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Demonstrates the operation and care of the RCA 400 16mm sound projector. Presents detailed instructions for setting up the Junior and Senior models and for initial adjustment, threading, operating, rewinding, and packing up projectors. Demonstrates the cleaning and lubrication procedures for the two projectors and the replacement of tubes in the amplifier section.
Discusses the contribution of stage costumes to the art of the theater. Follows the costume designer through the initial analysis of the play, the drawing-board, the costume workshop, and to the actual wearing of the costumes. Stresses four basic considerations of costume design: unity, identification, projection, and functionalism. Outlines problems related to action, setting, lighting, and make-up.
Shows excerpts from four tests: two six-year olds (I.Q.s 104 and 156) and two ten-year-olds (I.Q.s 100 and 80). Indicates techniques of rapport and standardized administration. Concepts and computation of M.A. and I.Q. presented in detail. An introduction to Stanford-Binet; not intended to teach competent administration.
This film traces the history of rocketry and describes the use of sounding rockets as tools for scientific research in the upper atmosphere; this film discusses the need for such tools, shows how rocket experiments are accomplished, and explains what they have contributed to meteorological and ionospheric research.
Shows scenes of Indiana state parks during the various seasons. Stresses the facilities available for camping, boating, fishing, hiking, studying nature, horseback riding, picnicking, and participating in individual and group games. Includes sequences on Clifty Falls, Spring Mill, McCormick's Creek, Shakamak, Dunes, Brown County, and Pokagon State Parks. Describes the early development of the park system and its role in the conservation of Hoosier wildlife.
Explains the set-up and operation of the Kodak Pageant motion picture projector. Shows proper placement of components for effective use, threading, focusing, and centering the picture on the screen. Shows techniques for rewinding, forward and reverse opertion, cleaning, and lamp replacement.
Uses photomicrography and time-lapse sequences to reveal the research technique of nuclear transplantation. Shows how nuclei are transplanted from donor body cells into activated eggs.
This is the story of a little girl no bigger than a thumb who is carried away from her home by a frog to be the bride of the frog's son. Thumbelina escapes from the Frog with the help of a rabbit. Mrs. Mouse takes Thumbelina into her home to keep house. Thumbelina finds a bird whose wing is broken and nurses him back to health. When Mrs. Moose decides that Thumbelina should marry Mr. Mole, the bird carries the little girl back to her mother. Mr. Mole then decides to marry Mrs. Mouse. Marionettes are used to tell this all-time favorite.
Uses newsreel footage to outline the important events preceding the Second World War. Explains Stalin's efforts to build his personal image. Reviews the non-aggression pact signed with the German Reich. Discusses the German invasion of Russia and the joining of the Allies by the U.S.S.R. Tells how Stalin maneuvered at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam to make the best possible terms for the Communists. Concludes with Russia's continued build-up of strength and influence throughout the world.
Discusses such topics as superstitions about birth marks and deformities, how to relieve morning sickness, changes in clothing, and how to relax and rest. Contains suggestions for relieving constipation, shortness of breath, and dizziness as they effect the expectant mother.
Uses drawings and dissected specimens to compare the nervous systems in hydra, planaria, earthworms, and grasshoppers and shows the response of a paramecium, euglena, amoeba, hydra, and planaria to stimuli. Points out the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and parts of the brain in a freshly dissected pig and makes comparisons between the parts of the brain in frogs, birds, cats, and humans. Illustrates through still and animated drawings the basic elements of the neuron and the pathway of the nerve impulse during a reflex arc.
Discusses and demonstrates the laboratory procedures involved in the production of a 16mm, color, sound film. Follows the camera original film and a quarter inch audio tape through the following procedures: processing the original, dubbing the sound to 16mm magnetic film, making a work print, and edge numbering the original and the work print. Observes the edited work print and magnetic sound track going through the processes of conforming, transferring to optical sound, and color balancing in order to make the composite answer print.
Uses drawings and real photography to depict the origin and nature of the Hawaiian Islands. Shows a recent eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano and indicates how rain, wind, and the ocean have transformed the islands into fertile regions over the centuries.
Reviews, through documentary scenes taken from the National Archives, the historic events which led to the entry of the United States into World War II. Records the failure of the League of Nations to take strong action against the aggressive acts of Japan, Italy, and Germany. Highlights the war of nerves, the successive Axis aggression, U.S. Neutrality Acts, the various agreements and pacts, and the declaration of war by England, France, and the United States.
Documentary of events leading to United States entry to World War II. Different stages through which American public opinion passed as events in Europe took place are described.
Outlines the work of Dr. Howard Kendler, Dr. Tracy Kendler, Dr. Spence, Dr. Harlow, and Dr. Skinner, in exploring the different strategies employed in developing new theoretical concepts about man's ability to learn. Shows how the work of these men has influenced methods of instruction in schools and colleges.
Deals with the evils of the one-crop system throughout the tobacco country of the South; then illustrates some of the ways in which the impoverished tobacco farmer can improve his lot by devoting some of his land to raising food crops, using governmental assistance, soliciting the help of local schools in community rehabilitation, and developing a community program to combat malnutrition.
Shows how Sally can, in an emergency, prepare a hot meal quickly, using her mother's ready supply of canned and frozen foods. The narrator emphasizes the correct use of the proper utensils, the time-saving advantage of a modern gas range, and the importance of intelligent marketing.
Describes the arts and crafts of the Bakuba people of the Congo and briefly describes other aspects of their culture. Indicates the probable origin of the Bakuba in northern Africa. Pictures weaving, embroidery, tattooing, and making of statuary. Shows trinkets used to decorate costumes and presents details of the most ornate costume of the hereditary king.