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A rocket motor operates for a short time and then the missile coasts the rest of the way up and down. Once into the coasting period there is no way to change its trajectory. Stray missiles are prevented from leaving the range by stopping their motors before the burning is scheduled to end. Some missiles can be guided from the ground. Three types of guidance systems are: Command, Beam Riding, and Homing.
Shows fueling operation, static firing, and the actual firing of the Viking missile. Pictures the recovery of the rocket after it has fallen, and explains that upper air information may be obtained by the study of the parts that are recovered.
Cameras are carried in rockets to get technical information about the flight. The resulting movies and stills provide interesting viewing in addition to their primary value. Other applications, such as meteorological predictions, beside the present usages, are suggested by some of the pictures.
Relates to rocket development the problem of getting a man out of a fast-moving aircraft with a minimum of personal injury. Illustrates this phase of rocketry with pictures of the rocket sled at Holloman Air Force Base.
Discuses the problem of harmful effects on the human body caused by extended exposure to cosmic radiation. Describes how these effects have been studied by exposing animals, insects, eggs, and seeds to cosmic radiation at high altitudes. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Reviews the evidence on both sides and discusses the importance of the issue of accepting or rejecting Darwin's theory. Discusses the evidence in support of the conception that man is different in kind from other animals because he is rational. Stresses the significance of the entire issue. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Explains centrifugal force and its relationship to the establishment of an earth satellite. Shows the three-stage missile and the part it might play in the formation of a satellite. Outlines various possible orbits of such a satellite. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Discusses some of the problems related to the recovery of a multi-stage rocket used to establish and maintain an earth satellite. Describes the recovery, by parachute or glider technique, of the first two stages of a three stage missile. Outlines how the third stage of such a rocket would return to the earth. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Discusses naviagational routes in space travel. Describes parabolas, hyperbolas and ellipses as the curves that will be traced by airships coasting in planetary and solar gravitational fields.
Discusses opposing views concerning the necessity of government, and illustrates why some form of government is essential for the common good of the group. Explains the two general types of government--leader centered and majority rule. Points out the danger of the two extremes of government--anarchy with unlimited individual rights or a powerful government with no individual rights. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature of art and its role in human life. Points out the difference in science, art, and prudence, and compares the way in which all things come into being--natural generation, artistic production, and divine creation. Explains that to do a work of art is to do something deliberately by knowledge and rules.
Discusses the fundamental ideas of government, and points out that a government to be just must be for, of, and by the people. Explains why a government must have power and authority in order to function. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses the powers a government should have and how they should be limited. Identifies two basic problems--the power of men in government and the power of the government itself. Quotes Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton to illustrate opposing views concerning the power of government. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Outlines and explains the various forms of government, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. Describes government by one man, by a few men, and by the populace, and discusses governments in terms of whether they are working for the common good of the people or self interests. Distinguishes between representative and direct democracy, and points out that extreme democracy is mob rule. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Describes the nature of work, and discusses work in relation to other life activities. Compares the time spent in labor by the average working man today with that of the pre-industrial man, and illustrates the change in his available free time. States that rest has a religious significance as referred to in the Old Testament and does not mean sleep. (Mortimer-Adler San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Distinguishes between work and play and work and leisure, and discusses the meaning of chores. Explains that work is that which we have to do for subsistence. Presents a derivation of the word "leisure", and lists some leisure activities. Places leisure between work and play, and points out that there are no distinct dividing lines between leisure and work and leisure and play. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Explains the need for law, and discusses the kinds of law which men provide over and above natural or divine law. Compares the various kinds of law with the enforcement necessary to make them binding. Shows how penal codes and civil law define various types of offenses, and describes different law-making authorities. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions). Kinescope.
Discusses Christian dogma versus the Darwinian theory. Stresses the impact of modern psychology and biology upon man's concept of man. Discusses some sociological and legal distinctions between man and animals. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Continues the discussion of how and in what respects man differs from other animals. Defines what is meant by difference in kind and degree giving the biologist's conception and the philosopher's definition. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Discusses various types of work, ranging from sheer drudgery to labors of love. Lists several activities, such as dancing, football, carpentry, and music, which are play for some and work for others. States two conditions by which work takes on dignity, and defines the dignity of man and the dignity of labor. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Defines "justice of law," and discusses the relation of natural to just and unjust law. Explains the equality of justice, and illustrates how man-made laws have been evolving toward natural laws. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
This is the first of a series of four discussions on philosophy. In it, Dr. Adler defines philosophy and discusses the relationship of philosophy to science and religion. He also answers the question whether man needs a philosophy of life and reveals his belief that philosophy is useful and, in fact, is the foundation of all learning.
Show how philosophy differs from science and religion in its methods and objectives, and states that each is independent of the other. Points out that as historians, chemists, and astronomers differ in their methods of inquiry, so also do scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Insists that there need not be conflicts among the three if each group stayed within their own field. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Tells about the Institute of Philosophical Research in San Francisco, and discusses its purpose and activities. Explains the necessary conditions for philosophical progress, and describes the contribution of the Institute to liberal education. Points out that the Institute is not attempting to find answers to all questions, but rather to establish a foundation for future philosophers. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses the evidence and arguments for the Darwinian theory of man's nature and origin. Outlines the Theory of Evolution as it applies to plants and animals, and applies this theory to man, considering both physical and mental evolution. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Explains the difference in the use of the word "law" in natural science, and the word "law" as used in art, politics, and conduct. Shows pictures to illustrate various concepts of law, and points out that criminal law makes up only a small portion of the laws of daily life. Discusses opposing views on what constitutes "the law." (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Considers the kinds of human love, the various meanings of the word "love" as it is used in ordinary speech, and the different attitudes that people take toward love. Focuses on the problem of the distinction between love and desire and their relation to one another. (Palmer Films) Film.
Documents the series of 147 tornadoes which struck the South and Midwest sections of the United States in April 1974. Includes extensive footage of the tornadoes in Xenia and Cincinnati, Ohio and in Louisville, Kentucky. Shows how warning, advance preparation, and coordination in emergency operating centers helped to save many lives.
Discusses the opinion in the realm of action, and points out the need for authority because of the disagreement among men. Points out that man makes decisions through his own judgement or opinion. Explains that the freedom of choice raises the need for some authority, either force or majority rule, in order that men may live together in peace. (Palmer Films) Film.
Shows the variety of ways animals obtain food and their different types of digestive cavities--fully closed, one opening, and two openings. Examines digestive organs in an earthworm, grasshopper, frog, cat, and bird. Looks at peristalsis in a dog's stomach and the action of the villi in a pigeon's small intestine.
Discusses intellectual learning and the role of the teacher. Shows how learning is only a small part of education, and mentions briefly some theories of learning. Points out that the learner must act if learning is to take place and that the teacher us only a guide and an aid to the learner. (Palmer Films) Film.
Outlines the obligations of the average person with respect to controversy and controversial matters, the relationship of freedom of discussion to the shifting of opinion, and the role of minority opinion. (Palmer Films) Film.
Footage of various student activity around campus at Indiana University - Bloomington during the fall season. Includes aerial shots. This footage may have been shot with the intention of using it for promotional purposes.
What does statehood mean to Alaskans? John MacVane conducts sidewalk interviews with the new citizens, and draws from them a series of interesting responses. Joe Kirkbridge, editor of The Daily Alaska Empire(a Juneau paper), tells about the many conditions that hamper Alaska’s future development. Governor William Egan, in an interview in his offices, speaks of the Alaskans’ inventiveness and their willingness to be self-reliant, to accept hardship, and to help one another. His statement is a remarkable combination of idealistic anticipation and realistic appraisal of the difficulties facing the development of Alaska.
Provides an introduction to the series 'Design Workshop.' Explains how the elements of are and good design are related to everyday living. Shows some of the techniques to be taught in the remaining programs.
Beginning with a visit to Anchorage, shows the city's modern developments in offices, houses, schools, and factories which best typify modern Alaska. Visits other sources of industry, commerce, education, and culture in Alaska. Points out factors that may slow Alaska's growth.
Visits Eskimos in the North and Indians in the South and discusses some of the problems confronting these native Alaskans since the appearance of the white man. Tells how native Indians are assimilating with the white settlers and the Eskimos are threatened with extinction through destruction of their hunting and fishing grounds.
resents the scope of international exchange programs now in process. Explains the various types of exchange. Discusses the Fulbright scholarships and shows a film on the experiment in international living in Austria. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Describes the lands of East Africa that are members of the British Commonwealth. Discusses variations in degree of self government and in the composition of populations. A native of Tanganuika presents his views on independence for his homeland and outlines a course of action. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the purpose, successes, and failures of NATO, the prospects for extending its economic functions, and ways of making it more effective. Gives the history of NATO's formation and explains the financial contribution of each member country. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Outlines the political history of the Congo and discusses the success of the Belgian colonial policy. A native of the Congo proposes a program for more self-government of the people. Stresses the economic importance of the Congo to Belgium and to the United States. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the problem of homesteading and labor shortages with commissioners of natural resources and labor. Strongly suggest that anyone contemplating entering business or establishing a homestead in Alaska look carefully into the prospects first. Visits with an "old" and "new" homesteader and discusses some of the problems they faced.
Discusses Alaska's proximity to Russia and its importance as a base of warning in the event of a surprise attack. Depicts the nature of the warning systems and military installations. Interviews military leaders to comment on the extent of our defenses in Alaska.
Discusses the formation of the Afro-Asian bloc, the declaration issued by it, and the possible influences this organization may have in world politics. Considers official United States reaction to the bloc and the bloc's possible influence on the formation of United States foreign policy. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses attempts, from the Roman Empire to the present, at European unification. Examines the progress in economic unification through the Schuman Plan. Appraises the effects on the United States on the degree of unification in Europe. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Home movie of Ed Feil traveling from Paris to Vienna at the end of his military service. Shows soldiers in a bombed out train station in Karlsruhe and a landscape of heavy rubble while passing through Germany.
Feil, Ed, George Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil
Compilation of home movies taken by Ed Feil during his military service. Begins when he enters the Army in June 1943. Covers his basic training at Fort Riley, experience in the Army Specialized Training Program at the University of Nebraska, and the 66th Infantry Division in action firing mortars. Features many shots of fellow soldiers interacting with the camera and flirting with girls. In Nebraska, the whole family meets (possibly with some extended family - Nellie Feil is originally from Omaha).
Home movie of Ed Feil's return trip to the United States at the end of his military service. Beginning on a train, he travels to Camp Phillip Morris in Le Havre before sailing to New York on the Florence Nightingale. Shows footage of soldiers and military personnel (including women) aboard the ship and Ed Feil's certificate of honorable discharge. Ends with Ed back in Cleveland with Mary and his parents. He visits the Cleveland Art Museum.
The commercial shows a young couple vacationing at a Jamaican resort and Jamaican natives going about their daily lives. The commercial is accompanied by a musical drum beat.
William C. “Bill” Smith of Oregon Educational Broadcasting, who hosts and narrates this group of programs, takes youngsters on a day’s jaunt to an Oregon “egg factory,” a dairy farm and a dairy manufacturing plant to show them that, though milk, butter and eggs still come from the same old reliable sources, the ways which they are processed have changed considerably. On a farm where 100,000 laying hens produce enough eggs in one day to feed cities the size of Schenectady; New York; St. Joseph, MO; and Kalamazoo, Michigan, we see how eggs are gathered, cleaned and graded, and sent to market. On the dairy farms we see modern milking methods and milk being transported to a manufacturing plant. Processes involved in bottling milk and making cheese are seen, and the ice cream bar section is visited.
Uses regular photography and animation to present the physical characteristics, the people, and the natural resources of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Follows the activities of two men--John Bergesen, farmer and first officer of the freighter Arcturus, and Olaf Thorson, a typical industrial worker of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Interviews Richard Wilbur and Robert Lowell (Pulitzer Prize winners) and explores their interests in poetic expression, and the origins of the ideas in their respective poems. Presents Wilbur reading "On The Marginal Way," "Love Calls Us To The Things of this World," and "Advice to a Prophet." Shows Lowell reading "Water," "Soft Wood," "A Flaw," "Fall, 1961," and "The Opposite House."
Four mobsters play a game of cards. Eventually, one of the mobsters loses his temper during the game when the other mobsters ate all the Cracker Jacks before he had the chance to eat any. The card game then turns into a brawl.
A girl name Barbie plays stores with her mother’s collection of Ivory soap. A narrator states how Ivory soap is affordable and can be used to increase the beauty of any girl no matter what their age is.
Closeup shots of a man shaving with a Remington electric shaver are shown along with shots highlighting the dial and the different shaving settings. A narrator explains the qualities of the razor.
Takes Leni Riefenstahl's footage from the Nuremberg speeches of the Nazi Leaders and superimposes English "translations" over a set of orations in English "in which Hitler, Goebbels, Göring, Streicher and Hess report their sins and mistakes as frankly as if they were victims of one of those notorious 'confession drugs'." (Documentary News Letter, March 1943, 195).
A man counts out 18 traditional razorblades before the commercial transitions to shots of the Norelco electric shaver being used which has 18 blades in it.
Traces the career of John Glenn, first U.S. astronaut, from his school days in New Concord, Ohio, to his speech to the U.S. Congress after his orbital flight. Pictures Glenn as a typical, but highly successful, American boy. Interviews many people in his town who speak well of him and follows his career in the armed forces. Shows preparations for the space flight, the blast off, Glenn in flight, the return from orbit, the parades, and the appearance before Congress.
A narrator recites a couple of lines from the Charge of the Light Brigade and recounts how throughout British military history soldiers carried a Wilkinson sword. The narrator then states how Wilkinson razors have inherited the same quality as the swords they produce.
A man wearing a tuxedo escort a medieval lady on horseback through a castle. The camera then pans to a bottle of British Sterling Cologne presented on a silver plate. A narrator states that the cologne will make any man a legend.
As a woman is being chauffeured through Monaco, she takes a bath in the back of her Rolls Royce with Calgon Bath Oil Beads. When she arrives at her destination she is dressed up and ready for her date.
Shows many of the kitchen appliances of tomorrow. Takes the viewer inside the experimental laboratories of General Motors to see such advanced aids to cooking as an automatic recipe viewer, heatless oven, automatic servers, and new designs in cabinets. Through animation, gives a short glimpse of some seemingly improbably but beneficial inventions not yet perfected.
Surveys the natural resources of Washington and Oregon, which are shown to depend upon the water supply, which in turn depends on lumbering and forestry management. Two boys from a conservation club observe many steps in the reforestation process and various phases of lumbering and the manufacture of wood products.
Dick Thomas, Mitchell Ayres and his Fashions in Music Orchestra, Minoco Productions, Inc., Mary Ann Mercer, Tommy Taylor
Dick Thomas performs "Jingle Jangle Jingle" from the Paramount Picture "Forest Rangers."
Mitchell Ayres and his Fashions in Music Orchestra perform "You're a lucky fellow Mr. Smith."
Roscoe Drummond, Washington columnist for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews a subject expert and two opinion representatives regarding slum clearance and housing. Estimates that it will cost America $100 billion to clear our nation of slums and stop the deterioration of our cities. Presents arguments for the participation of the federal government in solving this crisis because of the tremendous cost of slum clearance as well as arguments for the participation of private enterprise with the support of local citizens and governments. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
Compares the Columbia, Colorado, and Sacramento-San Joaquin river systems to show what man has done to utilize each to his advantage. Illustrates the adaptation of the rivers to diverse uses--as avenues of commerce, for logging and fishing, for electrical power, and water.
Shows the actual excavation of pre-Columbian sculpture at Veracruz, Mexico, by a National Geographic Society-Smithsonian Institution expedition. Emphasizes the discovery of the largest deposit of jade ever found.
Discusses and demonstrates both undesirable and desirable pre-camera or rehearsal procedures from the director's point of view. Traces the development of a program from its inception to camera time. Features Alan Beaumont.
A tour of a museum reveals the prominent figures and soldiers that have carried Wilkinson swords throughout history. A narrator explains that Wilkinson’s tradition of quality sword making has carried on to their production of razorblades.
A wife questions why her husband is late. The husband responds that he was late because he was having the car serviced. The wife then explains that he should have called an Esso dealer because of their quality service.
Uses slides, the microscope, and graphic illustrations to explain plant and animal cells. Discusses the basic content and structure of cells. Shows how cells differentiate and function as members of larger units--tissues and organs. Illustrates growth by cell division and introduces the concept of meiosis. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presents a simple, scientific way of helping young people grasp the basic concepts of reproduction. Shows the event of sperm and egg of the sea urchin uniting and dividing. Illustrates, with the birth of a bat, how the early development of the young goes on inside the female. Contrasts mammalian reproduction with the lower animals which lay eggs. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presents the story of the orchid. Uses close-ups to show how the orchid differs from simpler flowers. Demonstrates with actual orchids the complicated flower parts. Explains their devices and traps for attracting insects to insure cross-pollination. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Visits the Brookfield Zoo to discover those animals which look and live alike but are unrelated. Explains that copy-cats occur in the plant, bird, and animal, worlds, and tells why. Uses film clips of the echidna, flying squirrel, flying phalanger, tenrec, hummingbirds, sunbirds, toucan, and hornbill. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Uses the cross section of a tree stump to explain the events in the life of a tree. Tells how insects, weather, hurricanes, and urbanization effect the life of a tree. Describes the function of the parts of a tree trunk. Illustrates, through experiments, how a tree lifts great quantities of water high in the air. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Dramatizes the questions raised in Darwin's mind on his return to England from his famous voyage. Discusses why animals differ when found in different locations, why and how species arise, and if new forms appear suddenly. Uses graphic illustrations, slides, and live animals to explain simple concepts of the origin of the species. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Visits the Brookfield Zoo to show how climate, geographical catastrophes, and an animal's adaptation to its environment makes it impossible to live elsewhere. Tells the story with filmed sequences of lorises, hornbills, and related monkey families. Shows how birds are limited in flight by rivers, mountains, and oceans. Explains how some animals, by their adaptability and locomotion, can escape their environment and become widespread. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Emphasizes the difficulties of night driving and explains the steps necessary to lessen the accident danger. Gives detailed information concerning emergency situations and what to do when emergencies arise--hood flying up, lights going out, brake failure, blowout, flat tire, hospital run, scene of accidents, and animals. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Stresses recognizing adverse conditions as they appear in the traffic picture. Describes the safety factors involved for utmost driving efficiency in snow and ice. Discusses the special problems of rain as more fatalities occur on wet streets than on snowy or icy streets. Show the changes in traffic conditions in fog, on mountains and in deserts. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses how to buy a new car, how to buy a used car, the variable and fixed costs of car operation, economies in operating your car, and advertised gadgets.
Discusses the child's struggles to be "himself". Explains why children may or may not want to follow in their parent's footsteps. Points out the dangers of pushing children too hard in fulfilling ambitions set up by parents. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses problems arising when children become curious about sex and birth. Explains how parents can prepare themselves for this time, why questions must be answered, and how to proceed for mutual benefit of child and parent. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the problems and rewards presented by the integrated school. Explains how the integrated school can, through constructive experiences, provide an opportunity for children to learn about problems they must eventually face. Answers questions concerning race and minority group prejudice, formation of undesirable manners and language, and the prevention od delinquency. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses jealousy and fighting for attention among brothers and sisters. Tells what parents can do to overcome sibling rivalry. Answers questions concerning acceptance of only one brother and sister and not the others, treatment of siblings with respect to gifts, punishment, privileges, and loyalty of brothers and sisters for one another. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Dr. Maria Piers discusses different ways parents can keep a child's fears of hospitals, doctors and nurses to a minimum. She talks about different coping methods for parents and children while a child goes through hospitalization.
Asks why children like TV so much and debates the effects of TV on children's behavior. Dr. Maria Piers offers answers to these questions and suggests how TV can be of help to a busy mother.
Why is one child a bully and another a shy, retiring individual? What can be done about the “neighborhood bully?” Dr. Maria Piers discusses the many different types of children and the special things parents can do to help shy children become more outgoing and calming down other children and teaching them to think about other people.
Why do children form clubs? Is this a step toward delinquency? Dr. Maria Piers describes children's needs to belong to group and how they learn about democracy from belonging to these smaller groups. She also describes the difference between a club and a gang.
Should babysitters be young or old –teenagers or grandparents? Can grandparents be good babysitters? What do children need from a babysitter? Why do grandparents “spoil” their grandchildren? Mrs. Maria Piers discusses the modern family and some difficulties when “outsiders” come to help.
Discusses jealousy between siblings, how to help an older child adjust to having a sibling and if jealousy is inevitable. Dr. Maria Piers answers these questions during the program.
Maria Piers discusses children's bedtimes and what to do when they refuse to go to bed. Talks about what parents can do to make bedtime easier for kids and adults.
Host Lee Wilcox speaks with Dr. Maria Piers about how responsibility grows in children, and if independence is a "curse" or a "blessing." Features a "Peanuts" cartoon by Charles Schultz.
Host Lee Wilcox speaks with Dr. Maria Piers about how adults can responsibly teach children about the difference between lies and the truth. Features a "Peanuts" comic by Charles Schultz.
Why do the report cards of many children show such a wide range of achievement? Dr. Maria Pier’s points out that it is normal for a child’s report card to vary in quality. She discusses whether or not the bright child should be allowed to skip grades (years) and what marks really measure.
Today beneath our feet we find dwarf plants which once were green giants of the Coal Age. We may hold a fossil in our hands of a plant that live 250,000,000 years ago, yet looked very much like a fern of today. The club mosses, horsetails and ferns, mostly miniature plants in northern forests, once grew to be 60-1000 feet tall in the warm, damp climate of the Carboniferous Period. Out of a terrarium, which you might set up in your living room, will unfold this story of a past age of plant life. You will find out how these simple plants reproduce by spores, and you’ll learn how to keep them in a miniature world.
Modern reptiles have body structures and characteristics much like their giant ancestors of long ago. This will be an introduction to the contemporary reptiles, the ones living now which we can watch and observe and study. On this program, Meyer Bornstein, who is studying biology at Northeastern University, will introduce through living examples the four kinds of reptiles; alligators, lizard, snakes and turtles. He will tell you about their habits, and show you how he cares for and learns from reptiles as pets.