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Edward R. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil, Stanley M. Feil
Footage from Mary and Herman's wedding, followed by a reception at the Harold Feil home. Shows Mary and Herman cutting their wedding cake and Mary tossing her bouquet. Ends with footage of Herman and Mary walking in the snow near the Historic Summit Inn in Pennsylvania.
These films are part of the John and Hilda Jay family papers. They likely date between 1939-1946.
Silent home video of the family taking wedding portraits, strolling the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and playing in the yard with the children.
In this program Uncle Wonder uses a gram scale and weighs the air in a basketball. He also shows that air has weight by balancing two balloons, one at each end of a stick, and breaking one of them, the other naturally falls to the table.
Chuck Coker, P. Leonard Klassen, Educational Horizons
Training with weights is a valuable addition to any physical education program. Nine basic exercises are demonstrated and explained. Correct techniques are emphasized and the body areas that benefit are indicated.
Charles Franklin is a nationally-recognized government scholar and pollster. He has been director of the Marquette Law School Poll since its inception in 2012 and became a full-time member of the faculty in 2013. He previously co-founded, and now writes at
Helen speaking at a podium during an awards ceremony at the Cleveland Sheraton. There are several banquet tables on both sides of the podium and a banner that reads "Senior Citizens". This footage is featured in Opa 75th B-day (barcode 40000003364017).
The African Studies Program, Indiana University, Bloomington and the Indiana Consortium for International Programs
Welcome by Samuel Obeng, Director, African Studies Program, Indiana University Bloomington and Karen DeGrange, Executive Director, Indiana Consortium for International Programs. Presented at Symposium: "A Contested Resource: Oil in Africa".
Presents two films. Welcome soldier! outlines the various government plans created to help Canadian World War II veterans return to civilian life in the workplace and at home. In the companion film, John Buckley, the labour representative on the Ontario Social Security and Rehabilitation Committee, chairs a discussion among service men and women on the difficulties faced by veterans returning to the work force.
Introduces the campus, buildings, and programs at Indiana University, focusing almost exclusively on the School of Business, with Arthur M. Weimer, dean. Shows the Business and Economics Building and the Business Library it contains. Mentions programs for undergraduates and graduates, special curricula for women, the degrees offered in commercial science, the placement and publications programs, and the Indiana Executive Development Program. Sponsored by the Phillips Petroleum Company.
Dunn, Jon W., Minton Morris, Carol, Walters, Carolyn, Nixon, William, Field, Adam, Knowles, Claire
Opening session at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana. Includes remarks by Jon Dunn (Organizing Committee Chair), Carol Minton Morris (Steering Committee Co-Chair), Carolyn Walters (Ruth Lilly Dean of University Libraries, Indiana University), William Nixon (Program Committee Co-Chair), Adam Field (Developer Challenge Co-Chair) and Claire Knowles (Developer Challenge Co-Chair).
Graney, Brian , Lucaites, John Louis, Lynch, Shola
Regeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film, organized by the Black Film Center/Archive, brought together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, moving image archivists, and technology specialists in digital humanities for a two-day conference and workshop held in Bloomington, Indiana November 15-16, 2013.
The conference program, November 15, 2013, opened with a Welcome by Brian Graney, Archivist and Head of Public and Technology Services at the Black Film Center/Archive. The Introduction was provided by Associate Dean for Arts & Humanities, with responsibility for Undergraduate Education John Lucaites. Shola Lynch, curator of the Moving Image and Recorded Sound Archive at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, presented the Keynote Address
"Film, Race & Archives — The Odyssey of a Film Maker & Curator".
Opening sessions of the Art, Race, Space Symposium, January 25, 2013, School of Liberal Arts, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana. Recorded lectures include: "Welcome" by William Blomquist, "Introductory Remarks" by Modupe Labode, and "Inspirations: Musing on What Monuments, Memorials, Public Art, and Public Space, Inspire Me" by Fred Wilson. Symposium program sheet available from: