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Erpi Classroom Films, Lawson Robertson, Dean Cromwell, Brutus Hamilton, Harold A. Bruce, Amateur Athletic Union of the United States
Includes races from 1,000 to 10,000 meters and steeplechase. Style of distance runner contrasted vividly with that of dash man. Differences in typical physiques. Steeplechase portrays various methods employed by participants in clearing barriers. An instructional sound film.
Shows the efforts of the Dutch people before World War II to complete a ten-year construction job in which large section of the Zuyder Zee were filled, making ten per cent more land available for cultivation.
Pre-World War II Japan contrasted with the ancient, or more traditional, methods and modes that were in farm areas. Public school life, religious ceremonies. An Eastman Classroom Film.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, inc., Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Demonstrates in actual competition the running high jump; running broad jump; hop, step, and jump; and pole vault. Champions are pictured in slow motion photography.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry
An address given by Dr. John R. Mohler, Chief of the USDA Bureau of Animal Industry, provides narration for this film reporting on the work of the Bureau. "Animal husbandry and veterinary science increase the usefulness of domestic animals to mankind. Research, regulatory, and informational work of the United States Department of Agriculture; Cooperation with the States in the eradication of diseases; inspection of herds; laws regulating dairy conditions; livestock improvement; scientific poultry raising" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 35).
Depicts the Japanese occupation of Manchukuo. Describes the mechanization of industry. Includes scenes showing coal and iron mines, steel mills, railroads, government buildings, new housing, native Chinese life, shops and trade, the Russian influence in Harbin, the raising of soya beans, schools, and hospitals. A silent teaching film.
Shows the experiences of a Navajo boy and girl in moving with their family, household effects, pets, horses, sheep and goats from their winter quarters to their summer home. As they journey by wagon, they sing native songs and the boys hold a marksmanship contest with bows and arrows. At their destination they repair their home, plant crops, care for their sheep and goats, and weave rugs.
A view of life on a typical Kansas wheat farm. Shows how members of an average farm family spend their time, how the land is cared for, and how the winter wheat is planted, harvested, and stored in bins and elevators. Emphasizes the threat of inclement weather on wheat harvests. Includes animated sequences.
Reveals the appearance, tonal qualities, and functions of various instruments of the woodwind choir--piccolos, flutes, clarinets, oboes, English horns, bassoons, and contrabassoons. Uses close-up photography to illustrate the techniques of playing these woodwinds. Includes excerpts from Brahms' First symphony, Beethoven's Turkish march, and Brahms' Fourth symphony.