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"Includes a report from Britain showing the RAF and the 8th Air Force on a hedgehopping bomber flight over France and Germany, and the 5th Air Force report from New Guinea." ("News and Notes," Educational Screen, June, 1944, 266.) Shows a film clip claiming to be an "Official German Newsreel," with footage of American planes that have been shot down and have crashed onto German soil. Shows how Germans salvage metal from these American aircraft to use for their own war effort and explains that each crashed plane is indicative of loss of soldiers' lives. Ends with a message from General Eisenhower asking the American people to support the Fifth War Loan Drive.
The use of coordinates in simplifying the solution of problems involving time and distance is demonstrated. Teaches how a point is located by the use of two coordinates and explains what a coordinate is.
A Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1944 Paramount Pictures feature film, "The Hitler Gang". This film traces the rise of Hitler and the growth of the Nazi movement in Germany. Shows the techniques of intimidation and mass psychology used on the German public, and briefly refers to the aggressions by Germany on neighboring countries. The film begins shortly after the Armistice in 1918, when Hitler, a corporal in the German Army, informs his commanding officer of a threatened revolt of the men in his barracks.
Studies the progress of Sao Paulo and the factors that have contributed toward the phenomenal growth in population of this second-largest Brazilian city. Presents a cross section of modern South America with its busy industry, its growing commerce, its beauty of art and architecture, and its up-to-date trends in education.
United States. Department of Agriculture, United States. Office of Information. Motion Picture Service, Wilding Picture Productions : produced by
Shows methods of winter storage for produce grown in wartime Victory gardens. Provides demonstrations of how to achieve necessary temperature and moisture conditions for storing various vegetables by using attic space, construction of a storage room in the cellar, sunken barrels and insulated earthen mounds. "In the opening scene we find Mother and Father, Judy and Jimmy deep in the study of seed catalogs, preparatory to planting their victory garden. The picture passes quickly to the happy harvest time when Mother wonders what they will do with all the surplus vegetables. Father decides to store them. The film then demonstrates the best method of storing onions, beans, peas, apples, beets, carrots, salsify, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips, and cabbage" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 47). As this family exemplifies the industrious spirit of Victory gardening, narration states "in pantry and store room, in pit and mound, they have tangible proof of their husbandry."
Shows how to drill the saw starting hole; how to make the saw selection; how to set up a band saw machine; how to weld saw bands; how to saw an internal contour shape; and how to remove and store a band saw.
Demonstrates the relationships between resistance, current, and electromotive force in series circuits and in parallel circuits by computing the resistance of a toaster and a lamp, and the amperage of a soldering iron. Demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of both types of circuits. Describes a simple series-parallel combination and presents examples.
Shows how to handle sheep for shearing and the relative positions of the shearer and the sheep during each shearing step, the step-by-step procedure in shearing sheep, and the method of rolling and tying the fleece.
"A record of the achievements of the Canadian Army's First Division in the Sicilian campaign of World War II, a campaign that breached the walls of Axis Europe. It also shows how this campaign was made possible by the efforts of farmers and factory workers in Canada."--NFB website.
Contrasts the silence and wreckage of a battlefield with the noise and action in a war production plant. Advocates buying more war bonds to end World War II more quickly.
Crown Film Unit, British Information Service, South African Bureau of Information
A British production reporting on the contribution of South Africa, a sovereign Dominion of the Commonwealth, to the Allied war effort. Declares that the former antagonism between races - Dutch, English and Bantu - has been overcome. "This film opens with a brief outline of the country, showing how it is a land of contrasts in farming, living, worshipping, trading and in transport, and tells how South Africa made her own decision to enter the war and how she backed that decision. With the help of the British Admiralty, a navy was built up to defend the coastline , and RAF experts aided in South Africa's Air Training Scheme" (The Educational Screen, February 1944, 92).
A line supervisor discusses with a foreman his problem in supervising the women in his department. The fact is brought out that the same rules apply in supervising both men and women, but that women haven't the same background of industrial experience and very often have more home responsibilities than men. These facts must be taken into account by the supervisor.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Caravel Films, Inc.
Various kinds of poor supervision practices are shown, including nagging and snooping. By dramatized incidents, the poorer results of these methods are made apparent and the better ways are indicated.
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Caravel Films, Inc.
Dramatizing a variety of poor workplace supervision practices, the film points out their flaws and suggests better approaches. Narration states "employees new in industry need special attention" and points out tactful approaches for supervisors to use in training. "Dramatized incidents illustrating good and poor methods of supervision, including the necessity for obtaining the confidence of workers and the dangers of 'snoopervising'" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 184).
Shows the function of the physical training program of the Army Air Forces during World War II. Starts by celebrating the exploits of Army Air Force war heroes. The main story is a fictional story about two American fighter pilots who are forced to parachute from disabled planes. The uninjured man brings his wounded comrade through water and knee-deep marshlands to safety. The excellent physical condition of both men is presented as largely responsible for their survival. Includes footage of Army Air Force soldiers engaging in physical exercise.
"The story of the Lancaster airplane, the first large bomber built in Canada. Shown are the workers involved in its construction, and the crew who ferried it overseas, as well as the combat crew who took it on its first flight over Berlin."--National Film Board of Canada website.
"The story of the Lancaster airplane, the first large bomber built in Canada. Shown are the workers involved in its construction, and the crew who ferried it overseas, as well as the combat crew who took it on its first flight over Berlin."--National Film Board of Canada website.
Shows to the men and women of American industry the vital importance to the war effort of all the little parts that they are making. Discusses the importance of ball bearings to the Nazi war effort and the Allied strategy of crippling the bearings industry. Shows the planning and intelligence gathering that led to the bombing of ball bearing factories in Schweinfurt.
Shows heavy equipment of all types used by the Corps of Engineers and the Seabees during World War II. Describes how the "work power" of military construction units clears beaches of mines, constructs new roads, builds bridges and airstrips, and sets up water purification systems. Contrasts the pre-technological building techniques of China, India, and Africa with the technological might of the U.S. military.