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This week: A bipartisan bill making its way through the Indiana legislature seeks to limit the amount of PFAS firefighting foam used during training, and Congress grills the EPA administrator about the Trump administration's request to slash the agency's budget by 26%.
The Bateman Case Study Competition is a public relations competition for students nationwide to gain experience in public relations. IU has its own class devoted to this competition in which 4 students and a faculty advisor work together to implement a campaign for the chosen client. This year's client: The 2020 US Census. In this week's episode you'll hear from faculty advisor Dave Groobert and students Adara Donald and Abigail Bainbridge about what it's like to work on this case study and what exactly the US Census is.
In the era of “big data” revolution, social scientists face different types of challenges that we think are more technical, rather than theoretical. While it is certainly a challenge to analyze bigger than tera-byte data, the analysis of big data is not just a matter of solving computational problems. Big data provides a unique opportunity to solve society’s big problems if and only if it is analyzed through careful research designs and strong theoretical frameworks. This talk introduces two practical strategies for social scientists — parallel aggregation and matching — to make big data smaller so that we can overcome technical difficulties while making robust statistical inference. I will illustrate them based on my own trial and error during the analysis of large-scale medical claims data under the context of the US opioid epidemic. This talk also presents several tips for the effective management of big data.
The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco hosted in late 2019 the Fed's first conference focused on climate change. There, researchers presented on topics ranging from the effects of climate change on the global workforce to the interaction between pollution and interest rate. But the day kicked off with one series of questions: why this and why now?
In this episode, with the help of Reuters reporter Ann Saphir, we examine central banking's climate risks and the Fed's engagement with those issues.
This week: A U.S. company decides to stop selling an Indiana-made pesticide linked to "brain abnormalities" in children; we look at who won the first stage of a legal battle to prevent the construction of a coal-to-diesel plant in Spencer County; and students learn about using aquatic life to grow food.
Publication and reporting bias are well-documented in the scientific literature. Increased data and code sharing, and access to other sources of information such as Clinical Study Reports (CSRs), address concerns about the non-reproducibility of individual studies. Ironically, greater transparency has given rise to new problems. That is, systematic reviewers and meta-analysts can choose from among dozens of effect sizes that could be included in their analyses. Initiatives that increase validity and reproducibility in individual studies also create opportunities for bias in research synthesis and clinical guideline development. Scientists could adopt new methods to avoid cherry-picking at all stages of research and evidence synthesis.
The Sample: In celebration of Black History Month, Through the Gates' shorts, The Sample, sat down with Maria Hamilton Abegunde to discuss how the intersections of past and present, trauma and healing, influence the ways we, "witness and testify to lived experiences..." Among a wide array of accomplishments and experiences, Dr. Abegunde is an award-winning poet, the founding director of The Graduate Mentoring Center, and a visiting faculty member in the Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies. She is a memory keeper, and author of one collection of poetry and two poetry chapbooks.
Securing research data, especially meeting new and stricter regulatory and other cybersecurity requirements, is becoming a challenge for both researchers and campus units at IU that support research. To help them navigate this complex landscape, IU is launching SecureMyResearch, a collaborative effort by the Center of Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR), the Information Security division within the Office of the Vice President for IT, and UITS Research Technologies. Its goal is to accelerate research by empowering researchers with a resource that reduces both their cybersecurity and compliance burden and risk to regulated and open research data at IU. This presentation will describe SecureMyResearch and how it aims to weave research data security and compliance into the institutional fabric.
The legacy of environmental (in)justice stretches beyond the commencement of the industrial revolution, and according to long-time community organizer Peggy Shepard, it remains among the greatest challenges of the next generation. This episode, we discuss the definition of environmental justice, how it tends to play out for regulators, and examples of communities around the world standing up for fair distribution of environmental burdens.
Textual data are central to the social sciences. However, they often require several pre-processing steps before they can be utilized for statistical analyses. This workshop introduces a range of Python tools to clean, organize, and analyze textual data. It is intended for researchers who are new to working with textual data, but are familiar with Python or have completed the Introduction to Python workshop. Computers with Python pre-loaded are available in the SSRC on a first-come, first-served basis.
Indiana University Libraries are home to rich and unique collections, ranging from the Calumet Regional Archives at Northwest, to the University Archives at Bloomington, to the William L. Simon Sheet Music Collection at Southeast. To date, the description and discovery of these materials have been facilitated by disparate systems, formats, and practices. This fractured ecosystem has challenged the exploration of materials meaningful to Hoosiers and those in the national and international communities. Library Technologies and Digital Collections Services have partnered with archivists across IU in a project called Next Generation Archives Online. In celebration of IU’s 200th anniversary and with funding from the Office of the Bicentennial, this project is laying the groundwork for a unified description and discovery infrastructure and coordinated processes governing contributions to that infrastructure. This new ecosystem includes ArchivesSpace for creating collection description and ArcLight for end user search and discovery. This talk will share progress to date in implementing and moving from the current generation’s disparate technologies and practices to the unified approach of the next generation.
This week: A coalition of groups from the Great Lakes region say its members need more time to see how a change to one of the nation's first major federal environmental laws will affect them, and a new report says snowfall rates have drastically changed in the past 50 years.
Presents an actual Nevada parole board hearing during which a disabled sex offender hopes to be released from prison after being eligible many years earlier and repeatedly refused.
His traumatic journey finds him caught between prison officials and board members, who place him in a mental double bind, unable to fulfill conflicting requirements to make parole so that he can get the medical care he needs to survive.
Includes revealing statistics 2007 - 2019 about death during prison custody for Nevada sex offenders, as compared to total deaths in custody. WARNING: MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE VIEWERS AND CHILDREN. a mercedes maharis film. 6 minutes.
The Sample: Surviving an Indiana winter is tough enough but it can seem especially brutal when all the greenery on campus is gone. In this episode of The Sample, take a visit to the Jordan Hall Greenhouse as producer Kat Spence explores what this staple of IU has to offer during the cold Hoosier winter.
From a Bayesian point of view, the selection of a particular model from a universe of possible models can be characterized as a problem of uncertainty. The method of Bayesian model averaging quantifies model uncertainty by recognizing that not all models are equally good from a predictive point of view. Rather than choosing one model and assuming that the chosen model is the one that generated the data Bayesian model averaging obtains a weighted combination of the parameters of a subset of possible models, weighted by each models’ posterior model probability. This workshop provides an overview of Bayesian model averaging with a focus on recent developments and applications to propensity score analysis, missing data, and probabilistic forecasting of relevance to social science research.
Part 1
Long-time residents of higher-elevation Miami neighborhoods have anticipated for decades an influx of wealthy people retreating from flood-prone areas. Then, as it finally began to happen, as households and businesses began to face displacement, as public understanding of climate change swelled, the long-time residents received little assistance. Despite the late 2018 adoption of a City resolution to study climate gentrification—the first of its kind in the U.S.—community activists continue to push the city for substantive action.
In our first episode on climate gentrification, we look at the case of Miami-Dade County, including the history that got us to this point and potential solutions moving forward.
In this episode:
Alex Harris, Miami Herald climate change reporter
Jesse Keenan, professor in the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, with a joint appointment at the John F. Kennedy School of Government in Science, Technology and Public Policy
Part 2
Millions of gallons of oil leaked into the ground under Greenpoint, adding a sheen to Newtown Creek and a substance like "black mayonnaise" to the yards of the neighborhood's working class residents. More than 20 years later, the Coast Guard officially discovered the spill. The chain of events that followed prompted the Just Green Enough strategy, which uncouples remediation and resilience from luxury development and contests the inevitability of displacement in green gentrification scenarios.
In our second episode on climate gentrification, we look at the case of the Greenpoint neighborhood in Brooklyn, including the history that got us to this point and what we can learn from the people there.
In this episode:
Winifred Curran, DePaul University
Trina Hamilton, University at Buffalo
Newcomer, Carrie, Schricker, George, Dirksen, Rebecca, Miles, Emily, Shanahan, James
Part 1
For thousands of generations, people have connected with their environments through music. They've developed ecological empathy, communicated with the divine, and passed their understandings through space and time.
Today, from Frank Waln's "Oil 4 Blood" to Billie Eilish's climate-tinged "All the Good Girls Go to Hell," popular artists continue to weave environmental activism into their art. Simultaneously, local artists foster space where people can engage collectively in the tradition of environmental music. In this episode, we begin to explore what all of that means, from Northern Indiana to rural Haiti.
3:15 - Carrie Newcomer, American folk musician
8:45 - George Schricker, long-time music educator
15:30 - Rebecca Dirksen, ethnomusicologist
Part 2
For thousands of generations, people have connected with their environments through music. They've developed ecological empathy, communicated with the divine, and passed their understandings through space and time.
Today, from Frank Waln's "Oil 4 Blood" to Billie Eilish's climate-tinged "All the Good Girls Go to Hell," popular artists continue to weave environmental activism into their art. Simultaneously, local artists foster space where people can engage collectively in the tradition of environmental music. In this episode, we continue to explore what all of that means, from Northern Indiana to rural Haiti.
2:00 - George Schricker, long-time music educator
This week: Indiana's youth climate leaders call for change in state's first Youth Climate Action Day, and we hear from opponents and proponents of a bill making its way through the Indiana legislature that seeks to slow down the retirement of coal-fired power plants.
In recent years, social scientists have increased their efforts to access new datasets from the web or from large databases. An easy way to access such data are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This workshop introduces techniques for working with APIs in Python to retrieve data from sources such as Wikipedia or The New York Times. It is intended for researchers who are new to working with APIs, but are familiar with Python or have completed the Introduction to Python workshop.
In this workshop, we will retrieve data from the ProPublica Congress API. If you plan to follow along the code scripts, please take a few minutes to request a personal API key before the workshop: Computers with Python 3 and libraries (requests, json, pandas, matplotlib, bs4, wikipedia) pre-loaded are available in the SSRC on a first-come, first-served basis.
This workshop is the second in a three-part series, followed by “Introduction to Text Mining for Social Scientists” (February 14, 2020).
This brown bag documents the early stages of a community-engagement project with digital foundations. Our “History Harvest” is an ongoing invitation to community members to help shape an archive about identity and material culture at IUB. We’ll talk about the teaching, research, and ethical considerations that framed partnerships between IUB community members, two research centers, the libraries, and an undergraduate and graduate course and walk through some practical responses to those considerations that will shape the History Harvest as it moves forward.
This week: The Trump administration has finalized a rule that limits which waterways are under federal Clean Water Act protections, and we look into whether Indiana's 2019 agricultural fortunes are a sign of things to come.
The Sample: Lunar New Year is a time to gather with friends and family to wish each other well in the new year. This week, producer Kat Spence sat down with students Kelly Fan and Elise Lee at the Asian Culture Center to find out more about the traditions surrounding this holiday as well as what the holiday means to them and their families.
With the meteoric rise of Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube, it is clear that image- and video- based platforms have become tremendously important to our social, political, and economic lives. However, there are unique challenges associated with data collection and analysis on visual social media platforms. This workshop explores the following questions in detail: How do we integrate and weigh Big Data questions with more in-depth contextualized analysis of social media content? How do we categorize textual and visual content, addressing issues of ontology? How can we scale small data to big data in visual spaces? Ultimately, it is argued that image/video data produced and consumed on social media has real value in helping us understand the social experience of everyday and profound events, but studying these types of data often requires innovations in theory and methods. Hands-on methods work will involve participants collecting data from YouTube and understanding structured metadata and unstructured data involving visual content.
Part 1
In our first episode covering this season's Australian bushfires, we speak with Arabella Douglas. She is a traditional owner who belongs to the Currie family of the Yugambeh and Bundjalung nations near the Gold Coast of Australia. She also researches behavioral economics and social impact investing at Griffith University.
As we entered 2020 and fires swelled, swallowing towns and protected bush, Arabella helped organize a fundraiser to help spread First Nations fire knowledge and land lore, which has protected patches of land this season and for thousands of years.
Part 2
In our second episode covering this season's Australian bushfires, we discuss effects on wildlife and communities, whether in the fire zone or choked by smoke. Then, we turn to the generative and unifying role of artists near and far in times of crisis.
If you are interested in supporting the ongoing work to protect and recover Australia's wildlife, a couple options mentioned in the episode are Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife and the Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service (WIRES).
3:30 - Amy, who cares for lots of animals, including a Quaker parrot and his friends just outside Canberra
Tyrell Anderson, a historic conservationist and co-founder of the Decay Devils, discusses when he first became aware of the Lake Sandy Jo/M&M Landfill Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Site. He states that it is important to have more conversations about the histories of areas like Lake Sandy Jo "so you don't find yourself in a similar situation in the future."
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Environmental Impacts for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Tyrell Anderson shares a memory of when his father took him to the spring for the first time, telling him "I'm gonna take you to the best water in Gary!” His father loved the taste of the spring water, but Anderson thought it had an "earthy" taste, explaining "If water could taste healthy, that's what it would taste like."
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Water Quality and Taste for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Tyrell Anderson, historic conservationist and co-founder of the Decay Devils, discusses how learning about his family's history has helped him to be more grateful. He says, "Seeing what they had to do to get drinking water, water for home, etc. It made me appreciate my upbringing a lot more...It made me appreciate their upbringing and their struggle."
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Use of the Spring Today for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Kay Westhues interviews Tyrell Anderson at Anna’s Kombucha Café in Gary, Indiana, on January 22, 2020. Anderson is a photographer, videographer, and historic conservationist who co-founded the Decay Devils, a Gary-based non-profit arts and preservationist collective. He describes his first visit to the spring with his father, and discusses the spring’s significance in his family’s history, as well as its role as a landmark in the city of Gary. He also talks about the impact of Lake Sandy Jo, an EPA Superfund Site, on the surrounding community. Part of the Spring at Small Farms Oral History Project. See the full exhibit here:
Kay Westhues interviews Tyrell Anderson at Anna’s Kombucha Café in Gary, Indiana, on January 22, 2020. Anderson is a photographer, videographer, and historic conservationist who co-founded the Decay Devils, a Gary-based non-profit arts and preservationist collective. He describes his first visit to the spring with his father, and discusses the spring’s significance in his family’s history, as well as its role as a landmark in the city of Gary. He also talks about the impact of Lake Sandy Jo, an EPA Superfund Site, on the surrounding community. Part of the Spring at Small Farms Oral History Project. See the full exhibit here:
This week: IDEM investigates whether a company responsible for a chemical release in Lake Michigan and the Little Calumet River is accurately reporting water samples; we take a look at the environmental issues Gov. Eric Holcomb brought up during the 2020 State of the State address; and a national non-profit organization is looking for 20 Indianapolis homeowners willing to transition to solar power at no cost.
Andrea Ledbetter, historic conservationist and co-founder of the Decay Devils, discusses the mineral content of the Chase Street spring water. "If you're a person who likes to have their bright pearly whites, you know you have to be a little careful with drinking a lot of it." She uses a filter to remove some of the minerals before drinking the water.
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Water Quality and Taste for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Andrea Ledbetter, co-founder of the Decay Devils, discusses the potential for urban farming around the Chase Street Spring. She says, "we're thinking about doing a lot of creative placemaking projects that deal with urban farming"; one such project being an apiary to bring more bees to the area and cultivate honey.
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Use of the Spring Today for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Ledbetter, Judy (narrator), Ledbetter, Andrea (narrator)
Judy Ledbetter, who has lived north of the Chase St. spring for 54 years, describes the sandhills that used to exist in the area. "This was all like sand dunes. It looked just like the beach," her daughter Andrea says. Judy shares a memory of children sledding on the hills in the winter.
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Growing Up in Small Farms for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Ledbetter, Judy (narrator), Ledbetter, Andrea (narrator)
Kay Westhues interviews Judy and Andrea Ledbetter at their home on Chase St., Gary Indiana, on January 14, 2020. Judy Ledbetter is a community activist who has lived in her home on Chase St. for 54 years. Her daughter, Andrea, is a photographer, community activist, and historic conservationist who cofounded the Decay Devils, a Gary-based non-profit arts and preservationist collective. They describe how the neighborhood surrounding the spring has changed over the years they have lived there. They also discuss their activism in the city of Gary. Part of the Spring at Small Farms Oral History Project. See the full exhibit here:
Alma Wilkes, retired Gary School System teacher and nutritionist, discusses the healing properties of the sulfur in the Chase Street spring water. She drinks the spring water to alleviate water retention. She says, "I started drinking the water and my ankle stopped swelling."
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Water Quality and Taste for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Alma Wilkes, retired Gary School System teacher and nutritionist, discusses the vegetation around the Chase Street Spring. She notes that watercress grows around the well, and that it is still thriving in January. She says, "I think that's a treasure...Watercress is really, really healthy."
This was one of a group of excerpts gathered under the subject heading of Water Quality and Taste for a digital and in-person exhibit of the Spring at Small Farms Oral Histories. The digital exhibit can be seen at
Kay Westhues interviews Alma Wilkes at her home in Gary, Indiana, on January 10, 2020. Wilkes is a retired high school teacher for the Gary School System. She taught Home Economics (Family and Consumer Sciences) and Nutrition & Wellness at Westside High School for 10 years, and Clothing & Textiles at Roosevelt High School for an additional 10 years. Her passion is nutrition, and she discusses the health benefits of spring water--in particular, sulfur. She describes why she gathers drinking water from the spring. She is also a member of the Gary Food Council and talks about their plans to improve the spring. Part of the Spring at Small Farms Oral History Project. See the full exhibit here:
This week: A group of researchers is reaching out to towns and cities across Indiana to create the first state-wide urban forest database, and we take a look at some bills introduced during the 2020 Indiana legislative session that could have an effect on the environment.
Schendler, Auden, Hershkowitz, Allen, Miles, Emily, Shanahan, James
As cities viable for hosting the Winter Olympics dwindle, ski resorts face shorter seasons, and climbers work with less predictable terrain, the winter sports industry acts as a key site influencing climate policy.
2:00 - Auden Schendler of Aspen Skiing Company and Protect Our Winters
14:15 - Allen Hershkowitz of Sport and Sustainability International (SandSI)
In the new year, we're returning to our first episode, "How the Arctic caught fire." But this time, we focus in on the Gwich'in perspective. Edward Alexander, co-chair of the Gwich'in Council International, tells us how he and those around him are working with the Arctic Council to exchange information and resources in support of a collaborative and resilient Arctic future.
People's Army of Viet Nam (PAVN) veteran Le Kim Tho talks about the challenges he and his fellow soldiers faced during and after Agent Orange spraying.
Video bio of Bob Forbes, inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2020;
Bob Forbes started broadcasting WBOW-AM in in 1947 in Terre Haute, Indiana, while still in college at Indiana State Teachers College. In 1948, Forbes joined WTHI-AM when it first went on air. WTHI-TV then launched in 1954 as the 10th Hoosier television station; Forbes was WTHI-TV’s first and only sports anchor at the station until he retired in 1985. He was the longtime voice of the Indiana State Sycamores, including the Larry Bird-led NCAA runner-up basketball team in 1979. Forbes was inducted into the Indiana State University Athletic Hall of Fame in 1984 for his broadcasting career and into the Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association Hall of fame in 2006. He died in January 2005 and was inducted posthumously to the Indiana Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
Video bio of Bob Ross, inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2020;
Although a native of Florida, Bob Ross lived and worked in Muncie, Indiana. His “Joy of Painting” program is still nationally and internationally syndicated and was produced at WIPB-TV, a community PBS station affiliated with Ball State University. Ross’s programs have been carried by nearly 300 television stations, covering an estimated 80 million households. Ross died in 1995 at the age of 52.
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
National Liberation Front (NLF) veteran Nguyen Duc Toan shares the story on how he saved the life of Navy pilot Phillip Kientzler, who became the last American POW.
Charles Gonzales, former president of the Student National Education Association, describes his role, his decision to move to Washington to work with the youth franchise movement. Included are anecdotes about John Dean, congressional testimony, and post-ratification efforts to register young voters.