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Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Ralph D. Casey, John T. Bobbitt
Shows how a group of adults gain greater clarity and understanding of a school problem after gathering the facts concerning the case. Warns against deciding on plans of action in favor of prejudices and gathering only the facts which support preconceived opinions. Suggests a number of sources of facts that are available to the public--local news editors, books, magazines, newspapers, experts, and newscasts.
Edward R. Feil, Edward Feil Productions, Barbara Bauman, Troop 567
An overview of the annual Girl Scout camp activities at Camp Julia Crowell for the Cleveland Girl Scouts. Takes the viewer through the process of camp beginning with the campers' arrival and outlines the daily routine of camp life. Also outlines the responsibilities of campers as well as the types of enjoyable camp activities.
Illustrates the detrimental effects of rumors through the experience of Jean, a newcomer in a high school, who becomes the victim of a malicious rumor started by Jack, her first date. After suffering considerable unhappiness, she is again accepted by her friends when her parents and the principal get Jack to confess and to tell the facts.
A biography of Helen Keller, tracing her life from birth until 76 years of age, showing in detail how this blind, deaf, and mute woman has overcome her handicaps. Consists of still photographs, early motion pictures, newsreels, and sequences showing Miss Keller's daily life as of 1954.
Illustrates various techniques and household arrangements for caring for the convalescent patient at home. Shows ways of arranging the sick room, making the beds, washing and serving the patient, caring for the thermometer, and removing soiled linens. Pictures the distribution of chores among the family members and demonstrates some necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the illness.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Cyril O. Houle, Leland Bradford, Malcolm Knowles, James H. McBurney, Howard McClusky
Presents the results of a survey of about fifty adult groups to find common elements of a good group discussion. Illustrates the qualities of good leadership by showing various groups in action and exemplifies eleven important elements of effective group discussions. Uses narration and sync sound in portraying the different groups and summarizing the important points.
Provides a play-by-play presentation of the basketball game between Terre Haute Gerstmeyer and Richmond during the 1953 Indiana state finals. Designed for coaching purposes.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of an episode of the DuPont sponsored Cavalcade of America television series, "In This Crisis" (season 1, episode 7), which aired December 24, 1953 on NBC-TV. This historical drama features John Honeyman, butcher and American patriot, who, pretending to be a Tory, spies on the Hessions to gain military intelligence, which informs Washington's decision to cross the Delaware and attack the Hessions in the December, 1776 battle at Trenton.
Edward R. Feil, Kathryn Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Maren Mansberger Feil, Nellie Feil
Home movie of Kathy Hellerstein's first birthday. She sits in a high chair and is presented with a pink cake. Nellie feeds her baby food before letting her eat cake from the high chair tray. Kathy then sits in a stroller and plays with her birthday presents.
Story of "Smokey," the bear cub found clinging to a charred tree after a forest fire in New Mexico and later taken to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Stresses the importance of forest prevention.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, O. W. Eshbach, British Electrical Development Association, Merton Park Productions, Frank Hoare, Langton Gould-Marks, Leo Rogers, C. Beaumont
Traces the development of the uses of magnetism throughout the ages, and highlights the scientific experiments which revealed the relationship between magnetism and electricity. Explains magnetism in the structure of various elements, and illustrates paramagnetic, diamagnetic, and ferromagnetic materials. Demonstrates the respective behaviors of each material in a strong magnetic field and under conditions of heat and cold. Illustrates the lining up of the diapodes of atoms in ferromagnetic materials, and identifies different types of magnets and explains their uses in machinery.
Illustrates how a third grade teacher utilizes the interests of her pupils to develop an arithmetic unit on money and banking. Shows how she introduces other fundamental skills into the unit on number work including language and social skills writing, and construction activities. Indicates that the conventional type of problems also has its place in unit work.
Describes Marian Anderson's life, from her early years in Philadelphia through her New York Town Hall recital, and presents her as a concert artist singing Begrüssung by Handel; the Negro spirituals Oh, what a beautiful city; He's got the whole world in His hand; Crucifixion; and Deep river; the traditional song Comin' through the rye; and Ave Maria by Schubert.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "Mightier Than The Sword" (season 1, episode 13) which originally aired on March 18th, 1953 on NBC-TV. This pre-Revolutionary War drama focuses on the 1734 court case in which Royal Governor William Cosby of New York charged John Peter Zenger with libel because he printed the truth about corruption in Cosby's administration. The outcome of this trial established the principle of freedom of the press. The film shows Cosby arresting Zenger and disbarring James Alexander, Zenger's lawyer, on trumped-up charges. Travelling to Philadelphia, Alexander persuades Alexander Hamilton, one of the oldest and most respected attorneys in all the provinces, to take Zenger's case. Hamilton convinces the jury that publishing the truth is not libelous, resulting in Zenger's acquittal and establishing a precedent in American jurisprudence which would be adopted as a principle of law in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 57 years later when the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791.
The Conservation Foundation, The New York Zoological Society, George Bryan, Tempo, Inc., John C. Gibbs, George Brewer, John H. Storer
Presents nature's plan for the use and control of water. Explains the water cycle through animation and actual photography, and shows the effect of interaction between clouds and air currents through time-lapse photography. Describes the nature and function of watersheds, and indicates how nature has provided for the storing of this life-giving substance.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "One Nation Indivisible" (season 2, episode 12), which aired on December 22, 1953 on ABC-TV. In the latter half of nineteenth century, the editor of the Tribune newspaper, Horace Greeley, influenced by a conversation with President Lincoln, changes his views regarding Jefferson Davis and proceeds, with some risk to his career, to conduct a successful crusade to free the ex-Confederate president from prison.
Eliot O'Hara, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, inc., John Paul Miller
Shows Eliot O'Hara, watercolor painter, sketching a variety of trees found in the United States and Hawaii. O'Hara observes that the artist should look for the structure of the tree, the character of its foliage, and a symbol which represents its form. He explains special techniques which capture individual characteristics of trees.
Eliot O'Hara demonstrates some watercolor painting techniques and reveals three fundamentals that the artist must look for in any tree.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Harry D. Kitson, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Education Teachers College, Columbia University, Hal Kopel
Explains three basic steps for students to follow in choosing a future career: learning about yourself, learning about vocations which interest you, and comparing your own interests and abilities with the requirements of selected vocations. Describes how a high school boy follows this procedure until he arrives at tentative decisions.
Presents and demonstrates the value of three ways to rest: sleep, relaxation, and change. Relates rest, exercise, and food to good health and pictures a boy, his sister, and his dog observing the rules to achieve good health.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., W. L. Burlison
Shows the interdependence of science and agriculture in modern life. Presents, as an example, the soybean's characteristics, problems of its cultivation and harvest, and the preparation and use of soybean byproducts in home and industry. Revised version.
Surveys selling as a career. Portrays a day in the life of a typical travelling salesman at home and on the job. Portrays various types of sales people who sell by personal contacts, mail, telephone, and radio, and describes the qualifications of a good salesman--honesty, accurate judgement, friendliness, and devotion to service.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Irene H. Buchanan, Hal Kopel
Portrays sewing as a useful art and a pleasurable leisure-time occupation and surveys the process of sewing, as a high school girl makes a party dress in her sewing class. Offers some suggestions in choosing a pattern and fabrics for a garment, describes ways to improve planning, and summarizes the steps to be taken in sewing, including measuring, matching to a pattern, cutting, marking, and stitching.
Demonstrates how the facilities of a large city library are made available to rural libraries. Shows the library truck from Gary, Indiana, delivering books, pictures, and other materials weekly, free of charge, upon the written request of a small-town librarian. Indicates how such cooperation results in better public service.
Demonstrates how the facilities of a large city library are made available to rural libraries. Shows the library truck from Gary, Indiana, delivering books, pictures, and other materials weekly, free of charge, upon the written request of a small-town librarian. Indicates how such cooperation results in better public service.
Opens with the 1953 commencement procession entering the university stadium and shows the commencement ceremony for the Class of 1953 with President-Emeritus William Lowe Bryan giving the same "Charge to the Class of 1953" that he gave to the Class of 1903.
Explains the concept of light years to address the distance between galaxies. Addresses the existence of millions of galaxies like the Milky Way, featuring photographs of some of them, along with some of the observatories which astonomers use to study and document distant galaxies.
Shows the Leonardo da Vinci drawings in the Windsor collection and includes such subjects as man, animals, architecture, machines for waging war, water in motion, and a sketch for "The Last Supper." Integrates translation of some of the artist's own notes with an interpretive commentary spoken by Sir Laurence Olivier.
Describes the formation of our solar system according to the cosmic theory of creation, and explains the changes on the surfaces of the earth and the moon in terms of volcanic action. Illustrates through animation the birth of a star and its planets from revolving cosmic dust, and describes the stages of development of the earth from a hot, gaseous mass to its present state. Illustrates the formation of continents and mountains, and mentions the changes in topography now taking place.
Discusses the training and functions of the teacher in a world of rapid change. Shows prospective teachers in study and training situations and follows Janet, a student teacher, as she acquaints herself with a classroom, the school and its program and experiences practice teaching. Uses flashbacks to emphasize the points being discussed by the teaching supervisor and Janet during an evaluation of the latter's progress.
Describes the training of prospective teachers at Indiana University's School of Education. Highlights the need for teachers in response to postwar population growth.
Uses a classroom scene to define and exemplify the golden rule. Shows through animation its origination by Confucius and Christ, and analyzes the rule in terms of three parts. Uses everyday situations to exemplify the application of the golden rule, and encourages children to enter imaginary Thoughtland in order to discover how they would want to be treated as well as how to treat others.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Alexander A. Nikolsky, Hal Kopel
Describes the unique contribution of the helicopter to transportation; explains how the helicopter flies and how it can be controlled; compares the helicopter with the conventional plane. Demonstrates the operation of many types of helicopters which are being flown today and points out the potentialities of the helicopter for reshaping the pattern of transportation.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Indomitable Blacksmith: Thomas Davenport" (season 1, episode 14), which originally aired April 1st, 1953 on NBC-TV. Dramatizes blacksmith Thomas Davenport's discovery in the 1830's of the principal behind the electric motor, and his efforts to develop a practical, working model. Professor William Henry, a leading scientist of Harvard University and first director of the Smithsonian, recognizes the genius of Davenport's invention and assists him in obtaining financial backing to perfect it. Industrialists of the period, committed to steam power, remained unconvinced of the potential of Davenport's invention.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television episode, "The Last Will of Daniel Webster" (season 2, episode 8), which first aired November 14th, 1953 on ABC-TV. The film is a re-enactment of Webster's political career, as it influenced and was influenced by the slavery issue from 1830 until his death in 1852. It presents his relationships with Senators William Seward and Henry Clay and provides a basis for assessing his motivation in supporting Clay's Compromise of 1850. The film begins with an 1830 meeting between Webster, the presidential hopeful, and a newspaper publisher who offers support if Webster compromises in order to unite factions; Webster refuses. The film later presents Webster's conflicting stands on slavery before, after, and as communicated in, his controversial speech of March 7, 1850 that supported Senator Clay's compromise bill.
Surveys the need for redevelopment of American cities and the forces which have created problems in urban areas; describes obstacles which deter the elimination of blighted areas and tenements and the relief of traffic congestion. Includes scenes of St. Louis in 1890, and of present-day housing and building programs in Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh.
Portrays life, topography, rainfall and other characteristic features, including the imprint of Spanish and Indian cultures of the Southwestern United States, including Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. Emphasizes the extent of the Southwest's resources and the implications of its industrial and commercial progress. Animated maps trace population trends and geographical features. Shows irrigation, stock raising, agriculture, mining and oil extracting and refining and points out the Southwest's interdependence with other regions. Explains that this region is growing.
The plot focuses on a murderer whose increasing guilt leads him to believe he can hear his victim's heart still beating beneath the floorboards where he buried him. Seen through the eyes of the nameless narrator, the surrealistic images in the film help convey his descent into madness.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Tenderfoot" (season 1, episode 20), which first aired June 24th, 1953 on NBC-TV. 27-year-old Theodore Roosevelt, dejected by the near simultaneous deaths of his mother and his wife, and by political reversals, retires from public life in 1886 to his ranch in North Dakota. He is shaken from his lethargy when some of his property is stolen by outlaws. Undaunted by blizzard conditions, young Roosevelt leads his ranch hands in the pursuit and capture of the outlaws. This action restores Roosevelt's will to fight for law and order, characteristic of his later career.
Traces the manufacture, distribution, and final sale of a toy truck; and illustrates how many people contribute to make the things that we enjoy. Shows Skipper's mother buying the toy truck for her son's birthday, and emphasizes the need for proper care of toys. Encourages children to tell stories about their own toys.
Describes the handling and processing of waste from the time it is discarded into separate garbage cans to the point where it is used in new and repaired goods. Shows the collection, separation grading, preparation for melting, and distribution of refuse to centers according to its usefulness. Depicts the repair of discarded toys and the feeding of hogs and surveys the activities of the department of sanitation.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Robert K. Carr, Milan Herzog
Explains the right of individuals to be protected from the law and by the law, and dramatizes a felony case to illustrate step-by-step functions in the due process of law.
Shows the different kinds of nails and screws and their uses. Tells how to determine the size of nails, and how to drive them properly by using various techniques. Describes the hammer and screwdriver, and shows proper ways of handling them. Illustrates the principal parts of screws by diagram, and demonstrates various ways to make their use more effective.
Introduces the campus, buildings, and programs at Indiana University, focusing almost exclusively on the School of Business, with Arthur M. Weimer, dean. Shows the Business and Economics Building and the Business Library it contains. Mentions programs for undergraduates and graduates, special curricula for women, the degrees offered in commercial science, the placement and publications programs, and the Indiana Executive Development Program. Sponsored by the Phillips Petroleum Company.
Discusses the varied reasons for college education for women, and describes many educational opportunities for women available through degree programs at Indiana University. Points out that IU has a full-time director of women's educational programs, Assistant Dean of Faculties Eunice Roberts.
Discusses the varied reasons for college education for women, and describes many educational opportunities for women available through degree programs at Indiana University. Points out that IU has a full-time director of women's educational programs, Assistant Dean of Faculties Eunice Roberts.
Detroit Lions - 17; Cleveland Browns - 7.
Game played at Cleveland Municipal Stadium
"Doak Walker runs for 66 yards for a TD for Detroit in the NFL Title game at Cleveland to make score 13-0 - TV - Harry Wismer (early part of 3rd quarter here and rest of game is on this Track)"
Cotton Bowl. Kentucky Wildcats - 20; Texas Christian Horned Frogs - 7
"1m - Bill Stern mistake (lateral) in Cotton Bowl of TCU v Kentucky - NBCç
radio over film - SP copy - SP - in XSD"
Orange Bowl. Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets - 17; Baylor Bears - 14.
Game played at Burdine Stadium.
"Some late 4th-quarter action of Georgia Tech winning 28-7 at previously unbeaten Duke (no scoring here) - Bill Stern (unknown station, but clear broadcast)"
1952 Cleveland International highlights. Men's doubles ; Pancho Segura v. Don Budge ; Pancho Segura v. Al Doyle ; John Howard v. Jerry Evert ; Jack March v. Ed Burke ; George Richey v. Jack Rodgers ; Pancho Gonzales v. John Howard ; Pancho Gonzales v. Pancho Segura (final match).
Uses animation to demonstrate the meaning of (a + b)² in a way intended to convey to students the idea that algebraic statements have concrete meaning and visual form.
Home movie of Ed Feil and his ski club friends building "Hut Two" - a small ski hut - throughout the autumn and early winter. Shows men and women mixing cement, laying cinder blocks, putting up a fence, carrying lumber, and painting the hut.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Marvin J. Johnson, Milan Herzog
Shows the importance of antibiotics in combating certain diseases, and defines antibiotics. Animation illustrates the ways in which bacteria are killed by antibiotics. Pictures their use in accelerating the growth of chickens and hogs. Then emphasizes the research which remains to be done in the field of antibiotics.
Illustrates movement in nature with scenes of stars and splashing water. Then shows motion in space and time, using stop-motion and speed-up photography. Deals with motion as an art form by showing paintings by Kandinsky and Van Gogh, mobiles by Calder and Usher, and an abstract film by Decker. Summarizes the main concepts and relates them to one another.
Describes the arts and crafts of the Bakuba people of the Congo and briefly describes other aspects of their culture. Indicates the probable origin of the Bakuba in northern Africa. Pictures weaving, embroidery, tattooing, and making of statuary. Shows trinkets used to decorate costumes and presents details of the most ornate costume of the hereditary king.
Gives the United Nations' report on how the Food and Agriculture Organization was beginning, in 1949, to solve the tremendous problem of doubling the world's food output. Emphasizes that the FAO is waging a world-wide attack on rats and insects, and shows what the FAO was doing in China to provide insecticides, serums, and fertilizer. Pictures the FAO's attempts to introduce improved agricultural equipment and methods.
Shows many fish-eating birds and indicates how the characteristics of each, although different, enable them to catch and eat fish. Emphasizes such characteristics as the long neck, a strong bill, long legs, toes that are sometimes webbed, and the ability to swim and dive underwater.
Explains how the physical structure of birds is adapted to the kind of food they eat, and points out characteristics of birds that eat insects. Draws attention to the strong wings and wide bills of birds that chase insects in the air; the small size and agility of birds that hunt in bushes; and the strong chisel-shaped bill of woodpeckers. Shows the swallow, nighthawk, kingbird, chestnut-sided warbler, black-billed cuckoo.
Shows that birds that eat seeds have strong bills. Includes shots of the canary, evening grosbeak, junco, indigo bunting, goldfinch, white-crowned sparrow, song sparrow, cardinal, cross bill, and cedar waxwing.
Surveys the over-all geographic characteristics of Brazil, depicts agricultural and commercial activities in the central and coastal uplands; and presents aspects of family life on the coffee plantations. Portrays the relationships between a land owner of Rio de Janeiro, his plantation agent, and a picker's family.
Portuguese language version of Brazil (People of the Plantations).
Shows, through the interest of a boy and girl in birdhouses, the construction of different types of houses for different birds. Tells what materials to choose and how they can be used most effectively. Shows children putting up houses in the early spring, and pictures the bluebird, martin, tree swallow, and house wren in houses constructed for them.
A third-grade class decides who will be the week's host, shows one youngsters pretending she is a visitor while another acts out the part of the host. Pictures children making introductions, and using "magic-words" such as thank you, excuse me, and please.
Shows a skilled ceramist applying designs on several ceramic pieces prior to final firing. He uses the clay itself, a comb, a piece of burlap, or clay stamps to create textured designs. Other decoration methods illustrated include colored glazes, clay slip, "Mishima," sgraffito, and wax resist. Shows samples of representative pieces after decoration and firing.
United Productions of America, Howard T. Batchelder
Through animation, the film compares and contrasts the "assembly line" kind of educational process with one that is tailored to meet young people's needs. Shows how in the former little or no consideration is given to individual needs, whereas in the latter a decentralized educational system can fit the curriculum to local community setups.
National Commission on Safety Education, National Education Association
Economical driving practices are suggested by a service station operator to a boy who has just received permission to drive the family car alone. Includes care of the car's finish, warming up of the engine, proper use of clutch, efficient braking practices, and the effect of acceleration and speed on tire wear and gasoline consumption.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies: Film consists mainly of European travelogue sequences from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, with some shorter family sequences on a beach and possibly a backyard. Specific locations and sites include the Broelbrug bridge and towers, and Saint Martin’s Church in Kortrijk, Belgium, as well as shots of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode in Brussels, Belgium. Shots in Germany include a riverboat sequence on the Rhine and a riverboat labeled “Elberfeld,” and the New Town Hall at Marienplatz in Munich. A wonderful snowball fight sequence takes place in Austria, according to the title card. Shots in Italy are from Cortina, Venice, and Capri, with historic sites including Saint Mark’s Basilica and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In France there are shots of Notre Dame and the Equestrian statue of Maréchal Ferdinand Foch in Paris. Shots of an unknown port include US and Royal Navy ships. Family footage includes a beach day and more backyard footage. Footage consists of a combination of color and black and white film stock with title cards inserted for new locations or sites.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies Collection: In 1952 the Gairs made another sea voyage to Europe again via South Asia and the Middle East this time with their youngest daughter Rosemary. This home movie consists of footage shot in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), England, Scotland, France, Germany, Sweden and Italy. In some of these shots, damage can still be seen under repair from WWII.
Notable locations and sites shot in England include the Tan-Y-Bryn house, Conwy Castle, the Maelgwyn Hotel, Bath Abbey, Aldwych station in Westminster, Bideford, the Rose of Torridge Café, and Gulval in Cornwall. There are some amazing pastoral and coastal nature shots from what appear to be Cornwall. There are also shots of Stonehenge. An unidentified location from the Indian subcontinent or Southeast Asia is of a bustling center with lots of foot traffic and several portrait shots of people/families.
The Scottish segment has several notable sequences, including mechanized farming sequences, possibly of hay, a raspberry sales/weigh station, as well as shots of the countryside, lochs, and sheep. The Trossachs Hotel in Stirling was shot, as well as the Gairloch Hotel.
Finally, there are sequences from France, Germany, Italy and Sweden, including from Stockholm and Gothenburg. There is a large military parade filmed, lots of waterway shots and what appears to be a canal tour ride. Footage consists of a combination of color and black and white film stock with title cards inserted for new locations.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Willard Abraham, John W. Barnes, Gordon Weisenborn
Tells of the adventures of the Baxter family on a picnic. After Frank and Jean fly their kite, a goat tries to eat it. Frank's dog, Penny, keeps the goat from it and is then rewarded by the children.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Willard Abraham, Gordon Weisenborn, John W. Barnes
Tells the story of how Penny, Frank's dog, feels neglected when his master is too busy to play with him. Penny chases a cat up a tree, but Frank forgives him for getting into mischief.
Shows how Frank and Jean Baxter enjoy watering their garden, and afterwards put on bathing suits and take showers under the hose. Penny, the dog, joins them, but Fluff, the kitten, watches from a distance.
Edward R. Feil, Gertrude S. Hornung, Kirk Willis, Edward Feil Productions
Presented from the Republican party point of view, this film addresses the average voter ("Mr. Citizen") about their importance of each individual's vote. Stresses the effects of political involvement and voting at the local level - the grass roots - and how this impacts national politics and Presidential elections. Works to demystify the voting process.
Queenie, a cat, tells the story of her life in Mary's house. Mary first finds Queenie and takes her home to meet her family and another cat, Tom. When she is one year old Queenie has four kittens which she raises for six weeks. Mary then takes them to new homes nearby, where Queenie can visit them regularly.
Shows the British system of conducting an election. Explains some of the laws governing elections, and pictures the many activities of a campaign. Shows voting day and the counting and announcing of the returns.
A high school boy who is having trouble understanding poetry learns that he should find out about the poet's background, discover what experience the poet is sharing, and watch for such devices as rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration. Includes examples from many poets' works.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, R. O. Freeland, Warren P. Everote
Presents an overview of the field of biology for prospective and beginning pupils. Discusses botany and zoology as the two big areas, uses animation to show some of the fundamentals of how plants and animals live, and applies biology to everyday life.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, John T. Rettaliata, Hal Kopel
Explains through animation the principles of jet propulsion and Newton's third law of motion. Shows various types of jet engines, jet airplanes in flight, and their advantages and disadvantages. Also describes the limitations of the propeller.
Edward R. Feil, Kathryn Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein
Mary Feil Hellerstein (sister of Ed Feil) shows off her firstborn baby, Kathryn (Kathy) Hellerstein. Shows Mary pushing the baby in a carriage and holding her up for the camera. Uses scrap film from Case Western for leader.
Begins in the Harold Feil home, where Nellie sits reading the paper in the living room. Follows with footage taken from a moving car driving through the town of Lakewood, Ohio.
A librarian describes the many services of a modern library. She lists microfilm, Braille books, records, films, exhibits, newspapers, and magazines, as well as books, among available materials. She also explains why a librarian's job, working with people and materials, is interesting.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, David Slight, Hal Kopel
Defines good mental health, describes its attributes, and emphasizes our steps in acquiring, maintaining, and improving mental health: express emotions naturally, respect yourself, respect others, and solve problems as they arise. Stresses the importance of discussing problems with someone, and briefly shows symptoms of mental ill-health.
Focuses on seven children five to seven years of age with mental ages of four to five, or moderate retardation. Demonstrates their abilities and shows how various educational methods help them to progress. Clearly illustrates the behavioral functioning of children classified as moderately retarded.
Portrays the role of Nanking in the history of China. Pictures its modern city life and its surroundings, including the Yangtze River, the mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen, ancient landmarks, and famous buildings.