- Date:
- unknown/unknown
- Summary:
- An alternate title to this film is [Immediate problems]. Discusses problems concerning "The Basic Importance of Education--The Citizen's Responsibility," "Science Education--The Teacher," and "Teacher Education--The Basic Goal of Education." Guests include Stephen M. Corey, Dean, Teachers College, Columbia University; Mrs. Rollin Brown, national Parent Teachers' Association official; Jerrold R. Zacharias, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Roy E. Larsen, president, Time, Inc. Features members of the Educational Policies Commission including Herman B Wells, (EPC chairman), president Indiana University; Benjamin C. Willis, (EPC vice chairman), general superintendent of schools; Sarah C. Caldwell, teacher of biology, Roswell Kent Jr. High School; William G. Carr, executive secretary, National Education Association; James B. Conant, president emeritus, Harvard University, and former Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Arthur F. Corey, executive secretary, California Teachers Association; Finis E. Engleman, executive secretary, American Association of School Administrators; Lyman Ginger, president, National Education Association, dean, College of Education, University of Kentucky; Philip J. Hickey, president, American Association of School Administrators, superintendent of instruction; and James E. Russell, (EPC secretary). (NETRC and the META) Kinescope.