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Outlines the principles that guided the work of the romantic painter and illustrates these principles with paintings and prints. Shows a landscape in the romantic mode depicted at the easel. Identifies romanticism as the beginnings of expressionism. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Dramatized incidents including a discussion between a disgruntled son and his parents over the boy's plans for a college education are used in explaining that discussion brings information to the individual, leads to a broader and richer life, and expedites cooperative achievement.
Illustrates the techniques involved in drawing roosters. Depicts the rooster in several poses: looking "over his shoulder" and feeding. Explains various beliefs of the Japanese concerning the rooster. (KQED) Kinescope.
Demonstrates how are memory operated to maintain prejudice, and shows how people remember things which are favorable to their own beliefs. Discusses the various points of view concerning prejudice--historical, economic, sociological, and psychological. Points out the use of stereotypes in mass media, and cites examples of the way in which mass media can break down these stereotypes. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Shows how to plan the installation of the circuit run, switch run, and wall receptacle run; how to determine the location of required runs; how to install an offset bar hanger and ceiling outlet box; how to rough-in a circuit run, using nonmetallic sheathed cable; and how to make up connections for switches, receptacles, and fixtures.
Bash describes the three ways there were to get to California when the nation was excited about the gold found there, 1848-49. The use of the covered wagon, and “Prairie Schooner” is described, including information that it was shaped as it was so it could float across the rivers that had to be crossed. The route of taking a ship to Panama, then crossing the swampy Isthmus on foot is described, and then the third way, that of taking the long and dangerous trip by ship all the way around Cape Horn. Maps and authentic pictures illustrate the material, and a model of the record breaking Clipper Ship, “The Flying Cloud” is shown. Songs include “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain,” “Let the Rest of the World Go By,” and “Sacramento.”
In this program the new developments in American music are introduced through a study of Roy Harris' Symphony Number 3. Professor Woodworth interprets this music in terms of a growing American nationalism which express such American problems as the will to succeed, the desire for spiritual assurance, and the materialistic conflict in musical terms. Harris’ rejection of the techniques of Stravinsky, and his return to Baroque musical forms influences all of his music, and particularly this Symphony. Professor Woodworth plays recorded portions of this work to demonstrate some of the unique characteristics of this form of American music.
Pictures three expeditions which trace the acquisition by the metropolitan Museum of Art of jewelry which belonged to an Egyptian Princess of the XIIth Dynasty. Traces and discusses changes in the techniques of archeology during the past 100 years. (NYU) Kinescope.
Shows visits to the homes of two Caucasian families who adopted children of Negro and mixed parentage, in which their hopes and problems are discussed.
"How stable is their political leadership? How strong is their military power?" Discussion of Russia's political leadership and military power, and what that means for Russia as a country and its potential threat to the United States. This is the first episode in the series and is the first out of three discussing Russia.
Stop-action photography of common school mishaps illustrates potential safety hazards and ways they can be avoided. Points out that a school building is constructed for maximum safety: accidents are caused by people. Stresses the individual child's responsibility for accident prevention.
Explains the use and necessity of the windshield and windows, lights, sun visors, horn, rear view mirrors, horse power, control devices, and the good driver. Discusses the future of and public attitude toward safety features. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Explains the use and necessity of the windshield and windows, lights, sun visors, horn, rear view mirrors, horse power, control devices, and the good driver. Discusses the future of and public attitude toward safety features. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Through illustrations, shows high school and college students learning the use of various safety devices, rules, and procedures. Each illustration points out that the student should follow the directions given, should use the tools of chemistry properly, and should consult with the instructor when in doubt.
Homer, a school bus, and his driver Tom help children learn about proper conduct when riding in a school bus, and the responsibility of riders in maintaining safety. Illustrates how to get on and off the bus, how to wait for the bus, the six basic rules of safe bus riding, and the importance of evacuation drills.
Features silent footage of Indiana University's "Marching Hundred" band, with Daniel L. Martino, director, and Charles F. Keen, assistant director, who are featured in a brief close-up. Includes quoted accolades from the band's founding in 1900 through 1948, including several from John Philip Sousa. Follows the men on a bus trip to the University of Illinois and showcases several halftime programs.
Provides beginning sailors with a general overview of the principles and terminology of elementary sailing and the effect of wind upon the sail and boat. Illustrates the functions of the mast, boom, rudder and centerboard housing. Emphasizes that each person must know how to swim and shows the correct way to use a life preserver.
Presents a beginner's guide to smooth and efficient sailing by investigating the effects of weight placement, wind, and sail adjustment. Demonstrates the rules and courtesies of navigation and gives several examples showing which boat has the right-of-way under various conditions.
Bash describes the rugged life aboard an early day sailing vessel … the various chores of the crews, and the romance of sailing to faraway ports in search of cargoes. On film, Bash goes aboard the ship Blaclutha, showing the rigging, the tall masts, how the sailors climbed to the yardarms, and how they paced around the capstan, to pull up the heavy anchor chain. She visits the crew’s quarters, and demonstrates the various kinds of “scrimshaw,” the sailors’ handiwork of carving whalebone, knotting ropes for decoration, and making model ships.