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Demonstrates the removal of the mold from the clay bust. Shows methods and implements used in removing the cast. Points out the importance of being careful and patient. Reviews briefly what has taken place in the preceding programs. (KETC) Kinescope.
A story about a Mexican boy and his donkey is used in depicting the characteristics of rural life in Mexico and in emphasizing the importance of helping others. Educational collaborator, William G. Brink.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Portrays characteristic aspects of life in the valley of Western China, where habits and customs of past centuries exist side by side with such modern innovations as hydroelectric plants, telephones, and air transportation. Describes the age-old system of crop irrigation, the utilization of bamboo, and the fashioning of pottery, silver, and silk products.
Surveys the city of Amsterdam and the surrounding countryside. Shows typical sights and important buildings, residential areas, contrasting village scenes, and the shipping industry. | Surveys the city of Amsterdam and the surrounding countryside. Shows typical sights and important buildings, residential areas, contrasting village scenes, and the shipping industry.
Shows opencast mining, sluicing, and bucket dredging in tin mines in the Malay States; tin as it is shipped to the United States; and the processes of making tin plate, tin cans for food containers; and various tin-base alloys.
Describes Korea in 1948, when the U.S. Army was establishing a sound government there. Shows the Japanese being returned to Japan and the repatriation of Koreans. Sequences on education, health, the police system, and transportation emphasize the democratic influences.
When the United States subdued and began the occupation of Japan in 1945, it marked the first time in fifteen hundred years that the country has been defeated and occupied by a foreign power. The occupation caused enormous tension on both sides, and constituted the turning point in the U.S. – Japanese relations. The history of our relations with Japan, from Commodore Perry to the Present, is reviewed and analyzed by host Professor Gosling and Professor Ward. Among the questions they consider are: Will she turn toward communism? Film, graphics, and still photos illustrate the points under discussion.
This film, designed primarily for members of the medical, nursing and allied hospital professions, portrays an experiment in maternity care which is being conducted in the obstretical division of St. Mary's Hospital, Evansville, Indiana.
Portrays and explains, by means of animation, the role played by the Pacific Ocean in international affairs. Shows the growth of man's knowledge of the Pacific through the voyages of the early explorers and the later expansion of settlement in this area. Traces the settlement of Pacific island and coastal areas by British, Russians, Germans, French, Dutch, and Americans, and discusses the establishment of political control by these nations. Concludes with a review of Japan's efforts to control the Pacific.
Describes the organization structure of the Boy Scouts and how scouts move through the ranks, from starting as a Cub at age 9 to Rover at age 19. Emphasizes how the Boy Scouts of America provide constructive activities, give moral guidance, and cultivate desirable qualities in boys and young men, forming them into responsible and engaged citizens.
A companion-piece to Program No. 3, this program introduces two Japanese city families and explores their lives and ideas. A modern and very Westernized “new” family and a traditional “old” family show the contrasts of today’s Japan within the cities themselves. City life breeds a more rapid form of change than does life in the country. Industrialization, the increasing world markets for goods, greater communication with other parts of the world, and increasing exposure to other ways of life – all of these have worked to Westernize the city dweller. This program was shot for the series in Tokyo, and features comments by Professor Ronald Dore of the London School of Economics, who was in Tokyo at the time the program filmed. Professor Robert Ward appears as host.
Briefly explains the purpose of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and shows President Roosevelt signing the agreement that led to its formation. Through scenes of war-ravaged Europe, families fleeing their homes and ruined cities, this film shows the necessity of UNRRA to provide food and medical supplies to countries in need. Focuses on the importance of relief work throughout Europe to build a stable post-war future.
A fantasy which shows the housewife that the farmer, the processor, the transporter, and the retailer must know "how much" and "how many" before they can make foods and other products available to the consumer.
Shows that play is an important activity for children and that it has common patterns at different ages. Considers play activities of children between the ages of five and twelve years and explains the part that parents can play in helping to encourage and guide play at each age level.
Immediately following Pearl Harbor, one of the critical problems facing the United States was what to do with the 100,000 people of Japanese descent living up and down the Pacific Coast. The immediate step was to remove all Japanese from critical areas around air fields, harbors, and industrial plants, to forestall sabotage and espionage. This mass migration accomplished by the Army working with the War Relocation Authority is shown in the film--from the first registration through the movement to temporary quarters established in race tracks and fair grounds to the final migration to settlements in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.
"Stridently anti-Japanese film that attempts to convey an understanding of Japanese life and philosophy so that the U.S. may more readily defeat its enemy. Depicts the Japanese as "primitive, murderous and fanatical." With many images of 1930s and 1940s Japan, and a portentious [sic] and highly negative narration by Joseph C. Grew, former U.S. ambassador to Japan."--Internet Archive.
Discusses the possible inflation and unemployment to come after World War II as happened after World War I. Emphasizes rationing and thrift as weapons to combat inflation before it occurs.
This film shows people parachuting through the sky, and a helicopter flying about. The footage was possibly shot at the Grissom Air Force Base air show, year unknown.
Reveals the appearance, tonal qualities, and functions of various instruments of the woodwind choir--piccolos, flutes, clarinets, oboes, English horns, bassoons, and contrabassoons. Uses close-up photography to illustrate the techniques of playing these woodwinds. Includes excerpts from Brahms' First symphony, Beethoven's Turkish march, and Brahms' Fourth symphony.
Documents the series of 147 tornadoes which struck the South and Midwest sections of the United States in April 1974. Includes extensive footage of the tornadoes in Xenia and Cincinnati, Ohio and in Louisville, Kentucky. Shows how warning, advance preparation, and coordination in emergency operating centers helped to save many lives.
Footage of various student activity around campus at Indiana University - Bloomington during the fall season. Includes aerial shots. This footage may have been shot with the intention of using it for promotional purposes.
Shows daily tasks of a rural family of southern Spain. Depicts a trip by a boy and his father to a city market place; shows representative aspects of Spanish life; and emphasizes the activities of the children.
Takes Leni Riefenstahl's footage from the Nuremberg speeches of the Nazi Leaders and superimposes English "translations" over a set of orations in English "in which Hitler, Goebbels, Göring, Streicher and Hess report their sins and mistakes as frankly as if they were victims of one of those notorious 'confession drugs'." (Documentary News Letter, March 1943, 195).
Uses regular photography and animation to present the physical characteristics, the people, and the natural resources of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Follows the activities of two men--John Bergesen, farmer and first officer of the freighter Arcturus, and Olaf Thorson, a typical industrial worker of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Traces the career of John Glenn, first U.S. astronaut, from his school days in New Concord, Ohio, to his speech to the U.S. Congress after his orbital flight. Pictures Glenn as a typical, but highly successful, American boy. Interviews many people in his town who speak well of him and follows his career in the armed forces. Shows preparations for the space flight, the blast off, Glenn in flight, the return from orbit, the parades, and the appearance before Congress.
Uses scenes from Japanese narrative scrolls of the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries to tell the story of an innocent man, unjustly accused of a capital crime, who wins his vindication. The spoken text is derived from authentic sources, and original music provides the backgrounds.
Shows many of the kitchen appliances of tomorrow. Takes the viewer inside the experimental laboratories of General Motors to see such advanced aids to cooking as an automatic recipe viewer, heatless oven, automatic servers, and new designs in cabinets. Through animation, gives a short glimpse of some seemingly improbably but beneficial inventions not yet perfected.
Roscoe Drummond, Washington columnist for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews a subject expert and two opinion representatives regarding slum clearance and housing. Estimates that it will cost America $100 billion to clear our nation of slums and stop the deterioration of our cities. Presents arguments for the participation of the federal government in solving this crisis because of the tremendous cost of slum clearance as well as arguments for the participation of private enterprise with the support of local citizens and governments. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
Surveys the natural resources of Washington and Oregon, which are shown to depend upon the water supply, which in turn depends on lumbering and forestry management. Two boys from a conservation club observe many steps in the reforestation process and various phases of lumbering and the manufacture of wood products.
Compares the Columbia, Colorado, and Sacramento-San Joaquin river systems to show what man has done to utilize each to his advantage. Illustrates the adaptation of the rivers to diverse uses--as avenues of commerce, for logging and fishing, for electrical power, and water.
Shows the actual excavation of pre-Columbian sculpture at Veracruz, Mexico, by a National Geographic Society-Smithsonian Institution expedition. Emphasizes the discovery of the largest deposit of jade ever found.
Discusses and demonstrates both undesirable and desirable pre-camera or rehearsal procedures from the director's point of view. Traces the development of a program from its inception to camera time. Features Alan Beaumont.
Tells the life story of bats. Shows live bats and pictures a bat's voice of and oscillograph. Explains how bats navigate by echolocation or sonar. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
There are many partnerships in nature where two plants may help each other, or a plant and animal may mutually benefit one another, or where two animals may contribute to each other’s welfare. You will see on this program an example of each. The lichen, a common plant, looks like one individual, but really consists of two kinds of plants living together. You will see this story through the microscope. And you will see the story of cross-pollination, in which bees and insects take nectar from the flowers and in so doing transfer pollen from one flower to another. Ever look inside a wood eating termite? You will and with a microscope to see a story of mutual benefit. Inside the termite lives a host of one-celled animals which assist the termite in digesting the cellulose in the wood he consumes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Wind, heat, cold, and rain combine to weather the rocks and break them down. But the face of our earth is molded and the decayed rock carried away from one place and deposited in another mainly by water. The deposits laid down by water, wind, or ice produce after long periods of time and under pressure, rocks which are classed as sedimentary. You will see and learn how to distinguish some of the common sedimentary rocks; limestone, sandstone, shale, and conglomerate. Each of these sedimentary rocks is formed in a different way; limestone by chemical precipitations, sandstone by grains of sand cemented together, shale from beds of mud or clay pressed and cemented into thin layers, and conglomerate is made of gravel or pebbles of assorted sizes cemented together. You will be introduced to one of the most interesting features of sedimentary rocks -their fossils. These records of living things are guides to the history of life on the earth.
What happens when a rocket ship in space is struck and damaged by a meteor? Capt. Gell, a Navy expert on crew equipment, demonstrates the Navy’s full-pressure space suit for emergency escape from a shattered craft. Dr. Haber, an aerodynamic engineer who has made a thorough study of the theoretical problems of escape and survival far out in pace, explains the difficulty of making an individual descent into the atmosphere, on one hand, and of rescuing the stranded flyer in space, on the other. Dr. Herbert’s recommendation: the crew should ride the damaged vehicle back to earth --if anything remains of it.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
"A quick overview of the weeks spent in learning to jump, tumble, and fall, in practice jumping from a tower and from a dummy plane, in packing the parachute one's life depends on, in learning to jump from a plane in half a second, to guide a chute by working the shroud cords, to land without splintering a leg, to disengage the chute and come up fighting."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
Illustrates the eight parts of speech and their importance in communicating ideas. Derives examples of parts of speech from a beach scene, showing youngsters of different ages enjoying various activities. Utilizes overprint titles and split-screen techniques. The split-screen device simultaneously shows a beach scene and a grammatical construction related to it, which is discussed and explained.
Portrays to youth the wide variety of career opportunities in sales and merchandising occupations, how entry jobs fit into the career ladder, work settings, levels of occupations, and information about preparatory experience available through part-time work or a summer job in the retailing industry.
Stresses the importance of appearance to a speaker's self-confidence and good audience reaction. Uses cartoon characters to show types of poor posture. A man preparing his first speech demonstrates balance and proper techniques of posture and movement. Reviews the suggestions made.
Introduces the principal amendments to the Constitution by showing in dramatic form what would happen if the Bill of Rights disappeared from the American scene. | Introduces the principal amendments to the Constitution by showing in dramatic form what would happen if the Bill of Rights disappeared from the American scene.
Shows visits to the homes of two Caucasian families who adopted children of Negro and mixed parentage, in which their hopes and problems are discussed.