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Discusses the dependence of U.S. economy on oil. Points out that even though we produce one-half the world's supply, we must still import one million barrels of oil a day. Forecasts future problems for this country because of this high rate of consumption which will exhaust proved oil reserves in 14 years.
Discusses the characteristics of the operetta, how it emerged out of various opera types in the 18th century, and summarizes the more important works and their composers. Highlights the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan, and presents a vocal duet from the Mikado. Describes the productions of Johann Strauss and explains why his music is still favored today. (Univ. Calf. Ext.) Film.
This installment tells the story of Colonial North America, as recalled by John Francis “Jack” Bannon, S.J., a Saint Louis University historian and internationally-renowned scholar brought history and the story of America to life.
Shows how flat and three-dimensional materials are framed by the passe partout method, using a transparent cover, a mat, a cardboard backing and binding tape. Demonstrates with animation and life photography the detailed step-by-step procedures for framing a picture and for mounting and framing a Cecropia moth. Includes suggestions for displaying and filling materials mounted with the passe partout method.
Encyclopaedia Films Inc., David Ridgway, The Fine Arts Quartet
Pictures the stringed instruments, instrumental techniques, and the unique character of music as played by a string quartet. Shows the fine Arts Quartet demonstrating various aspects of instrumental techniques and quartet playing. Reveals how the composer uses the four instruments and how leadership in carrying the basic theme passes from one player to another during the course of playing a composition.
The Nation chose one of its greatest all-time citizens, Washington, to guide the country through the first important years. Washington and his cabinet and the Congress set sound precedents and proved the workability of the government that the new Constitution had blueprinted. That men should read the blueprint differently was inevitable. Strong leaders like Hamilton and Jefferson differed in their conception of the government, but each man and each group of followers must share much of the credit for the successes achieved in the second stage of the “critical period.” The Constitution was working, and there was no reason to think that the change of management which the election of 1800 promised would affect the process.
Introduces Rafael Mendez, who plays several selections on his trumpet and discusses his instrument and playing technique. Includes an orchestral accompaniment. Ends with Mendez and his twin sons playing an original composition.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Raindrop Splash, by Alvin Tresselt, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard, and published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. After the story, the Friendly Giant and Jerome the Giraffe talk about how you can keep dry when it rains. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
Rockhunting in central Oregon. Opportunities available for pursuit of this hobby. Cutting, polishing and finishing rocks by the lapidary. Examples of finished jewelry and rock collections.
Demonstrates how are memory operated to maintain prejudice, and shows how people remember things which are favorable to their own beliefs. Discusses the various points of view concerning prejudice--historical, economic, sociological, and psychological. Points out the use of stereotypes in mass media, and cites examples of the way in which mass media can break down these stereotypes. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
"How stable is their political leadership? How strong is their military power?" Discussion of Russia's political leadership and military power, and what that means for Russia as a country and its potential threat to the United States. This is the first episode in the series and is the first out of three discussing Russia.
This program presents sentence variety, with a quick glance at some debatable points in grammar. Professor Peterson gives his opinion on such question as whether or not it is wrong to end a sentence with a preposition.
Explains and demonstrates logarithms, the slide rule, and other methods for simplifying computation. Through the use of models and charts, presents finger multiplication, the lightning or cross method of multiplication, and Napier's "bones." Explains the development and application of logarithms. Shows how a log table is constructed and used. Relates this to a model of a slide rule, and demonstrates its operation and uses. Indicates the many other uses of logarithms in representing important relationships in such areas as electricity and chemistry. (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Four high school students representing Norway, Australia, Korea, and the Philippines will debate the subject: Resolved that the United Nations must have universal membership to be effective. This is the first of fourteen programs presenting thirty-four students from thirty-four countries who are in the United States as delegates to the 1955 Herald Tribune Forum for High Schools. The delegates, on a three month visit in the US, were selected to take part in this Forum through competitive examinations in their individual countries.
Discusses the question, "How do wee find meanings in the things we see and hear that leave deep impressions on us?" Points out that for a writer, it is not enough just to remember; a current meaning must be expressed. Examples are quoted from Conrad, Wolf, Keats, and others. (WQED) Kinescope.
Considers some of the procedures the expert worrier uses to develop his skill. Reviews the psychological and the physiological characteristics of the expert worrier, and emphasizes that too many people are being treated by a psychologist when they should be receiving treatment from a competent physician. Shows, through experiment, the way in which thinking involves motor action, and relates this to the worrier with internal disturbances. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Emphasizes that the expert worrier should talk about his troubles to only two people--his doctor or his psychiatrist or psychologist. Notes that expert worriers are more intelligent than the average person, but they must be shown that manifestations of worry originate in themselves. (Explains the differences between a psychologist, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst. Sums up the worry emotion in terms of physical activities, their causes, and means of correction. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
traces the rise and decline of Spanish influence in the Americas. Discusses Spain's efforts to exclude other peoples from the New World. Stresses England's determination to break the Spanish hold, particularly after Spain's discovery of the riches of Mexico. (KETC) Kinescope.
A book about a little French girl, her duck and her sheep. We look through the giant’s pipe to see the Eiffel Tower –and sing a French song. The book is by Francois, published by Charles Scribner and Sons.
Discussion of the manufacturing and production of steel in the United States as well as a brief discussion of other minerals, including zinc and aluminum.
Stresses simple sincerity as the basis of good style in any kind of writing from business letters to short stories. Points out that many people lose their naturalness when they begin to write. Discusses outstanding authors, such as Mark Twain, Somerset Maugham, and Shakespeare, and illustrates their simplicity of style with selected readings from each.
Discusses good style as a portrait of the writer and stresses the importance of developing a style that permits the reader to sense the writer's personality. Considers the personality of five writers as revealed by their styles: Sherwood Anderson, Irwin Shaw, Robert Nathan, Ernest Hemingway, and Mark Twain. (WQED) Kinescope.
Reviews the characteristics and types of operas of various periods and suggests ways of developing more public interest in opera. Points out reasons for public opposition to opera and how opera might be made available to more people. States that because of the small demand for talented youth there is a waste of musical talent in America. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Presents the story of Laotzu and his book The Way of Life. Discusses the basic concept of Taoism--creative quietude. Characterizes this belief as one which does not favor competition, but rather allows man to seek his own level with his fellow men and with nature.
Records and preserves the essence of an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Captures the flavor of Indian traditions and philosophy and explores the spiritual significance of art in the everyday life of the Indian people.
It was in the decades of the 1820’s and the 1830’s, often referred to rather broadly as the “Age of Jackson,” that sectional differences began to complicate national life. The Missouri Compromise fight had set the stage. The truce was soon troubled by a series of squabbles over the tariff, which grew to such a degree of intensity that the doctrine of nullification emerged. That storm blew over but it left damage in its wake – the lively discussion over the proposal to annex Texas showed that all was not quiet under the surface and the abolitionists did not exactly throw water on the live embers. During the period the West had a chance to assert itself under Jackson’s leadership and the “common man,” with the frontiers man president as a symbol, began to come into his own. A new political party emerged which for a time seemed likely to unite the states-rights South and the West. Adding to the stress of the time were the distressing economic problems of the Panic of 1837.
Reviews U.S. history from its beginnings, with emphasis on the heritage of freedom and the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence which together account for the nation's greatness. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the contribution of stage costumes to the art of the theater. Follows the costume designer through the initial analysis of the play, the drawing-board, the costume workshop, and to the actual wearing of the costumes. Stresses four basic considerations of costume design: unity, identification, projection, and functionalism. Outlines problems related to action, setting, lighting, and make-up.
Discusses the early twentieth century change from the laissez-faire attitude in government to one of regulation of big business to help protect the American public. Considers the efforts of reformers and the Progressive party led by Theodore Roosevelt. (KETC) Kinescope.
The USA withdrew and sought to lead its own life. The nation tried to return to “normalcy.” In an unstable world Americans knew amazing prosperity and, while it lasted, lived with carefree abandon. Then came the day of reckoning. The first stages of the Age of the Great Depression were confusing and painful.
A historian and a geographer from the University of Michigan, Professor John W. Hall and Professor George Kish, join Professor Peek and Mr. Ravenholt to discuss the problems of rural Asia. The rural Asiatic situation is summed up simply by saying that in that part of the world there are too many people living on too little land and using primitive methods and equipment. Most of the Asiatic people are living at the subsistence level while many witness starvation yearly. Professor Hall displays pictures he took while in Japan recently to illustrate the primitive buildings that house the Japanese farmer and the outmoded farming methods which these farmers are practicing today. The panel discusses these problems of too little food supply and tremendous population growth. Another problem is the condition of the concentration of land ownership. In the struggle to win this "twilight zone" over to their side, both East and West have social reforms to alleviate this condition. The Soviets offer the idea of collective farming. According to Professor Kish, however, this idea is gradually being replaced by the state ownership plan. The democratic plan, on the other hand, advocates individual ownership of the farm land. In order for this plan to be effective, however, the attitude of the Asiatic farmer must be changed--he must be convinced that he can better himself. Final success, then, depends upon the U.S. exporting skills, techniques and machinery along with financial support to the rural areas of Asia.
September 1939 brought war. American apprehensions increased and neutrality grew less and less tenable. The Japanese military settled the conflict of attitudes in early December, 1941. Americans went to war and this time no one, save possibly the Russians, and with little reason, would dispute awarding them the real victors. But, unfortunately, only two of the totalitarian powers were defeated.
Shows man's first effort to count with symbols, and demonstrates how Egyptian and Babylonian mathematic have contributed to our present number system. Stresses this contribution in terms of the essential elements of a modern numeration system: base, place, symbols, zero, decimal point. Through models, demonstrates and explains certain physical methods of writing and reckoning with numbers. Devices shown are the English tally stick, quipa, abacus, and counting board. From these, such words and ideas are identified as "sock, bank, carry", and "borrow". (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Highlight reel of activities surrounding the 1955 Little 500 bicycle race. Activities include qualifiers, the filming of an NBC telecast (featuring the Marching Hundred and Mini 500 tricycles), and the bicycle race (winning team: South Cottage Grove).
This film does not have sound.
Traces development in Big Business, supported by the Republican Party, which led to efforts by the farmers and by labor to protect their share of opportunity. Discusses the growth of the Granger movement and the beginning steps toward unionism. (KETC) Kinescope.
Considers the earliest peoples to come to America, namely, Vikings, Chinese, and much earlier, the American Indian. Studies these early civilizations and reviews the relationships between the Indians and their European conquerors. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses how the size, shape, and location of the land mass of the United States accounts for our country's growth to a world power. Features a brief travelogue of the United States.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Nathaniel Kleitman, John T. Bobbitt
Uses models and animation to identify the functions of the medulla and cerebellum and to describe the cerebrum in detail. Portrays a motorist making a quick decision in order to avoid an accident and proceeds to show the medulla, cerebellum, and cerebrum and to describe the functions of parts of the cerebrum. Discusses the steps involved in response to stimuli including reception, recognition, and interpretation.
Compares various systems of the human body with their machine analogs. Discusses the interrelationship of the muscular and skeletal systems and the digestive and nervous systems. Shows how the human body is superior in many ways to machines man has invented. Contends that no man-made machine can equal this work of God.
Professor Peek, Mr. Ravenholt, and Charles Davis, professor of geography at the University of Michigan and recently returned from the Far East, discuss the nature of the U. S. military aid in the Far East. Mr. Ravenholt points out that the U.S. is sending more military aid to the Far East than to Europe. This aid is directed primarily at Korea, Japan, Formosa, Siam, Indochina, and the Philippines. These six countries are in the "twilight zone," the zone between the bamboo curtain and the U.S. dominated Pacific. Two worlds are vying for this critical area. Members of the panel use two case studies to describe the aid extended to the Philippines and the aid directed toward Formosa. In the Philippines, U. S. officials made many mistakes such as mismanaging guerilla recognition after the war. After 1950 and the outbreak of the Korean War, however, the U.S. reorganized its methods of aid to the new republic and helped the Philippines in their thorough clean up of the Army. By contrast, Formosa has received more U.S. military aid than the Philippines. Here, however, there has been no attempt to educate the people in a democratic fashion or to help give the military the idea of being loyal to a country and a Constitution rather than to an individual. Here the U.S. has been successful in equipping the Island, but not in giving organizational assistance. The panel agrees, that, if we can send military aid and ideals, it is a cheap price for our boys' lives. The Philippine peoples are friendly toward the U.S. because the U.S. aid has been demonstrated to be in their interest. This is not so in other countries. Many of the Asiatic peoples feel they have no control over the American military aid. Ravenholt concludes the discussion by stressing the need for demonstrating that the U.S. aid is in the interest of the people in order for it to succeed.
Discusses contemporary opera, outlines the movements and more notable productions form various countries since World War I. Identifies the three idiomatic schools of contemporary writing--expressionistic, impressionistic, and neo-classical--and explains why each developed. Presents the story and contemporary work by Foss, JUMPING FROG OF CALAVERAS COUNTY. (University of California Ext.) film.
Points out the American legacy from the English along the seaboard, including the English law, the English language, representative government, land hunger, the regime of "Opportunity Unlimited," self-reliance, and even the acceptance of Negro Slavery, and the attitude of "getting away with it." (KETC) Kinescope.
Depicts the role and influence of the mental hospital volunteer in the lives of hospitalized mental patients. Alludes to the scope of the problem of mental illness, and describes some of the undesirable conditions in mental hospitals, the needs of mental patients, the varied activities of a volunteer program, and the process of orienting and training new volunteers. The longer version refers to the Indiana Mental Health Association and the nine mental hospitals in Indiana and includes a direct appeal for volunteers by a former patient.
Professor Peek, Mr. Ravenholt, and Professor John W. Lederle, Director of the Institute of Public Administration at the University of Michigan and recently returned from the Philippines, discuss the questions "How successful has the U.S. been in the Philippines?", "How strategic is the Philippines to the U.S.?", and "What does the future hold for the Philippines?" Since the Islands were ceded by Spain to the U.S. in 1898, the U. S. Government's mission there has been to prepare the people for independence. On July 4, 1946, the 7,150 islands finally became the Philippine Republic, but many problems remain. Lederle explains that the Philippine Government is similar to that of the U.S., but that the central government, with the president in control, is far more powerful than our own Federal Government. This accounts for the weakness at the grassroots level--the apathy of the private citizen toward the government. Mr. Ravenholt points out that the U.S. program to advance the educational system in the Islands has been successful. So, too, the public health program has progressed. However, the economic and social aspects of the situation have not been developed under American guidance. The panel agrees that the Philippine Islands are in a key position in the Far East. Aware of this the U.S. Government has built a large air base and is constructing its largest naval base in the area on Luzon Island. The future potential is great for the Philippines with its undeveloped natural resources, vast timber lands, and some 20 million acres of rich farm land yet to be plowed. It is conceivable that the Philippines could help to feed Japan and India if the Burma rice fields fall under communist control. The Philippines are independent, but the job of the U.S. is not over. New techniques need to be devised to develop the Philippine resources. And Asia is judging America by what happens in the Philippines.
Dorrell McGowan, Jodie Copelan, Stuart E. McGowan, Clark Paylow, Adrian Gendot, Carl Berger, Arthur H. Nadel A.C.E., Harry M. Slott, T. T. Tripplett, Kirby Grant, Gloria Winters, Myron Healy, Stanford Jolley, Frank Richards, Fred Krone
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Pendleton Herring, John T. Bobbitt
Presents and dramatizes the major historical events which resulted in the emergence of the present power and influence of the Presidency. Shows the influence of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the role and function of today's Chief Executive and surveys certain procedures used by the President in performing his duties.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Rescue of Dr. Beanes" (season 3, episode 26), which first aired June 21, 1955 on ABC-TV. Francis Scott Key seeks out the British flagship on Chesapeake bay and argues successfully for the release of Dr. William Beanes, a civilian who had been taken prisoner following the burning of Washington (August 24, 1814). Obliged by Admiral Cochran to remain with the fleet until the British have attached Fort McHenry, Key's experience in witnessing from shipboard the American resistance to the bombardment inspires him to write the verses that have become our National Anthem.
This program addresses westward expansion. The first westward movement took the pioneers across the Appalachians into Kentucky and Tennessee, then to the Ohio country. Gradually, several new states in the Old Northwest were built. Here, two important pieces of national legislation were put on trial: the Land Ordinance of 1785 became the basis for federal land policies for decades, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 set the pattern by which new territories could move through progressive stages to statehood.
During the first thirty-odd-years of the young nation’s independent existence, despite the fact that it had political freedom, the USA found itself most unpleasantly and generally quite inextricably involved in Old World affairs. The Young USA was snubbed first and then bullied by England; it was treated patronizingly and then double crossed by France; for a time it was pushed around by Spain and even bedeviled by the tiny Barbary states of North Africa. These were painful, exasperating, humiliating years. More and more it became painfully evident to the Young USA that there are times in international life when war becomes the only alternative to national dishonor and humiliation. The choice of the adversary, which might have been France quite as much as Britain, was in large measure resolved by pressures from the West. The “war hawks” wanted to fight England in order to have a chance to settle old scores and justification for taking Canada. The War of 1812 was not exactly a glorious venture. Poorly prepared and her armies badly led, the young nation was lucky to come out of it unscathed. Nothing was lost, but nothing was really settled.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Ship That Shook the World" (season 3, episode 19), which first aired March 29th, 1955 on ABC-TV. When news is received that the Confederacy is converting the captured Union ship, Merrimac into an iron-armored ship to break the Union blockade of Southern ports, Captain John Ericsson, a naturalized citizen of Swiss birth, convinces a Navy Board to accept his specifications for a warship of revolutionary design, compared to a "cheesebox on a raft" by president Lincoln. On March 8, 1862, the Merrimac demolishes three conventional Union warships in Chesapeake Bay. The Monitor's shakedown cruise was interrupted for the history-making encounter with the Merrimac at Hampton Roads on March 9, 1862. The Monitor disables the Southern ironclad, forces it to withdraw never to fight again, and saves the blockade. The success of the Monitor revolutionizes naval warfare throughout the world.
Reviews early sixteenth century efforts to cross or circumvent the American land masses. Reveals the change in attitude towards the Americas after the exploits of Cortes and Pizarro among the Aztecs and Incas. Discusses later Spanish attempts to find "another Mexico" and their plans to hold both continents for themselves. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents the story of the rise of totalitarianism and the failure of the democracies to produce effective answers to world problems. Discusses the American attitudes towards Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. Appraises the validity of these attitudes. (KETC) Kinescope.
There was an overwhelming decision in November 1932 to change leadership. Early New Deal legislation sought to accomplish the first two R’s, Relief and Recovery. The later years of the New Deal were pointed toward the third, Reform. An English historian of the modern American scene has offered a sound theme for this part of the story: “One many not agree with the answers which he gave, but one must admit that FDR asked the right questions.”
Imperialism was in the air as the nineteenth century ran toward its close. The USA proved not to be immune. A new “manifest destiny” took hold of American minds; expansion beyond continental limits had its attractions. The early twentieth century saw the USA taking its part in world affairs as a solid full-grown member of the family of nations.
This is the presentation of art at its best as one reviewer puts it. The BBC cameras follow a guide, Bernard Braden, as he tours Hartford House wherein is housed one of the world’s finest collections of art, the Wallace Collection, given to England by a wealthy, aristocratic family. As the guide passes among them, the works of the world’s greatest artists come to life.
This program addresses the Civil War; even before Lincoln took office, the retreat from the Union had begun. He did not want war but was determined that, if the preservation of the Union demanded it, he would not refuse the challenge. Fort Sumter was bombarded and on April 13th its garrison surrendered. The next four years would be bloody, painful, unfortunate ones in the American story.
Shows how the librarians at the Cleveland Public Library select and distribute books to "shut-ins" in their area. Librarians are followed as they visit persons confined to their homes or residing in hospitals, children's or psychiatric wards, and homes for the aged. Depicts mechanical devices loaned to handicapped persons who can not sit up, turn pages, or move their heads. Recounts the beginnings of the service from funds donated in 1941 by the Frederick W. and Henryett Slocum Judd Book Forum and administered by the Cleveland Foundation. The demand for librarians in this type of work is stressed.
The skirmishes at Lexington and Concord and even the more determined fighting around Boston were only meant to show the mother country that the colonials were serious in their demand to be treated fairly as Englishmen. But then events moved rapidly. In July, 1776, the die was cast and the challenge thrown in the face of the British. The next years were full of heartbreaks and setbacks. Almost to the end, the outcome of the struggle was in serious doubt. While the war was on, the new nation often found distressing troubles of an internal nature. The independence for which the fight was being waged at times seemed to be anything but that sweet thing glimpsed in the dreams of freedom. But in the end, victory came to the Americans. In 1783 Great Britain officially recognized the United States of North America. The introductory chapters of the American story were concluded. The main chapters were to follow.
By means of maps and diagrams, enumerates the various means of transportation made possible by the topography of our land. States that one of our country's major strengths is the comparative ease and speed with which we can move people and goods across our continent. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses causes of the spread of tuberculosis in the United States and stresses the need for community action in combatting the disease. Dramatizes the case history of a young woman patient, showing how infection takes place and how poor health habits weaken the body and permit the disease to develop. Shows the work of a mobile X-ray unit. Includes animated sequeces.
Dr. Sumner explains how land surface is considered the most precious of all natural resources since it and climate together produce soil and determine the nature of vegetation. As an example of uncultivated plants which are a rich natural resource, Dr. Sumner cites our nation’s timber supplies. He points out that recent progress in reforestation has not equalized our consumption and growth of timber.
Presents a background of Verdi's life and discusses his early operatic productions, including Rigoletto. Discusses the characteristics of the Italian opera, describes Verdi's love for and his contribution to his country, and tells of his awakening interest in Shakespeare which later influenced some of his compositions.
Here was a man whose music was often misinterpreted, says Dr. Popper as he discusses the life and works of operatic composer Verdi. He tells how Verdi was influenced by Shakespeare and talks of his master work, “Rigoletto.” The program also features demonstrations of Verdi’s music.
Dr. Popper bares the life and works of another great composer, Wagner, as he continues on his journey through opera for the layman. Several vocal illustrations are included, and Dr. Popper again spends much of his time at the piano.
Discusses the later works of Wagner and the conditions under which various of his operas were written. Describes the process of writing the Ring, ending with four complete works--Das Rheingold, Die Walkure, Siegfried, and Die Gotterdammerung. Demonstrates with piano and voice, portions of Wagner's two shorter works, Tristan and Isolde, and Die Meistersinger.
The problem of co-existence between rival nations is pin-pointed as a student from Israel takes issue with his counterpart from Egypt on the situation in the Middle East. The two appear with students from Iceland and Norway on the panel. The solution of the Israel-Arab problem, according to Per Friis Rusten of Norway, lies in education that will provide the peoples of the world with an international mind and spirit. "That's the hardest part - understanding another point of view, " adds Icelander Miss Gudrun Erlendsdottir.
"I want to tell American students how lucky they are," states Nakchung Paik of Korea. "Education is a privilege in my country. Here, it is a right." The other three participants, from Brazil, Britain, and Japan, agree in the panel discussion that American students have many advantages not equaled by students in their homelands. Choice in selecting subjects and sports are cited by the panel as beneficial factors in education here.
Explains the ways in which rumors develop, and presents typical errors people make when telling their experiences to others. Illustrates the transmission of information by using a verbal chain demonstration in reporting a familiar situation and a pantomine demonstration in reporting an unfamiliar situation. Outlines the ways in which the reporting of an incident is accomplished from person to person and the changes that take place during the transmission.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiett Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1955, students from Australia, Singapore, Italy, and India discuss the proper purpose of a high school education.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Where's the Bunny?, by Ruth Carroll, published by the Oxford University Press. The Kittens, Me-ow and Me-ow Too, and Rusty the rooster play a game of tag. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
This program stresses two main points: The internal problems of Japan and Japan’s position in the Far East as it affects the United States. A film segment suggests highlights of the history of Japan since World War II, and a second film clip illustrates the conditions of life in Japan, pointing up the great difficulty of such a small country in providing enough food for such an enormous population. It is agreed that the key issue of American policy is how to convert a defeated, completely demilitarized enemy into a strong ally against Communism.
An account of a canoe trip in the Quetico-Superior wilderness area of Northern Minnesota and Canada. Emphasizes the importance of keeping wilderness areas green, beautiful, and intact. Includes views of wildlife and wild flowers.
A Swiss student declares that he would be willing to have his country give up its traditional neutrality, if it would help to unify Europe, during this discussion. He cautions, however, that the purpose of this unification is to help each other and, if Europe is unified against Russia, that purpose will be defeated. The four other countries represented on the panel are Germany, France, Belgium and Yugoslavia.
Discusses Dutch holdings on the Hudson, in the East, and in Brazil. Appraises the Dutch efforts at empire building and governing. Relates Henry Hudson's discovery of the fur-rich Hudson valley in his search for a Northwest passage. (KETC) Kinescope.
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune interviews distinguished American poet, Archibald MacLeish. Mr. MacLeish outlines his ideas on what poetry is and should be, including ideas on its uses. For him, poetry must come from experience and give form to experience. He sees younger writers as turning inward toward more spiritual and emotional themes and expressions.
This is the first lesson on how to write a clear and forceful sentence, whether in a lyric poem or in a technical report. Examples of good sentences are read from Poe, Conrad, Lamb and others.
Discusses five devices for putting power into sentences. Includes (1) arranging words in order of importance, (2) keeping the main idea in the main clause, (3) keeping the minor clause at the beginning, and the major clause at the end, (4) keeping the reader in suspense until the end, and (5) arranging words in an unnatural order. Examples of simple, powerful sentences are read.
Reviews our use of labels to classify people when these labels actually refer to but one characteristic of a single person. Points out the way in which we tack many other ideas onto these labels and form stereotypes. This is illustrated when several people are brought before a group and the group is asked to make choices concerning their occupations from a list provided them.
Discusses how prejudice might affect our actions, and points out that it is one of the most important of all the false impressions that occur within us. Demonstrates, with a group of students, how prejudice is promoted through "labels" which people attach to certain individuals or groups.
Game 4 of the 1954 World Series: New York Giants - 7; Cleveland Indians - 4.
With this game, the Giants complete their sweep of Cleveland, four game to none, to clinch the World Series title.
The game features two teams no longer with the same names: New York Giants (now the San Francisco Giants) and Cleveland Indians (now Guardians).
World Series Game 3: New York Giants - 6; Cleveland Indians - 2.
Played at Cleveland Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio. The Giants win game 3 to go up 3-0 in the series.
The game features two teams no longer with the same names: New York Giants (now the San Francisco Giants) and Cleveland Indians (now Guardians).
1954 World Series Game 3: New York Giants - 3; Cleveland Indians - 1.
Giants win Game 2 to go up 2-0 over Cleveland in the series. Played at Polo Grounds in Manhattan, New York.
The game features two teams no longer with the same names: New York Giants (now the San Francisco Giants) and Cleveland Indians (now Guardians).
1954 World Series Game 1: New York Giants - 5; Cleveland Indians - 2.
This game featured a game-changing memorable catch by Giants' infielder Willie Mays, known as "The Catch." Played at Polo Grounds in Manhattan, New York.
The game features two teams no longer with the same names: New York Giants (now the San Francisco Giants) and Cleveland Indians (now Guardians).
Willie Mays great catch in Game 1 World Series 1954
Russ Hodges and Jack Brickhouse, NBC network television
1954 World Series Game 1: New York Giants - 5; Cleveland Indians - 2. Played at Polo Grounds in Manhattan, New York.
Willie Mays' catch in 1954 World Series Game 1.
Call by Jack Brickhouse and Russ Hodges on NBC network television.
1954 World Series Game 1: New York Giants - 5; Cleveland Indians - 2. Played at Polo Grounds in Manhattan, New York.
1954 Major League Baseball All-Star Game: American League - 11; National League - 9.
Call by Jimmy Dudley for Mutual Network, radio. Played at Municipal Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio.
Edward R. Feil, Kathryn Hellerstein, David Hellerstein, Leslie Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Maren Mansberger Feil, Stanley M. Feil, Nellie Feil, George Feil, Betsy Feil, Ann Leslie Jones, Harold S. Feil, Herman Hellerstein
Home movie that focuses on Ed Feil's nieces and nephews as infants. Mostly features babies walking, eating, crawling, playing, and in playpens. Also shows birthday parties for Kathy Hellerstein and Leslie Feil. Some footage taken while driving around Cleveland at night and inside Cleveland's Union Terminal.
A continuation of the footage from [Frankfurt, Germany 1954] and similar street scenes of the town center of Frankfurt am Main. Footage of rubble and ruins of buildings from World War II. Shows construction and rebuilding near the ruins. Notable landmarks include Alte Oper.
Street scenes of the town center of Frankfurt am Main. Footage of rubble and ruins of buildings from World War II. Shows construction and rebuilding near the ruins. Notable landmarks include St. Catherine's Church. A movie poster for "How to Marry a Millionaire" starring Marilyn Monroe is visible. The film was released in West Germany in 1954.
The last meeting of the Herald Tribune Youth Forum was a meeting of the complete group at the U.N. General Assembly hall. Episode nine deals more or less with world problems. The role of the U. N. in world affairs is considered, particularly the problem of colonialism and the U. N.s ability to regulate trusteeships and mandates. The problem of "power politics", and the necessity to align with one side or the other, is presented by Vangala Ram, the delegate from India: "The only real moment of strangeness I recall was during a conversation about world politics. The participants seemed to think that the only powers worth considering in today's world are the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R." Peter Hudson of the United Kingdom later countered this, saying: "Today neutral countries are not the strong countries. They use neutrality to justify their weakness, either because they don't want to be strong or because they are too small to be strong."
The delegates tell about their reactions to their visit, and discuss the attitudes that they have formed while here. The students represent Switzerland, Japan, Thailand, Jordan, and Norway
Presents two- and three-year-old children in their daily activities at a nursery school. Shows them imitating adults in their play, expressing hostility, responding to rhythm, learning to wash and dress themselves, eating, and taking an afternoon nap. Reveals how they learn about nature and life in the spring by discovering and examining living things. Points out that by the time they are four they become more social and begin to play in groups.
Follows the activities of two- and three-year-old children through the nursery-school day and through the seasons of the year. Shows ways in which teachers offer help, by setting limits and by giving support and encouragement; and indicates in playroom and playground scenes the variety and suitability of play equipment for natural and constructive activity.