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Deals with the evils of the one-crop system throughout the tobacco country of the South; then illustrates some of the ways in which the impoverished tobacco farmer can improve his lot by devoting some of his land to raising food crops, using governmental assistance, soliciting the help of local schools in community rehabilitation, and developing a community program to combat malnutrition.
Shows how Sally can, in an emergency, prepare a hot meal quickly, using her mother's ready supply of canned and frozen foods. The narrator emphasizes the correct use of the proper utensils, the time-saving advantage of a modern gas range, and the importance of intelligent marketing.
Describes the arts and crafts of the Bakuba people of the Congo and briefly describes other aspects of their culture. Indicates the probable origin of the Bakuba in northern Africa. Pictures weaving, embroidery, tattooing, and making of statuary. Shows trinkets used to decorate costumes and presents details of the most ornate costume of the hereditary king.
Discusses some of the more common misconceptions about mental illness. Explains why they are incorrect and what the correct version should be. Features Dr. Charles Feuss, Jr., Superintendant of Longview Hospital in Ohio, and Dr. Harry Lederer and Dr. Harold Hiatt, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati. [Warning: Features dated, incorrect language]
Norman McLaren uses animation to interpret a modern jazz composition performed by the Oscar Peterson Trio. The slow, quiet middle section, in black and white, is in contrast with the colorful, swift-moving opening and closing sections.
Shows the community of Lantzville, British Columbia, a cross-section of nationalities and industrial groups, with a drab and neglected school. The interest of a school inspector inspires a complete transformation of the physical plant and the teaching. The pupils enter into the plans enthusiastically and accomplish a great deal; as a result they have increased interest and pride in their school.
Pictures the marshy area in England which has been reclaimed for farming purposes. Explains the problems which the people face when the soil dries and shrinks from the foundations of buildings, when they prepare the land for farming, and when they build roads.
Seventh in the "Are You Ready for Service?" series. Compares the experiences and moral behavior of two young men in the Navy. One was prepared for necessary decisions, while the other had no clear picture of himself. The latter becomes one of a group of irresponsible men, eventually becomes disgusted, seeks the help of a steadier acquaintance, and straightens out his problems. Recommends that young men get ready to make any decisions they might meet in new surroundings.
Shows the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the Indian Government in a cooperative project to control malaria in the Terai district of India. Foreign specialists work with Indian teams making blood tests, spraying homes with DDT, and checking results. Shows the difficulty of winning the confidence of the inhabitants before improvement in the health, work, and lives of the people can result.
Demonstrates how the facilities of a large city library are made available to rural libraries. Shows the library truck from Gary, Indiana, delivering books, pictures, and other materials weekly, free of charge, upon the written request of a small-town librarian. Indicates how such cooperation results in better public service.
Explains that a globe is the best model to represent the shape of the earth. Discusses the change in man's ideas about the shape of the earth from flat, to curved to round to flattened and bulging to pear shaped. Explains the value of rockets and satellites in helping us to learn more about the shape of the earth.
WQED, Tom Coleman, Sam Silberman, Frank Stuckman, Albert B. Martin, Dr. Peter H. Odegard
Dr. Peter H. Odegard, head of the political science department at the University of California at Berkeley, delivers the paper he prepared at the time of the inauguration of Edward H. Litchfield as the twelfth chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh. He discusses the role that the universities of the United States must play in the country’s role in the world. He places particular emphasis on the social sciences.
Illustrates various techniques and household arrangements for caring for the convalescent patient at home. Shows ways of arranging the sick room, making the beds, washing and serving the patient, caring for the thermometer, and removing soiled linens. Pictures the distribution of chores among the family members and demonstrates some necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the illness.
Presents an integrative device for the general teaching (as contrasted with the specific speech lesson) of language and speech. Describes the entire pattern as well as attempting a speech correction. Explains the GLGSP framework for making a learning situation for language or speech or both out of every communication between pupil and adult.
Explains how the developing personality of the child is influenced by the manner in which his parents provide for his basic needs and prepare him for social living.
An animated cartoon which explains that there are no basic differences between the races of the world. Uses small green demons to caricature prejudice and racial hatred. Relates the history of mankind to point out that dissimilarities in peoples result from superficial environmental influences. Based on "Races of Mankind" pamphlet by Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish.
Activity group therapy as developed at the Jewish Board of Guardians, New York City, by S.R. Slavson, Director of Group Therapy. Shows socially-maladjusted children 10 to 11 years old being benefited therapeutically by "acting out" their disturbances upon their environment and each other. Presents Henry's anxiety hysteria, Bob's aggressiveness, and Albert's effeminacy in a realistic situation with an emotionally neutral therapist and concealed cameras and microphones. Argues for encouraging boys to form a club and work things out for themselves. Recommended for use only by individuals or groups professionally concerned with psychiatric, social, and medical fields.