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Demonstrates and explains methods of manipulating elements and using them. Shows how iron is extracted and explains the derivation of a variety of products from petroleum. Uses a working model of a blast furnace and of a petroleum refinery. (KQED) Film.
Defines realism and discusses style, subject matter, and motivation with reference to realism in painting. Identifies and contrasts genre painting and illusionary realism and illustrates these with prints. A realistic portrayal of a landscape is done at the easel. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.
Reviews the records of both parties in the area of conservation and use of our natural resources. Points out that controversy has been particularly sharp on the development of power resources. (KQED) Kinescope.
Outlines the principles that guided the work of the romantic painter and illustrates these principles with paintings and prints. Shows a landscape in the romantic mode depicted at the easel. Identifies romanticism as the beginnings of expressionism. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Pictures three expeditions which trace the acquisition by the metropolitan Museum of Art of jewelry which belonged to an Egyptian Princess of the XIIth Dynasty. Traces and discusses changes in the techniques of archeology during the past 100 years. (NYU) Kinescope.
Demonstrates modern techniques for teaching primary grade pupils to read, write, and do simple arithmetic. Shows children, participating in such classroom activities as reading-readiness tests, storytelling, and drills in word analysis, phonics, number recognition, and spelling.
Discusses how self-confidence can be developed, and shows why people do some things more confidently than others. Recommends practice with success, unlearning fears, and the feeling of belongingness which help build confidence in us to do things in which we had no confidence at first. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Presents a number of family situations to show that behavior of a child depends on his age and how the development of an individual's personality is affected by many family factors. Portrays examples of children as their behavior is influenced by such factors as the age of the child, illness of a parent, proximity of ages between children, native differences, and attitude of grandparents.
Dr. Feinberg delves into the background of Sinclair Lewis to try and show why this man turned to satire in his literary works. Examples of his satire are cited and discussed.
This films has a persistent flickering image that may make some viewers feel disoriented.
Home movie footage of the Pacific Ocean taken from a boat in the port of Singapore.
Depicts the life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer of the 16th century. Portrays his exploration of the new world and shows some of his personal possessions including sword, ceremonial helmet, and Bible. Shows model demonstrations of how ships sailed in those days and how sailors fought. Indicates the crude navigation instruments used by early explorers and points out the difficulties which Drake encountered.
Depicts the life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer of the 16th century. Portrays his exploration of the new world and shows some of his personal possessions including sword, ceremonial helmet, and Bible. Shows model demonstrations of how ships sailed in those days and how sailors fought. Indicates the crude navigation instruments used by early explorers and points out the difficulties which Drake encountered.
Roscoe Drummond, Washington columnist for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews a subject expert and two opinion representatives regarding slum clearance and housing. Estimates that it will cost America $100 billion to clear our nation of slums and stop the deterioration of our cities. Presents arguments for the participation of the federal government in solving this crisis because of the tremendous cost of slum clearance as well as arguments for the participation of private enterprise with the support of local citizens and governments. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
Explores the effects that societal conditions, geographic location, and moral pressures have upon artists and their works. Illustrates with sketches and prints the kinds of treatment resulting from various influencing factor. Discusses the influence on literature and music of these same forces. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Surveys the major foreign and other influences on contemporary American art and discusses their effects. Illustrates these influences with a wide range of American and European works. The influences are summarized as they are traced in three American paintings. Illustrative prints of works by Hals, Reynolds, and Stuart are shown. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Describes the topography, climate, economy, cultural patterns, and heritage of the Southeastern States. Discusses the changes in the region which are being brought about by such developments as flood control, soil conservation, the building of power dams, industrialization, urbanization, the decrease in tenant farming, and the diversification and modernization of agriculture. Uses animated maps in showing the Southeast's relation to other regions.
Teaching Film Custodians release of a DuPont Cavalcade Theatre television series episode, "Star and Shield" (season 4, episode 14), which first aired January 24, 1956 on ABC-TV. The film demonstrates the social responsibilities of police officers in a story about a warmhearted patrolman in Union City, New Jersey, who attempts to secure an apartment in a low-cost housing project for an embittered old lady and her five-year-old granddaughter.
All organisms tend to maintain their organization in spite of changing environmental conditions. Dr. Roney describes the different types of responses which organisms make to stimuli. Using the micro-projector, he shows a number of simple organism responses. He also shows the beating heart muscle in a live chick embryo.
Discusses style as related to form, space, color, line, and scope of treatment. Illustrates these elements with paintings by Avery and Pickett. Demonstrates and discusses various methods of applying pigment and illustrates their effects in works by Sawyer and Wilson. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Defines and discusses subject matter and content on art. Illustrates these concepts with pictures, prints, sketches, and selections from literature. Includes a brief discussion of art forms in which style and technique have become the content. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Summarizes the American nominating process from the early days to the emergence of the two-party system between 1830 and 1860 and the main political developments through 1952. Shows key Republican and Democratic candidates from 1912 through 1952 and headlines from the files of the New York Times dating back to the 19th century. (Dynamic Films) Films.
Dr. Feinberg summarizes his previous lectures and adds some interesting observations on various aspects of humor. A “drunk” routine, a device used so frequently by comedians, is presented and analyzed.
All thirty-three forum delegates gather for this concluding program to summarize and compare reactions to the three months spent in this country. All of the delegates have radically changed their initial views of America, mostly for the better. In high good humor and a festive mood, the delegates scramble their national signs just before the program goes on the air much to the confusion of moderator Mrs. Helen Waller. However, she concludes this is the most spontaneous demonstration of the delegates' new understanding that race and nationality are not barriers to friendship.
Distinguishes between statements of inference and statements of fact and discusses the consequences of confusing the two. Illustrates the manner in which most people make declarative statements that are mistakenly assumed to be statements of fact. Shows how behavior is affected when people tend to misunderstand each other and fail to assess situations realistically.
In this opening program, Dr. Irving Lee presents his viewpoint of general semantics – the science of the relations between symbols and the study of human behavior as a reaction to symbols.
Discusses the consequences of forgetting that words only point to things and are not the things themselves. Attention to words alone may lead to unrealistic behavior, because language made it easy to distort what we are describing. It is easier to exaggerate in our speaking than to be precise. This tendency to exaggerate is based partly on a failure to limit our description or judgement of a person or thing to a particular time and context. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Considers the consequences of the "disease of allness", an attitude present in the person who implies or believes that what he knows or says about a thing is all that can be said. When "allness" exists, learning is hindered, and tension is likely to develop in human relations. The world of change in which we live makes it impossible to say all there is to say about anything. Failure to recognize this leads to bigotry. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Considers the differences between a good and a bad observer and relates these differences to talking sense. Points out that the use of conclusions based on observation of similarities alone results in a limitation of our awareness of the world, while the use of conclusions grounded on observation that also considers differences is a mark of the mature mind.
Discusses the variations in meanings of words and how these variations affect the communication process. Shows that words used by a speaker in one way and interpreted by a listener in another results in "bypass" or misunderstanding. Stresses that meaning is not in words but in speakers and listeners. Recommends that attention not be focused on words, that listeners be interested in what speakers mean, and that speakers try to make themselves understood by listeners.
Seeks a point of view on the United States tariff policy through interviews with a subject expert and three opinion representatives. Explains popular misconceptions of the tariff problem and fundamental facts involved in this policy issue. Presents arguments for high tariff rates and protectionism for American industry as well as arguments for a liberalized tariff program designed to establish freer world trade. Discusses the alternative compromise of controlling American trade barriers on a selective basis so as to protect industries especially vulnerable to foreign competition. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation, Bruce Catton, Nicholas Dancy
Traces the history of flags in the United States from the time of Columbus, through the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Enacts the Betsy Ross legend and the story of Francis Scott Key, and discusses the place of the flag in such democratic institutions as the polls, the courts, and the schools.
Demonstrates and discusses the techniques of bathing infants. The demonstration is preceded by an explanation of past and present practices in infant bathing and is followed by suggestions for treatment of such conditions as cradle cap and diaper rash. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the responsibilities of the two-party system and explains the requirements of an effective party system. Includes discussion of "batting averages" of the Presidents with regard to the bills brought before them and in living up to party platforms. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents scenes of the chameleon in its normal habitat, with extreme close-ups to show the functioning of the feet, eyes, and tongue. Shows how the skin color changes in response to light and temperament. Includes slow-motion sequences.
Slow-motion and underwater photography are used in demonstrating how swimming students emulate the motins of the dolphin as they learn the dolphin kick, the accompanying body undulations and the butterfly arm action which combine to increase the power of the breast stroke. Educational author, Francis Dixon.
Take melody – add harmony – rhythm – counterpoint and you have a musical composition, one element at a time. Members of the New York Woodwind Quintet return to explain and illustrate the component parts of music. Two young students of flute and clarinet play a duet by Tellemann to illustrate counterpoint. In closing, a familiar melody is selected and the children themselves choose the components for their own composition. In closing, a familiar melody is selected and the children themselves choose the components for their own composition.
Discusses the initial visit to the doctor after pregnancy is suspected. Indicates some of the physiological changes which are indications of pregnancy and outlines some of the procedures in the doctor's office, including a step by step description of the pelvic examination. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the fugue, explains its construction, and demonstrates with compositions played in part and in their entirety. Includes selections by Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven.
Takes the viewer on a trip down the Nile with a nobleman of the XIth Dynasty and his entourage in ancient Egypt in the year 2000 B.C. Uses original ship models from the tomb of Meket-Re. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses The Life of James Madison by Irving Brant. Characterizes this four-volume work as a new kind of writing and considers other modes of treating biography. Praises the book for its portrayal of Madison and for its exposition of American colonial and revolutionary history. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Discusses and illustrates the size, shape, composition, and organization of a living cell, and, with the use of a model and a simplified drawing, shows the different parts. Points out a few of the differences between a plant and an animal cell. (KUHT) Film.
This film, in vivid, dramatic scenes, shows the examples of two physicians, the right way and the wrong way, to offer medical testimony on which the plaintiff's suit depends.
Discusses the discovery of three elements predicted by Mendeleev. Demonstrates and explains the use of the spectroscope and of other methods in isolating elements. Revises Mendeleev's Periodic Table by adding the three new elements and rare gases. (KQED) Film.
Dr. Feinberg delves into the basic nature of humor as it is known in everyday life. “Fake” laughter, often used on radio and television, is demonstrated and its importance and value explained.
Dr. Feinberg addresses satire; why satire is used, how it combines humor and criticism, its relationship to the nature of reality, and how it causes laughter. Dr. Feinberg points out that cosmic irony, social irony, and individual irony are the basis for satire, and discusses and illustrates each of these three forms.
Dr. Feinberg addresses just what makes the satirist tick, what kind of a person it is who twists elements of a person or of a thing to make the whole appear funny.
Discusses opposing views concerning the necessity of government, and illustrates why some form of government is essential for the common good of the group. Explains the two general types of government--leader centered and majority rule. Points out the danger of the two extremes of government--anarchy with unlimited individual rights or a powerful government with no individual rights. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Shows and discusses baby clothing and pictures the actions of two babies less than six weeks old. General styles of various items of baby clothing are displayed, their advantages are pointed out, and minimum quantities needed are suggested. (WQED) Kinescope.
Considers the recently deciphered tablets from Pylos and Knossus that have furnished evidence calling for a thorough revision of Greek history before Homer. Discusses this "brand new" world of Ancient Greece and the possibility that Homer could actually write. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses trends in the nominating process and the changes in sectional voting patterns. Briefly mentions the influence of third parties and splinter candidates. Summarizes criticisms of the political convention and the primary system, concluding that the process, whatever its weakness, has proved workable. Considers the influence of television on American elections. (Dynamic Films) Film.
This program considers the role of the president and the significant changes in that role during the past half century. Interviews and discussion also consider the presidential role as administrator of public policy and political leader; the methods used for nomination of candidates for the presidency, and the development of the convention system.
Discusses The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Appraises the artistic quality of the book and examines its purposes and the ideas that it contains. Concludes that this rather short, simple story is Hemingway's technically most competent book. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Here, working politicians consider selection and preparation of the convention site, the role of the National Committee in the organization and operation of the convention, the functions of standing committees of the convention, and settlement of disputes in seating of contested delegates.
Discusses the empire of the Persians under Darius and its destruction by Alexander the Great. Gives a glimpse of this culture through a display of a number of gold objects. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the competing interests or "factions" which existed as separate groups before political parties were organized. Explains that today these groups make themselves felt through competition with the parties for power and influence or by trying to gain dominance within a party. (KETC) Kinescope.
Explains how the earth, its inhabitants, and its atmosphere are composed of 101 elements alone or in numerous combinations. Discusses the distribution of elements in the earth, in water, and in the atmosphere, and indicates the significance of these proportions. (KQED) Film.
Discusses The Red and the Black by Stendhal. Outlines conditions in France that served as background for this novel and compares it with others that depict revolt against small-town ways. Considers the development of plot and characters and touches on the form and the treatment of ideas in the book. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Faith in human goodness generally implies a faith in a higher deity, and such is the case in the work of Rouault and Manessier. Washburn compares and contrasts a number of works of the two painters.
Discusses the rondo and explains its construction. Illustrates with compositions played partially or in their entirety. Features the Paganini Quartet, including a brief history of the quartet's Stratavari instruments, all of which belonged to Paganini. Musical selections include Rondino (Kroisler), Turkish Rondo (Mozart), and the finale from both a sonata and a quartet by Beethoven. (USC) Film.
In this program, Temianka explains the meaning and origin of the word, “scherzo,” which refers to a sprightly, humorous instrumental composition or movement commonly used in quick triple measure. Illustrative compositions are selected for Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Dvorak and Schumann.
Dr. Roney examines the scientific method. He discusses such questions as: How does a scientist decide when an observation is “true”? What are the differences between inductive and deductive procedures? What is a raw “fact”? He also demonstrates the use of a micro-projector, and shows more views of amoeba.
Highlight reel of activities surrounding the 1956 Little 500 bicycle race. Activities include qualifiers, the Mini 500 women's tricycle race, and the Little 500 pre-race activities and bicycle race.
This film does not have sound.
Discusses the national party convention as a nominating device. Considers control of the convention, the convention as a "sane" method for choosing candidates, and the nomination of the vice-presidential candidates. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the origin and development of the sonata form and explains its construction. Includes musical illustrations by Schumann, Haydn, Schubert, and Franck.
Defines and discusses "song-form" in music. Illustrative works include B Major Sonatina (Schubert), Norwegian Dance (Grieg), Sonata in D Major (Brahms), and Trio (Beethoven). (USC) Film.
Discusses and demonstrates the Stradivarius violin, the viola, and the cello. Explains the distinguishing features of the Stradivarius instruments being used and presents musical selections featuring each of the instruments in turn. Music includes: Beethoven, Serenade from Trio, Paganini, Caprice; Dohnanyi, Serenade from Trio; and Bach, Bourree from C Major Suite. (Arts and Audiences, Inc.) Film.
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.) Film.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Karl E. Mason, Robert Longini
Describes in detail the structure, function, and movement of the spinal column in man. Uses X-ray photography and animated drawings to indicate the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions and shows how the individual vertebrae are joined together to form a strong but flexible backbone. Points out the relationship between the spine, other bones, and muscles of the body and stresses good posture. | Details the movement, structure, and function of the spinal column through X-ray, stop-motion, and close-up photography, as well as by means of animated drawings. Emphasizes the importance of good posture and illustrates typical posture faults.
Introduces the age of Romanticism by dramatizing major personalities and events that contributed to the spirit of this period in the history and culture of Western civilization. | Introduces the age of Romanticism by dramatizing major personalities and events that contributed to the spirit of this period in the history and culture of Western civilization.
The Finder shows us how basic printing is in our lives by bringing before the camera a variety of things which are printed—stamps, billboards, toys, milk bottles, tin cans and plastic curtains. He goes on to investigate letterpress, the oldest printing method invented by Gutenberg 500 years ago. It is still one of the widely used printing methods.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Ralph E. Rush, Milan Herzog, Erpi Classroom Films Inc., Peter W. Dykema, M.L., Teachers College, Columbia University, Howard Barlow
Describes the appearance, functions, and timbre of each stringed instrument of the symphony orchestra. Illustrates bowing, pizzicato, and finger techniques used in playing instruments of the string choir. Explains characteristic tonal qualities of the violin, viola, cello, and bass viol, with excerpts from Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, Schubert's Unfinished Symphony, and Rossini's William Tell Overture. An instructional sound film.
Describes the child in his second and third years. Stresses importance of play, vocabulary development, the nap and bed-time ritual, and the development of possessiveness and self-assertion. Shows some of the activities of children in this age group. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Otto Struve, director of the Leuscher Observatory in Berkeley and the first man to prove that stars rotate on their axes, is Dr. Seaborg’s guest on this program. Hydrogen is rare and helium is positively scarce on earth but these two elements alone make up 99 percent of the universe as a whole. Dr. Seaborg and his guest attempt to explain this phenomenon and other topics such as the creation of the universe, the emptiness of “empty space,” and the ways in which astronomers unravel the secrets of the cosmos. The viewers also is taken on a journey of exploration in outer space with our host and Dr. Struve as they explore the sun, the Milky Way, and distant galaxies, all illustrated with remarkable astro-photos.
Professor Kraemer reads from an illustrated account by an Egyptian envoy, written in 1200 BC, who traveled to Syria at a time when law and order within the Egyptian empire were in a state of corruption. The account stresses the indignities suffered by a traveler.
Introduces the Republican Party record on particular political issues and outlines its stand on such issues as agriculture, foreign policy, civil rights, and natural resources.
Shows the raising and harvesting of a crop of wheat by a family in Kansas. Pictures plowing, harrowing, and planting in the late summer along with a variety of activities in which the wheat farmer engages. Dramatizes the struggle to get the crop in before an impending hail storm and reveals the risks involved in wheat farming.
Discusses and demonstrates theme and variations and traces the development of this musical form. Illustrations include variations of the Vintner's Daughter, and the "Trout-Quintet," played in its entirety by the Paganini Quartet, with piano. (USC) Film.
Presents the historical, geographical, industrial, and scenic highlights of the state, including the cities of Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and South Bend. Also shows Indiana, Purdue, and Notre Dame universities, and manufacturing, industrial, and agricultural centers.
Defines art by discussing its distinguishing qualities. Differentiates between art and artifact. Shows a variety of art objects and paintings and contrasts art and artifact by playing two musical selections. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the characteristics of a "good" candidate in terms of age, religion, and home state. Points out that men from populous states stand the best chance of receiving the nomination. Also discusses favorite sons, dark horse candidates, and the nomination of candidates previously defeated.
This final program on the series is a “crystal ball” attempt to look into the future and answer the question, “Where is American art going?” A panel of well-known American figures in American art assists Dr. Preston in an attempt to select those elements in today’s painting which may well be termed characteristic of this era by later generations and to trace out the lines of development which will determine the future.
Going more deeply into the how and why of laughter, Dr. Feinberg discusses international jokes and tells how they originated. A clown routine, so common in international jokes, is demonstrated and analyzed.
In this concluding program on prejudices, the delegates stress some of the similarities between nations represented in the Forum group. These include Switzerland-Germany, common language and literature; Switzerland-Israel, multilingual country and neutrality; Switzerland-Finland, winter sports, neutrality; Germany-Israel, anti-Semitism in Germany, anti-German feeling in Israel; and Israel-Egypt, struggle to develop the desert, find water, be independent of foreign influence, and solve problems of refugees.
Outlines and discusses various theories of humor, and presents examples of laughter created to illustrate each theory. Shows, through the use of a polygraph, that physiological changes occur in various parts of the body when a person laughs. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Discuss the book, Witness, by Whittaker Chambers. Examines the content of this autobiographical work and the reasons why it was written. Appraises the significance of the book as a source for historians and as literature.
Shows how to choose a job by first knowing one's self as revealed by performance in intelligence, aptitude, and personality tests, by learning the characteristics of different jobs, and by fitting these two together. Illustrates these steps by following a series of counseling sessions between a counselor and a counselee. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses World Enough and Time by Robert Penn Warren. Outlines the plot, briefly sketches the characters, and appraises the literary form of this novel. Identifies and examines ides embodied in this work and indicates the author's serious concern with them. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Reviews, through documentary scenes taken from the National Archives, the historic events which led to the entry of the United States into World War II. Records the failure of the League of Nations to take strong action against the aggressive acts of Japan, Italy, and Germany. Highlights the war of nerves, the successive Axis aggression, U.S. Neutrality Acts, the various agreements and pacts, and the declaration of war by England, France, and the United States.
Documentary of events leading to United States entry to World War II. Different stages through which American public opinion passed as events in Europe took place are described.
Compiled footage from the years 1955-1956, primarily focused on a young Lynn.
Begins with scenes of Christmas: Nelle and Lynn decorating the tree, holiday cards on the mantle, Lynn opening presents. Shot of exterior of Bixler home at 8539 Broadway Street and Lynn playing in the yard. Shot of Lynn in Easter dress with basket. Shows some footage taken through airplane window.
Cut to the 1956 Indianapolis 500 race taken from the stands ; Bixler family visits Sarasota, Florida and the Sarasota Jungle Gardens ; Lynn's birthday and a children's party ; the Bixlers at Little America Amusement Park in Indianapolis ; Lynn and friends playing outside ; Lynn showing balloon animals to the camera ; Lynn and Nelle playing board games ; Lynn's classroom at school at Christmastime ; footage of animals from Cincinnati Zoo, including monkeys and seals performing.
Travelogue documenting Bailey's trips to New Zealand, Indonesia, and Cambodia, 1955-1956. Film begins with footage of people playing cricket in Auckland, the Auckland War Memorial Museum, and people enjoying the beach. In Rotorua, Maori women in traditional dress play instruments and perform a dance. Shows the New Zealand Parliamentary Library and Riddiford Baths in Wellington. Captures diverse landscapes of New Zealand, including beaches, snowy mountains, and geothermal areas. Bailey's mother, Nellie Freeman, accompanies her in New Zealand. Footage of Asia primarily shows small village life and men, women, and children working in fields and doing housework. Bailey captures a large celebration complete with a float that has a Hindu temple spire. Ends with extensive footage of Angkor Wat with close-ups of the art and architectural features.
George T. Engelman Jr. was a graduate from Indiana University, attending IU from 1937-1941. He worked and raised his family for a few years in Bloomington while studying for his master’s degree in education in the 40s and 50s and working for RCA. He was also a WWII veteran.
Family, including kids playing and some of the family pets; footage of a visit to the IU football stadium, Spring Mill State Park, and the Wabash river. Footage of a family gathering and a wedding; RCA/Victor plant, and Christmas at the family home.
Presents the first game of the 1955 Indiana State Basketball Finals between Crispus Attucks (Indianapolis) and New Albany in its entirety. Designed for coaching purposes.