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Discusses recent drug discoveries such as sulfa, penicillin, and streptomycin; increased opportunities for medical students from all parts of the world to study in this country such problems as the Rh blood factor and malnutrition; and progress in the control of heart disease, cancer, and rheumatic fever up to 1948.
Teaching Film Custodians release of a Motion Picture Association of America short film. A high school student, who is having difficulty understanding the textbook explanation of osmosis, discusses the problem with his detective friend. They go to a police laboratory. There a technician demonstrates osmotic pressure and clarifies the student's questions. This film addresses the following concepts: 1) Cells receive air and liquid through cell walls and tissues; 2) cells release waste products as liquids and gasses through the tissues; 3) diffusion of molecules of salt with molecules of water; diffusion through a membrane, or osmosis.
Depicts the value to be derived by all from effective public relations between business, labor, government, and the people. The role of public relations personnel is shown, as is the type of course presently being offered in this field. Examples of effective public relations are given.
Shows Guatemala's natural resources, crops, and other products. Includes the cultivation of coffee, bananas, corn, pepper, cinchona for quinine, and plants for rotenone. Includes a short Spanish lesson.
Features silent footage of Indiana University's "Marching Hundred" band, with Daniel L. Martino, director, and Charles F. Keen, assistant director, who are featured in a brief close-up. Includes quoted accolades from the band's founding in 1900 through 1948, including several from John Philip Sousa. Follows the men on a bus trip to the University of Illinois and showcases several halftime programs.
Presents a 1948 report on the School Camp experiment authorized by the Board of Education of the City of New York and conducted in cooperation with Life Camps, Inc. Shows numerous examples of children enjoying a variety of camping experiences. Stresses the importance of the children's interactions with each other and with nature.
The Conservation Foundation, New York Zoological Society, John H. Storer, John C. Gibbs, George E. Brewer, Jr.
The fourth in the "Living Earth" series. Shows what happens when nature's balance is upset by exploitation of natural resources. Suggests that organized planning and conservation can arrest the dangerous destruction of the topsoil on which all life depends.
Illustrates the different methods used by various salespeople. Shows how suggestive and descriptive selling aids the customer, the individual salesclerk, and the store.
[motion picture] Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.
Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.