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Marriage Equality: Stories from the Heartland is an on-going project dedicated to recording stories from same-sex couples about their journeys into marriage. Sponsored by the Indiana University’s Department of Gender Studies, the Office for Vice President for Research New Frontiers program, and the IU Bloomington Arts and Humanities Council. - WFHB Marriage Equality Stories from the Heartland
Classical applications of instrumental variables analysis are justified by structural models of behavior, and assumptions about the relationship between measured and unmeasured variables. Experimental and quasi-Experimental research designs present a partial alternative to structural modeling that is useful for answering certain types of research questions. It turns out that instrumental variables analysis can also help us make sense of several different research designs.
This workshop will introduce the key assumptions involved in instrumental variables analysis from the perspective of research design. It will examine the way instrumental variables can play a role in the analysis of data from (i) classical randomized experiments, (ii) experiments that mix randomization and participant choice, and (iii) surveys that suffer from nonresponse. In each case, research designs justify some instrumental variable assumptions and not others. Examples and best practices for applied research will be discussed throughout.
Digital technology is changing everything in our lives, including the ways in which we study, learn, teach, and create knowledge in the university. While these changes have been slower to come in the humanities, they are now well established and accelerating, with significant implications for teaching and research. What are the new opportunities afforded by the development of digital tools and platforms for humanists? What new fields of inquiry have opened for humanists as a result of the explosion of digital technology? And how should humanists understand and respond to the growing power and influence of the technical disciplines in shaping the priorities of the contemporary university?
Presented by Dr. William D. Adams, former head of the National Endowment for the Humanities, as part of the IU Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities 2017-18 Speaker Series, which had the theme "Making the Arts & Humanities."
This workshop will cover basic scientific visualization concepts and applications using Paraview, including data types, the basic interface, pipelines and more.
Digital mapping offers a variety of options that range in complexity from dropping a point on your smartphone's mapping application to analyzing statistical differences in different geographies to warping geography for historical or artistic purposes. In addition to learning digital mapping methodology for humanist and social sciences research, and adapting mapping tools for artistic practice, we will discuss the critical application of these tools and how they can be used effectively in the classroom.
Network analysis provides a data-driven analysis and visualization exploration of relationships in digital arts & humanities, but within that umbrella is a variety of approaches to understanding interaction between elements of a system. We'll use your research question to help you think through how these relationships might work in a network analysis of your own and demonstrate how an in-classroom network-analysis activity can also help your students see relationships unfold in your discipline.
In episode 79, Dean Shanahan speaks to Joan Hawkins, associate professor at the IU Media School, about the Wounded Galaxies festival and symposium.
Wounded Galaxies: 1968 – Beneath the Paving Stones, the Beach is a festival and symposium produced by The Burroughs Century Ltd., welcoming scholars, writers, artists, archivists, filmmakers, performers, and others interested in exploring the intellectual and aesthetic legacy of 1968, during its 50th Anniversary year.
The festival subtitle is a translation of the French slogan “Sous les pavés, la plage!,” a popular resistance graffiti in France Mai ’68 that refers to both the sand beneath cobblestones lifted by students to hurl at police as well as the ‘Situationist’ conviction that the streets–the expression of capital and consumption–could be rediscovered by abandoning a regimented life.
We hope you are eagerly poring over your NSSE 2018 results. To support your efforts, please join Jillian and Bob for a free webinar on Tuesday August 28, at 2:00 pm (Eastern) for a step-by-step walkthrough of your Institutional Report package. We will review the data and reports, and provide general strategies and resources for utilizing and disseminating your results.
This introductory workshop will walk through IBM SPSS and SAS JMP software while giving an overview of how to identify what types of data analysis tools to use for a project, along with basic “DIY” instructions. We will discuss the most common analysis tools for describing your data and performing significance tests (Correlation, T-test, ANOVA, Cross-tabs, etc), and how they should be selected based on the type of data and the type of research question you have. This is geared towards students or faculty beginning their foray into quantitative analysis of research data, would like an introduction to SPSS or JMP, or would just like to step back and get a framework for how to navigate “what analysis to use when.”