more thorny. Finally, the nation was drawn into the conflict. With amazing speed and efficiency the country mobilized. Its participation in World War I was the deciding factor in bringing victory to the Allies.
Max Lerner and five Brandeis students consider the following: Who makes the decisions now in the United States? Is our foreign policy a rigid one? How can our foreign policy be changed so that we can get away from our estimate of the foreign policy that we have today, and if so what kind of policy should America adopt? Do we have to meet the illiterates of non-committed nations on the power-alliance level only? Should we accept a co-existence policy with Red China? Will economic aid be the answer to our foreign policy? Does America carry on ideological war fare?
A narrator explain how the Bell Telephone Company was instrumental in the Echo I project. The Echo I satellite allowed for the first wireless telephone call through a satellite. The narrator rejoices at this breakthrough in telecommunications and hypothesis about the future of communication.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines probation as a special alternative to the criminal-making influences of the prison system, stating that probation can effectively replace detention; although it is considered in the public mind as a form of leniency and improperly administered it becomes “beating the rap.” Two men with criminal experience are interviewed to illustrate this alternative. Meeker and Lohman delve into the necessary requirements to make probation an instrument for controlling criminal behavior and if its potentialities for reclaiming those who have strayed outside the social role are to be used to the fullest extent.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines probation as a special alternative to the criminal-making influences of the prison system, stating that probation can effectively replace detention; although it is considered in the public mind as a form of leniency and improperly administered it becomes “beating the rap.” Two men with criminal experience are interviewed to illustrate this alternative. Meeker and Lohman delve into the necessary requirements to make probation an instrument for controlling criminal behavior and if its potentialities for reclaiming those who have strayed outside the social role are to be used to the fullest extent.
Analyzes the score of a symphony and explains why it was scored as it was. Compares this symphony to a painting and to an austere essay and shows how the background, the highlights, and the essential figures are developed. Analyzes a composer's motives and illustrates their orchestral expression. (University of Rochester) Film.
Defines experimentalism as a systematic theory of education stemming from the work of John Dewey. States that the experimentalist turns to experience rather than away from it. Indicates that intelligence, operating in quite human ways in relation to quite human problems, will give the answers that are needed to bring the newly born infant to maturity. Elucidates the experimentalist viewpoint, answers objections, and comments on a film sequence of a "progressive" classroom. Featured personality is H. Gordon Hullfish, professor of education at Ohio State University.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman addresses the untouched correctional frontier between pre-conviction detention, and imprisonment in state institutions. Films show the variety of activities that must be incorporated in a county system. Powers and Lohman delve into the elements necessary for an integrated county system and Lohman and Wright establish how such a system works.
Hardly had the exultation of victory and accomplishment cooled, when the nation found itself face to face with an old problem, which it had hoped was a dead issue. The application of California for statehood was not covered by the Missouri Compromise. The Southerners fought to hold their equal advantage in the Senate – they had long ago lost the House. In the end they had to take the “half loaf” which the Compromise of 1850 offered, but they were unhappy and fearful of the future. Yet a few years of prosperity lulled all into a feeling of security and hopes began to build. Then came the question of the route of the transcontinental railroad. Next, the Kansas-Nebraska Act. From 1854 the way led steadily downhill toward sectional conflict, this time with guns, rather than orators, barking. The Republican Party was uncompromisingly a Northern, anti-slavery faction – the last real bond which had hitherto resisted sectional friction was now gone, the national political party. The South was outnumbered in the legislature. Its victory in the judiciary – the Dred Scott decision – only roused its opponents to more determined action. The success of the Lincoln candidacy could mean the coup de grace. The South conditioned itself for that possibility.
Ever since the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community, the progress of the Six, or "Little Europe" as the Community was called, had evoked mixed emotions. Many nations outside the Six —and even some within —felt skeptical about the project. Though the Initial vigor of the new movement was surprising, the defeat of the European Defense Community by the French Assembly seemed to confirm the sceptics' opinions. Yet the Six were undaunted by the setback, and, less than a year later, were busily planning further economic integration. Their intention to create, within the boundaries of the EuropeanCoal and Steel Community, a common market extending to all fields of commerce was viewed with deep misgivings by some other European nations. These "outside" nations felt that an open market within and a common tariff wall around the area involved might be a serious threat to existing trade patterns. Further, these antagonists felt that the concept posed a severe political threat to the solidarity of Europe and the western world. Using as its platform the existing Organization for European Economic Cooperation with its seventeen-country membership --which included the Six —the antagonists proposed to form a European Free Trade Area whose members would gradually eliminate existing trade barriers among themselves.
Dramatizes the story of Tommy Randall, who has been caught stealing at school, and who is sent to a child guidance clinic rather than being of an emotional problem. Traces the disturbance, through a portrayal of his family lie, to its source. Shows how Tommy's mother learns to understand him and how Tommy himself becomes adjusted through the work of the clinicians.
Shows how different species of marine animals or animals and plants develop. Defines symbiosis and commensalism. Illustrates these phenomena with living specimens of crabs, sea cucumbers, and starfish. Demonstrates another marine animal association which involves escape reactions. Uses film clips to show a brittle star-hermit crab reaction and the activities of a sea anemone that swims when touched by a certain starfish. Points out the significance of these reactions and the research being directed toward better understanding of the behavior of seashore animals. (KCTS) Kinescope.
Traces the history of the classification of animal life. Explains the necessity of scientific classification of plants and animals and the use of Latin in science. Discusses the work of Carolus Linnaeus leading to modern classification. Traces the evolution of the horse as a basis for explaining subdivisions, class, order, family, genus, species, living relations, and varieties, and defining nomenclature.
Bash spends a day with the animals of the zoo, visiting some zoo favorites and learning about the men who work in the zoo. Songs include “Animal Fair,” “Goat and the Train” and “Fooba Wooba John.”
Shows some of the animals that are found in each of four environments--deciduous forest, evergreen forest, desert, and arctic tundra. Presents the habitats of such animals as sidewinder snake, timber rattlesnake, white-tailed deer, beaver, prairie dog, pronghorn antelope, bison, chipmunk, marten, black bear, and bighorn sheep.
Shows in detail how the body parts of various animals are related to their eating habits. Includes such examples as the cirri of barnacles, the mouth parts and legs of crayfish, the teeth of lions and cows, the tongues of butterflies, the noses of hogs, the beaks of birds and the paws of squirrels.
Dr. Maria Piers answers the following question: Should children have pets? What do animals mean to children? She then leads into a discussion of bears, real and stuffed; friendly and fear-inspiring animals; and, pets neglected and over-protected.
Shows how marine animals are adapted for survival on the exposed sandy beach. Stresses the way in which the ability to burrow is essential for survival. Uses film sequences to show how the razor clam, olive shell snail, and the beach hopper cope with their environment. Explains and illustrates how ell grass provides shelter for many marine animals including the stalked jellyfish and shell-less snails. (KCTS) Kinescope.
Shows how domesticated animals are used throughout the world for power, clothing, materials, and food. Shows how about 50 of the 500,000 known species of animals have been domesticated. Junior and senior high school level. An instructional sound film.
Surveys the problem of human survival in space. Pictures the firing of an Aerobee containing two monkeys and two mice. Shows the reaction of mice to the reduction of gravity pull as the missile leaves the surface of the Earth. Points out that tests show no reason why man cannot fly 37 miles into the atmosphere. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.) Film.
A woman and her doctor discuss the facts and fallacies of menopause. She learns that with proper care it need not be the tragic experience some women have been led to expect.
A portrait of the renowned American photographer. Adams reflects on his life, demonstrates his darkroom techniques, talks about the development of photography as an art form, and is shown teaching his annual photography workshop. Examples of his work are presented throughout the film.
Tells the story of the original pharmacy. Explains the development of medicines and use of beneficial plants. Describes the preparation of drugs from herbs and barks.
Combines Aaron Copland's music and Martha Graham's modern dance group in an interpretation of a story set in the Appalachian wilderness during the pioneer period of American history. The dance tells of a young couple's wedding day, the building of their house, their celebration, the wandering preacher's dire sermon, and the pioneer woman's gentle blessing. The day ends with everyone leaving the couple as they begin life together in their new home.
How self-sufficient is the United States? This question and its significance in an appraisal of the United States as a world power are discussed by Dr. Sumner. He reviews the materials covered during the series and concludes that the United States is a world leader today largely because of her wealth in natural resources.
Includes scenes of performing seals, underwater basketball, cliff diving, water skiing, canoeing in rapids, motor boat feats, and synchronized swimming.
Traces the history of the film industry from the beginning of ancient Chinese shadow shows to silouhettes and lighting for 3D effects. The invention of sound and special effects are dealt with.
Discusses the present status of archaeology in Russia. Shows and discusses objects, found in Russia, formerly owned by Scythians and buried with them. Stresses the vast quantity of these objects and emphasizes the artistic quality of these exports from Greece. (NYU) Kinescope.
Audience learns how to make an ant puppet of varying size. In the Make Do Theatre play, the story of Archibald Ant is told. After playing baseball, he eats too much honey and his stomach gets really big. After it goes down in size, he vows to never tell anyone what happened.
Shows the adaptation of animal and plant life to the rigors of winter around Hudson Bay, where evergreen forests give way to treeless tundra. Includes Indians, their sled dogs, their homes, birds, and animals such as caribou and otters.
In his final program, John Dodds poses a startling question: “Are Americans civilized?” Undoubtedly, he says, most Americans will reply without hesitation. “Of course, we are!” Yet, Dr. Dodds points out, we are branded by many foreigners as a raw, materialistic, uncouth, mercenary, and even an uncivilized nation. He inquires into the factors in our society that have induced such severe criticism from abroad. He asks if others are merely jealous of our technological advancement –which most are as quick to adopt as they are to criticize –or have they actually found some basic flaws in the fabric of our culture. In peering into the structure of our civilization, he holds up a mirror in which all Americans might profit from viewing themselves. From this analysis we realize that American have their shortcomings both obvious and subtle, but, as to the state of American civilization, Dr. Dodds leads us to believe the picture is more pleasant than many would have us think.
Uses demonstrations to illustrate how scientists arrive at facts. Explains how and why scientists often give the impression of being to sure of their knowledge of the universe. Discusses the importance of numerical statements in science and how physical law is derived. Features Dr. Phillipe LeCorbeiller, Professor of applied Physics, Harvard University.
Herald Tribune Youth Forum panelists discuss the relation between men and women in various parts of the world, as students from the Philippines, Japan, Finland, and Ceylon debate on: What has been the effect of “Americanization” on women in Asia, Africa, and Europe? Who should be the head of the family? Can polygamy be defended? What is the role of the wife? Might different kinds of family relationships be valid in different parts of the world? Should women have careers outside the home? Participants: Edgar Gimotes, Philippines; Yukiki Tamakami, Japan; Kaarina Honkapohja, Finland; P. Tissa Milroy Fernando, Ceylon.
Points out and discusses the values to be gained from the process of creating. Invites the viewer to draw a still life and shows five art students working creatively in various media.
Suggests ways of beginning in art and stresses the importance of making use of past experience. Shows students producing visual symbols which are suggested by a number of abstract ideas presented verbally. Encourages viewers to exercise the creativity that each possesses. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Contrasts Carolyn, an attractive newcomer to a high school, with Ginny, who despite her willingness to date all of the boys in the school, is unpopular with both boys and girls. Then shows through brief incidents how Carolyn and Wally are careful of their appearance, polite to others, considerate in arranging dates, business-like on the telephone, careful in planning their schedule of activities, cooperative with their parents, and always well mannered.
Outlines Argentine history and discusses the political and economic climate, with prospects for the future. Emphasizes Argentina's problems and possibilities. Shows pictures of the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature of art and its role in human life. Points out the difference in science, art, and prudence, and compares the way in which all things come into being--natural generation, artistic production, and divine creation. Explains that to do a work of art is to do something deliberately by knowledge and rules.
Discusses line, form, and symbol as conventional devices for communication in the visual arts. Demonstrates some of the conventions used for communication in the theater and the dance. Illustrates the communication of ideas, using pictures by Picasso and others.
Presents the means for acquiring an understanding of art and the artist. Examines modern art as an expression of the world today. Points out how the artist is involved in an age of discovery; how his work must be looked at as something new, now something to be recognized from past experiences, and how art looks to the future, forecasting the unknown. Illustrates with art objects from the collections in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Explains how art is identified with its environment, showing that a changing environment forces art through a revolution if it is to retain vitality. Uses art objects to show how the rococo style of the French court gave way to the classical expression of Napoleonic pomp, which in turn gave way to romanticism. Discusses the great revolution in art in Europe during the 19th century. Points out the impact of technical developments and democratic ideas on art.
Discusses religious and secular art as an expression of and a directing force in society. Explains how Chinese and Christian arts helped maintain social order and established images of faith. Contrasts art as individual expression in a free society with art as a propaganda tool under dictatorship. Illustrates with the art objects from the collections in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Presents the utilitarian function and underlying ideas of varied works of art, and tells how many objects now treasured in museums were originally created for practical, utilitarian purposes. Explains how changes in ideas bring changes in art expression, illustrating with works of art from the collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) conduct an art contest. Puppet children are shown working on their painting, sculpture and collage submissions. Viewers are encouraged to make art of their own. The episode concludes with selection of a contest winner.
Fignewton’s Newspaper is conducting an art contest, which in part consists of having the children guess the titles of well-known paintings and guess how other art objects are made.
Discloses sources of inspiration in man's environment and interprets these forms through the eyes of the creative artist in order to stimulate students to see opportunities for using art in their own living.
Shows numerous paintings and discusses factors in the world today which lead artists to produce such paintings. Points out that war, mechanization, anxiety, and insecurity, speed and motion, and emphasis on the individual are some of the concerns of today's artists. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
The third in the "Living Earth" series. Shows the interrelationship of water and forests in supplying life-giving moisture to topsoil. Pictures what happens when forests are destroyed and water is no longer stored in the ground.
The coach of a freshman track team explains to teenage boys the intricacies of the male reproduction system, primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and the relationship between the sexes during adolescence.
Film depicts life at an orphanage for boys in Mexico - their chores (husking corn, milking cows) their pets, their daily routine, their games. Sentences of the Spanish narration are nearly all declarative, and in the present indicative. For second semester Spanish students.
Shows and explains how a variety of marine animals are adapted to live on the open sandy, muddy, and grassy bottom of the sea. Points out their habits, habitats, and means of survival. Features underwater scenes of tube worms, starfish, crabs, clams, choral, the sting ray, turtle, sea hare, pygmy octopus, and others. Discusses briefly the part these creatures play in the "chain of life" in the sea.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell the story of the Caddis Fly using a "Make - Do Theatre" style, which requires the storyteller to construct the puppets before telling the story. Features the following books: "Let's Read About Insects", "The Pond World: Adventures in Seeing", and "The Adventure Book of Insects".
A narrator talks about the new machine developed by Bell Telephone Company that allow people to have three-way calls, have work calls forward to a person home phone, and remember frequently used phone numbers.
Advertisement for AT&T, featuring a woman going upstairs and then down again to answer the phone. With an extension phone in the rooms most frequently used, there is no need to "doubleback."
Shows several youngsters finding shelter upon hearing an air raid alert. Then portrays Ted and Sue, at home when the alert sounds, taking the necessary precautions against an atomic bomb. They cover windows, check the kitchen for fires, and go to the basement to wait for instructions over the battery radio. Next pictures what to do in case of a bombing without warning, as demonstrated by Ted and Sue. They are commended by the warden for their good work.
Explains, with animation, atomic structure and the basic concepts of atomic energy. Distinguishes between electronic or chemical energy and nuclear energy. Explains the three known forms of atomic energy release: natural radioactivity, nuclear synthesis, and nuclear fission. Illustrates the relationship between atomic energy from the sun and chemical energy stored and released in photosynthesis and combustion.
Examines new concepts of the word "fuel." Discusses and shows the atomic fuels uranium, plutonium, and thorium. Explains what atomic fuels are and where they are found. Describes the use of "magic metals" zirconium, beryllium, and halfium, in conjunction with atomic fuels.
Describes the operation, principles, and scientific use of reactors. Shows types of research reactors make possible. Describes the Gamma Ray Spectrometer, the Neutron Chopper, and the new Janus reactor which is designed specifically for high and low level radiation experiments in biology.
Part 1: The development of atomic theory through the nineteenth century is charted (with actors taking the roles of Dalton, Faraday, etc). Lord Rutherford is filmed briefly summing up the state of knowledge at the turn of the century. Part 2: Next discusses the cathode ray, the electron, the cloud chamber and its uses, the movement of ions, and the X-ray.
Uses laboratory experiments to illustrate the size of atoms and molecules. Demonstrates the smallness of these particles by means of oil film on water and the passage of hydrogen through a clay cup. Shows models to point out the arrangement of atoms in forming molecules. Defines and explains molecular action.
When Marv Baker does not make the basketball team, he begins to worry. When he finds out that his sister Alice's sickness is caused by worry and learns from her doctor three rules to insure health, he thinks through what the doctor has said and applies the three rules to his own problem.
This item is a set of examples from the collection [United States, North and South Carolina, Georgia, African Americans, 1920s-1930s] collected by Lawrence Gellert. Some content and language may be offensive. The examples have been selected to accompany the monograph, A Sound History: Lawrence Gellert, Black Musical Protest, and White Denial, by Steven Garabedian, published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2020. The larger collection of Lawrence Gellert recordings are described in the IUCAT record ( ). Some of these recordings were made using a primitive recording device and the audio quality is very poor. Titles are taken from those provided in Gellert's notes or have been created based on the song content. Gellert did not document the names of performers for their safety, and that is why the performers for most of these recordings are unknown.
Explains and illustrates the characteristics of the medium of theater art. Outlines the history and evolution of the stage platform. Discusses the functions of the stage and auditorium. Relates the actors and the audience to theater art. Presents theater art as a synthesis of a variety of fine arts.
Presents a tour of Paris, indicating points of interest and picturing Parisians as they go about their everyday tasks. Views Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower. Shows a diagram of the city and locates various points on the diagram. French language narration.
Reports on survival--car design, highway simulation tests, and the "skid school" at the research center of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company at Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Shows two cars designed to protect a driver from crash injuries--a research and a production model. Demonstrates the use of the highway simulator and delineates methods used in the skid school to train drivers to control skids.
Mr. Hoffer examines the role that works plays in self-esteem as well as the effects of growing automation upon this self-esteem. He comments on the basic human need in all societies, in every period of history, for self-realization. It is, he feels, the feeling of worth derived from productive activity whether it be manual labor or the creation of art, literature and philosophy. Mr. Hoffer points out that early science grew out of Western man’s conception of God as “a master scientist,” and that Leonardo da Vinci, for his art, investigated anatomy and became interested in science because he believed it was “God’s work.” He then traces the development of machines from early civilization to what he terms, “present day over-mechanization and automation.” Today’s fast-growing automation and shrinking labor market is turning early man’s dream of luxury and leisure into a nightmare. Unemployment among workers is outstripping the ability of today’s economy to supply jobs for the unskilled. Mr. Hoffer cites current unemployment figures and projects them into the future, commenting that “when man is cut off from the chance to exercise his skills, he loses his confidence, his joy for life, and his sense of worth. Where you have people without a sense of usefulness, you have a potentially explosive situation ideal for the growth of hatred, bigotry and racism.”