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Home movie documenting Ed Feil’s trip to California in 1956. Primarily shows Muscle Beach and people enjoying recreation. Shows people dancing in an outdoor bar, exercising on the beach, and sunbathing. Also features street scenes in Los Angeles and footage of models at a car show.
Edward R. Feil, Daniel Hellerstein, David Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Ken Feil, Edward G. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Beth Rubin, Naomi Feil, Herman Hellerstein
Home movie of Daniel Hellerstein's 16th birthday party. Daniel is presented with a birthday cake and blows out the candles. His siblings and cousins sit around the dining room table as slices of cake are passed around and the adults look on.
Begins with Ed shooting aerial footage of Cleveland in a small plane piloted by his friend, Charles Long. The film then shows Charles and Ed on their trip to Europe, with scenes from London and Capri, where Charles is joined by a girlfriend. Shares footage with other travelogues to Europe in 1959. Highlights include: people feeding pigeons at Trafalgar Square, passing Windsor Castle, views of Parliament, Big Ben, and crossing the Tower Bridge to see the Tower of London. In Capri, the group goes swimming in the ocean and sunbathes on the rocks.
Edward R. Feil, Vicki Rubin, Beth Rubin, Naomi Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Julius Weil, Helen Kahn Weil
Home movie of casual birthday celebrations over breakfast for Vicki and Beth at their home. The family is gathered around the kitchen table, where Beth is given cinnamon rolls with birthday candles. Beth opens her presents and is ecstatic to receive a new watch and comedy records. The film then shows Beth at a more formal gathering with extended Weil family receiving a birthday cake (possibly in conjunction with Rosh Hashanah dinner). On another day, Vicki receives a birthday cake and opens presents during breakfast as the family watches. Ends with brief footage of a party with friends.
Edward R. Feil, Harold S. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, George H. Feil, George Feil, Naomi Feil, Leslie Feil, Maren Mansberger Feil, Ellen Feil, Susan Hellerstein, Amy Feil, Daniel Hellerstein, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Betsy Feil
Home movie of a birthday party for Harold Feil, father of Ed Feil. Shows Harold blowing out the candles on a cake that reads "Happy Birthday Poppa" as the family gathers around the dining room table and the cake is served. The film then shows a bicycle race and cyclists passing by Eddie and Kenny watching. Ends with George Feil with all 5 of his children and Harold in a garden.