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An exciting development for audio and video repositories is the emerging IIIF standard for time-based media. Join us to understand what IIIF is and why the Avalon project is collaborating with the IIIF-AV community. We will also discuss how we see the future of these two important open source projects and their contribution to a rich media viewing experience.
In episode 72, Janae Cummings speaks to Sarah Wroth, associate chair of the ballet department at the Jacobs School of Music, and Georgia Dalton, graduating junior and the Sugar Plum Fairy in IU’s upcoming production of The Nutcracker. Tickets are still available for the performance, which runs from November 30 to December 3 at the Musical Arts Center on the IU Bloomington campus.
“If you want to talk about a typical day for a student with a disability, you almost have to talk about what kind of disability to be honest,” explains Nancy Kalina. A former research associate at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, Nancy worked at Bloomington North High School in Bloomington, Indiana as a work-study coordinator from 2000 to 2011 and helped with student transitions out of high school.
She describes the certificate, diploma and honors tracks available to students. Nancy explains the peer-tutoring program. She says students may help with academics, assist with an in-school job or be a bridge builder within a class. Circles of support are another option schools have used to benefit students. In addition to transition coordinators, Nancy feels the school systems need someone who could educate parents starting in the 8th grade on the various components of transitioning from school to adult services. Teachers know about curriculum and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), but not necessarily how Vocational Rehabilitation Services work or the importance of the Medicaid Waiver.
Nancy discusses her experiences with facilitated communication, a type of augmentative communication. She address some of the controversies surrounding the practice. She also shares thoughts on training needs for professionals entering the field of disabilities. Nancy was interviewed in 2013.
The maker movement, a subculture affiliated with a do-it-yourself ethos and, more recently, a passion for digital technologies, has been growing over the last two decades and is making its way onto the university campus . Digital humanities (DH) centers in particular have taken up the maker ethos, incorporating digital technologies such as 3D printers and microcomputers into their spaces. While recent literature acknowledges both the lack of female presence in makerspaces and a desire for more diversity in the digital humanities, no study of making has yet employed a feminist approach to understanding why and how these issues arise in the first place. The Centering Gender Project aims to do just this, by employing Wajcman’s (2004) theory of TechnoFeminism in an examination of public and academic examples of making. Martin's talk will showcase preliminary findings from her first on-site visits to makerspaces, and challenge the audience to think through ways their learning spaces could diversify their population.
After a whole year of experimenting with applying agile scrum to relationships, the Multiamory crew is proud to present our new and improved relationship check-in model: RADAR! Learn about the benefits of establishing a regular monthly check-in for your relationships, plus follow our easy step-by-step process for creating a safe, supportive, and productive way to foster intimate communication. For an easy way to start, download our PDF Template: Relationship RADAR. - Multiamory Podcast Website