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The film stresses that greater understanding and cooperation is needed between bicyclists and motorists to safely share the roadways. Based on recent research data on bicycle-motor vehicle accidents, critical situations in the ever-increasing bike-car traffic mix are discussed in terms of how bicyclists and motorists can cope with: Obstacles to the Flow of Traffic, Left Turn maneuvers, Visibility (Seeing and Being Seen), Right Turn Movements, Rules of the Road.
Discusses the free or open mental hospital. Includes views of a visit to the St. Lawrence State Hospital in Ogdensburg, New York. Explains how the open hospital operates, the difficulties involved in its administration, how patients respond, and how the system has succeeded. Features Dr. Herman Snow.
This is the first in a series of children’s program. Poindexter introduces his friend Mr. Raccoon, Miss Red Hen, The Princes and the Boy from “The Story that Never Ended,” the shoemaker from the story of “The Elves and the Shoemaker,” puppets from the “Grasshopper and the Ants,” the Gingerbread Boy, The Three Little Pigs, and many others. This program sets the scene for the story adventures ahead in this series.
Mr. Goldovsky discusses his basic philosophy of the Opera in English and demonstrates his production techniques with excerpts from Rigoletto, and his own personal story of the need for the broader concept and acceptance of opera.
Film features the Jeep audio visual unit, a vehicle equipped to provide complete sound and picture projection, regardless of road conditions or weather. Follows the vehicle as it used in an educational presentation.
Demonstrates the operation and care of the RCA 400 16mm sound projector. Presents detailed instructions for setting up the Junior and Senior models and for initial adjustment, threading, operating, rewinding, and packing up projectors. Demonstrates the cleaning and lubrication procedures for the two projectors and the replacement of tubes in the amplifier section.
Demonstrates the operation and care of the Victor 16mm sound projector. Shows in detail the steps in assembling and threading the projector, demonstrates the 10-hour cleaning procedure for the film track and the optical and sound systems, illustrates the changing of projection lamps, and shows the 100-hour lubrication procedure. Depicts the instruction manual as an audio-visual tool.
Demonstrates the successful rehabilitation of mental health patients in Palo Alto Veterans Hospital. Explains that they are given tokens for rewards, trained in sheltered workshops, and finally re-established in the outside world. Shows examples of last-phase patients operating their own gas station and renovating a home where other released patients will live. Points out that an ex-patient serves as an advisor for newly released patients.
Discusses the characteristics of the operetta, how it emerged out of various opera types in the 18th century, and summarizes the more important works and their composers. Highlights the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan, and presents a vocal duet from the Mikado. Describes the productions of Johann Strauss and explains why his music is still favored today. (Univ. Calf. Ext.) Film.
Discusses the opinion in the realm of action, and points out the need for authority because of the disagreement among men. Points out that man makes decisions through his own judgement or opinion. Explains that the freedom of choice raises the need for some authority, either force or majority rule, in order that men may live together in peace. (Palmer Films) Film.
Portrays to youth the wide variety of career opportunities in sales and merchandising occupations, how entry jobs fit into the career ladder, work settings, levels of occupations, and information about preparatory experience available through part-time work or a summer job in the retailing industry.
Uses laboratory experiments to survey the field of organic chemistry. Tells why a whole field study is devoted to carbon and its compounds. Shows how carbon compounds differ from other compounds. Demonstrates properties of various compounds. (KQED) Film.
Discusses the work and goals of organic research into the problem of insanity, and includes views of the Research Division of the Columbia Psychiatric Institute. Show various experiments, including those dealing with the cellular analysis of the brain, reaction time in aged animals and persons, and the effects of prenatal disturbances on the development of children. Discusses the purposes of research and the hopes of discovering cures for, and prevention of mental disease. Features Dr. Benjamin Pasamanick.
Dr. Shapley of the Harvard Observatory speaks about the origins of the solar system. Shapley was an American astronomer who deduced that the Sun lies near the central plane of the Milky Way Galaxy and was not at the center but some 30,000 light-years away.
Once man had created the articles he needed for survival and comfort, he launched himself on a campaign to make himself more attractive physically. It is conceivable that, in his vanity, he turned his hand to beautifying himself even before considering some of his more fundamental needs. With Miss Brynner, Shari Lewis examines some ornaments created from materials at hand which help satisfy man’s universal desire to be attractive.
Describes the numerous and varied users of the highway other than passenger cars. Explains how the driver must react as he confronts unusual traffic situations such as animals, funerals, hay-wagon parties, railroads, etc. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Describes the constant activity of the industries and public services of a typical American town, and shows how inhabitants of the town are dependent upon each other for their comfort and well being.
Historical Summary:
Illustrates community institutions, their services and activities, by portraying a day in the life of ten-year-old Richard. Points out ways in which the members of a community serve each other, and emphasizes the responsibility of membership in a community.
This program in the series is a singing survey of America at work, play, in love and the songs of the children. Bash sings some of her favorites including “Liza Jane,” “Prisoner of Life,” “Every Night When the Sun Goes In,” “The Fox,” “The Riddle Song,” “Dig My Grave,” “If I Had a Ribbon Bow,” “Hullabaloo Belay” and “The Titanic.”
Shows the differences among individuals in age, sex, race, size, aptitude, interests, attitudes, and achievement, and illustrates graphically how these traits are distributed into a bell-shaped curve when a large number of people are considered together. Shows how social expectations can create problems for deviants on either side of the curve. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
William C. “Bill” Smith of Oregon Educational Broadcasting, who hosts and narrates this group of programs, takes youngsters on a day’s jaunt to an Oregon “egg factory,” a dairy farm and a dairy manufacturing plant to show them that, though milk, butter and eggs still come from the same old reliable sources, the ways which they are processed have changed considerably. On a farm where 100,000 laying hens produce enough eggs in one day to feed cities the size of Schenectady; New York; St. Joseph, MO; and Kalamazoo, Michigan, we see how eggs are gathered, cleaned and graded, and sent to market. On the dairy farms we see modern milking methods and milk being transported to a manufacturing plant. Processes involved in bottling milk and making cheese are seen, and the ice cream bar section is visited.
Fruit and vegetables are the familiar products examined in this program. Bill Smith journeys to the farm to see how peas are harvested, processed, and packed – a highly mechanized operation. He visits a strawberry patch where the luscious, red fruit is being picked. As a side trip he visits a carton factory to see how frozen food containers for peas and strawberries are made.
Huston Smith visits Paul Hoffman, in New York City, first director of the Marshall Plan, and, in Cambridge, John Kenneth Galbraith and Paul Samuelson, professors at Harvard and MIT, to discuss foreign aid. Is it, as some say, “operation rat-hole,” or a vital part of our foreign policy? What do we expect to accomplish by means of it, and how should we proceed?
Huston Smith interviews Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in New York City and Harold Stassen in Philadelphia on what we are really seeking in our diplomacy. They answer that our aim is to build a peaceful world of independent and prospering democracies. They explore ways to do this.
Huston Smith visits Dr. F.C. Redlich in Princeton, NJ, and Dr. Erich Fromm in New York City, and explores some problems of mental health with them. What is mental illness? Is it increasing? Do we know how to treat it? Can the layman do anything to help the mentally disturbed? Is the problem becoming too large to cope with?
James S. Pickering discusses the gradual conception and changing picture of the Local or Milky Way Galaxy from an all-embracing universe to just one of the countless galaxies. Its probable appearance is given with its dimensions and stellar population. Also discussed are the reasons for our belief in the present estimate of its size and physical make up.
Huston Smith visits Professor John Kenneth Galbraith of Harvard and Professor Paul Samuelson of MIT to discuss the American economy: how it compares with that of other nations, problems it faces, and what should be done about these. Special attention is given to the question of why a nation so rich in things (cars, homes, and TV sets) is relatively so poor in services (teachers, police, social workers, mental hospitals).
Fifteen million families’ move each year – and three-fourths of them merely change addresses within the same county. They move because they want a better place to live; they need not only houses or shops or schools but also police, fire protection, sanitation, and many other services that can only be provided by a community. And there are more and more people moving – more and more homes built on what is, after all, only a limited amount of land. This land must be used wisely: a planning engineer, similar to ones called in by communities across the country, describes the problems that a community must deal with when its population increases five-fold in a few years, and mentions some of the steps that are taken to provide for future planning and development. Most important are the procedures taken to stop and reverse the tendency for some areas to turn into slums; the program concludes with a short outline of Federal plans for urban redevelopment, and a plea to the viewer to take more active interest in his city.
Huston Smith interviews Professor Mark Van Doren in Greenwich Village, New York City, and Dr. William Ernest Hocking atop a New Hampshire mountain, to discuss American education with them. How does it compare with education in other countries? What kind of education do we want? Whom do we want to educate? For how long? For what purpose?
Huston Smith journeys to the South to explore two radically different positions concerning race in America. In Little Rock, Harry Ashmore, Pulitzer Prize winning editor of the Arkansas Gazette, outlines the liberal position; in Jackson, Mississippi, William Simmons, editor of the Citizens’ Council, explains the conservative viewpoint.
Huston Smith continues his journey through the South exploring “America’s most agonizing problem,” the problem of race. Having talked last week to white spokesmen of varying persuasions, he turns this week to the way Negroes look at the problem. His consultants are Dr. Benjamin Mays, President of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia and Charles Burton, Assistant County, Greenville, Mississippi.
Huston Smith interviewers Harold Stassen in Philadelphia and Dr. and Mrs. Walt Rostow of MIT in Cambridge about our posture toward our foremost adversary. Is coexistence possible? What are Russia’s intentions and how should we meet them? Can we hope that Russia will change with the passing of time? Can we do anything to assist a change?
Stresses the importance of teeth in the digestive system, identifies and explains the purposes of the different teeth, and shows tooth development from infancy, the structure of teeth, how tooth decay starts, and the necessity for correct diet. A classroom film.
Presents a discussion on America's position in the modern world. Covers such topics as foreign aid plans, internal restrictions on the operation of our foreign policy, and the operations of the United Nations.
This film outlines the convalescent training program for hospitalized U.S. airmen in World War II. It is designed to acquaint the convalescent with the program in which he will take part. Patients are shown in their beds, doing light calisthenics in the wards, exercising specific muscles using specially designed equipment, exercising and playing games out-of-doors, and engaging in hobbies and crafts. Other aspects of the program involve convalescents sharing wartime experiences with their fellow patients, teaching them new material and new skills, brushing up on their old skills acquired on duty, taking courses, and even earning degrees. The program also includes updates and discussions on the war, watching duty-related films, and engaging in purely social activities. The circulation and blood supply to various parts of the body are shown in animation.
Illustrates early cars, compares them with today's automobiles, and discusses three interdependent areas--the car, the roadway, and the driver. Discusses means of solving the highway death toll-engineering, enforcement, and education. Explains the purpose of the Driver Education course. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Presents several experiments to illustrate the characteristics of oxygen, including the effects of free oxygen upon mice and a lighted candle, the separation of liquid oxygen from liquid air, the breakdown of water by electrolysis, the freeing of oxygen from mercuric oxide by a catalyst, and the action of spontaneous combustion.
Uses laboratory experiments to illustrate the properties of oxygen. Tells how oxygen was discovered and how it was named. Presents demonstrations of oxidation. Shows how oxygen is obtained from water by electrolysis. (KQED) Film.
A daughter misses her father when goes on a business trip. Luckily, she and her mother can talk with her father because they used the Bell Telephone Company for their phone call.
This installment tells the story of Colonial North America, as recalled by John Francis “Jack” Bannon, S.J., a Saint Louis University historian and internationally-renowned scholar brought history and the story of America to life.
Visits Carlsbad Caverns National Park near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Describes the discovery of the caverns by early settlers who observed a huge formation of bats leaving the entrance. Shows and explains how the huge caverns were formed over thousands of years of time. Provides close-ups of stalagmites, stalagtites, and limestone draperies.
Shows the relation between the aftermath of war and the "pale horseman," epidemic disease. Discusses the plight of 100,000,000 displaced persons soon after World War II and the activities of UNRRA.
A sheet of paper is taken for granted today, but it was a treasure in other times. Bash Kennett tells of man’s attempt to create something on which he could record his thoughts. She traces the discovery of wood pulp which led to the conquest of America’s forests by loggers who cut the trees for paper mills. Songs include “Poor Pitat” and “Oh Susannah.”
Tells the story of the invention and spread of paper making. Discusses the materials and tools used in making paper. Demonstrates how paper was made in ancient China. Traces the history of the movement of paper making from China to Germany. (USC) Film.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the use of paper as a medium of artistic expression. He demonstrates, with simple tools, the processes of folding, slashing, and scoring. Explains how to select appropriate papers for paper sculpture. Using the various techniques, several sculptures are constructed with examples.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to France in the early 1950s. Features footage of boats sailing along the Seine, people strolling along the banks, sunbathing at a pool, and homeless men sleeping near the river. Shows the Lafayette monument in Cours-la-Reine and children playing at its base and street scenes taken in the Latin Quarter. Other notable landmarks include the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, Musée du Louvre, and Notre Dame cathedral.
Part 1: Demonstrates the steps involved in parallel parking and the correct way to pull out of a parallel parking space. Also discusses parking and pulling out. Part 2: Describes the proper way of backing into a stall and the necessary skills for parking, stopping, and starting on an upgrade. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses the origin, development, and rise of political interest groups in America and their role in the legislative process. Describes the organization and techniques of interest groups, and reviews legislation governing their activities. (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Discusses the voting behavior of the public in the 1952 election. Compares the public participation in the 1952 election with participation in other countries. Classifies the eligible voters into three groups, and discusses significant aspects of each group. Presents reasons for people voting as they do. Reviews the shifts in parties controlling the federal government since 1916. (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Tells the story of the Republican Party's birth at Ripon, Wisconsin. Explains the factors which gave rise to the Republican Party and doomed Whig Party. Discusses the Missouri Compromise, Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Act as they relate to the new party.
Shows how flat and three-dimensional materials are framed by the passe partout method, using a transparent cover, a mat, a cardboard backing and binding tape. Demonstrates with animation and life photography the detailed step-by-step procedures for framing a picture and for mounting and framing a Cecropia moth. Includes suggestions for displaying and filling materials mounted with the passe partout method.
Discusses motivations of candidates and the backgrounds of men who have run for president. Touches on men with a driving desire to be president, the "reluctant" candidates, the role of king-makers, and the occupations which have served as stepping-stones to the presidency. (Dynamic Films) Film.
Young opposums are carried in their mother's pouch and they learn to use their tails to hold on to things. While Fignewton runs the shadow puppets, he illustrates the store of little Pete Opposum, who helps to capture a bandit, because he cannot hold on to things with his tail.
Explains the autotrophic and teterotrophic methods of nutrition, and discusses the importance of chlorophyll bodies in plants in the manufacture of chemical compounds which can be made to release energy for the organism's various activities. Illustrates how all living things depend on the chemical compounds produced by green plants for their nutrition. (KUHT) Film.
Dr. Tillich first deals with the puzzling question of how to deal with doubt in young people. It is important, he explains, to present religious symbols in as clear and persuasive a form as possible, without dictating what the child or young person should believe. Doubt can appear in later life, too, and is often a product of an inability to face life or to escape the pressures of conformity. The second part of the program consists of a variety of comments by Dr. Tillich about the value of art and of modern art in particular, his recollections of his father, and his early decision to devote his life to philosophy and theology. At the end of the program and to conclude the series, Dr. Tillich explains his belief that man must be concerned with the “ultimate” wherever it appears, that he must make an effort to understand his life in terms of that which transcends life, in terms of eternity.
Religion, comments Dr. Tillich at the start of the program, is primarily interested in finding answers to such questions as: “What is being?’ “What is the relation of life to eternity?” “What is the meaning of life?” After commenting on the role of religion, Dr. Tillich discusses the relations of a moral law to the teachings of religion. The first principle of all moral action is love, he says. Not sentimental love but the love which unites what has been separated. Our ability to love properly is what motivates all our moral actions. This ability is called grace. A church is organized to house grace, but a church is far more than a physical or temporal structure or organization. At the end of the program, Dr. Tillich discusses the different ways of understanding Jesus Christ and the language of religion.
This program provides the viewer with some highly interesting comparisons between psychology – in particular, Freudian psychology – and Tillich’s interpretation of man’s nature. The major point developed is the difference between Freud’s and Tillich’s definitions of anxiety. Freud, says Tillich, believed that anxiety can be eradicated, whereas I (Tillich) believe anxiety is an inescapable part of man’s nature. Although psychoanalysis is helpful to a man seeking to understand his own personality, it does not help him to come closer to an understanding of the nature of God. This latter is rather the province of religion, and man’s understanding of God is a direct result of his having faith. As the conversations ends, Dr. Tillich explains that many mental illnesses are caused by uncertainty about the meaning of life. To understand one’s existence, he says, one must have faith. This, in turn, is achieved by constant inquiry, doubt and anxiety about one’s basic beliefs.
Uses a fishing trip, high school debate, and cartoon sequences to explain conservation practices on the farm. Tells what conservation is, how much is needed, and who should pay the cost. (Agrafilms, INC.) Film.
Tells the story of the button industry and its development in Muscatine, Iowa. Reviews briefly the places discussed on previous programs. Explains how the button industry was only one example of local industrial development in American history, brought about by resourcefulness and presence of raw materials.
Gives detailed analysis of pedestrian fatalities and suggestions for pedestrian safety. Points out how safe walking on streets and highways has become a serious problem. Discusses pedestrian protection, traffic engineering, enforcement, and education. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Gives detailed analysis of pedestrian fatalities and suggestions for pedestrian safety. Points out how safe walking on streets and highways has become a serious problem. Discusses pedestrian protection, traffic engineering, enforcement, and education. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses whether the artist is free to express himself regardless of public understanding, public acceptance, or public rejection. Dramatizes the incidents surrounding a citizen's donation of a statue for a town square. The artist commissioned to do the work has fashioned a piece of iron sculpture which depicts what he feels is the horse's spirit instead of its outward form. At the dedication of the statue in the town square, the crowd voices mixed reactions to the sculpture. More and stronger objections are climaxed in attempt to destroy the iron horse. The donor finally removes the iron horse to his own estate where, on top of a rise, it dominates the landscape in splendid exile.
Portrays characteristic aspects of life in the valley of Western China, where habits and customs of past centuries exist side by side with such modern innovations as hydroelectric plants, telephones, and air transportation. Describes the age-old system of crop irrigation, the utilization of bamboo, and the fashioning of pottery, silver, and silk products.
Tells the story of Mrs. Pat Dobson, a young wife and mother who becomes mentally ill. In tracing her progress from the time of her admission to her departure from the hospital, it provides a good look at the kind of care and treatment a first-rate facility can offer and shows how each member of the mental health team contributes to her improvement.
Discusses and illustrates perceptions of objects. Uses diagrams and animated film. Shows how the mind organizes objects psychologically into sets in order to understand them more easily. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Points out exterior structure and coloration of a living perch. Uses fresh specimens to show dissection techniques and reveal internal structures. The respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems are removed and examined. the head is opened. The olfactory tract and brain are studied. Heart action is observed in a freshly killed specimen. The circulatory system is outlined. Further areas of investigation are suggested.
Dora shows how to make a penguin puppet out of a clothespin. The Make Do Theatre production tells the story of Percival Penguin who always lands on his head when coming out of the water. He has a special hat he wears and to keep it dry, keeps his head above water and in doing so lands on his feet.
Describes and demonstrates the sounds, manner of playing, and uses of representative percussion instruments. A young audience, led by members of the New York Percussion Trio, illustrate that organized clapping can be music. Members of the trio show and demonstrate wooden, skin-covered, and metal percussion instruments. The audience joins the trio in a mambo demonstrating how music can be made with some percussion instruments without long practice. Music includes: Nagel, Prelude in Dance; Kabelevsky, Dance of the Comedians; Portal, Sweet and Gentle; and an excerpt from Saint-Saens' Samson and Delilah. (Arts and Audiences,Inc.) Film.
The development of life, from a cell to a man, from a seed to a tree, is the subject of this program. Film clips are used, showing the self-duplication of molecules and cells and the fertilization process, as well as the cellular structure which is responsible for “inherited” characteristics of new living things. The genes, chromosomes, and the nucleus are analyzed separately as Dr. Saltman explains the processes of mutation which may occur within the cell.
Is it true that we have an American national character? Is America old enough to have developed a distinctive personality? Can you predict the kind of mental breakdown that an American will have? Do we have a different kind of neurotic personality today that was present ten years ago? Who goes to the psychiatrist? Has the psychiatric couch now become a part of the American landscape? Are neuroses the result of a capitalist policy? Do we need more ritual in America to help the personality to develop? What are the characteristics of a mature personality? These are some of the questions that Max Lerner and five Brandeis students discuss during the program.
Describes the Japanese national character as a paradoxical complex of restraint and passion, arrogance and servility, pride in being Japanese and apology for being Japanese. Explains that Japan, more than any other nation has wavered between such contradictory attitudes and qualities. Discusses the concept of "force" and what it means to Japanese to be part of a group.
Draws a comparison between the car and the driver--the car has been standardized but no two drivers are psychologically the same. Explains the types of immature driver personalities--egotist, show-off, emotionally disturbed, inattentive, and timid. States the importance of self-analysis for driver and non-driver. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Two women seek the affection of a man. The woman who used Phase III soap is victorious and she and the man dance together while the woman without Phase III soap sulks.
Presents a comprehensive analysis of the paintings of Philip Evergood. Portrays a review of his paintings, as the artist himself comments on them. The film is accompanied by a piano musical score.
Shows the preparation and use of photographic slides in instruction. Suggests various sources of pictures and shows how pictures can be photographed by the teacher or copied from other printed matter. Includes and introduction to the Polaroid camera and film that can produce positive slides in three minutes. Recommends using slides for teaching and reporting to parent groups on children's activities and progress. Discusses the use of a tape recorded narration for some groups of slides.
Presents Ansel Adams as he photographs Yosemite National Park and explains how a sense of discovery and rediscovery is conveyed through his photography. Shows a collection of his photographs. Mr. Adams discusses his methods of teaching and his indebtedness to other photographers.
Discusses and illustrates two-phrase or duple sentences in musical composition. Defines the phrases as a rhythmic entity, culminating in some form of cadence, and carrying a certain amount of musical "sense"; while a sentence is completion of the sense achieved by answering an announcing phrase with a responsive phrase. Demonstrates degrees of similarity between announcing and responsive phrases from the identical response, to the apparently quite dissimilar. Concludes with a discussion of methods used to connect phrases by anachusis, melodic overflows, links, and subtle combinations of these. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Emphasizes the necessity for each driver to know his limitations. Explains the importance of good vision, hearing, and general health; the dangers of and compensation for temporary illness, fatigue, and age; the necessity of disqualifying many types of disabilities; and the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and ways to prevent it. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses the physical growth of children, emphasizing that parents should realize that each child grows at his own rate. Also deals with appetite, sleep, communicable diseases, and accident prevention. (University of Michigan television) Kinescope.
Shows Lake Patzcuaro in Mexico and the life of the Tarascan Indians who live on its shores. Portrays their daily activities, such as fishing, and their market day at Patzcuaro. Then pictures a fiesta day, with scenes from the famous Dance of the Old Men. Ends with further scenes of the calm lake.
Tells the story of Old Shawneetown, Illinois and the first bank in this new territory. Explains how Old Shawneetown became a ghost town. Discusses the pioneer bank and how it was indispensable to the pioneer farmer, merchant, shipper and manufacturer.
An important aspect of the agricultural revolution in nineteenth century America was the gradual transfer of the processing of agricultural goods from the farm to the factory. It was the building of a grist mill or a saw mill that began this process.
Describes briefly the arduous processes by which the early settlers ground corn in their homes and focuses on the construction and operation of large water-powered mills. Shows farmers bringing their sacks of corn by horseback to the miller who, for a portion of the flour, grinds the grain to the desired texture, while the farmers catch up on the latest news. Explains the miller's activities as he goes through each step of the grinding process.
Illustrates how linen, wool, and linsey-woolsey fabrics were made from material found or grown on the farm; follows the processing of flax into linen thread from harvesting to the actual spinning of the thread; pictures the shearing of sheep, the cleaning and carding of fleece, and the spinning of woolen thread; demonstrates the weaving and dyeing of cloth; and discusses the uses of wool, linen, and linsey-woolsey cloth.
Bash talks about the real pirates who operated in American waters in the early days. Stories of the exploits of Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, and others describe the kind of life the pirates led as they traveled on the high seas, and the various operations of pirates and privateers. The hazards of sailing with a fully lade ship, with pirates waiting off the coast to take the vessel were a very real and exciting part of the early-day sailing ships. The ballads of “Golden Vanity” and “Henry Martin” describe in song the activities of pirates.
A pile of dirt and a granite boulder seems as different as day and night, yet the dirt is produced form the granite. In this program, Dr. Harbaugh and his guest, Dr. Kurt Sarvos, demonstrates the process by which granite is converted into soil. Dr. Servos, a graduate of Rutgers University with MS and PhD degrees from Yale, is a specialist in mineralogy. Formerly curator of geology in the New York State Museum, he is now assistant professor of mineralogy at Stanford University. Among the demonstrations in the program are the violent shattering of a mineral through heating, chemical attack of acids on rocks, and different forms of oxidation. Dr. Harbaugh also introduces the concept of “rock cycle” through which granite may turn to soil and the soil, in turn, may be reconverted to granite.
Tells the story of Bob Carter's introduction to a research job in a large chemical company. Both his chemistry professor and his new laboratory supervisor stress the importance of good safety practices on the job. Pictures many safety devices in use in the chemical industry. Selected scenes filmed at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis.
Shows and discusses plant and animal plankton which sustain life in the sea. Points out that these organism may vary in size from microscopic to quite large. Uses film sequences of jellyfish to show variations in size, shape, and swimming habits. Explains how many seashore animals spend their larval or juvenile phases as members of the plankton. Depicts this phenomena with motion pictures of larval crabs as they gather around a night light suspended in water from a pier. Concludes with an explanation of microplankton which constitute the great pasturage of the sea. Demonstrates methods used in collecting microplankton, shows them under the microscope, and considers the necessity of more knowledge and understanding of plankton. (KCTS) Kinescope.
Defines foreign policy, identifies the major Government agencies which are concerned with it, and explains why foreign policy must be constantly re-examined. Animation and on-the-scene shots are used to show how a committee concerned with the United States' foreign policy in the Middle East analyzes the problems which it faces, breaks the problems down into their economic, military, political, and psychological components, and considers various alternatives before making recommendations for action.
There are many partnerships in nature where two plants may help each other, or a plant and animal may mutually benefit one another, or where two animals may contribute to each other’s welfare. You will see on this program an example of each. The lichen, a common plant, looks like one individual, but really consists of two kinds of plants living together. You will see this story through the microscope. And you will see the story of cross-pollination, in which bees and insects take nectar from the flowers and in so doing transfer pollen from one flower to another. Ever look inside a wood eating termite? You will and with a microscope to see a story of mutual benefit. Inside the termite lives a host of one-celled animals which assist the termite in digesting the cellulose in the wood he consumes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Pictures carnivorous plants, which have the unusual characteristic of entrapping and digesting insects and other small animals. Shows how the pitcher plant lures insects to its trap, where they drown. The enfolding of insects by the leaf tentacles of the sundew is presented by means of time-lapse photography.
Asks questions about food sources for plants, and uses coleus to illustrate foodmaking in green plants. Uses cinephotomicrography and animation to show the process of photosynthesis. The phenomenon of the conversion of light energy to chemical energy is noted. Carnivores, parasites and saprophytes are each defined and illustrated. Points out that all animals depend upon some form of plant life for food.