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Shows the extent of communication between the East and the West in Berlin, including railroad and trolley connections, newspapers from the West, and pedestrian movement across zone lines. Pictures various shops set up near the border to cater to East Berliners and discloses black-market activities. Shows High Commissioner Conant stating his policies. Contrasts, during a sight-seeing bus tour, the dullness and inactivity of East Berlin to the busy, clean streets of West Berlin and describes the refugee problem in some detail.
Portrays through the experiences of a family recently moving into a community, the variety of services provided by a centralized county library system to branch libraries and their users. These services available to users include rotating book collections, recordings, motion pictures; library administration and technical services involved in ordering, processing, cataloging, publicity, and circulation of materials; and the advantages of the correlated use of equipment, personnel, and materials found in a central library system serving branch libraries.
Shows the gradual development of a balanced economy in Canada through the growth of industry in the various provinces. Includes views of wheat harvesting, logging, tourist attractions, the transportation of oil, food processing, and the production of power, metals, motors, planes, and radios. Mentions the controversial St. Lawrence Waterway project and presents the testimony of leaders in industry and government, including Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent.
Shows the work of medical researchers in their efforts to discover the causes of and cure for cancer, and the work of organizations in combating popular ignorance and fear of cancer. Famous physicians warn against "quack" cures.
This film presents the anatomy, symptomatology, and clinical picture of disorders of nerves. Shots include: unilateral paralysis of masticatory nerve, paralysis of right masticatory nerve, disorders of the spinal accessory nerve, motor fibers supplying sternomastoid muscle, atrophy of the upper portion of the trapezius muscle, scapula alata in paralysis of serratus anticus muscle, motor fibers leaving medulla between olive and pyramid, bilateral paralysis of hypoglossal nerves, scars of gunshot injury bilateraly, slow response to galvanic stimulation, severe atrophy and immobility of tongue, and bilateral paralysis of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
Tells how the island of Formosa has been helped to become economically self-sufficient through the help of ECA and the Joint Committee on Rural Reconstruction. Explains that through the cooperation of the United States and the local government, and at a small cost, the people of the island have been helped to help themselves. Short version of Formosa--Island of Promise.
Shows the problems of Formosa, an island which doubled in population through the arrival of Chinese Nationalist refugees. Tells how, with assistance from ECA and the Joint Committee on Rural Reconstruction, the island has been made almost self-supporting. Describes the land reforms, military training, and education of women now in progress.