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Lesson 26 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Amigos. The goals of this series, in order of priority, are: To expose children to basic Spanish; to introduce children to Hispanic culture; to create an interest in the geography of countries where Spanish is the primary language; to reinforce skills and concepts taught in the regular elementary school curricula.
Episode 8 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Arts Alive. The program addresses the power and universal appeal of the arts, presenting four examples of students, who, through positive artistic experiences, became more interested and involved in the world around them. Hosted by Lynn Swann.
From the series Wordsmith. This popular series is based on contemporary concepts of vocabulary and linguistic theory. Each program centers on a themes like food, size, or communication. But from then on, anything goes--word cells cavort about to instruct and entertain, animated characters get their words in edgewise, word lore of all kinds lights up the nooks and crannies of the English language. Designed to arouse students curiosity about words and to sharpen their awareness of language, the series includes standard vocabulary development and incorporates terms from specialized vocabularies, foreign languages, and slang.
Bob Smith, wordsmith and author of the teacher's guide, has taught English, philosophy, psychology, education, Latin, and mathematics at levels from the seventh grade to post graduate study. His television work began in 1962. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, and three advanced degrees in philosophy and linguistics from Gonzaga University and the University of Michigan.
An advertisement for Zuban Auslese cigarettes depicting an animated train that spells the brand name. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
A detailed look at a centralized, integrated, food service which provides 50,000 meals each day on a large university campus. Includes information about scientific control of the storage environment, computer regulation of inventory, dietary planning, and food quality control.
Opening this program with the song "Home on the Range," Bash tells of the importance of the American buffalo to the Plains Indian and how the buffalo led the early explorers over natural passes and up easy grades as the Western migration began. She describes an Indian buffalo hunt and the ways in which the animal was used for clothing, food and shelter. Songs also include "Buffalo Boy" (sometimes called "When We Gonna Marry"), and the music later made into a popular song, "Buffalo Gals."
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Probes the characteristics distinguishing Black Humor from other literature. Explores its historical perspectives and present forms. Illustrates a series of line drawings while a synopsis of Friedman's novel Stern is read.
[motion picture] Uses the General Assembly of Indiana to portray a state legislature in action as it passes a bill through the various steps to become a law. Includes animated sequences to chart the steps in the process and shows the roles played by the House and Senate chambers, the committees, the Legislative Bureau, the Attorney General, the lobbyists, and the Governor in creating the laws of the state.
[motion picture] Shows a skilled ceramist demonstrating the step-by-step process of making simple molds of three types: slipcasting, drape, and press molds. Portrays the process from pattern-making to the completed object, and explains the steps at each stage.
An advertisement for Tareyton cigarettes in which a narrator describes the flavor of the product and its dual filter. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for a Ronson Adonis lighters in which a woman buys the product for her husband. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
An advertisement for Tareyton cigarettes in which a couple plays carnival games and a jingle plays describing Tareyton's dual filter. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Introduces Claes Oldenburg, his studio, and his reasons for doing what he does. Shows how he works and presents many examples of his works, from plaster and enamel sculptures of food and clothing to his "soft sculptures" of ordinary household objects and furniture in canvas and vinyl. Depicts the opening of his major exhibition at the Sidney Janis Gallery in New York.
Follows a troop train, a freight train, and a truck rushing to deliver men and supplies to a ship convoy in 1943. Explains the reasons for transportation delays and the shortage of goods in wartime. This film was intended to promote understanding and support of the war effort despite inconveniences on the home front.
An advertisement for Durkee's packaged foods in which a narrator demonstrates the ways to use the brand's boxed coconut product. Submitted for Clio Awards category Packaged Foods.
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Mode-Art Pictures : produced by
Set in a typical wartime factory, the film discusses the supervisor's need to keep up production quantities while meeting quality standards. Narration states "quality work, like a mirror, reflects the one who produces it." Points emphasized include: the necessity for proper instruction of workers, making sure the right tools are provided and correctly used, matching the right man to the job, workers must have "job pride," the supervisor must assure that technical specifications are being met. "Bert Bowdler, a supervisor, learns that quality as well as quantity production is necessary, and how such quality standards can be achieved and maintained" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 109).
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Brings together four prominent Negro leaders who discuss American Negroes' movement for racial and social equality, and their own motivations, doctrines, methods and goals. Features Negro leaders James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Dr. Kenneth Clark as host.
An advertisement for Maple Lane Chocolate Milk in which a narrator discusses how the product is made over scenes of people reaching for various chocolates.
Presents scenes of natural objects typifying the things which inspire ceramist Dik Schwanke. Shows him at work in his studio, illustrating his methods of combining pottery and sculpture. Includes background music by the "Shags."
United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry
An address given by Dr. John R. Mohler, Chief of the USDA Bureau of Animal Industry, provides narration for this film reporting on the work of the Bureau. "Animal husbandry and veterinary science increase the usefulness of domestic animals to mankind. Research, regulatory, and informational work of the United States Department of Agriculture; Cooperation with the States in the eradication of diseases; inspection of herds; laws regulating dairy conditions; livestock improvement; scientific poultry raising" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 35).
Expands the popular definition of "primitive"--one who is self-taught--to include artists who reject academic or conventional expression, subject matter, or technique. Shows and discusses various examples of primitive art. (WQED) Kinescope.
The services of artist John Drummond of Iowa State College are utilized to show another method of causing laughter, that of the use of the caricature. He draws a caricature of lecturer Feinberg. The artist’s techniques are then analyzed and demonstrated to show just how he goes about emphasizing certain features and deemphasizing others to make his subject appear “funny.”
In this program, artist John Drummond of Iowa State College demonstrates more techniques of caricaturing and their relation to humor as Dr. Feinberg lectures on the same subject.
Going more deeply into the how and why of laughter, Dr. Feinberg discusses international jokes and tells how they originated. A clown routine, so common in international jokes, is demonstrated and analyzed.
Two forms of satire are illustrated by Dr. John W. Dodds in this first of two programs that include selections ranging from Swift to S.J. Perelman. Savage, withering satire as expressed by excerpts from Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” and Samuel Butler’s “Hudibras,” and satire on types of people by author G.B. Shaw, Ogden Nash, and S.J. Perleman are read by Dodds.
Dr. Feinberg addresses satire; why satire is used, how it combines humor and criticism, its relationship to the nature of reality, and how it causes laughter. Dr. Feinberg points out that cosmic irony, social irony, and individual irony are the basis for satire, and discusses and illustrates each of these three forms.
Discusses the relationship of poetry to music during the Elizabethan period. Describes the manner in which Byrd and Dowland set poetry to music. Musical selections are performed by the Saturday Consort. Featured guest is Dr Frances Eldredge, Department of English, Chatham College, Pittsburgh. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses music in the Catholic Church during the renaissance. Various examples of Music as it might have been played in private chapels is performed by the Saturday Consort. Featured guest is Father Thomas Jackson, Secretary to the Commission of Music of the Pittsburgh Diocese. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses rhythm as the punctuation in the language of music. Illustrates tempo, pulse, rhythm, meter, and accent with musical selections. Demonstrates and suggests the different emotional responses evoked by them. (University of Rochester) Film.
Shows how the "chord of nature" developed and became the basis for much of classical, folk, and popular music. Shows what is meant by the perfect fifth. Features Dr. Howard Hanson, director of the Eastman School of Music.
Shows the musical difference between the conventional seven-tone white key scale and the "newer" scales used by Debussy and others. Demonstrates that romantic composers explored the newer scales and illustrates use of the full keyboard by modern composers. (University of Rochester) Film.
discusses the analysis, tabulation, and charting of music. Proposes six categories and undertakes to show that nearly all music fits into this pattern. Uses numerous illustrative musical selections. (University of Rochester) Film.
Explains the use of the tone colors of an instrument or groups of instruments to achieve desired musical effects. Concentrates on the winds and the brasses as a number of musicians display the tonal color limits of their instruments. (University of Rochester) Film.
Analyzes the score of a symphony and explains why it was scored as it was. Compares this symphony to a painting and to an austere essay and shows how the background, the highlights, and the essential figures are developed. Analyzes a composer's motives and illustrates their orchestral expression. (University of Rochester) Film.
Explains how the composer conveys to his audience the emotions, the actions, and the thoughts of the personages in an opera. Shows how particular character "themes" and descriptive settings are worked out so as to express musically the thoughts, emotions, and behavior of the characters. (University of Rochester) Film.
Examines the construction--theme by theme, movement by movement--of a modern symphony. Like as musical form to a mural, to a complicated building, and to a well-planned public speech. Feature the playing of Hanson's Romantic Symphony, No. 2. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses similarities of approach to painting tone pictures and narrating stories with music among composers from Palestrina to Strauss. Shows that the same chords have been used by different composers to describe similiar moods or settings. Uses a variety of musical illustrations. (University of Rochester) Film.
Describes the white keys of the piano as part of the composer's language. Shows different colors and tonal qualities of various white key scales. Demonstrates transposition and shows the great variety possible in seven white piano keys. (University of Rochester) Film.
Show how the black keys on the piano can be an alphabet of music all by themselves. Demonstrates the black key scale is characteristic of much folk or primitive music and show how it has been used by many modern composers. (University of Rochester) Film.
Introduces the harp, explains how it produces sounds, and reviews its development from early times in Egypt. Explains and demonstrates techniques of playing, of tuning, and of producing special effects. Musical selections include: Salzedo, Fraicheur, La Desirade, Cortige, Chansons Dans la Nuit, and Traipsin' thru Arkansaw; Bach, Arioso; and ravel, Piece en Frome de Habanera. (Arts and Audiences, Inc.) Film.
Explains that the personality of music is determined by the composer's style and by the use of various musical effects. Demonstrates and contrasts styles through selections played at the piano. Includes music by Bach, Schumann, Debussy, Liszt, and Chopin.
The New York Woodwind Quintet is featured on this opening program with introductions by Yehudi Menuhin. Each member of the Quintet provides a simple explanation of his method of tone production evoking the familiar experiences of the children. For example: playing a flute is compared to blowing over the top of a soda bottle; the length of tubing in a French Horn is likened to a garden hose. The music selected for demonstration gives each instrument an opportunity to illustrate its sound alone and with the other instruments.
Presents each member of the New York Brass Quintet as he introduces his instrument and plays illustrative excerpts. Two trumpets begin with a duet. With the addition of the trombone, the French horn, and the tuba, a selection written for each successive ensemble is performed. Musical selections are: Pezel, Three Short Pieces from Suite; Saint-Jacome, Duet, No. 6; Spezzaferri, Preluio e Fuga; Bach, Two Chorales; and Ewald, Quintet for Brass, (3rd movement). (Arts and Audiences, Inc.) Film.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Interviews objectivist poet Louis Zukofsky as to the form and philosophy underlying his poetry, the circumstances under which his first poem was published, and several unique aspects of his poetry. Points out that while Zukofsky is not widely known, his poems and writings about poetry have had an important influence on his own and later generations. Includes readings of several of his works, such as "The," "Section Nine of 'A'," and "Bottom on Shakespeare."
Dr. Feinberg summarizes his previous lectures and adds some interesting observations on various aspects of humor. A “drunk” routine, a device used so frequently by comedians, is presented and analyzed.
Outlines and discusses various theories of humor, and presents examples of laughter created to illustrate each theory. Shows, through the use of a polygraph, that physiological changes occur in various parts of the body when a person laughs. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Faith in human goodness generally implies a faith in a higher deity, and such is the case in the work of Rouault and Manessier. Washburn compares and contrasts a number of works of the two painters.
Discusses the dignity of man and its importance. Examines the influence upon the human race of the ideas of such men as Galileo, Darwin, Marx, and Freud. Points out the state of man's dignity today in a world of terrorism, torture, hatred, and progressive dehumanization. Concludes with the reasons for a belief in man's dignity. (KQED) Film.