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Discusses various aspects of the colonial overseas empires and suggests how these aspects affected the future nations. Reviews some of the economic aspects of the colonial Latin Americas. (KETC) Kinescope.
Tells about the Institute of Philosophical Research in San Francisco, and discusses its purpose and activities. Explains the necessary conditions for philosophical progress, and describes the contribution of the Institute to liberal education. Points out that the Institute is not attempting to find answers to all questions, but rather to establish a foundation for future philosophers. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Continues the painting shown in THE HANDS. Shows the outlining and painting of the cross, including the addition of the grain of the wood. Explains the importance of the cross to the theme of the painting. (KETC) Kinescope.
Outlines the ways in which an individual develops a concept of himself as delinquent or criminal. Pictures typical episodes from the record of a delinquent and presents an interview with a delinquent become criminal. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the psychological difference between knowledge and opinion, and describes the skeptic point of view. Compares knowledge and opinion in relation to truth, and states that most of the things learned in school--history, geography, geometry--are right opinions, not knowledge. Presents Adler's views, and quotes from great philosophers. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the dignity of man and its importance. Examines the influence upon the human race of the ideas of such men as Galileo, Darwin, Marx, and Freud. Points out the state of man's dignity today in a world of terrorism, torture, hatred, and progressive dehumanization. Concludes with the reasons for a belief in man's dignity. (KQED) Film.
Uses charts, models, and diagrams to illustrate basic concepts of solar measurement. Explains the use of parallax in finding the scale of the universe. Demonstrates how to find the distance to the moon and sun. Features Dr. Cecelia Payne-Gaposchkin, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Distinguishes between work and play and work and leisure, and discusses the meaning of chores. Explains that work is that which we have to do for subsistence. Presents a derivation of the word "leisure", and lists some leisure activities. Places leisure between work and play, and points out that there are no distinct dividing lines between leisure and work and leisure and play. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Explains centrifugal force and its relationship to the establishment of an earth satellite. Shows the three-stage missile and the part it might play in the formation of a satellite. Outlines various possible orbits of such a satellite. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Discusses some of the problems related to the recovery of a multi-stage rocket used to establish and maintain an earth satellite. Describes the recovery, by parachute or glider technique, of the first two stages of a three stage missile. Outlines how the third stage of such a rocket would return to the earth. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Discusses the basic elements of painting--line, form, color, and texture--as well as those of music and poetry. Clarifies the meaning of these elements with charcoal drawings, musical selections, and poetry readings.
Defines fine art and distinguishes between the terms liberal and servile as applied to the arts. Points out that a work of fine art has individuality, originality, and says something. Depicts modern painting as a revolt against the public's lack of aesthetic understanding. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Outlines and explains the various forms of government, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. Describes government by one man, by a few men, and by the populace, and discusses governments in terms of whether they are working for the common good of the people or self interests. Distinguishes between representative and direct democracy, and points out that extreme democracy is mob rule. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses delinquency as a group phenomenon and contrasts the boys' gang and the boys' club. Reveals typical gang behavior and activities through an interview and in film sequences. Examines the influence of the gang in a community and on the members of the gang. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Today beneath our feet we find dwarf plants which once were green giants of the Coal Age. We may hold a fossil in our hands of a plant that live 250,000,000 years ago, yet looked very much like a fern of today. The club mosses, horsetails and ferns, mostly miniature plants in northern forests, once grew to be 60-1000 feet tall in the warm, damp climate of the Carboniferous Period. Out of a terrarium, which you might set up in your living room, will unfold this story of a past age of plant life. You will find out how these simple plants reproduce by spores, and you’ll learn how to keep them in a miniature world.
Discusses the revolutionary reign of King Akhnaton in Egypt, 1400 B.C. Emphasizes his attempt to establish monotheism and to direct Egyptian death. Considers, also, the change in painting and sculpture from ritualistic forms to realism. (NYU) Kinescope.
Uses pictures, models, art objects, and discussion to describe ancient Delphi and the structures on MT. Parnassus. Explains the uses and unusual features of Apollo's temple, the amphitheater, and the treasuries. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the world from which the conquistadors came. Describes their lands of origin on the Iberian Peninsula and traces their ancestral antecedents. Appraises these Europeans who first established American empires. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the collaboration between authors and illustrators in illustrating a text. Describes the problems involved and stresses the importance of the illustrator and the author working together. Defines an illustration as successful when it conveys accurately the ideas in the text. Uses examples from John Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, George Cruikshank's etchings for The Old Curiosity Shop, Rockwell Kent's woodcuts for Moby Dick, and others. (KETC) Kinescope.
Reviews the evidence on both sides and discusses the importance of the issue of accepting or rejecting Darwin's theory. Discusses the evidence in support of the conception that man is different in kind from other animals because he is rational. Stresses the significance of the entire issue. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.