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Discussion centers around Indiana University's role in high performance computing; conversation with IU President Myles Brand, IU Vice President for Information Technology/CIO Michael McRobbie; Mike Dunn, Dean, IU School of Informatics; Dennis Gannon, Chair, Department of Computer Science; and Polly Baker, Associate Professor of Informatics
Ruth C. Engs served as a professor of applied health sciences at Indiana University, joining the faculty in 1973 and retiring with emeritus status in 2003. Her main areas of research included the study of the determinants of drinking behavior, especially that of university students, and the study of the role of alcohol in society in cross-cultural and historical contexts.
Pair of roundtable discussions on the issue of binge drinking on the IU campus. The first is a roundtable discussion between several students and one administrator, and the second is with one student and several administrators in different departments, as well as the dean of students.