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A man talks about the different types of suburban homes that Wausau can make. Wausau can also build a family a home that reflects their needs and price.
A film record of the expedition led by Dr. Walter Munk of the Scripps Oceanographic Institute which tracked a family of ocean waves from their birth in the turbulent waters of the Antarctic to their death on a peaceful Alaskan shore.
Unit 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Principles of Technology. Examines the physics of waves and vibrations as applied to different systems.
Episode 3 of Trade-offs, a series in economic education for nine to thirteen year-olds that consists of fifteen 20-minute television/film programs and related materials. Using dramatizations and special visuals, the series considers fundamental economic problems relevant to everyday life. In its first year, Trade-offs was used by approximately 500,000 students and their teachers in about 25.000 fifth and sixth grade classrooms. This more than quadrupled the amount of teaching of economics as a subject. Trade-offs was produced under the direction of AIT by the Educational Film Center (North Spring-field. Virginia), The Ontario Educational Communications Authority, and public television station KERA, Dallas. Programs were available on film, videocassette, and broadcast videotape. Trade-offs was developed cooperatively by the Joint Council on Economic Education, the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, the Agency for Instructional Television, and a consortium fifty-three state and provincial education and broadcasting agencies.
Episode 7 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg shows the mass production of bicycles and automobiles in order to foster an understanding of the importance of the assembly line in American manucaturing. Highlights the ingredients and techniques of making iron and steel. Discusses the innovations of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.
Pictures a train trip to the Cero de Pasco mining district deep in the Peruvian Andes. Shows that copper and lead constitute the "wealth of the Andes". Discusses the construction problems that made the now-famous Central Railway of Peru one of the greatest engineering feats of all time. Includes a brief tour of Lima.
Discusses folklore connected with crime, pointing out that a slight correlation may exist between criminality and the weather, phase of the moon, fire, darkness, and light. Uses vignettes to show how bad weather and dimly lit areas serve as secondhand causes of crime. Features Dr. Douglas M. Kelly.
When man faced the elements of nature, it was through his ingenuity and the use of his hands that he was able to weave clothing for protection. This took varying forms, from the weaving of blankets to the creation of articles of clothing. Man employed different materials for this item, depending on the environment. This program looks at the basic principles of weaving, which are the same whether the end product is a simple or complex article. Angiola Churchill and Shari Lewis explore this area of man’s creativity.
Discussion will center around the recently-adopted IU Web Accessibility Administrative Practice, including what web designers can do to design accessible web sites from the beginning of the design process. A brief overview of the web accessibility evaluation services provided by the web accessibility team at the Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Center will also be discussed. Brief mention will be made of the ATAC's work on Sakai/Oncourse accessibility as well as emerging standards for the CIC.
Many people fear all spiders to such an extent that they have never explored this interesting world of living things. Only a few spiders are harmful to human beings, and the other thousands of kinds are often shunned because of these. Here is a new insight into the spider, a creature with eight eyes, glands to produce several kinds of silk, and instinctual knowledge to build snares so complicated and beautiful that man has to admire their design and efficiency. On beautiful film, taken by Charles Walcott, you’ll see Charlotte, (Aranea cavatics, the barn spider that EB White wrote about in Charlotte’s Web) spin her web and catch prey. Other film sequences will show how a funnel-web spider uses her sheet web, and how a crab spider, camouflaged like a flower, needs no web at all but awaits his victim on a plant.