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Chester Bowles discussed his advertising business and his transition into politics. Bowles shared his experience as Director of the Office of Price Administration during the World War II, governor of Connecticut, Ambassador to India, and Under Secretary of State. Bowles also shared his views and beliefs on international politics and United State foreign policies in particular the United States policy with China.
Senator Henry Jackson and British MP Denis Healey have a transatlantic debate over if there should be a continuous airborne alert system in case of a Soviet Union attack. Jackson argues in favor of a continuous airborne system while Healey argues against.
Paul Niven, Stewart Udall, Michael J. Marlow, Bill Linden
In this interview Secretary of the Interior, Stewart Udall, discussed issues relating to his role as Secretary of the Interior. He shared his desire to implement conservation policies in the Eastern United States since previous conservation efforts had been concentrated in western states. He also addressed the Republicans’ complaints that the Kennedy administration favored public power over private power. Another topic Udall addressed was the Department of Interior relationship with Native Americans during his administration.
Stuart Novins, Arturo Frondizi, Ned Calmer, Michael J. Marlow, Robert Quinn
Argentinian president Arturo Frondizi is interviewed about Argentina political landscape. Some of the topics addressed in the interviewed include the role of students in politics, the political situation of Latin America, and the rise and fall of Perón. Following the Washington Conversation episode is the show Ned Calmer with the News.
Episode 4 of Your Choice Our Chance, a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Episode 7 of Your Choice Our Chance, a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Episode 10 of Your Choice Our Chance, a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Episode 8 of Your Choice Our Chance, a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Your Choice Our Chance is a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Your Choice Our Chance is a series of drug abuse prevention programs to be viewed by students and community members in an effort to educate and prevent the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs before preteens start. The program targets children in the vulnerable pre-adolescent years, incorporating proven prevention strategies recommended by leading health educators. The school component focuses on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that influence drug use. The programs are designed to help students develop personal and social skills, learn to make decisions, and improve their self - concept. Dramatic episodes feature target-age students in realistic school, family, and peer group situations. The programs feature a variety of socioeconomic levels, family structures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds.