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An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple sits in a freezing car they consider a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
The nature of juvenile law. The role of the police officer as he works with other community organizations to guide youth into constructive channels and to prevent delinquency.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Shows how the Extension Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture helped recruit and place young people from towns and cities on farms during World War II to combat farm labor shortage.
Presents the problem of juvenile delinquency during World War II and the war's effect on the youth of the United States. Shows some of the temptations which beset wartime youth and discloses the work done by intelligent communities in handling the problem.
An advertisement for Yuban ground coffee in which a man sits on top of a can of the product to demonstrate how big it is. Submitted for Clio Awards category Short Spots.
An advertisement for Yuban Coffee and Yuban Instant Coffee in which a male narrator, speaking in French, describes various elegant fine dining items and other objects. A butler pours two cups of coffee.
Sergei M. Eisenstein, William F. Kruse, Egon Mauthner
Documentary film by Sergei M. Eisenstein, famous Russian movie producer, about the Zapotec Village in Mexico. Made by special arrangement with Upton Sinclair, American author and politician.
A group of soon to be fathers attend a class where they learn how to change a baby’s diaper. The instructor explains the benefits and how to apply Z.B.T. Baby Powder.
A young couple go fishing. The fishing footage is interrupted by a scene of the woman taking a shower with Zest soap. Throughout the commercial a jingle is sung about Zest and a narrator explains the benefits of using Zest.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a stream of thick lather flows out of a box of the product as a jingle plays. An offscreen male narrator describes the shampoo-like lather and deodorizing qualities of the product over shots of a woman using it in the shower. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest deodorant soap in which an offscreen chorus sings a jingle over a scene of a woman laughing with two men on a sailboat. An offscreen male narrator describes the qualities of Zest over shots of the woman taking a shower using the product. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a woman in voiceover narration describes the shampoo-like lather of the product as she uses it during a shower. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a woman taking a bath describes how the product deodorizes and produces a rich lather on the skin. The woman's telephone rings and she answers, noting how Zest soap makes one "irresistible." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zesta packaged saltine crackers in which a woman wonders why the younger generation makes everything smaller and her dog tells her that there are now more packages of crackers in Zesta boxes, meaning more crackers in one box. Submitted for Clio Awards category Baked Goods.