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Marriage Equality: Stories from the Heartland is an on-going project dedicated to recording stories from same-sex couples about their journeys into marriage. Sponsored by the Indiana University’s Department of Gender Studies, the Office for Vice President for Research New Frontiers program, and the IU Bloomington Arts and Humanities Council. - WFHB Marriage Equality Stories from the Heartland
Marriage Equality: Stories from the Heartland is an on-going project dedicated to recording stories from same-sex couples about their journeys into marriage. Sponsored by the Indiana University’s Department of Gender Studies, the Office for Vice President for Research New Frontiers program, and the IU Bloomington Arts and Humanities Council. - WFHB Marriage Equality Stories from the Heartland
In episode 84, journalist Jamie Kalven spoke to Media School Dean James Shanahan about using first amendment freedoms to fight censorship. Kalven successfully fought a subpoena to name sources for his story about the police-involved shooting death of Chicago teenager Laquan McDonald.
“When I was young I knew nothing about any legislative activities or laws that would allow an individual with a disability to have any kind of civil rights because I stayed in several nursing homes and at that time, there were no patients' rights,” states Karen Vaughn. In 2009, Karen Vaughn visited the Story Tent at the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities conference and shared what she learned when she attended Partners in Policymaking and Disabilities Rights Education Defense Fund training in 1992. She took that information and assisted state parks with their ADA compliance plans.
This sound piece moves through several different neighborhoods of Kathmandu and Patan over the course of a fictive day, echoing the pleasures, frustrations, and humor of the dense and richly layered urban soundscape.