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- unknown/unknown
- Summary:
- Helga Winold research footage studying the movement of cello players - both in real time and slowed down. Helga Winold is a concert cellist and former Professor of Music in the Jacobs School of Music. She was also the first IU student to receive her Doctorate of Music in the Cello (1967) and was appointed to the faculty of the Jacobs School of Music in 1969. She performed research into "the analysis of movement in string playing and the translation of thought into movement". With IU psychology professor Esther Thelen, Winold used computers to track and analyze students' movements as they played the cello resulting in better teaching methods and articles in scientific journals. She was awarded the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2008. Helga Winold IU biography: http://info.music.indiana.edu/news/page/normal/7812.html Helga Winold Website biography: https://www.winoldsmusic.com/about-us Helga Winold President's Award: https://honorsandawards.iu.edu/search-awards/honoree.shtml?honoreeID=4236 Esther Thelen Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Thelen Esther Thelen Obituary: http://www.psych.nyu.edu/adolph/publications/2005AdolphVereijken%20ThelenObit.pdf