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"How our fighting equipment gets through to our fighting men in quantity and on time. The mountains of supplies for combat loaded at ports of embarkation are unloaded under combat conditions and under fire in the South Pacific. From behind-the-lines General Supply Depots they are moved through jungle swamps to advance bases, to the firing lines. The never-ending battle of supply is graphically told in these pictures."--Supplement to Visual Aids Catalog, Indiana University Extension Division, May 1945.
Shows to the men and women of American industry the vital importance to the war effort of all the little parts that they are making. Discusses the importance of ball bearings to the Nazi war effort and the Allied strategy of crippling the bearings industry. Shows the planning and intelligence gathering that led to the bombing of ball bearing factories in Schweinfurt.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
News stories include the introduction of the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber, the war in New Guinea, urging those at home to repair appliances as new ones are not available, the bombing on Naples, Italy, a letter to his fellow workers from machinist Arthur Hocking whose son has been killed in the war urging them to do everything possible to wind up the war, the United States Coast Guard song is played over scenes of Coast Guard life.
Discusses the importance of various secret weapons used throughout World War II, such as radar and the atomic bomb. The film emphasizes the development and use of these weapons as being critical to winning the war, thereby justifying their costs. Ends with a plea to purchase victory bonds to support research that will prevent future wars.
Shows heavy equipment of all types used by the Corps of Engineers and the Seabees during World War II. Describes how the "work power" of military construction units clears beaches of mines, constructs new roads, builds bridges and airstrips, and sets up water purification systems. Contrasts the pre-technological building techniques of China, India, and Africa with the technological might of the U.S. military.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
News stories include civilians giving up travel to enable the movement of soldiers, how a truck operates as a laundry at the front, the highway from Seattle through Canada to Alaska is completed, a report on the campaign in New Guinea, a sing-along version of The Marines' Hymn.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Alexander A. Nikolsky, Hal Kopel
Describes the unique contribution of the helicopter to transportation; explains how the helicopter flies and how it can be controlled; compares the helicopter with the conventional plane. Demonstrates the operation of many types of helicopters which are being flown today and points out the potentialities of the helicopter for reshaping the pattern of transportation.
Stresses that observation is basic to learning the sciences and the arts by showing a boy observing an old house, an example of capillary action, and a science experiment. Emphasizes the importance of the tools of observation--being alert, being interested, and asking questions.
Combines live photography with animated drawings to explain the nature of heat and some of the principal ways in which heat is transferred. Deals with such characteriestic of heat as conduction, convection, and radiation; develops the concept of insulation; and illustrates and discusses practical applications of heat in home and industry.
Shows the telephone center and the bedside telephone service in a U.S. Army hospital. Discusses the beneficial effects on the soldiers of receiving telephone calls from home and advises families at home how to handle these important calls.