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Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.
Designed to be used with an educational psychology text. Shows, through the story of Tommy, the importance of goals in learning. His natural curiosity thwarted in school, he seems bored. By contrast, he readily learns to gain recognition, to overcome jealousy, and to keep his small newspaper business flourishing because there are definite goals involved. His teacher finally realizes what has been missing in the classroom.
Guests: Denis W. Brogan, professor of political science at Cambridge University, England; Harlan Cleveland, Dean of the Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, and senior author of "The Overseas Americans;" Santha Rama Rau, Indian author; Saville Davis, managing editor, The Christian Science Monitor.
In this program, Mrs. Roosevelt and her guests will examine the reasons why America is disliked in some parts of the world and what we can do about it. They will discuss American tourists, diplomats and business men in overseas activities; also the role American movies play in shaping our image abroad.
Presents the essentials of story telling techniques through observation of two experienced story tellers and the development of the skill in a young librarian. An observation of a skilled story presentation by an experienced person is followed by a young librarian who fails to capture the children's attention due to improper preparation for story telling. Through careful guidance and rehearsals the young librarian is later successful in capturing the children's interest. Integration of art and music with folk and fairy tales is also indicated.
Depicts the life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer of the 16th century. Portrays his exploration of the new world and shows some of his personal possessions including sword, ceremonial helmet, and Bible. Shows model demonstrations of how ships sailed in those days and how sailors fought. Indicates the crude navigation instruments used by early explorers and points out the difficulties which Drake encountered.
Footage of the 1965 IU commencement exercises outside in the football stadium. Includes images of IU President Elvis Stahr Jr. speaking, releasing of balloons, and the graduates before and after the ceremony. Shows Stahr presenting honorary degrees to Nicholson Joseph Eastman, Charles A. Halleck, and David Eli Lilienthal.
Describes the training of prospective teachers at Indiana University's School of Education. Highlights the need for teachers in response to postwar population growth.
Describes the importance of industrial research in satisfying consumer needs and meeting competition. Shows through animation the large expenditure of time and money that has gone into the development of nylon, as well as into unsuccessful attempts to develop new products.
This NBC film shows how a community organization in New York City has helped to diffuse a violent atmosphere. It also demonstrates consumer (tenant) protection by the use of legal-aid and rent strikes.
Uses animation, diagrams, plans, scale models, and scenes of representative buildings (particularly French cathedrals) to explain and illustrate the development of Gothic architecture in the 12th and 13th centuries. Stresses the importance of balance and harmony as the fundamental laws of architecture.
Describes the experiences of two African American families when they try to rent an apartment in a middle-sized northern city: one family is repeatedly refused, but the other eventually finds an apartment.
Explores the problem that young people have with alcoholism. Stimulates consideration of self-reliance, decision-making, and resistance to peer pressure as part of developing the resolve to live free of dependence on alcohol or other drugs.
Records the activities and sounds in a freight yard upon the arrival of a freight train. Portrays a turntable in operation, a steam locomotive in a roundhouse for servicing, a diesel engine moving through an automatic washer, and the reassembling of cars into a new train. A recording of the film-sound and music accompanies the film.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Mose demonstrates the placement of features and the locating and working out of the especially prominent jaw muscles of the model. He explains the use of the death maskand tells stories about models and techniques.
Seeks a point of view on the United States tariff policy through interviews with a subject expert and three opinion representatives. Explains popular misconceptions of the tariff problem and fundamental facts involved in this policy issue. Presents arguments for high tariff rates and protectionism for American industry as well as arguments for a liberalized tariff program designed to establish freer world trade. Discusses the alternative compromise of controlling American trade barriers on a selective basis so as to protect industries especially vulnerable to foreign competition. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
An interpretive report on American schools which dramatizes the importance of the printed word in teaching and learning. Uses visual techniques--including a scene from Romeo and Juliet and a description of the workings of the cosmos--to portray many facets of the learning process as evidenced in both elementary and high school classrooms.