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In this final program, all twenty-five previous participants in the Herald Tribune Youth Forum meet with Mrs. Waller to sum up their experiences in the United States, and their thoughts and hopes as they prepare to return to their homes. The difficulties of reconciling new American ideas and techniques with older, or different traditions, the ways in which this new information can be used to help the home country, the hopes for future and continuing communication and understanding between people of various countries and cultures form the subject of this conclusion to the series.
Episode 36 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Warning: This film contains dated and offensive language regarding race.
Twelve college students of different races and faiths participate in a week-long workshop to test their common denial that they are prejudiced. A frank discussion and questioning of one another continues and latent prejudices emerge. Shows why the participants are unable to cope with the revelations.
Explains where the true meaning of words is found. Points out that meaning is in the nervous system of the speaker and listener, not in the words themselves. Discusses four basic conditions of meaningfulness. Features Dr. S. I. Hayakawa of San Francisco State College.
Discusses and shows the wide variety of creatures who inhabit the seashore. Explains how they are adapted to the environment in which they make their homes. Presents filmed sequences of the sand flea, clam, sea hare, snail, many kinds of crabs, and other seashore creatures.
Helen Watkins, Samuel Golden, Leroy Kendis, Edward Feil Productions
Describes the inner emotional world of an aged couple who are frightened by chronic illness and mental disease and suffer from feelings of rejection and helplessness. Tells about their ultimate admission to a home for the aged where rehabilitative therapies help to lead them into a life that is meaningful.
Episode 17 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Cities are growing, and people have to move about in them. How they do this can have a considerable effect on the development of the city itself. Many –perhaps most –of the inhabitants of a city own cars, and the temptation to use them is easy to understand. But often a private car is not the best way to get from here to there in a city; public transportation –buses, subways, streetcars, even helicopters for longer distance –is often the best way to move people. Yet too often even so simple a matter as intra-urban transportation resembles a jigsaw puzzle. Groups have grown up to handle different parts of the problem, with the results that these units may overlap, or do not cover the whole problem. The older geographical areas which they were established to serve are new sections within a larger unit, but the original group still exist while the transportation problems become more and more complicated, and increasingly in need of overall planning. Once again the program concludes with a plea to the citizen to learn more about the problems of urban transportation, and to help his community to resolve some of them.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Where's the Bunny?, by Ruth Carroll, published by the Oxford University Press. The Kittens, Me-ow and Me-ow Too, and Rusty the rooster play a game of tag. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
A couple are sitting at a French café when a Frenchman begins to eye them causing the wife to be unsettle. When the Frenchman approaches the table the thing, he was eyeing was the White Owl cigars the man was smoking.
An advertisement for White Owl cigars set in a French street cafe with French music. The scene depicts an American couple at a table who are interrupted by a French man who is taken by the smell of the White Owl cigar the man is smoking, the woman had initially thought the French man was coming onto her.
Tuchman, Steven L, Boulton, Matthew Myer, 1970-, Gunderman, Richard B.
Panel discussion about the role of professions and academic training featuring attorney Steven L. Tuchman, theologian Matthew Myer Boulton (President and Professor of Theology at Christian Theological Seminary), and physician Richard B. Gunderman, MD, PhD (Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine.
Episode 3 from the AIT series On the Level. The series is designed to help young people understand what is happening to them as they grow up and to encourage their active participation in the hard work of adolescence-reaching maturity through social and personal growth. The twelve programs dramatize common teenage concerns like love, stress, conflict. and changing relationships with family and friends. The problem situations stimulate reflection and discussion about alternative courses of action for different individuals: the many approaches to problems, the many solutions.
Brotherhood Week provides the Youth Forum programs numbers 6 and 7 with an opportunity to discuss the question of prejudice. Program number 6 brings together students from Norway, England, Ethiopia and Pakistan, who ask each other such questions as: What is the origin of prejudice? What are some of the more common prejudices? Is there any cure for prejudice? What is being done about education and the eradication of Prejudice in Kenya, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Norway, the United States? The panelists draw on their experiences at home and in America to analyze various aspects of this topic. Participants: Peter Goulden, England; Nils Harboe, Norway; Nalini Nail, India; and Bizuayenu Agonafir, Ethiopia.
Ramirez, Mirian, Whipple, Elizabeth C., Craven, Hannah J.
The poster will provide a roadmap of how to track and use alternative metrics (altmetrics) to provide evidence of attention or engagement of individual research outlets. Altmetrics are non-traditional metrics proposed as an alternative/complement to citation impact metrics. They provide information about the attention and influence of research of an article or publication and are based on interactions and conversations about scholarly content that occur online, mainly on social media platforms. One of the benefits of altmetrics is that they can accrue sooner than traditional metrics (citations) as they do not depend on the long process of conventional scholarly communication. Examples of altmetrics include mentions on Twitter, in news releases, in blogs, citations in policy documents, number of downloads, and more. As altmetrics are becoming more popular than ever in the evaluation of research, you can include them in your CV, grant proposal, personal website, and your promotion and tenure dossier. This poster shows useful sources and tools to track alternative metrics.
Uses a family discussion and a series of cartoons to explain who pays for price supports under the different kinds of programs. Explains the impact of alternative programs. (Agrafilms, Inc.) Film.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman sketches the relationship of prison administration to the inmate community and the ways in which the inmates’ group influences the administration. An inmate's views about who really controls the operation of a prison are expressed during an on-location interview. Burke and Lohman explore the prisoner’s role, both legitimate and otherwise, in prison management, and discuss the redirection of this community activity into legitimate channels which a professional staff can provide. Lohman notes the need for constructive outlets for individual and group expression, without which inmate energies are directed into hostile and anti-social channels.
Shows how animal tracks may be identified and explains how various types of tracks are classified. Demonstrates the making of track stamps through the use of potatoes. Discusses the making of plaster casts of tracks and the wiring of stories using tracks. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Episode 2 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Experimental economics uses human subjects to answer research and policy questions. This talk provides a brief discussion of the methodological guidelines adopted in economics experiments. It will also illustrate how experiments can be used to test the validity of economic theories or guide the design of market mechanisms and economic policies.
Demonstrates the strange and contradictory particle and wave behavior of electrons. Suggests that the atomic system seemingly hides any way by which its behavior may be understood. Explains that the scientist has had to approach the study of sub-atomic particles in an oblique manner. Discusses the "uncertainty principle" and the place of "statistical method." Suggests that because atomic behavior can be amplified, the whole world is affected by the statistical probability of atomic behavior. Dr. Teller presents his personal view that the behavior od atoms, like the future, is neither certain nor predictable. (KQED) Film.
Why is it so important to get your eyes examined? What happens during an eye exam? When should someone see their doctor? Most people think the purpose of an eye exam is to update prescriptions and get new, trendy glasses, but the full purpose is much more extensive. Throughout an exam, patients will be tested for early onset and even undiagnosed diseases as well as be treated for vision loss. Experts in the field concur that it is important to see your optometrist every two to three years, depending on your age, to maintain your eye health and prevent vision loss at a later age. Through a review of current literature, the paper will analyze why patients should see their optometrist regularly and clarify the benefits that come with maintaining good eye health habits.
Episode 1 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Uses animation and live-action photography to explain the need for satellites in long distance radio and television communication. Compares three types of communication satellites which have been launched--Echo, Telstar, and Syncom--explains their capabilities, and suggests future uses of satellites for space communication.
Dramatizes the questions raised in Darwin's mind on his return to England from his famous voyage. Discusses why animals differ when found in different locations, why and how species arise, and if new forms appear suddenly. Uses graphic illustrations, slides, and live animals to explain simple concepts of the origin of the species. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P1A: Linked Open Data (LOD).
This program stresses two main points: The internal problems of Japan and Japan’s position in the Far East as it affects the United States. A film segment suggests highlights of the history of Japan since World War II, and a second film clip illustrates the conditions of life in Japan, pointing up the great difficulty of such a small country in providing enough food for such an enormous population. It is agreed that the key issue of American policy is how to convert a defeated, completely demilitarized enemy into a strong ally against Communism.
Dr. Maria Piers names some of the reasons children should read. She explores what books are best for different age groups and delves into reasons children do not read..
Episode 9 of Trade-offs, a series in economic education for nine to thirteen year-olds that consists of fifteen 20-minute television/film programs and related materials. Using dramatizations and special visuals, the series considers fundamental economic problems relevant to everyday life. In its first year, Trade-offs was used by approximately 500,000 students and their teachers in about 25.000 fifth and sixth grade classrooms. This more than quadrupled the amount of teaching of economics as a subject. Trade-offs was produced under the direction of AIT by the Educational Film Center (North Spring-field. Virginia), The Ontario Educational Communications Authority, and public television station KERA, Dallas. Programs were available on film, videocassette, and broadcast videotape. Trade-offs was developed cooperatively by the Joint Council on Economic Education, the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, the Agency for Instructional Television, and a consortium fifty-three state and provincial education and broadcasting agencies.
A hands-on workshop on approaches and tools for digital research.
This hands-on workshop will introduce you to approaches and tools for conducting digital arts and humanities research. We will begin with an overview of three areas of digital methods research:
1. text analysis
2. network analysis
3. mapping analysis
Attendees will then have an opportunity to explore each of these tools and experience how digital methods can support their research needs.
Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities, Kalani L. Craig, Michelle Dalmau
We're all buried in the digital world when we work on our own arts & humanities projects - whether it's reading the digital copy of an article, snapping smartphone photos of related work, or collaborating with editors over email. When these digital environments are harnessed thoughtfully and critically, we can use digital methods to showcase the research and creative work we do every day in our classrooms. This workshop will explore classroom-based digital activities that provide students with hands-on experience using mapping, data mining, network analysis, data visualization, and 3D rendering to support arts & humanities questions. We'll also engage participants in several white-board and sticky-note versions of these activities that use analog methods to enhance understanding of the digital world in which our students move.
Kalani L. Craig, Michelle Dalmau, Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities
Digital image manipulation, social network analysis and data mining can change our perceptions of the world around us, but they also require careful critical use. This presentation will take arts & humanities practitioners through mapping, data mining, network analysis, data visualization, 3D rendering, computationally aided vision and other digital methods in a variety of disciplines and tachle some of the critical issues for digital arts & humanities practitioners. We'll also provide a clear list of IU resources that can support these efforts. Finally, we'll all engage in a practical white-board-based activity that doesn't require digital tools to demonstrate how analog methods can enhance understanding of some of these digital-methods applications in a variety of environments (including the classroom).
Outlines and discusses various theories of humor, and presents examples of laughter created to illustrate each theory. Shows, through the use of a polygraph, that physiological changes occur in various parts of the body when a person laughs. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
An account of a canoe trip in the Quetico-Superior wilderness area of Northern Minnesota and Canada. Emphasizes the importance of keeping wilderness areas green, beautiful, and intact. Includes views of wildlife and wild flowers.
Follows the activities of a group of international Girl Scouts at a wilderness encampment in an Oregon national forest. Shows how they prepare for and take a five-day hike into the Three Sisters' Wilderness Area of Oregon without adult leaders. Quotations from their evaluation session are heard.
A narrator recites a couple of lines from the Charge of the Light Brigade and recounts how throughout British military history soldiers carried a Wilkinson sword. The narrator then states how Wilkinson razors have inherited the same quality as the swords they produce.
A tour of a museum reveals the prominent figures and soldiers that have carried Wilkinson swords throughout history. A narrator explains that Wilkinson’s tradition of quality sword making has carried on to their production of razorblades.
I. Wilmer “Will” Counts, MS’54 (Education) and EdD’67, captured images of unrest during the integration of Little Rock Central High School in 1957 that still influence civil rights discussions today. His photos — distributed on the AP wire and later published on the front pages nationwide — influenced President Dwight Eisenhower’s decision to use federal troops to restore peace. His photo of a black student being harassed by a white peer as she entered the school was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Forty years later, he and his wife organized reconciliation between the two people.
In 1963, after stints as an AP photographer and picture editor in Chicago and Indianapolis, Counts joined IU’s journalism faculty and directed and developed the school’s photo and visual communication sequence through a period of phenomenal growth. He retired 32 years later and died in 2001.
A Swiss student declares that he would be willing to have his country give up its traditional neutrality, if it would help to unify Europe, during this discussion. He cautions, however, that the purpose of this unification is to help each other and, if Europe is unified against Russia, that purpose will be defeated. The four other countries represented on the panel are Germany, France, Belgium and Yugoslavia.
Program 12 of Looking From The Inside/Out series shows why it is often difficult to trust others, especially someone who consistently breaks promises. Promotes stress-management skills, such as seeking out other people and sharing feelings, as an appropriate strategy for dealing with serious problems.
Presents Nkosi and Soyinka in Accra interviewing Professor Abraham, philosopher and author of The Mind of Africa. Focuses in detail on the function of the writer in Africa.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Documents the life and work of William Carlos Williams, poet, Pulitzer Prize winner, and physician. Illustrates his work with selected readings from letters, poems, and the autobiography of the poet. Shows still photographs of the poet as a young man and in his later years with his son, also a physician, practicing medicine in the local hospital.
A discussion between unidentified host (William Spaulding?) and William Chaney, Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. Chaney describes the history and naming of the Klan, its current activities and political involvement, and its connections to Indiana. William also describes the racial ideology of the Klan and his opinion on Zionism.
Dr. Albright and his guests discuss the emergence of Christianity out of Jewish History and the influence of the Hellenic (or Western World) to Christianity. They are also concerned with the cultural influences on the gradual development of logical stages in human thinking. Dr. Albright outlines these various stages in their relationships to religion.
Dr. Albright and his guests discuss the essential features of archaeology, and the means of translating the values of these different features to determine the patterns of human history. They speak of mounds, layers, pottery, scripts, etc. They analyze the scope of archaeological study in today’s world.
Why is the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls the greatest manuscript discovery in modern time? What are scholars learning from the scrolls that applies to already accepted ideas that appear in the New Testament? Dr. Albright and his guests answer these two important questions. They give example of the effect of the scrolls as well as of their meaning to the Old and New Testaments.
William Harris, Vivianne Crowley, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of William Harris, conducted by Vivianne Crowley. Harris touches on his experience as a Pullman rail car engineer.