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Begins with scenes of a garden, a large evergreen tree, and flowers in a front yard. Child's handwriting on a sign reading "The End", some illegible writing, then "Joe". Shots of an unknown boy and Tiger.
Edward R. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, George Feil, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil
Travelogue compilation that begins in Belen, New Mexico. Shows footage of a desert landscape with mountains in the distance taken from a moving train. Back in Cleveland, Mary walks with friends in the garden at the Harold Feil home. Ends with the family visiting Hunting Valley, Ohio. Harold and Nellie visit with another couple, Ed and a friend ride bikes.
Footage is very dark (nearly opaque) and shaky. Shows Eddie and a friend (possibly Robbie Cohen) playing Twister in the living room of the Feil home. Also shows a film being projected on the wall.
Home movie of Ed and George in New York. Extensive footage taken while riding the New York Central Railroad. Scenes of a park and the Chrysler building.
Edward R. Feil, Herman Hellerstein, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, George Feil
Home movie of two football games (one is the Yale Bowl, Yale vs. Dartmouth) taken from the stands. Students tear down the goalposts at the end of the first game. Shows Ed's friends walking in a park and along the water. Back in Cleveland, Mary and Nellie cook a meal for the family at the Harold Feil home.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Naomi Feil
Ed and Naomi filming the boys watching TV and eating candy. It looks like a rehearsed scene, with the same actions being repeated: Kenny puts sour lemon juice on Eddie's candy and then they roughhouse. In each take, the scene is shot from different angles. The boys then play in the living room and the family dog, Tiger, joins in.
Brief home movie that focuses on Vicki riding the monorail on a visit to Expo 67 in Montreal. The group passes the Pavilion of Judaism, Kaleidoscope building, and the Pulp and Paper pavilion.
Home movie footage taken while driving through Washington DC. Includes brief shots of landmarks from afar, including the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. The film shows aerial views of the capital taken from an airplane window on the trip home. Back in Cleveland, the film shows Naomi backing out of the Feil's driveway.
Depicted here is a family enjoying their lake front property on Lake Wawasee in Syracuse, Indiana. Also captured on this reel are the bridge and pagoda at the Chinese Gardens, the Church of the Little Flower, and the Spink Wawasee Hotel that were all once found around Syracuse, Indiana.
Bailey and other classmates of the Class of 1922 celebrating their 40th reunion at Wellesley College. The women mingle and enjoy refreshments outside. Shows Tower Court, Lake Waban, and other buildings around the Wellesley campus. The women then arrive with dressed in purple aprons and bonnets (their class color) and a sign in a shape of a cow (class mascot) reading "Bellesley". The alumnae classes celebrating reunions then march in a parade with flags and class colors. The film then documents a trip to Marblehead, Massachusetts with Wellesley friends and a visit to the home of classmate Esther B. Card.
Home movie with footage of Air Force planes in an airfield and various activities in the Wilkinson family's yard. Shows Bernadine Bailey's nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson, and another boy playing with a Scottish terrier, a chicken coop, and close-ups of the yard's flowers.
Shows a group of people posing for the camera in front of their house, including Nellie Freeman, Bernadine Bailey's mother. The rest of the group is likely Paul R. Wilkinson (the younger man with glasses), his siblings, and parents. Paul F. Wilkinson, Bernadine Bailey's nephew, is playing with a group of other children.
Erpi Classroom Films Inc., Ellsworth Huntington, Ph.D. Yale University
Presents study of economic and social conditions in a society isolated from the rest of the world by almost impenetrable natural barriers. Discloses representative aspects of the daily life of superstitions. Analyze the factors involved in continued existence of backward societies.
The architects of the European Coal and Steel Community considered ECSC, not an end in itself, but the first step toward eventual European unity to be realized through the establishment of a common market for all goods. This program traces the successive steps that resulted in the establishment, in 1957, of the Common Market and Euratom. The major economic aims of the Common Market (the abolition of internal trade restrictions, and the establishment of an external common tariff among the six participating nations) are illustrated through the use of animated graphics.
Topic of discussion on this program is the actual organization of the major parties. Our lecturer considers the national characteristics of parties as opposed to the idea that each of them is a conglomeration of local political machines. He concludes with a look at the role the private citizen can and does play in party organization.
The desert plains of central Idaho bore silent witness to many events in history – the coming of the Oregon Trail, the wars between the whites and the Indians, the events of the Old West, Today they are witnessing a change that is far more important – the coming of atomic power. On the lava plains of central Idaho is the National Reactor Testing Station, famous for “firsts” in nuclear energy. Here electricity was first generated from atomic energy and atomic power first was used to light a town. Principles of nuclear submarine propulsion were worked out in “a ship on the desert” in Idaho. “Challenge” visits the National Reactor Testing Station to look at a power plant of the future, a reactor that makes more nuclear fuel than it consumes. The principle is not perpetual motion. This reactor takes the part of uranium that is not fissionable fuel (more than 99 per cent of the total) and converts it into plutonium, a man made element that is a good nuclear fuel. Because the reactor “breeds” plutonium it is called a “breeder” reactor – Experimental Breeder Reactor-II. How this breeding is accomplished, and how fuel for EBR-II is fabricated by remote control, is explained in this program.
When Britain applied for membership in the Common Market, the move represented a dramatic change in Britain's traditional concept of world politics. This program explores the implications of this reversal, some of the problems attendant on British membership, and the reactions of some British leaders to the move. All six of the Common Market nations publicly welcomed the British application for membership. Negotiations began in 1961, with teams of experts seeking solutions to the problems the application raised. The major problem arose from Britain's imperial past. As the Empire evolved into the present Commonwealth, close and mutually beneficial trading patterns were established between Britain and the Commonwealth nations. The Imperial (or Commonwealth) Preference system permits member countries to sell their goods to Britain at either very low duties or without duties at all. Should Britain simply join the Common Market under present circumstances, she would have to apply the Common Market's external tariff to Commonwealth imports --a situation that would be displeasing to all parts of the Commonwealth. Another area of British concern is that of the economic future of Britain's EFTA partners. And from the British point of view, the political implications of Common Market membership raise another question. The member nations' sovereign power to make decisions, in certain instances, will be transferred to a supranational body. This loss of sovereignty, to some Britishers, presents a grave stumbling block.
Explains that bacteriology is an area in the field of biology concerned with microscopic forms of life. Shows by photomicrography examples of protozoa, algae, molds, yeast, and bacteria, and through animation gives understandings of the minute size of bacteria and their rapid rate of reproduction. Shows high school students in a biology laboratory. Explains that young people will find unlimited opportunities in the field of bacteriology, pointing out the personal rewards and the contributions that ensue for those working in this area.
Episode 38 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 55 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 60 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, C
Episode 28 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 15 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 8 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series You, Me, and Technology. Gives examples of why and how the development of a new technology in one transportation system, the automobile, affects other transportation systems. Describes consequences of the use of automobiles on urbanization, social mores, and the lifestyle of individuals.
A few years ago history was made at the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory where this program was filmed. This is the story of the dedicated research scientists whose search for truth ended a fallacy in chemistry which had existed for more than half a century. Although their efforts were not as exciting as the discovery that the world was round and not flat, the scientists at Argonne disproved that a group of elements called “inert gases” would not react with other elements to form compounds. This is not to imply that these elements – helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon – did not have utility. Helium is the gas used to send balloons aloft. Neon, argon, and krypton are used in light bulbs: xenon in high speed photographic cells; and radon in medical therapy to irradiate cancer cells. What the Argonne scientists investigated was the atomic structure of these elements. For years it had been falsely believed that the electrons within these elements could not combine with electrons within the atoms of other elements. Following a report of Canadian scientists, the researchers at Argonne found that, instead of picking up electrons from other atoms, some of these so-called “inert gases” actually gave up electrons when combined with other elements. Using Krypton, xenon, and radon, in separate experiments, the Argonne scientists succeeded in making compounds which previously were unheard of. In fact, they also found at least one xenon compound for which they weren’t looking. This was xenon trioxide, a powerful explosive, made from xenon and oxygen. Many new uses will doubtless be found for these new compounds, according to the scientists. One might be the use of xenon tetrafluoride to store large quantities of fluorine as an oxidizing agent in rocket fuel.
A grandfather nostalgically relates his boyhood memories of Christmas past to his grandson in this new adaptation of Dylan Thomas' classic story. Winner of the American Film and Video Festival 1988: Blue Ribbon, Literary Adaptations for Young Adults.
In this program, Criminologist Joseph D. Lohman charts the growth and increasing complexity of the crime problem which has accompanied the development of an urban, industrial culture in the U.S. He shows a corresponding inadequacy in the control and treatment of crime and criminals. An interviewed inmate points out these inadequacies and the need for individual treatment, which is pointed out by Harrison and Lohman, also. Harrison notes that differences in crimes and criminals indicate needs for individual treatment.
Depicts the work, fun, and excitement of three farm youngsters who exhibit their calves and pigs at a state fair. Shows how they tend their livestock, watch the judging, and take in the displays and other sights. One boy wins a prize for his calf and later all three frolic on the midway.
The last meeting of the Herald Tribune Youth Forum was a meeting of the complete group at the U.N. General Assembly hall. Episode nine deals more or less with world problems. The role of the U. N. in world affairs is considered, particularly the problem of colonialism and the U. N.s ability to regulate trusteeships and mandates. The problem of "power politics", and the necessity to align with one side or the other, is presented by Vangala Ram, the delegate from India: "The only real moment of strangeness I recall was during a conversation about world politics. The participants seemed to think that the only powers worth considering in today's world are the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R." Peter Hudson of the United Kingdom later countered this, saying: "Today neutral countries are not the strong countries. They use neutrality to justify their weakness, either because they don't want to be strong or because they are too small to be strong."
The delegates tell about their reactions to their visit, and discuss the attitudes that they have formed while here. The students represent Switzerland, Japan, Thailand, Jordan, and Norway
The film translates the lyrics of the Beatles' song into pictures using Lower East Side locations; pixillated sequences of images portray the nonmusical sounds.
Tells the story of a typical American family, and how they use Thanksgiving Day as the occasion to review the freedoms and privileges which they enjoy in their everyday living under the American way of life. Shows how they come to remember that they have much more to be thankful for than just the usual symbols associated with Thanksgiving Day.
A second-grader's experiences during a day without numbers cause him to want to study arithmetic and to realize the value of numbers in his everyday living. All the class but Bob enjoy arithmetic. When a puppet with magic powers offers Bob a day without numbers, he gladly leaves the classroom with the puppet. A series of frustrating experiences caused by the magical disappearance of numbers, such as the disruption of an exciting baseball game, results in Bob's gladly returning to the classroom and the study of arithmetic.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., explains the relationship between language and culture. He points out that there is no such thing as a “primitive” language; all languages have the same amount of history behind them. He reveals why all languages are about equally complex, and discusses language patterns and how they affect the learning of a language.
An extemporaneous classroom demonstration of the cooperative planning of an assignment for the unit, '"The Historical Development of Certain Basic Institutions of Freedom in America." Mr. Roland Crary is the demonstration teacher of pupils selected from an eleventh-grade class in American History of the University High School of Iowa City, Iowa. The film was constructed for the purpose of enriching the usual procedures, not of superseding them, in an effort to conserve the time of teachers in assembling materials.
Episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Television series The Heart of Teaching. Dramatizations are designed to help teachers deal with problems - frustration, anger, isolation, change and pressure. This episode portrays a faculty meeting in which the teachers of a school discuss whether they are a collection of isolated individuals under one roof or a united faculty whose members work together. Focuses on the professional responsibilities of the teacher.
This film uses diagrams to illustrate the importance of salvaging common everyday items in an effort to reuse important raw materials for building ships. The film asserts that one day's salvage by the whole British people counteracts the loss of one ship. An emphasis is put on "The importance of salvage to the flow of goods; [and] various examples of useful materials commonly thrown away."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
This program is a summary and conclusion of the course. Dr. Smith first briefly hits highlights of the major religions. Then he discusses some of the attitudinal changes that may have resulted from the course.
Episode 9 of Your Choice Our Chance, a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from A Friend Indeed (Responsibility), episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Roland J. Faust, Robert L. Gobrecht , Hugh N. Davis, Jr. , John Taylor, Harvey Frye, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center , Maxine Dunfee, Glenn A. Black
Presents phases of prehistoric Native American life as revealed by archaeologists who study the features of early village sites and materials obtained from exploring them. Describes the structure of the Native American homes, their weapons, tools, toys, ornaments, and food. Filmed at Angel Mound Site near Evansville, Indiana.
A Grandmother for the Orephelines, episode 13 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story about Josine, the littlest orphan in an old French castle, who wants a grandmother so much that she locks up an old woman in the dungeon. On Christmas Eve, she thinks she hears the animals talking, but a different surprise awaits her. Designed to encourage students to read the book.
Twenty and Ten, episode 14 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story about twenty school children who hide ten Jewish children from the Nazis occupying France during World War II. The Jewish children are safe only if the others can keep silent and not get caught taking them food at night. Designed to encourage students to read the book.
The Whistling Tea-Kettle and The Witch of Fourth Street, episode 15 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces two stories, the first by Mindy Warshaw Skolsy about a young girl's gift which frightens robbers from her grandmother's candy store; and the second by Myron Levoy about a girl who has to choose between giving a daily penny to the monkey she loves, or giving it to the woman she believes is a witch. Designed to encourage students to read the books.
Ben and Me, episode 16 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story about a mouse who lived in Benjamin Franklin's hat. The mouse tells who was really responsible for many of Franklin's famous achievements.
Episode 13 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story by Natalie Savage Carlson about Josine, the littlest orphan in an old French castle, who wants a grandmother so much that she locks up an old woman in the dungeon. On Christmas Eve, she thinks she hears the animals talking, but a different surprise awaits her. Designed to encourage students to read the book.
Episode 9 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg and several Mark Twain characters introduce life on the Mississippi River in the 1850s while viewers travel aboard an authentic early American steamboat. Shows a modern towboat lashed to its fifty-six barges and heading for the great port of New Orleans. Views the French Quarter and Jackson Square in New Orleans and dramatizes an episode in the life of the pirate Jean Laffite.
Episode 10 explores the raising of beef cattle in eastern New Mexico and Texas. A Spanish rancho, an early Texas land grant, and a twentieth-century ranch show how changes on the range have slowly brought a new way of life to the cattle country. Stresses the difficulties involved in maintaining a profitable cattle business.
Episode 11 visits several Rocky Mountain mining sites, discussing surface and underground operations. Shows an open-pit molybdenum mine, milling, tailing ponds, and land reclamation. Highlights early gold and silver booms through dramatic vignettes showing the roles played by Horace Greeley and H.A.W. Taylor.
Program 8 of Looking From The Inside/Out series presents caring as a very important emotion, identifies how you care about many people in your life in different ways. Shows how caring is mutually beneficial and how helping someone else helps you feel good about yourself. Develops ways to show people that you care about them, especially by being a good listener.
This film demonstrates the many ways in which Indiana University is a home away from home for the thousands of students that attend each year. The introduction to IU begins with informational pamphlets and brochures that students receive at home, and continues as soon as they set foot on campus to explore all that IU student life has to offer.
An introductory study of the probable development of our earth from the earliest days of our planet, showing many of the creatures who lived before us. Animated sequences.
Shows many of the kitchen appliances of tomorrow. Takes the viewer inside the experimental laboratories of General Motors to see such advanced aids to cooking as an automatic recipe viewer, heatless oven, automatic servers, and new designs in cabinets. Through animation, gives a short glimpse of some seemingly improbably but beneficial inventions not yet perfected.
A Hollywood short aiding the war effort, emphasizing the need for preparedness and conservation of materials, i.e. rubber, metal, shellac. An American soldier writes home from Bataan, and while his family reads the letter, the soldier's ghostly apparition interjects statistics about food and equipment shortages.
Episode 6 from the AIT series On the Level. The series is designed to help young people understand what is happening to them as they grow up and to encourage their active participation in the hard work of adolescence-reaching maturity through social and personal growth. The twelve programs dramatize common teenage concerns like love, stress, conflict. and changing relationships with family and friends. The problem situations stimulate reflection and discussion about alternative courses of action for different individuals: the many approaches to problems, the many solutions.
Animated experimental film of the painting 'Isle of the dead' by nineteenth century painter Arnold Böcklin. The ghost-like island wakes to mysterious life, flickers momentarily in a corpse-candle light and fades into darkness.