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In Ep. 104, Dean Shanahan talks with former director of the Office of Policy Analysis at the U.S. Department of the Interior. Tune in to hear Clement discuss the impact of climate change and whistleblowing in a government agency.
We asked five questions (and a little more) to Indiana University professor and poet-in-residence Adrian Matejka. The award-winning poet is author of The Devil’s Garden, Mixology, and The Big Smoke—a finalist for the 2013 National Book Award and the 2014 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry. His upcoming collection of poems, Map to the Stars, will be released in March 2017.
Two major innovators in digital cultural documentation meet for a conversation on goals, methods, frameworks, and business models. Michael Frisch, Professor Emeritus of the University of Buffalo and former president of both the Oral History Association and the American Studies Association, has recently created a consulting firm, Randforce Associates, to develop software for indexing and annotating audio and video documentation. P. Sainath received the 2007 Ramon Magsaysay Award (the “Asian Nobel”) for his “passionate commitment as a journalist to restore the rural poor to India’s national consciousness.” He is Founder-Editor of the crowdfunded, volunteer-sustained People’s Archive of Rural India.