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Home movie of Bernadine Bailey and her second husband, George W. McCord. They were married from 1946-1947 and resided in Florida. The film shows a sunrise Easter service being held at Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine. Next are scenes of flowers in a garden and Bailey and McCord sunbathing. She is reading the June 1946 issues of Holiday magazine. The original title indicates that this was shot at 223 E. Superior St in Chicago, a residence Bailey held during the 1940's.
Begins with exterior and garden of Valencia Apartments, Bailey's residence in St. Augustine with her second husband, George W. McCord. Bailey and McCord kiss for the camera, then she and her friends walk around the garden.
Animated experimental film of the painting 'Isle of the dead' by nineteenth century painter Arnold Böcklin. The ghost-like island wakes to mysterious life, flickers momentarily in a corpse-candle light and fades into darkness.
Shows the actual training and activities of Air Transport Command personnel with routines of briefing, radio communications, and other precautionary measures during World War II.
Includes scenes of performing seals, underwater basketball, cliff diving, water skiing, canoeing in rapids, motor boat feats, and synchronized swimming.
Explains, with animation, atomic structure and the basic concepts of atomic energy. Distinguishes between electronic or chemical energy and nuclear energy. Explains the three known forms of atomic energy release: natural radioactivity, nuclear synthesis, and nuclear fission. Illustrates the relationship between atomic energy from the sun and chemical energy stored and released in photosynthesis and combustion.
Gives a pictorial exposition of the relationship of England to her colonies, protectorates, and mandates and highlights the outstanding characteristics of the free and self-governing dominions; then presents an analysis of the British people. Depicts England's struggle to restore herself to strength and prosperity immediately following World War II.
An animated cartoon which explains that there are no basic differences between the races of the world. Uses small green demons to caricature prejudice and racial hatred. Relates the history of mankind to point out that dissimilarities in peoples result from superficial environmental influences. Based on "Races of Mankind" pamphlet by Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish.
Animated drawings review man's dependence upon water for life. Describes the sources of city water supply--wells, rivers, lakes, and watersheds; water-borne diseases; and methods of water distribution. Specifically traces New York City's water supply. Also depicts water tunnels, aqueducts, and modern methods of filtration and chlorination to insure purity.
Home movie of Ed Feil's return trip to the United States at the end of his military service. Beginning on a train, he travels to Camp Phillip Morris in Le Havre before sailing to New York on the Florence Nightingale. Shows footage of soldiers and military personnel (including women) aboard the ship and Ed Feil's certificate of honorable discharge. Ends with Ed back in Cleveland with Mary and his parents. He visits the Cleveland Art Museum.
Explains that spoon feeding is a more complex behavior than feeding from a cup, and points out that the spoon is a complicated tool requiring fine manipulative skills for its efficient use. Describes the baby's development of these skills which take years to perfect.
Historical Summary:
Shows the early difficulties which the baby faces in getting food from a spoon, his increasing skill in receiving food, his desire to play with an empty spoon while being fed, early and generally unsuccessful attempts at self-feeding with a spoon, and gradual improvement in skills to the age of five.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Wilbur Johns, Norman Sper
Analyzes defensive footwork action in basketball by first demonstrating the correct stance. Slow motion and close-up photography then portray the two basic defensive moves: the parallel movement, which governs lateral guarding motions, and the stride, which governs advancing and retreating motions. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of arm movement with footwork, turning, pivoting, and getting into position for taking the ball on the rebound.
Analyzes defensive footwork action in basketball by first demonstrating the correct stance. Slow motion and close-up photography then portray the two basic defensive moves: the parallel movement, which governs lateral guarding motions, and the stride, which governs advancing and retreating motions. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of arm movement with footwork, turning, pivoting, and getting into position for taking the ball on the rebound.
Presents technical developments in the preservation and transportation of foods, the economic problems involved, and the world flow of foods. Depicts how such developments have increased the possibilities of distributing perishable foods on a world basis. Shows the problem of family income, maintaining flow of food from producer to consumer, the problem of tariffs, and the intercontinental movement of major foods on an animated map background.
Presents a record of the successful experiments in resuscitating dead animals conducted at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy at Veronezh, U.S.S.R., by Dr. S. S. Bryukhonenko. The Institute makes use of apparatus called the "autojector" to carry out the functions of the heart and lungs, and years of pioneering in the technique of resuscitation are climaxed in the sequence showing reanimation of a dog that has been killed. Recommended for use only by individuals or groups professionally concerned with the advancement of science.
Contains scenes of the destitution left in the wake of World War II and of the famine and exposure from which so many thousands died. Discusses also the economic importance of food.
Shows how freedom was prized during World War II despite its high cost in desolation and hunger and how more fortunate peoples helped liberate Europe by fighting the threat of famine.
With close-up photography of cod fillet, habibut steak, and whole dressed white fish, demonstrates three basic methods for cooking fish at home, boiling, and baking. Illustrates the use of garnishes to give eye-appeal and added nutritive qualities to fish when it is served.
Mary L. De Give, Margaret Cussler, Social Documentary Films
Shows the Hopi Indian as a farmer, herder, craftsman, and trader. Pictures how difficult it is for him to live on the desert, especially with some of the government controls. Gives the Indian a chance to speak about his problems in education, place in American society, and means of making a living.
Henry S. Commager, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc.
Unfolds the story of immigration into the U.S. from colonial times. Through animated maps and photography explains where various groups of immigrants came from, where they settled, and why they left their homes to come to America. Dramatizes the immigrants' entry in to the U.S., and points out that many later apply for American citizenship.
Dick Thomas, Mitchell Ayres and his Fashions in Music Orchestra, Minoco Productions, Inc., Mary Ann Mercer, Tommy Taylor
Dick Thomas performs "Jingle Jangle Jingle" from the Paramount Picture "Forest Rangers."
Mitchell Ayres and his Fashions in Music Orchestra perform "You're a lucky fellow Mr. Smith."
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Isabel B. Wingate
Demonstrates each step in the manufacture of a child's cotton dress in a modern clothing factory. Reveals how the original is designed, and then portrays simple making, pattern making, cutting, sewing, finishing, pressing, and packing. Emphasizes the economy of mass-production methods. An instructional film.
Headlines: Pacific Typhoon. Carrier "Enterprise" fights off Kamikazi attack during action off Kyoshu last May. Final Victory. Japan Surrenders. Atomic bombing of Nagasaki. War Heroes come home. The Proximity Fuse. Radar. Jet-Propelled Aircraft. Navy Day 1945.
Discusses the problems involved in adopting children today. Shows acceptable procedures of adoption, the precautions taken to insure future happiness, the dangers of black-market adoptions, and the problem of older children who are less frequently adopted.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Lawrence E. Briggs
Teaches good health habits and encourages wholesome social relationships by depicting the activities of three small children on several cold, winter days in a New England town. Bill, Nell, and Charlie build a snowman, make snowballs, play "fox and geese," and go coasting and skiing. The children practice rules of safety and good sportsmanship. An Erpi classroom film.
Deals with the technology and geography of food production by depicting the role of land in production, the methods employed in the production of plant and animal products, and the relation of animal food production to plant foods. Problems concerning the increase in world production of foods are posed and possible solutions suggested.
Through slow motion and stop motion photography and close-ups of game shots, the film shows the fundamentals of basketball shooting, concentrating on the set-shot. Stance, the action of the throw, aim, trajectory, and finger-tip control are demonstrated. Special attention is given to the fine coordination of all parts of the body required for accurate shooting.
Explains and illustrates in detail simple stunts for strength, stunts for skill, and stunts with sticks. Demonstrates the techniques and benefits of stunt variations, and emphasizes safety precautions.
In this film, impairment of skilled acts by disorders of coordination is demonstrated. Also shown are cases of paresis or paralysis of participating muscles; hemiplegia; ataxia in multiple sclerosis; parkinsonism with akinesia and rigidity, and apraxia. Film 6 in Columbia University educational films teaching collection.
Shows camera highlights of the Indiana state basketball tournament and the state track meet. Should be of interest from the point of view of studying accomplishments and techniques as demonstrated.
Calls attention to the disastrous floods, dust storms, insect plagues, and drought that have harassed the American farmer during the last few decades. Reviews legislative and political issues that have affected the farmer since World War I. Emphasizes the need for farmers to help insure their own security by putting aside substantial financial reserves in the form of savings bonds.
Describes the organization structure of the Boy Scouts and how scouts move through the ranks, from starting as a Cub at age 9 to Rover at age 19. Emphasizes how the Boy Scouts of America provide constructive activities, give moral guidance, and cultivate desirable qualities in boys and young men, forming them into responsible and engaged citizens.
This gun safety film takes a humorous approach to demonstrate how some gun owners endanger others while handling a firearm. If a bad practice exists while handling a firearm then Harry is certain to exhibit it.
Home movie taken during Ed Feil's military service in World War II. Begins in Allied-occupied Austria, where Ed visits the composer statues in the Stadtpark. Portaits of Lenin and Stalin hang on buildings near the Austrian Parliament. Shows lots of footage taken from a moving train as the men travel through Steyr and western Germany on their way to Le Havre. Extensive shots of rubble and the bombed out landscape across Austria and Germany as well as soldiers on the train.
Army Cadets - 48; Notre Dame Fighting Irish - 0.
"Army 48 Notre Dame 0 - Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis lead the Cadets to a big win in a battle of unbeaten powerhouses at Yankee Stadium - Bill Stern on SAW (:55) - have original recordings"
Notre Dame - 6; Navy - 6.
Battle to a 6-6 Deadlock.
Game played in Cleveland, Ohio.
Disc 1:
1. Pre-Game + First Quarter
2. Second Quarter + Half
Disc 2:
1. Half + Third Quarter
2. Fourth Quarter + Post-Game
Sugar Ray Robinson won this ten-round fight by unanimous decision over Jake LaMotta, in Madison Square Garden in New York.
This was the fourth matchup between Robinson and LaMotta, and their final 10-round fight against each other.
"Sugar Ray Robinson decisions Jake Lamotta in a ten-round bout - Bill Corum
and Don Dunphy (no talk in between rounds) on SAW (:32)"
West - 13; East - 7.
1945 East-West Shrine, a post-season college football game featuring players from schools in the Eastern half of the United States against players from schools in the Western part.
"West 13 East 7 - Bob Waterfield leads the victors from behind in the 4th quarter; 1st half action only - have original recordings on SAW (07:12)."
In this film the cinematographic space becomes itself an active element of the dance rather than being an area in which the dance takes place. The dancer shares with the camera and the cutting a collaborative responsibility for the movements themselves. Recommended for use only by groups interested in the cinematographical element of the dance.
A story of land economy and one man, Bill Bailey of Clarksville, Tennessee, through whose foresight and untiring effort the Four Pillars of Income were established in Montgomery County, Tennessee (adapted from the Reader's Digest story of the same name by J. P. McEvoy).
Shows how to set up rotary shears, make test cuts, and operate the shears; and how to set up high-speed shears, make test cuts, and operate the shears.
Shows how to mount the workpiece on the milling machine table; how to use a wiggler to position the workpiece for drilling; how to mount the cutting tools in the spindle; how to bore the hole to close tolerances; how to prevent bellmouth when boring a hole; how to distance from a previously drilled hole; and how to use plug gages and a micrometer to check the center distance between the holes.
Phillip Stapp, Tony Kraler, Nathan Sobel, International Film Foundation
By means of animated lines, figures, and scenes, film illustrates through everyday happenings how "a line may be many things" and "a line is only an idea." Makes a plea for tolerance and a breaking down of all types of barriers between people.
A plea to eliminate the arbitrary boundary lines which divide people from each other. Presented in stylized animation.
Shows how to select the tool for the job; how to set up the job; how to calculate speed, feed, and depth of cut; how to machine on a lathe, using a single-point carbide tool; and how to correct unsatisfactory machining.
Provides an analysis of the meaning of despotism, showing that any community can be rated along a scale from complete democracy to complete despotism. Analyzes two sings which characterize despotism--restricted respect and concentrated power. Considers two conditions which aid in the development of despotism--slanted economic distribution and controlled information.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Shows the necessity for U.S. Federal regulation of the nation's timber to insure protection and perpetuation of this vital resource. Shows that poor management practices for quick exploitation of privately owned forest lands have negative consequences for all citizens. "Private forest lands supply nearly 95 percent of all our forest products and the way they are managed is of daily importance to millions of individual Americans. Assured protection and proper management of our forests is a federal as well as a State responsibility because dependence on forests is interstate and national. This picture shows what can be done to stop destructive cutting practices, to restore and maintain a thrifty growing stock of valuable trees, and to safeguard forest production for the years ahead" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 24). Proposes a system of local regulation administered by local experts in forestry and the lumber industries. States that government regulation will not only protect and improve forest productivity, but will conserve and protect all natural resources and benefit the economic health of the nation.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education (Producer), Federal Security Agency (Producer), Ray-Bell Films, Inc. (Producer)
Explains why accessories are used with gage blocks; shows how to inspect a plug gage, an adjustable snap gage, a profile gage, a ring gage, and a screwthread pitch; and shows how to build a height gage and scriber.
Shows how to set up a V-block to grind the ends and the V; how to rough- and finish-grind the ends; how to establish reference points for grinding the V to precision dimensions; and how to check the work for accuracy.
Shows how to remove blades from inserted-blade type cutter; how to off-hand grind individual teeth; how to reassemble and align cutter blades; how to circle grind; how to surface grind all tooth-relief angles; how to finish surfaces and edges by honing; and how to inspect resharpened cutters.
Shows how to prepare the wheel for grinding; how to semi-finish and finish-grind a dull tool; how to rough-grind a chipped or broken tip; how to grind a newly brazed tool; and how to grind a chip breaker.
Provides basic instructions for planting a home vegetable garden. "Sets forth, in light vein, the essentials of good gardening; selection of the site, preparation of the soil, how to lay out a garden, planting, transplanting, cultivating, weed and pest control, and proper watering. A 'dream' sequence shows, by stop motion photography, how plants grow. The picture closes with a series of humorous 'DON'TS' designed to bring home, through exaggeration, the many pitfalls that might mar the success of an amateur gardener" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 30-31).
Depicts both the prosperity and problems of an American town in wartime. Emphasizes the need to plan for the post-war future to assure continued health and improvements and a good life for returning veterans. Expresses concerns about possible unemployment as war industries close, and the threat of juvenile delinquency as wartime austerity has prevented town spending on recreation for youth. "Life in an American town of 19,000, Glens Falls, N.Y. After views of the town the film particularly considers one family, father working in a factory, mother keeping house, a son in the service, and a high school daughter. Through these four are seen the good things about Hometown and also its problems" (New Movies: The National Board of Review Magazine, September, 1945, p. 12).
Shows examples of permanent and temporary houses planned by the Scottish Housing Advisory Committee and based on opinions of service men and women, and factory workers during World War II.
Tells the complex story of India's social and political problems immediately after World War II. Shows the overcrowded conditions, how war with Japan brought to a head centuries of strife among various dissident groups in India's conglomerate population, and how tradition has placed oriental luxury side by side with squalor. Enumerates the social and industrial benefits, as well as the abuses, that came with British domination.
Shows how to plan the job; how to bend electrical metallic tubing; how to install the metallic tubing runs; how to bend rigid conduit; how to install rigid conduit runs; and how to use flexible conduit.
Shows how to plan the job; how to use molding raceway fittings; how to install a molding raceway run to a ceiling outlet; how to install a run from a ceiling outlet to a wall switch; how to install a run from a ceiling outlet to a wall fan; and how to install a run to a floor outlet.
An American soldier, during his combat career, realizes the greatness of his country and determines to assume his share of the responsibilities of good citizenship upon his return to civilian life.
Explains why a weekly checkup on tires, battery, engine oil, and radiator is necessary; why tires should be crisscrossed; why a car should be lubricated regularly and the engine oil and gear lubricants changed; why the oil filter elements should be replaced regularly; and why the cooling system should be inspected periodically.
Shows a Canadian farm family working together planning how to modernize their kitchen with new appliances and step-saving arrangements. Pictures the kitchen before and after their work on it.
Shows that, although India is a land of villages and peasants, she ranks among the great industrial powers. Points out that the traditional handicrafts and the new industries are both essential to India's development and the well-being of her people.
Matt Mann applies his teaching principles with a group of girls. The crawl, breast stroke, back stroke, and butterfly stroke are demonstrated in both regular and slow motion photography.
Use of a horizontal core, a split pattern, chaplets, and chaplet supports; how to gate a mold for rapid pouring of a thin casting; and how to clean a casting.
Shows the difference between bench and floor molding, how to face a deep pattern, ram a drag and walk it off, clamp a mold, locate sprues and risers, and tuck the crossbars of a large cope.
Shows how to use a deep follow board; the technique of facing, ramming, and venting a deep green sand core; how to use a cheek in a three-part flask; and the purpose and method of step-gating.
Presented as an authentic message from the Japanese people to the American people, this film is actually a fake newsreel designed to counter any views the American moviegoer might have had about the Japanese being a backwards nation. The film employs a white American in yellowface as the Japanese narrator who describes the modern, technological Japan capable of withstanding the American military's attacks. Uses captured feature films and documentaries from the Japanese, including a short sequence from the 1937 German/Japanese co-production "The Daughter of the Samurai" in a brief clip with the actress Setsuko Hara. The film concludes with a plea to buy U.S. war bonds.
Presents a factual summary of the basic United Nations Organization program for world security in 1945. Clarifies the structure, analyzes the plans, and shows how, by joint action to solve relief, food, and money problems, the world can be rid of conditions that breed war.
Travelogue taken during Ed Feil's military service. Shows Paris landmarks as seen from a moving car. Ed stops to pose in front of the Eiffel Tower. Also shows footage of a military fire crew at Arles, men at Fort Vitriolerie, Hitler's Eagle's Nest in ruins, and beautiful footage of the Alps.
Asserts that although World War II is over, Americans still have responsibility for their government and veterans of the war. Features appearances by President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of the Treasury Fred M. Vinson, and Ted R. Gamble, national director of the War Finance Division.
Shows how the Army Air Forces during World War II flew wounded men from Pacific battle areas to hospitals and home towns in the United States. Uses a mix of actuality footage and fictional reenactments to follow a soldier from being wounded in action, cared for by medics on the battlefield, undergoing surgery in a mobile hospital near the front lines, recuperating in Guam, being shipped back to the United States, and convalescing in hospital near the soldier's home town.
Orients the prairie provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan as part of the Dominion of Canada and in relation to the United States. Includes the northwest territories. Its major sequence is concerned with grain growing, tracing the steps from planting to milling. Includes sequences also on the people, agriculture, furs, transportation, mining, and commerce.
Shows how to make a template for the job; how to install knives in the spindle; how to use the template when smoothing squared edges; how to set up equipment for shaping a curved edge; and how to shape a curved edge in more than one cut.
World War II film showing the horror of the Pacific war with extensive coverage of the care and treatment of the wounded. Created in support of the 7th War Loan drive, the film encourages the general public to purchase war bonds to aid the recovery of wounded servicemen.
World War II film showing the horror of the Pacific war with extensive coverage of the care and treatment of the wounded. Created in support of the 7th War Loan drive, the film encourages the general public to purchase war bonds to aid the recovery of wounded servicemen.
Shows how to check a repulsion-induction motor for electrical and mechanical faults; how to dismantle a repulsion-induction motor; how to clean and plug the commutator; how to turn the commutator; how to remove a damaged sleeve bearing; how to ream to size and install a new sleeve bearing; how to remove a damaged coil and wind and insulate a new coil; and how to assemble and lubricate a repulsion-induction motor.
Office of Strategic Serivces, United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
A narrated travelogue addressed to viewers in the U.S. Celebrates the beauty of the city of Rio De Janeiro emphasizing modernization of architecture, government, commerce, arts and sciences. "Presents scenic pictures of Rio de Janeiro, city of contrasts. Balances the natural splendors of Sugar Loaf Mountain and Guanabara Bay with a railroad tunnel skyscraper, the Rio Philharmonic Orchestra, night clubs, and modern schools of research. Depicts finally the omnipresence of religion among the people as symbolized by the statue of Christ overlooking the city" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 160). With a tone of boosterism that characterizes the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs films, narration concludes "Rio De Janeiro is a friendly city, a happy city, a scenic wonder of the world."
Shows how to plan the installation of the circuit run, switch run, and wall receptacle run; how to determine the location of required runs; how to install an offset bar hanger and ceiling outlet box; how to rough-in a circuit run, using nonmetallic sheathed cable; and how to make up connections for switches, receptacles, and fixtures.
Shows how to select and lay out stock to avoid waste; how to reverse curves to contour lines; how to use the table tilting gage; how to saw a bevel reverse curve; how to prepare a template for a newel post; and how to saw a newel post having reverse curves.
Discusses the importance of various secret weapons used throughout World War II, such as radar and the atomic bomb. The film emphasizes the development and use of these weapons as being critical to winning the war, thereby justifying their costs. Ends with a plea to purchase victory bonds to support research that will prevent future wars.
Shows how to set up the turret lathe for the production machining of bushings from bar stock; how to install the collet; how to set up the hexagon turret; and how to set up the cross slide.
Shows how the horizontal boring, drilling, and milling machine operates; how to install the fixture; how to set up the workpiece; and how to select and install an end mill and a face mill.
Shows how to heat carbon-steel tools for forge sharpening; how to sharpen, harden, and temper a plowshare; how to sharpen, harden, and temper a cultivator shovel; and how to identify tempering colors.
Shows the parts of a single ram vertical machine; how to interpret the blueprint of a broaching tool; how to install broaching inserts for straddle broaching; how to mount the toolholder with its assembled broaching tool; how to mount and adjust the work fixture; and how to surface-broach at production rate.
Shows how to solder a lug, using electric soldering tongs; how to solder a lug, using a blowtorch; how to solder a lug, using a solder pot and ladle; how to splice stranded conductors, using a split solder sleeve; and how to make a served cable splice.
Shows how to select correct rivet sets for stationary and portable squeezers and how to set up and use the stationary squeezer and the portable squeezer.