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Includes the squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, porcupine, otter, mink, beaver, opossum, skunk, ad woodchuck. In each instance the distinguishing characteristics of the animal are shown, such as the ability of the beaver to build a dam and the mother opossum's carrying her young on her back.
In this program the audience hears a review and summary of all the information on the physical and chemical nature of living material discussed in previous programs. Dr. Roney uses sketch pad diagrams and models to picture the structure and organizations of living material, as it is understood today.
Pictures the technique of plain and trick roping as it can be taught to children in schools and to patients in need of rehabilitative exercise. Includes a demonstration of a simple way to make a rope for roping.
A documentary of the steam engine and the part it played in the westward expansion of the United States, from its earliest beginnings in 1831 when the John Bull was brought from England, to the last run of a mainline steam locomotive in 1960. Shows most of the historically important locomotives in action, and illustrates the development in design and increase in size and power over the years. Includes scenes of the race in 1831 between the Tom Thumb and a horse pulling a wagon, the Pioneer, the William Mason, and other famous engines and events of historic significance.
Discusses how to simplify a mathematical word formula by restating it in letters and signs. Explains the mathematical formula for distance by graphic and pictorial examples and by practical application of the formula to problems in science and industry.
A map is used to locate Hamburg, Germany. Then tours the harbor section of the city and the business and shopping districts. Visits a typical middle-income home during a family gathering, the inner and outer lakes, the botanical gardens, and the zoo.
Describes the productive power of ranchers and their role in supplying America's war effort during World War II.
Portrays ranch life and western range country. Shows waterholes, windmills and watering tanks. Stresses improvements made through government range programs.
Uses animation to show the mechanism of meiosis, the chromosome halving cell division preceding the formation of sperm and egg cells and forming the basis of genetics.
Illustrates the different methods used by various salespeople. Shows how suggestive and descriptive selling aids the customer, the individual salesclerk, and the store.
Because it is raining, Françoise and her pet rabbit must spend the morning doing something indoors. Françoise draws a picture with crayons, and Hopper, her rabbit, helps her. Written for children with fundamental French vocabulary, the film has entertaining visuals and includes a range of French basic action verbs, names of colors, and important prepositions.
Presents scenes of the chameleon in its normal habitat, with extreme close-ups to show the functioning of the feet, eyes, and tongue. Shows how the skin color changes in response to light and temperament. Includes slow-motion sequences.
"Roadrunner conquers rattlesnake" is an excerpt from the feature "Adventures of Chico." A young boy, Chico, is sleeping while his roadrunner pet explores nature. The roadrunner comes across a dangerous rattlesnake and the two go head to head.
Presents a cartoon movie of Soglow's Little King. On Christmas Eve, the Little King sneaks two tramps into the castle. The next morning, the three men are thrilled by the presents Santa left behind.
Shows the response of today's Egyptians to new ideas of progress and change amidst a way of life unchanged for centuries. Discusses methods of agriculture, the importance of the Nile River, developments in education, the place of women in society, the racial structure of Egyptian society, the marketplace, and the traditional rural village.
Film depicts life at an orphanage for boys in Mexico - their chores (husking corn, milking cows) their pets, their daily routine, their games. Sentences of the Spanish narration are nearly all declarative, and in the present indicative. For second semester Spanish students.