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Shows the preparation and use of photographic slides in instruction. Suggests various sources of pictures and shows how pictures can be photographed by the teacher or copied from other printed matter. Includes and introduction to the Polaroid camera and film that can produce positive slides in three minutes. Recommends using slides for teaching and reporting to parent groups on children's activities and progress. Discusses the use of a tape recorded narration for some groups of slides.
Discusses the human endocrine system, including the better-known glands and how they affect the body. Highlights the difficulties involved in studying the endocrine system in humans and describes modern research methods using invertebrates.
Tells the story of Bob Carter's introduction to a research job in a large chemical company. Both his chemistry professor and his new laboratory supervisor stress the importance of good safety practices on the job. Pictures many safety devices in use in the chemical industry. Selected scenes filmed at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis.
Illustrates how linen, wool, and linsey-woolsey fabrics were made from material found or grown on the farm; follows the processing of flax into linen thread from harvesting to the actual spinning of the thread; pictures the shearing of sheep, the cleaning and carding of fleece, and the spinning of woolen thread; demonstrates the weaving and dyeing of cloth; and discusses the uses of wool, linen, and linsey-woolsey cloth.
Shows the pioneer blacksmith at work using the tools, materials, and techniques of his trade. Explains the importance of the blacksmith shop in filling the pioneers' needs for the manufacture and repair of iron and steel goods.
Uses animation, live photography, cinephotomicrography, and time-lapse photography to illustrate and explain the characteristics of living plants and animals. Shows the hydra, paramecium, and algae to illustrate reproduction and the basic similarity of cell structure. Indicates the functional specialization of cells in living forms and briefly reviews man's study of their nature through observation and experimentation.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Demonstrates the three basic considerations in controlled photographic lighting--placement of lights, quality of light, and lighting ratio. Uses a mannequin as a model to show the functions of main, fill, background, and accent lights in addition to the effects achieved when the lights are moved to different angles. Generalizes this studio set-up to apply to lighting in television, outdoor pictures, and when using flashbulbs. The effects of diffuse floodlights and spots are illustrated, and the changes produced by varying the lighting ratio is seen.
[motion picture] Portrays the need for improvements in transportation as the U.S. spread westward, and outlines the development of a network of canals to supplement existing river and highway transportation facilities. Uses flashbacks to show activities of a family employed by the canal company to maintain a ten-mile section of the canal and operate the locks.
Illustrates several sequences from the life of the legendary Persian hero Bahram Gur using for illustrations Persian miniatures from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the New York Public Library. Recounts the epic poem by the Persian poet Nizami as adapted by Theodore Bowie, professor of Fine Arts, Indiana University. Tells of Bahram Gur's birth, his exile from Persia when, as a child, his father saw in him a threat to his own rule, his retaking of the Persian throne following the death of his father, his voluntary facing of two tests to prove himself worthy to be king, and his proclamation. Follows the story of his courtship of Fitna and his prideful rejection of her because she failed to flatter him; his unhappy life with the seven wives he sought to replace Fitna; and of his and Fitna's final reconciliation and marriage.
A skilled potter demonstrates the shaping of various pieces of pottery on a potter's wheel. Shows each step in making a bowl and special steps in completing a low, flat plate and a pitcher.
A group of fourth-grade children play Three Deep under their teacher's supervision. They demonstrate forming a double circle, running and chasing, and two variations of the original game.
Lists the postulates developed and used by Robert Koch to prove that a specific disease is caused by a specific microorganism. Presents some of the methods developed for protection against disease and against undesirable decomposition of foods. Through animation, explains how bacteria produce enzymes and toxic waste products which may cause disease and decomposition. Discusses immunity to disease, shows the industrial proparation of vaccines and antitoxins, indicates many of the diseases against which such products afford protection, refers to the use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs in the treatment of infection, and illustrates methods of controlling the spread of disease-causing microorganisms by such safeguards as water purification, milk pasteurization, and the use of ultra-violet radiation and chemical antiseptics
Uses live-action photography and animation to survey alpha, beta, and gamma radiation and their characteristics; the instruments used to measure these types of radiation; and the principles basic to the operation of the instruments. All radiation is divided into two broad areas, electromagnetic and corpuscular. Ionization caused by radiation is explained, and the principles governing the operation and use of instruments using ionization to detect radiation are discussed. These instruments include gold leaf electroscopes, ionization chambers, Geiger counters, and cloud chambers. The construction and operation of scintillation counters are examined.
Depicts the use of instruments employing radiation detectors in modern prospecting and through the use of animation, the underlying principles of radiation theory. Outlines atomic theory, defines radioactivity in terms of particle emission, and emission in terms of nuclear stability. Concludes with description of carbon 14 dating.
Incorporates footage originally used for the Japanese-produced newsreel, New Philippines News to show the horrible conditions that American prisoners experienced in enemy camps in the Philippines as a way to raise money through the sale of War Bonds.
War Food Administration, Nutrition and Conservation Branch, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.
In This Too Is Sabotage narration states "the saboteur is malnutrition," showing underlying causes of workplace accidents, lost man-hours, and losses in wartime productivity are often caused by the poor nutrition of workers' diets. Announcing "we're fighting against improper eating," a wartime nutritional program built from 7 food groups is detailed. At a dramatized presentation demonstrating meal planning following these nutritional guidelines before an audience of women, the presenter states that the guidelines "will help us with the job that has been given to us women, as the guardians of the vigor and vitality of our families."
"In the field of nutrition, the Westinghouse Company's film, This Too Is Sabotage, does a good job of selling the fact that a well-balanced diet is essential to health and happiness. This film is shown to employees in over a thousand war plants. The lunch hour is a favored time. Pre-shift showings to early arrivals are well attended, though many prefer to stay after a shift" (C.A. Lindstrom, "Agricultural Pictures and the War" Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers vol. 42, no. 3, March, 1944, p. 183)
Uses captured German footage to show the unexpected Nazi counter-attack at the Battle of Ardennes, begun on December 16, 1944. Extends a plea for the American people to remain in their war-time jobs.
United States. Office of Education, United States. Federal Security Agency, United States Office of War Information, Overseas Branch, United Films
Actress Ingrid Bergman gives an overview of the history of Swedes and Swedish culture in the U.S., presented as a reply to letters from her countrymen asking the question "why do Swedes get along so well in America?" A visit to the American Swedish Museum in Philadelphia occasions discussion of Swedes in the colonial era and prominent Swedes in the 19th century. Bergman travels to Minneapolis, "the center of Swedish culture," and tours Linstrom, Minnesota. Carl Sandburg is featured briefly before an overview of the Cooperative movement, started by Swedish Americans and widely adopted in agriculture and government.
Army Pictorial Service : produced by, Combat film units of Signal Corps, Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Wartime American audiences are shown the need for workers in the physically demanding metal forging and casting jobs, using scenes of combat from the invasion of France. The fictional American tank driver "Bill" is killed in combat in Normandy. His spirit returns to the factory where he used to work and finds that many of his former fellow foundry workers have left for higher paying, easier jobs. Bill's spirit dissuades a forge worker from leaving his job by describing the need for castings in the war effort. Bill's spirit insists “every single foundry in America and every single foundry worker counts. It's up to you. You can bring us victory."
United States Government Office of War Information, War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry, Army Service Forces, Signal Corps Photographic Center, Western Division, Monogram Pictures Corp., PRC Pictures, Inc.
A short informational film asking "what benefits should the U.S. seek for the aid they have given to our allies?" Gives an account of how the Lend-Lease program of mutual aid between allied nations works for the benefit of all. Points out that the settlement of Lend-Lease ought to lay the foundation for prosperity after World War II, narration states "world peace and world trade are the bulwarks of freedom."
Depicts both the prosperity and problems of an American town in wartime. Emphasizes the need to plan for the post-war future to assure continued health and improvements and a good life for returning veterans. Expresses concerns about possible unemployment as war industries close, and the threat of juvenile delinquency as wartime austerity has prevented town spending on recreation for youth. "Life in an American town of 19,000, Glens Falls, N.Y. After views of the town the film particularly considers one family, father working in a factory, mother keeping house, a son in the service, and a high school daughter. Through these four are seen the good things about Hometown and also its problems" (New Movies: The National Board of Review Magazine, September, 1945, p. 12).
Traces the manufacture, distribution, and final sale of a toy truck; and illustrates how many people contribute to make the things that we enjoy. Shows Skipper's mother buying the toy truck for her son's birthday, and emphasizes the need for proper care of toys. Encourages children to tell stories about their own toys.
Coronet Instructional Films, Viola Theman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education, Northwestern University
Three elementary pupils learn that everyone attaches personal meanings to words and that the wording of newspaper stories, conversations, advertisements, and politics, for example, needs careful analysis to prevent confusion.
[videorecording] Filmed before the scenery of his rural Southern Indiana homestead, novelist James Alexander Thom talks about the philosophies and methods that frame his historical fiction. Believing that "character is a product of one's landscape," Thom uses his respect for and knowledge of the skills, resourcefulness, and self-reliance of contemporary "hill people" to re-create a visceral sense of living in the past. Thom's commitment to obtaining factual evidence as a basis for his novels leads him to seek out not only public documentation of historical events, but also those individuals, such as members of the Shawnee nation, who have preserved the past through generations of oral history. Thom is the author of Long Knife, the story of George Rogers Clark; Follow the River, the story of Mary Ingall's abduction and daring escape from the Indians; From Sea to Shining Sea, the saga of the entire Clark family; and Panther in the Sky, a biographical account of the life of the Shawnee leader, Tecumseh. Red Ribbon, 1991 American Film & Video Festival.
United States Information Agency, United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Begins with a brief geography lesson to orient North American viewers to the size and climate of Chile. Scenes of indigenous shepherding in desert villages are followed by a visit to the Christmas celebration of the Virgin of Andecollo. Scenes at a giant open-pit copper mine at Chuquicamata show the extraction process from blasting ore to refining. Narration states that the Atacama holds the world's largest source of nitrate; a history of this lucrative industry is summarized. The mineral riches of the region go to market at the sea ports of Tocapilla and Antofagasta. The wealth from Chile's natural resources are shown accruing in the prosperous, modern cities of Valparaiso and Santiago.
Describes and provides information about methods of defense regarding a recently developed type of German explosive fire bomb. In dramatic reenactments, wardens and civilians are warned to keep away from bombs that have fallen in the street. Various methods are shown for attacking bombs that have fallen in houses. The film demonstrates ways of applying water while taking advantage of the protection of brick walls.
Coronet Productions, Bureau of Audio-Visual Aids, Extension Division, Indiana University
Coach Branch McCracken and the Indiana University basketball team demonstrate in regular and slow-motion photography the fundamental skills involved in shooting, passing, dribbling, and defensive and offensive footwork. Coach McCracken appears briefly at the end directly addressing viewers.
Describes the first fire raid on the City of London on the night of December 29, 1940. Opening sequences in the film are taken from the roof of St. Paul's Cathedral. They show the London fire brigade working in the midst of blazing buildings and streets. Closing daylight sequences show the visible destruction of Guild Hall, St. Lawrence Jewry, St. Brides church and innumerable warehouses.
Stresses the practice of the learned skill, proper tongue blunting, as a first step in learning "SH". Shows the pupil, now correct approximatley 75% of the time, being given a homework assignment, with his parents evaluating his practice.
Presents a second lesson on pitch at the "Presentation Stage." Introduces hand signals used in association with extremes of pitch to help the pupil imitate extremes; these signals will be used later to cue her for correct pitch while she is talking.
Presents the teacher collecting evidence of correct automatic production of all five nuclei words in general speech situations. Transfers skills learned on Face A to all words containing "SH" at Face B of the speech model. Follows the pupil as he progresses to Face C of the speech model, generalizing skills from Face A and B to analogous areas of speech, in this case the correct pronunciation of "ZH", "CH", and "J". Shows the pupil working at the "Presentation Stage" of Face C for "ZH" through the GLGSP.
Discusses loudness as an aspect of voice production and how it refers to the relative strength of sounds. Emphasizes loudness as "part" learning which will be applied to a "whole" word or words. Shows an early lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of loudness, including a technique for handling inattention.
Employs animation and live-action photography to show the development of man's knowledge of magnetic force, present-day concepts of the earth's magnetic field, and how the magnetic field is influenced in internal and external forces. Traces the historical development of man's knowledge of magnetism from the early Greeks through Oersted, Ampere, Faraday, to 1960, the present theories relative to the source of the earth's magnetic field and the techniques of measurement employed.
Deals with the approximation that light travels in straight lines and shows four ways in which light can be sent--diffraction, scattering, refraction, and reflection. Diffraction is shown using point light sources, a wide screen, and a variable slit. Scattering is observed in a smoke-filled box. Refraction and reflection are shown using an optical tank and also an under-water camera to observe the appearance of several swimmers sitting alongside the pool; effects illustrated include image displacement, the critical angle, and total internal reflection. Concludes with the problem of why the images produced by three pinholes merge into one when intercepted by a lens. Demonstrations by Elbert R. Little, PSSC.
Discusses pitch as an aspect of voice production, and how it refers to the degree of highness or lowness of sound. Emphasizes pitch as a "part" which will be applied to "wholes." Presents a child's first lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of pitch, in which touch variations are introduced and explained.
Assesses the automatic and conscious production of a phrase. Depicts a teacher using the synthetic approach to begin a correction of the "whole" word, "welcome". Observes the child moving from "Presentation Stage" to "Imitation Stage" of Face A of the speech model. Examines the ability of the pupil to discriminate the difference in accent between her production (wel kum) and the correct accent (wel km). Shows the teacher using a discriminating activity, interweaving touch, vision, and auditory discrimination.
Works on the second nucleus word, "show", on Face A of the speech model through the "Production Stage". Shows evaluation and practice on all five nuclei words at the no-error level of practice at the "Production Stage" of Face A. Includes one GLGSP expanding language.
Uses animation, microphotography, and live action to show how green plants make food in the process of photosynthesis. Explains that as scientists study the processes involved in photosynthesis they may some day be able to duplicate the work of plants and make more efficient use of plants.
Diagrams the position of radiant energy on the electromagnetic spectrum and describes several means of detecting radiant energy. Explains the operation of a radiometer, and illustrates the use of a thermister, thermocouple, and thermophile in detection of radiant energy.
Describes the houselfy as a carrier of germs and diseases. Shows the structure of the housefly through microscopic photography and animation. Depicts the life cycle of the fly and its breeding places. Discusses sanitation procedures necessary to control the housefly menace.
Illustrates modern dance as exemplified by Negro spirituals. Miss Tamiris creates her dances to the familiar spirituals Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Go Down Moses, and Get on Board Lil' Children.
A credit course in The New Biology, a presentation of Learning Resources Institute, Columbia Broadcasting Systems, in conjunction with the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The course is planned to include the results of recent research findings in the biological sciences and to reflect the recommendations of professional organization interested in biology education. This installment discusses the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Introduces basic principles of the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw, and shows common usage of each. Shows the crowbar as a lever, and shows a doorknob as an example of a wheel and axle. Pictures the raising of the flag to illustrate the use of a pulley. Shows stairs as an example of an inclined plane, pictures carpenters driving nails as wedges, and presents the operation of an auto jack as an example of a screw.
Illustrates and explains the many different ways in which seeds are dispersed--by animals, by the wind, and by water. Points out that only a very few live to grow into plants.
With close-up photography of cod fillet, habibut steak, and whole dressed white fish, demonstrates three basic methods for cooking fish at home, boiling, and baking. Illustrates the use of garnishes to give eye-appeal and added nutritive qualities to fish when it is served.
Describes various phases of high temperature research, giving examples of compounds being used, goals of the research, and some results to date. Discusses procedures being used, with emphasis on procedures with titanium sulfide.
Shows how large deposits of iron ore, coal, and cheap water transportation contributed to the creation of a large industrial complex in the Great Lakes region. Pictures large scale mining of taconite in the Mesabi range of northern Minnesota. Shows ore boats on the Great Lakes, coal mining operations in West Virginia, a steel mill in Indiana, and the forming of automobile bodies in Detroit.
This film "outlines the role that industry is playing in our war effort. Production of munitions and the operation of the payroll withdrawal plan for War Bonds are among the subjects treated." (Free Film Reviews, Movie Makers, January, 1943, 34.) Includes footage from a number of International Harvester factories and how the company's workers save money from their paycheck to help the war effort through a company-wide payroll savings plan.
Dramatization showing how Navy photographers and photographic interpreters provided the intelligence necessary to launch a strike against a Japanese airfield in the Solomon Islands. Ends with a statement by Commander R.S. Quackenbush, Jr. urging viewers to purchase war bonds.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Reviews the World War II service of the transport "Wakefield," formerly the liner "Manhattan"; shows it being used for the transportation of troops, bombed at Singapore, and burned in the Atlantic.
United States. Army Air Forces. First Motion Picture Unit
This film outlines the convalescent training program for hospitalized U.S. airmen in World War II. It is designed to acquaint the convalescent with the program in which he will take part. Patients are shown in their beds, doing light calisthenics in the wards, exercising specific muscles using specially designed equipment, exercising and playing games out-of-doors, and engaging in hobbies and crafts. Other aspects of the program involve convalescents sharing wartime experiences with their fellow patients, teaching them new material and new skills, brushing up on their old skills acquired on duty, taking courses, and even earning degrees. The program also includes updates and discussions on the war, watching duty-related films, and engaging in purely social activities. The circulation and blood supply to various parts of the body are shown in animation.
Bob returns to the basketball locker room for the whistle needed in practice. Don sees Bob searching Ben's pockets and tells the gang that Bob is a thief. At skill practice Coach Barker, in questioning the boys, brings them to realize that jumping at conclusions is dangerous, and that good intentions are not the same as truth.
Shows examples of permanent and temporary houses planned by the Scottish Housing Advisory Committee and based on opinions of service men and women, and factory workers during World War II.
Presents for discussion is supervisory training sessions the problem of a supervisor who leaves the office promptly but tells his clerical workers that they must work overtime, and who later criticizes the girls when they refuse to volunteer to work on Saturday.
Presents profiles of President William Henry Harrison and John Tyler with emphasis upon the presidential campaign of 1840. Uses maps, period illustrations, and photographs to highlight their childhood, education, pre-political activities, political growth, campaigning, and achievements in the White House.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of four short segments:
Has Anybody Seen Kelly? Reports on the return of decorated war hero Chuck Kelly to his home in Pittsburgh. Follows Chuck around his neighborhood, visiting with old acquaintances and giving his account of the war, narration concludes "two years of war changed Kelly, two years of war changed Pittsburgh."
Task Force 58 tells of the secret naval task force sent to attack Saipan. Combat footage of the naval fleet attacked by Japanese fighter planes states that 428 enemy planes were shot down in a single day.
Treasure Hunt depicts salvage operations going on behind front lines in Italy, showing the reclamation of any material that can be restored or reused, the repairing of uniforms and equipment.
Quiet Cities shows the bombed cities of Normandy, France, quiet after fighting has ended - then returning to combat footage of the battles at the same sites, using gun sight camera footage and images of captured and surrendering German soldiers.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Extension Service
A history of home construction and architectural styles in the U.S. Emphasizes the homestead as symbolic of American values and national character. "The American farmstead, stronghold of human liberty —its history and social significance. This film presents views of many historic rural homes, from New England to California; points out that they have all been created and maintained by a lavish expenditure of sweat and elbow grease, and that the farm home is of prime importance in our civilization. Of general interest, with a special appeal to students of rural domestic architecture" (Motion Picture of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 22). Includes scenes of New England colonial homes, the Georgian houses of the Chesapeake region, Monticello, Dutch colonial styles of Pennsylvania and the Hudson Valley, the Linnear House of Madison, IN, Andrew Jackson's Hermitage, the Uncle Sam Plantation in Louisiana, and the Spanish Haciendas of the southwest.
A plant supervisor talks to his son, who has built a boat in the basement too large to go through the door, about planning a job in advance; and recounts several illustrative experiences at the plant.
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. This issue consists of the single short film Back Door To Japan.
Progress in the campaign of General Joseph Stilwell to establish a second front against Japan from the Chinese mainland is shown. Work on the construction of supply routes known as the Ledo and Stillwell roads connecting India and Burma (Myanmar) to China is shown. Combat footage of exploits of General Frank Merrill's special forces unit known as "Merrill's Marauders." The battle to take a Japanese-held airfield at Myitkyina, Burma is shown in detailed combat footage, followed by a report on the monsoons that temporarily prevented use of the captured airfield by the Allies. Provides a summary of the Allied strategy in the Pacific theater, showing the Naval front in the islands of the Philippines and the secondary front in China.
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the Bloomington campus.
Delta Films, E. H. C. Hildebrandt, Robert Pruitt, Evelyn P. Anderson, Seymour Zolotareff
Uses examples of everyday objects to develop the basic formula V=Bh for computing the volumes of cubes, prisms, and cylinders. Builds each concept, formula, or definition through use of live action, animation, and application to a situation.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry
An address given by Dr. John R. Mohler, Chief of the USDA Bureau of Animal Industry, provides narration for this film reporting on the work of the Bureau. "Animal husbandry and veterinary science increase the usefulness of domestic animals to mankind. Research, regulatory, and informational work of the United States Department of Agriculture; Cooperation with the States in the eradication of diseases; inspection of herds; laws regulating dairy conditions; livestock improvement; scientific poultry raising" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 35).
Expands the popular definition of "primitive"--one who is self-taught--to include artists who reject academic or conventional expression, subject matter, or technique. Shows and discusses various examples of primitive art. (WQED) Kinescope.
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Mode-Art Pictures : produced by
Set in a typical wartime factory, the film discusses the supervisor's need to keep up production quantities while meeting quality standards. Narration states "quality work, like a mirror, reflects the one who produces it." Points emphasized include: the necessity for proper instruction of workers, making sure the right tools are provided and correctly used, matching the right man to the job, workers must have "job pride," the supervisor must assure that technical specifications are being met. "Bert Bowdler, a supervisor, learns that quality as well as quantity production is necessary, and how such quality standards can be achieved and maintained" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 109).
Follows a troop train, a freight train, and a truck rushing to deliver men and supplies to a ship convoy in 1943. Explains the reasons for transportation delays and the shortage of goods in wartime. This film was intended to promote understanding and support of the war effort despite inconveniences on the home front.
Portrays the experiences of a boy and a girl going by boat from Albany, down the Hudson River, to New York City. Along the way, the children see many types of water craft, including a sailboat, a cabin cruiser, a fireboat, a barge, a police boat, and a huge ocean liner. At the captain's invitation, they inspect his wheelhouse and engine room.
Reports on the capture of Munda and Rendova in the Solomon Islands. The role of medical instruments and supplies as a kind of weapon in these battles is emphasized, as well as their primary role in the battle against death by wound and infection. Shows the "heroes" at home who donate blood plasma and prepare medical supplies for the front lines. "The camera record of the opening attack against Rendova and Munda, the Japanese counterattack, and the magnificent job done in evacuating American wounded and saving their lives. In these front-line scenes is vividly shown how medical supplies from America meant the difference between life and death of our fighters" (September 1945 Supplement to Indiana University Extension Division Visual Aids Catalog of October 1943, 44).
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Uses such situations as computing a baseball player's batting average and adapting a recipe to illustrate the principles and uses of ratio and proportion. Explains the terms used, the difference between ratio and proportion, and the application of the principles to gears.
Discusses the relation of gravity to cosmology and to geophysics. Traces the history of ideas about gravity; discusses new instruments and new viewpoints on gravitation.
Traces the development of maps and of geodetic ideas from pre-scientific guesses to the present. Discusses the size, shape, and rotation of the earth and the position of the earth relative to its axis of rotation. Explains the use of the moon and artificial satellites as geodetic tools.
This older film is directed to young girls. Using diagrams, it helps them learn about menstruation and gives them a healthy understanding of the physical and emotional changes that occur in growing up.
A high school graduate contemplates what he will do now that he has finished high school. Students at the Columbus campus of IUPUI give testimonials about their experiences. Emphasizes the benefits of a small college community and the ease of transition to either Indiana University or Purdue University. For prospective students.
Continues the work on details begun in Sculpture V. Explains how an area can be broken up into planes by the use of a block of wood. Demonstrates ways of modeling the eyes. Discusses the importance of the sculptor being able to draw graphically. (KETC) Kinescope.
Dr. Koppelman discusses probability in genetics, referring to Mendel's findings on the subject. He compares what happens on the average versus what happens every time.
Uses animation to demonstrate the meaning of (a + b)² in a way intended to convey to students the idea that algebraic statements have concrete meaning and visual form.
Phillip Stapp, Tony Kraler, Nathan Sobel, International Film Foundation
By means of animated lines, figures, and scenes, film illustrates through everyday happenings how "a line may be many things" and "a line is only an idea." Makes a plea for tolerance and a breaking down of all types of barriers between people.
A plea to eliminate the arbitrary boundary lines which divide people from each other. Presented in stylized animation.
Shows the preparation of both the Gooch crucible filter and regular paper filters. Indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the Gooch crucible. Pictures its preparation, Gooch filtering techniques, cleaning of the crucible, and the common problems associated with its use and suggested remedial measures. Presents a detailed picture of the use of the paper filter in this type of analysis from preparation to burning off paper from the filtrate.
Describes the basic articles for make-up and shows the correct method of its application. In this film the make-up for the two female roles in the play "Tom Sawyer" is done by one girl to show the extent to which make-up can create a character's appearance.
A travelogue-type film which shows some of the famous castles which gave Castille its name; includes the Alhambra, some historic monasteries, and the Gothic Cathedral of Burgos. With few exceptions, the vocabulary is restricted to the 2000 most common words and idioms from Hayward Keniston's A standard list of Spanish words and idioms. For second semester Spanish students.
Shows scenes in the Chicago Historical Society Museum which help give an understanding of the past by exhibiting possessions which touched the lives of some of those who have shaped United States history. Includes scenes from the homes of Paul Revere, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, as well as famous Philadelphia mansions and a variety of famous landmarks.
"Includes a report from Britain showing the RAF and the 8th Air Force on a hedgehopping bomber flight over France and Germany, and the 5th Air Force report from New Guinea." ("News and Notes," Educational Screen, June, 1944, 266.) Shows a film clip claiming to be an "Official German Newsreel," with footage of American planes that have been shot down and have crashed onto German soil. Shows how Germans salvage metal from these American aircraft to use for their own war effort and explains that each crashed plane is indicative of loss of soldiers' lives. Ends with a message from General Eisenhower asking the American people to support the Fifth War Loan Drive.
Explains the principles and demonstrates procedures and materials for joining and gluing wood, emphasizing the mortise-and-tenon and edge-to-edge joints. Shows procedures for application of glue and the use of clamping tools in gluing.
Presents two- and three-year-old children in their daily activities at a nursery school. Shows them imitating adults in their play, expressing hostility, responding to rhythm, learning to wash and dress themselves, eating, and taking an afternoon nap. Reveals how they learn about nature and life in the spring by discovering and examining living things. Points out that by the time they are four they become more social and begin to play in groups.
Follows the activities of two- and three-year-old children through the nursery-school day and through the seasons of the year. Shows ways in which teachers offer help, by setting limits and by giving support and encouragement; and indicates in playroom and playground scenes the variety and suitability of play equipment for natural and constructive activity.
Explains and illustrates the use of the Stanford-Binet test in the context of a school guidance program; indicates its accuracy of measurement; and how the results may be properly used. Gives the advantages and disadvantages of group and individual testing and emphasizes the basis of intelligence testing as a relative standing in relationship to standardized norms. The case of one child is followed, showing his classroom problems, the administration and scoring of his test, and the relating of his test scores to other data on him in a meeting of the various members of the school guidance staff, where a procedure is outlined for adjusting the curriculum and the individual to achieve educational and personal adjustment.
Introduces the instruments of the string quartet and indicates their similarities and differences. Presents selections in a variety of moods, including musical imitations of brasses, organ and harp. Features the Juilliard String Quartet. Includes musical selections by Ravel, Haydn, Casella, and Beethoven.
Headlines: Pacific Typhoon. Carrier "Enterprise" fights off Kamikazi attack during action off Kyoshu last May. Final Victory. Japan Surrenders. Atomic bombing of Nagasaki. War Heroes come home. The Proximity Fuse. Radar. Jet-Propelled Aircraft. Navy Day 1945.
Describes the complexity of transportation by relating the problem to the furnishings of a child's room; and illustrates the variety of trucks and trains that man has devised.