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Pictures Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego to illustrate how centers of commerce develop. Shows how the existence of surrounding farmland, forests, and mineral resources give rise to industrial activity, the creation of jobs, and the building of a city and trading center.
Discusses the importance of the shape of signs; the proper placement of signals and roadway markings; the importance of traffic and pedestrian controls; radar and speed checks; the value and necessity of a traffic engineer; and plans for future traffic control. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses the training of new personnel in the field of nuclear science. Reviews the history of nuclear science and points out the role of the university, industry, and governmental laboratories in providing educational opportunities in this field. Examines the question of pure research as opposed to applied research. (WQED) Film.
In this program, a youthful prisoner relates his experiences in a training school. Following a description by host Lohman of standard roles attributed to these schools, filmed scenes are shown to examine activities designed for younger inmates. Boone and Lohman explore the misconceptions inherent in the term “training school.” They examine the actual function and operation of this type of institution.
An instructor and a group of high school boys and girls demonstrate the basic fundamentals of trampolining, showing in detail the landing positions, aerial positions, front and back flips, and combinations of these fundamentals which lead to a variety of stunts for the advancing student.
The process of converting the digitized MDPI media into something that can be used for web delivery is conceptually simple: transcode each one into derivatives and transfer them to the delivery system. However, like most things, the devil is in the details. Data corruption, tape latency, and managing large amounts of data are just a few of the problems which must be overcome.
This session will follow the steps that MDPI digital objects take during processing and explore the solutions used to create a system which must reliably process hundreds of hours of audio and video content daily.
In this presentation, Professor Jason Kelly discusses the necessity of reimagining scholarly collaboration and public scholarship in and for the Anthropocene. In doing so, it argues for the importance of a transdisciplinarity rooted in self-reflection, critique, and community engagement—and the implications for the 21st-century university.
Unit 11 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Principles of Technology. Examines the physics of transducers as applied in mechanical, fluid and electrical systems.
Describes basic principles for assisting individuals with disabilities to transfer from a wheelchair to another location, factors to assess before the transfer, and the essential principle of protecting the individual's dignity. Demonstrates the use of these principles with three types of transfers: one-person seat carry, two-person chest-leg lift, and two-person pivot transfer. Includes an initial summary of objectives and review at the end of the program.
What might ivory carvings tell historians that texts cannot? Museums and private collectors today hold an astonishing variety and volume of historical ivory carvings. Each carving, in turn, has stories to tell: stories of the carvers who made them, of an era’s aesthetic, of consumers, collectors, and suppliers within the global trade, and of elephants, their lost worlds, and their tusks. Texts reveal many aspects of this history; material artefacts reveal others. Still more history lies within the DNA, stable isotopes, and trace elements within ivory itself. The goal of our team’s project is to connect these disparate types of sources and to unlock the information within ivory through the use of X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy: a novel, non-destructive method of analyzing ivory. The team is establishing how XRF results differ in ivory objects from differing parts of Africa and Asia and building an open-access database of known XRF results for ivory, so that anyone with an XRF spectrometer and an internet connection can identify the provenance of any piece of ivory, from ancient artefacts to illegal contraband today. Our long-term goal is to test museum pieces en masse and use the data we gather to reconstruct and visualize the history of the global ivory trade with unprecedented granularity, rigor, and breadth.
Sarah Hare, Julie Marie Frye, Beth Lewis Samuelson
The seventh chalk talk in the series, this video describes new models that broaden information access. The video also explains how students can actively make the information ecosystem more equitable.
Presents Wendell Castle, a sculptor who likes plastic and rugged woods better than materials which are traditionally used. Explains that Castle creates forms which are both beautiful and functional, relatively inexpensive, and fit with each other in a total environmental situation. Relates that Castle believes art is continually changing because the artist or designer by his very nature cannot be happy with things as they are.
Dr. Koppelman discusses probability in genetics, referring to Mendel's findings on the subject. He compares what happens on the average versus what happens every time.
Shows how to check the transmission gear shift mechanism; how to inspect the drive shaft and the differential; how to check differential backlash; and how to test the running condition of the transmission, drive shaft, and differential.
An advertisement for Transogram's Flintstones Window Whacker game in which a young boy teaches a caveman and a talking ape to play the game by throwing balls at the toy's fake windows. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Transogram's Seven-Up strategy board game in which a jingle set to the tune of the song "Shortnin' Bread" plays over shots of a family playing the game. An offscreen narrator describes some of the gameplay, and the Transogram logo on the game box becomes animated and speaks to the viewer. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
By means of maps and diagrams, enumerates the various means of transportation made possible by the topography of our land. States that one of our country's major strengths is the comparative ease and speed with which we can move people and goods across our continent. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
An advertisement for Travelers home insurance in which an offscreen male narrator describes homeowner insurance options over scenes of a home engulfed in a fire and a family rebuilding their house afterward. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Travelers insurance in which an offscreen male narrator describes the benefits of a family protection plan over scenes of a family on a fishing trip. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Travelers insurance in which an onscreen narrator describes the benefits of Travelers services at a Masters golf tournament. An animated umbrella hangs over people as they walk, symbolizing how they are protected under Travelers policies. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Episode 1 from Bread and Butterflies, a project in career development for nine-to-twelve-year-olds. Based on two years of planning by educators and broadcasters, the project included 15-minute color television programs, a comprehensive Curriculum Guide, and in-service teacher's program, and international program, and workshop materials. Bread and Butterflies was created under the supervision of the Agency for Instructional Television, through the resources of a consortium of thirty-four educational and broadcasting agencies with assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Describes the handling and processing of waste from the time it is discarded into separate garbage cans to the point where it is used in new and repaired goods. Shows the collection, separation grading, preparation for melting, and distribution of refuse to centers according to its usefulness. Depicts the repair of discarded toys and the feeding of hogs and surveys the activities of the department of sanitation.
Shows the actual excavation of pre-Columbian sculpture at Veracruz, Mexico, by a National Geographic Society-Smithsonian Institution expedition. Emphasizes the discovery of the largest deposit of jade ever found.
Discusses the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls; explains how the scrolls came into being, who wrote them and why, and what they mean today. Includes a study of Palestine, beginning with its earliest recorded history; and shows samples of Palestinian art.
Shows the overall story of lumbering in the Pacific Northwest from the falling of trees to the production of lumber, paper, venier, and plywood. Surveying by aerial photography is described. Transportation of logs from forest to mill, sorting at the mill, sawing, salvage of waste materials, and production of newsprint are shown with emphasis on timber conservation.
Dramatizes a story about an emotionally disturbed boy and his rehabilitation. Portrays the home situation which provoked the boy's illness, his reaction to it, and his antagonism toward the world which led him into juvenile delinquency. Shows how his commitment takes place, the treatment he receives, and his eventual readjustment and return home.
The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries' Digital Collections Services department has offered Digital Project Planning consultation services twice a week since the opening of the Scholars' Commons in September 2014. Data collected from these consultation sessions provides insight into the individuals engaged in digital scholarship projects and initiatives at Indiana University. Building upon analysis performed by Meridith Beck Sayre, Council on Library and Information Resources Data Curation Postdoctoral Fellow for Data Curation in the Humanities, Dalmau and Homenda will provide an overview of emerging digital project planning and data curation trends and needs demonstrated by Indiana University Bloomington faculty, students and staff as well as recommendations for ongoing support of digital scholarship projects and initiatives on the Bloomington campus and beyond.
Poster presented at the Indiana University Medical Student Program for Research and Scholarship (IMPRS) Research Symposium held on July 27-28, 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Dr. Stephen Porges, PhD, is a Distinguished University Scientist at the Kinsey Institute at Bloomington, Indiana University. Dr. Porges has proposed and developed the Polyvagal Theory. In this webinar, Dr. David Berceli, the creator of TRE®, interviews Dr. Porges about how the Polyvagal Theory and his concept of Social Engagement relates to TRE® and the tremor mechanism.
Visit to view all our online courses and visit to learn more about the Polyvagal Theory and how it specifically relates to TRE®. Including bonus interview with Dr Robert Scaer, MD, and 90 min of extra material.
Poor children ask in their native language for help. Footage is shown of people’s plight around the world. The commercial concludes with the narrator asking the viewers to donate to their respective religious charity.
Depicts the trial of the top 21 Nazis charged with crimes against the peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Uses American and Russian films to document this 11-month trial.
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Indiana University professor of law Susan Williams, and Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Randall Shepard preside over a mock trial held to determine whether King Richard III of England murdered his two nephews, the "princes in the Tower," over five hundred years ago. The case for the prosecution is argued by James F. Fitzpatrick, assisted by Paige Porter. John Walda, assisted by Dennis Long, argues in defense of King Richard.
Pictures the technique of plain and trick roping as it can be taught to children in schools and to patients in need of rehabilitative exercise. Includes a demonstration of a simple way to make a rope for roping.
This gun safety film takes a humorous approach to demonstrate how some gun owners endanger others while handling a firearm. If a bad practice exists while handling a firearm then Harry is certain to exhibit it.
A husband and wife stand back-to-back as the announcer says that they think they have the perfect marriage but they now have another love. She walks outside to see the car in front of the house, the announcer describes the car as her new child. She’s wearing winter clothes and there’s snow on the ground. In the driver’s seat she’s smiling happily at the dashboard, then she maneuvers the car into a tight parking space. We see her husband look around a corner sneakily. We see him happily in the car with his winter clothes on and a hat. He drives the car around snowy streets in the neighborhood. The announcer mentions that the car isn’t a “gold-digger” in that it saves on gas. The husband and wife are together outside and she holds the top to a trash can as he throws away a greasing pan and she closes the lid on the trash can once its done. They both smile at each other and lock arms as they walk away. They stand in front of the house back-to-back with each other next to the car before turning around, smiling, and embracing each other. The price of $1845 for the car is listed in the ad.
Episode 9 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story by Carla Stevens about a young girl who travels with her family and puppy on the Oregon Trail in 1843. Trouble comes when the girl leaves the wagon train to search for her puppy. Designed to encourage students to read the book.
Reports on family therapy, a relatively new and unusual form of psychotherapy in which a family is treated as a unit. Examines a middle class New England family undergoing family therapy. Uses a one-way mirror technique to record the candid reactions of the family. Follows their progress in nine of the thirteen actual therapy sessions.
**Part of the Mental Health series within America's crises
Describes the complexity of transportation by relating the problem to the furnishings of a child's room; and illustrates the variety of trucks and trains that man has devised.
An advertisement for Trushay lotion in which a male narrator extols the moisturizing qualities of the product for women sensitive to cold, sun, or detergents. Slow-motion shots of oil droplets are shown dropping into a body of water, representing the special moisturizing oils used in the product. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Episode 1 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Will IU have a giant vaccination pod in a couple months’ time?
Will vaccinations be required for students to come back to campus in the fall? What WAS that lingering cough I had right before the outbreak?
Sounds like the kind of thing you’d ask Aaron Carroll.
We did! After two semesters of answering every question the IU community could think of in weekly webinars, he gamely came on the show to answer Dean Shanahan and Professor Monaghan’s burning questions as we round the corner toward mass vaccinations and a hopeful return to on-campus life.
Demonstrates the proper procedure for checking a vacuum tube for shorts and cathode emission by using a tube tester. Also mentions exceptions to normal procedures for special types of tubes.
Discusses causes of the spread of tuberculosis in the United States and stresses the need for community action in combatting the disease. Dramatizes the case history of a young woman patient, showing how infection takes place and how poor health habits weaken the body and permit the disease to develop. Shows the work of a mobile X-ray unit. Includes animated sequeces.
A British advertisement for Tuf work boots in which a group of blue-collar working men perform a mock fashion show runway displaying various boots under the brand. An offscreen male narrator states that Tuf is for men who wouldn't be seen dead in ordinary work boots. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tupperware that is narrated by a man. It begins by showing various produce absurdly outfitted with mechanical locks to express that "You can't put a lock on freshness, without Tupperware." The advertisement then displays that only Tupperware containers are able to lock in freshness and ends with a close-up of the Tupperware logo.
Contrasts pulse jets, turbojets, and ramjets to a true rocket. Compares the operation of a true rocket engine with that of a jet engine, and explains the operation of the three types of jet engines showing the advantages and disadvantages of each. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Reviews the Greek and Roman periods of influence, the Moslem invasion, the growth and development under Attaturk, and the present struggle toward progress. Shows the geographical and strategic importance of Turkey to the West, and surveys its industries.
Clifford J. Kamen, Sydney N. Fisher, Ph.D. Ohio State University, Larry Yust, H. William Varney
Reviews the Greek and Roman periods of influence, the Moslem invasion, the growth and development under Attaturk, and the present struggle toward progress. Shows the geographical and strategic importance of Turkey to the West, and surveys its industries.
Shows how to mount on a special fixture for machining an irregularly shaped casting which cannot be held in a chuck; how to mount and center the fixture on a lathe; and how to grind tools for the machining of brass.
Turtles are reptiles along with snakes, lizards and crocodiles. The turtle has a remarkable history, too. He has been around for 200 million years and is relatively unchanged from his early ancestors. On this program you’ll find out about the turtle’s adaptations for his kind of life, for instance the way he breathes. Animals with lungs usually use their ribs to aid in expansion of the chest for breathing, but since the turtle’s ribs re part of his armor of shell, he cannot do this. What does he do? You find this out along with meeting several species of turtles and learning how to tell the age of these long-lived reptiles. Fifteen-year-old Frank Maurer, of Newton, Mass. is the guest of Mrs. Grimes. He is generally interested in science and especially in turtles, frogs, and snakes which he keeps as pets.
An advertisement for Tussy Wash & Care beauty treatment in which a male narrator describes the product over images of a woman applying it and splashing water on her face in slow motion. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy Filpstick in which a male narrator, accompanied by music, describes how the product contains lipstick at one end and eye shadow at the other end. An animated sequence shows the product illustrating pictures of eyes and lips. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy in which a female narrator describes different cosmetic products. The scene depicts a statue of a female head as a pair of hands exhibit Tussy's compact, lipstick, Flipstick (lipstick and complimentary eye shadow in one stick), and Enchante perfume. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy Midnight perfume in which a male voice sings a jingle as we see a bottle of Midnight perfume and a woman's hand putting out candles. The advertisement ends with a male and female voice expressing the seductive powers of Midnight Perfume. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A klutzy nervous best man spills coffee on his tuxedo moments before the wedding. Tuxedo Junction was able to bring a replacement tuxedo before the wedding started.
Asks why children like TV so much and debates the effects of TV on children's behavior. Dr. Maria Piers offers answers to these questions and suggests how TV can be of help to a busy mother.
The development of Tennessee Valley Authority, describing the benefits to the people. Includes conditions before TVA and various changes that TVA brought.
Episode 14 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story by Claire Huchet Bishop about twenty school children who hide ten Jewish children from the Nazis occupying France during World War II. The Jewish children are safe only if the others can keep silent and not get caught taking them food at night. Designed to encourage students to read the book.