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Sutton, Percy E., Carter, Lisle C., Jr., Owens, Major, Wiley, George A., Elliott, Osborn
Moderator: Percy Sutton (President, Borough of Manhattan). Panelists: Lisle C. Carter, Jr. (Director, Program Development, Urban Coalition); Major R. Owens (Commissioner of the Community Development Agency, NYC Human Resources Administration); Dr. George Wiley (Executive Director, National Welfare Rights Organization); Osborn Elliott (Editor, Newsweek).
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
Part of a series of fifteen programs called Well, Well, Well that focuses on health and wellness for children in kindergarten and the primary grades. Hosted by Slim Goodbody (John Burstein).
Introduces educator Welthy Fisher, her philosophy of education, and the environment in India where she works. Shows Indian teachers, trained in institutes founded by Mrs. Fisher, teaching in various villages with lectures, books, puppet shows, and opportunities for pupils to practice agricultural skills.
An advertisement for Wembley ties in which a jingle plays as a man tries on the product and a woman stands intrigued next to him. A male narrator addresses the camera about Wembley's new "muted hues" product line. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Wembley ties in which an animated valet describes losing his job after his employer discovers the Wembley guide matching ties to suit color. Submitted for Clio Awards category Apparel.
Over the past half-century, no one has written more probingly or more influentially about the relations between culture and agriculture than Wendell Berry. His essays, short stories, novels, and poems have ranged eloquently over such subjects as marriage, community, work, farming, and the encompassing order we call nature. Mr. Berry will read selections from this powerful body of work.
Over the past half-century, no one has written more probingly or more influentially about the relations between culture and agriculture than Wendell Berry. His essays, short stories, novels, and poems have ranged eloquently over such subjects as marriage, community, work, farming, and the encompassing order we call nature. Mr. Berry will read selections from this powerful body of work.
“We work with people who are at various stages in the job seeking process.” As an employment consultant, Wendy Druckemiller, works with people to overcome barriers to employment. Wendy uses a vocational assessment to help people figure out what type of work they would like to do. She helps with getting their resume put together and practice interviewing. If someone needs on site job coaching, an employment consultant can be there to assist in learning how to the job. There are times when Wendy does behind the scene job coaching. “We can intervene, you know, with the employer sometimes if there are issues that there's a communication breakdown maybe between the employee and the employer sometimes we can help to kind of facilitate.”
Begins with a short summary of American attitudes to the War in Europe and how the U.S. underestimated the militaristic tendencies of the Japanese. Argues that the Chinese have been fighting World War II longer than any other allied nation and should be considered one of America's chief allies. Describes America's effort to supply allied nations in the Pacific with war materials. The desperate need of the Chinese people is stressed. Scenes include the carrying of supplies over the Burma Road and the bombing of Chinese cities.
The Lewis and Clark exploration of the unknown territory acquired by the Louisiana Purchase not only revealed the rich resources of the lands adjourning the Missouri River, but also helped to establish American title to the Pacific Northwest.
An advertisement for Westinghouse light bulbs in which a man and a woman are in bed at night. The woman asks the man to turn off the lamp. He tries to turn it off and unplugs the lamp but the light bulb stays lit. The woman tells "Henry" to turn it off again and again. The man hides the bulb in the in a box and in a closet. The bulb stays lit. Dialogue and narration are in French.
An advertisement for Westinghouse appliances including washing machine, stove, dryer, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Advertisements features cast of "I Love Lucy." Ricky appears on screen talking to Fred about what they remember about the year 1949. Then Lucy and Ethel are in an appliance store looking at 1959 Westinghouse appliances with marked with 1949 prices. The spokesperson, Betty Furness, gives a through description of each appliance and various upgrades since 1949, ending by saying, "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse."
A narrator explains how the United States Navy has been utilizing Westinghouse’s nuclear engines in all their nuclear powered ships. The narrator concludes the commercial by reassuring the audience that they can sleep peacefully knowing that their shores are protected with Westinghouse products.