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Representative photographs by the turn-of-the-century French photographer, Eugène Atget, with explanatory analysis by Berenice Abbott, a former protège of Atget.
Warning: This film contains dated and offensive language regarding race.
Twelve college students of different races and faiths participate in a week-long workshop to test their common denial that they are prejudiced. A frank discussion and questioning of one another continues and latent prejudices emerge. Shows why the participants are unable to cope with the revelations.
A Black G.I. returns from Vietnam and is confronted by various Black Power activists. He is forced to question his reasons for having served in the military and what he wants to do in the future.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Studies the return of romanticism to contemporary poetry through the poetry of Robert Duncan and John Wieners. Presents Duncan reading several poems, including "The Architecture," and excerpts from "A Biographical Note" and "A Statement on Poetics." Shows Wieners, a student of Duncan, reading "A Poem for Painters," "Cocaine," and an excerpt from an unpublished prose work.
Delineates some of India's major problems and the progress being made toward solving some of them. Reports on famine, industrialization, birth control campaigns, a fertilizer festival, governmental "red-tape," food destruction by pests, village life, sacred cows, and politics.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Examines Richard Lippold's approach to the relationship between the artist's experience and the way in which he shapes it into its own organic form. Presents Lippod, a musician as well as sculptor, in his studio at the organ, and continues with some of his sculpture, including "The Sun." Shows shots of the sun and light in objects, people, animals, birds, and the sea as the types of experience providing inspiration to Lippold in creating "The Sun."
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Discusses the beliefs, concepts, and attitudes which have influenced the novels of John Updike. Presents several selections from short stories read by the author and accompanied by scenes which depict the narration.
How the interest of large Japanese industries in abortion and fertility control measures, legalized abortion, and the trend among Japanese people to marry at a later age in life, had helped the Japanese people balance births with deaths.