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Join NSSE Director Alex McCormick in this conversational webinar to discuss the recent update to the survey and questions from participating campuses including: 1. Why did you change the survey? Are more changes planned? 2. Why did you replace the NSSE benchmarks and how do I make comparisons between past NSSE and updated NSSE results? 3. How can I use NSSE results at the school or department/program level? 4. How can smaller schools get the most out of NSSE? Alex will also share his views about emerging accountability demands and current issues in assessing educational quality. He is especially interested in hearing and responding to user questions and concerns. Please tell us what's on your mind and submit your questions via the webinar registration form. Questions can also be raised during the webinar via the chat feature, but we encourage advance submissions.
Logistic regression is a commonly used type of analysis in the social sciences and other fields in which the outcome of interest is dichotomous. This workshop takes a hands-on approach to utilizing Stata’s logit command. I will provide a brief overview of logistic regression, discuss Stata’s commands (as well as additional post-estimation commands), explain how to interpret the output, and then lead participants in a data analysis example using Stata via IUanyWare. Computers are provided for participants.
Neatline, a tool for the open-source Omeka framework that allows users to create digital exhibits with maps and timelines, was created to fit the needs of scholars, librarians, historians, and digital humanists. In this talk, the speaker will share an introduction to Neatline, her experiences using the tool for a mapping project with IU's Digital Collections Services, and suggestions for libraries interested in exploring Neatline themselves.
Social-ecological research studies complex human-natural environments and the uses and sharing of ecological resources. Elinor Ostrom, a Nobel prize laureate from IU, pioneered the idea that social-ecological data can be collected and stored in a centralized database, which will capture complex relationships between various components of data and facilitate their collective collaborative use. While useful in its active stage, databases present a challenge for archival and preservation, especially if they are stored in a proprietary format and where changes are often applied retrospectively to both new and existing data. In this talk we will present an approach to archiving a social-ecological research database, the International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) database, and discuss challenges that we encountered as well as lessons learned. The talk aims at stimulating a discussion about preservation of complex data objects and possible solutions that can be generalized beyond one case.
In modern high-tech health care, patients appear to be the stumbling block: an uninformed, anxious, noncompliant folk with unhealthy lifestyles who demand treatments advertised by celebrities, insist on unnecessary but expensive imaging, and may eventually turn into plaintiffs. Patients’ lack of health literacy has received much attention. But what about their physicians? I show that the majority of doctors are innumerate, that is, they do not understand basic health statistics. An estimated 70%–80% of them do not understand what the results of screening tests mean. This engenders superfluous treatment, anxiety, and healthcare costs. As a consequence, the ideals of informed consent and shared decision-making remain a pipedream; both doctors and patients are habitually misled by biased information in health brochures and advertisements. I argue that the problem is not simply in the minds of doctors, but in the way health statistics are framed in journals and brochures. A quick and efficient cure is to teach efficient risk communication that fosters transparency as opposed to confusion. I report studies with doctors, medical students, and patients that show how transparent framing helps them understand health statistics in an hour or two. Raising taxes or rationing care is often seen as the only viable alternative to exploding health care costs. Yet there is a third option: by promoting health literacy, better care is possible for less money.
Video bio of Bob Glaze, "Cowboy Bob," inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2014.
Narrator: Scott Wayman;
Original Footage: WTTV-4;
Produced by: DreamVision Media Partners;
Best known in central Indiana as “Cowboy Bob,” Glaze first worked live radio musical shows on WBBM-AM/FM in Chicago, before joining WTTV-TV in 1966 in Bloomington, Indiana. He began as a studio technician and director, then occasionally appeared with Jane Hodge on “Popeye & Janie.” By 1970 he had his own show, “Cowboy Bob & the Chuck-Wagon Theater,” with “Freckles,” “Windjammer” and “Tumbleweed,” among others. He was an after-school companion for a generation of Hoosiers. Following 23 years at WTTV-TV, Glaze had “Cowboy Bob’s Cable Stable” on American Cablevision. He died Sept. 16, 2016, at the age of 73.
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
An interview with Naked Acts director Bridgett M. Davis conducted on September 29, 2014 at the Black Film Center & Archive at Indiana University. Interviewers are IU professor Michael T. Martin and graduate assistant Noelle Griffis.
A main intellectual scandal today is that we do not have, in philosophy or neurobiology, a generally accepted account of consciousness. In this lecture, John Searle will offer the philosophical core of such an account, and explain the difficulties in getting a neurobiological account. Along the way, he will expose half a dozen really outrageous mistakes about consciousness.
This brown bag session will present the Libraries' most recent online Omeka exhibition of World War II propaganda films which went live on June 6th, the 70th anniversary of D-Day.
The IULMIA (Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive) staff will present the conceptual idea behind the exhibit, the steps taken to select and digitize the content, working with the Library Technology staff and the process of building the online exhibit.
Video bio of Cris Conner, inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2014.
Producer: Ann Craig-Cinnamon;
Narrator: Allen Deck;
Production by: DreamVision Media Partners;
Starting with a news job at WBAT-AM/FM in Marion, Indiana, and DJ at WJVA-FM in South Bend, Indiana, Cris Conner landed in Indianapolis in 1968 as the late-night DJ on WNAP-FM. Soon he moved to evenings, then afternoons, became program director and eventually the morning-drive host. Conner was a master programmer during the rock radio wars of the 1970s and is credited with creating many concepts that had local and national programming influence, among them the “Morning Zoo” team concept, “Fantasy Park” and “Free Mind Weekends.”
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
David C. Krane took his journalism skills, his innate curiosity and the scientific influence of his nuclear physicist father and combined them into a career as a Google pioneer. Krane was part of Google’s senior leadership team in its early days as a start-up, serving as senior director of global communications and public affairs. He now is a general partner in Google Ventures, which invests in start-up technology companies.
Krane came to Bloomington from Portland, Ore., to study clarinet and saxophone in the Jacobs School of Music. But his intellectual curiosity compelled him to switch to journalism, where he specialized in broadcast and took classes in public relations.
After graduation, Krane moved to San Diego for a summer internship with marketing communications company Phillips-Ramsey/McCann Erickson Worldwide. He remained on the West Coast, working in a variety of communications positions that emphasized technology.
As circulation director at Tabor Griffin Communications in San Diego, he led the development of a prototype e-publication. In subsequent jobs, he taught himself to build websites and led high-tech PR campaigns for technology clients, at one point working with Yahoo and Apple. Before joining Google, he was senior director for global marketing communications and investor relations for Certicom, Inc., a security software company.
Krane joined Google in 2000. He was the “voice of Google,” serving as the company’s main media contact. He also created most of Google’s international offices, and hired, mentored and managed the majority of the employees there.
At Google Ventures, he has been responsible for investments in more than a dozen start-up technology companies.
Krane serves on the School of Informatics and Computing’s dean’s advisory board. He also is on the board of the Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Palo Alto, Calif., using his technical knowledge to advance access for people with visual impairments through Google.
The Early Development of the Autonomic Nervous System Provides a Neural Platform for Social Behavior: A Polyvagal Perspective
Credit: ACEatND
Human Nature and Early Experience, Developmental Biobehavioral Sciences and Moral Behavior (2011)
Original text and publication:
Everett G. Martin spent his career reporting from some of the world’s most turbulent locales. He was Newsweek’s bureau chief in Saigon during the war in Vietnam and covered the 1973 Chilean coup for The Wall Street Journal. During his time in Vietnam, he befriended author John Steinbeck, who later said Martin’s work was “some of the best reporting I have ever read.”
Martin’s first overseas adventure was as a college student, when he shipped out one summer as a cabin boy on freighter going to Cuba. At IU, he was a night editor and city editor of the Indiana Daily Student. After graduation, he started his career at the City News Bureau of Chicago at $15 a week. From there, he went to the Elkhart Truth and then to the Christian Science Monitor. In 1958, the Monitor sent him to cover the auto industry in Detroit, where The Wall Street Journal later hired him. He moved to New York City, and continued to cover labor and the auto industry.
Martin’s next move was to Time magazine to write about business. He followed his editor to Newsweek, where he worked as deputy foreign editor and covered the United Nations. In the early 1960s, he was given his first overseas assignment: a temporary posting in Hong Kong. He covered Singapore’s expulsion from Malaysia and the India-Pakistani war so effectively that Newsweek made him a permanent foreign correspondent.
In January 1966, Martin was sent to Saigon to set up Newsweek’s bureau. He reported on the war, ran the bureau and briefed visiting dignitaries such as Edward Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
Martin was expelled from Vietnam in 1968 for reporting on government corruption. Newsweek assigned Martin as Hong Kong bureau chief covering Southeast Asia. He traveled with Filipino Sen. Benigno Aquino during his campaign against President Ferdinand Marcos.
He returned to Boston, where he spent a year as an associate professor in the Edward R. Murrow Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. The Wall Street Journal then hired him to cover South America, which he did for 18 years. His work won the Overseas Press Club’s Ed Stout Award in 1973 and Columbia University’s Maria Moors Cabot Prize in 1983. He retired in 1988 and died in 2013.
Video bio of Franklin D. Schurz, Jr., inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2014.
Produced by Scott Leiter & WSBT South Bend;
Franklin D. Schurz, Jr., was the longtime editor and publisher of the South Bend Tribune and owner of WSBT-AM/FM/TV in South Bend, Indiana. He served as general manager of WSBT-AM/FM from 1936-1946 and was editor and publisher of the newspaper from 1954-72. He was chairman of the privately owned Schurz Communications, which at the time of his death in 1987 included the Tribune and WSBT-TV in South Bend as well as television stations in Virginia, Missouri and Georgia, and four cable television systems.
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
As part of an exhibition at the Lilly Library entitled The Globalization of the United States, 1789-1861 scheduled to open September 15, historian Konstantin Dierks and librarians Erika Dowell and Michelle Dalmau have partnered to create a digital counterpart to the physical exhibit that includes an interactive, map-based visualization. The visualization tracks several data points or ‰ÛÃfacets‰Û about U.S. interventions in the rest of the globe, from diplomatic missions to stationed military squadrons. As Dierks describes, it provides a tool for scholars and students to investigate how ‰ÛÃthe United States, no longer swaddled within the British empire, sought to recalibrate its interaction with the wider world as an independent nation.‰ÛÂ
This presentation will focus primarily on one component of the digital exhibit, the map-based visualizations, and how we in the libraries have been able to use this project as a use case for generalizing research-oriented treatment of geospatial and temporal data. By abstracting the data gathering and mapping processes and building workflows to support these activities, we have the beginnings of a services-oriented approach to map-based discovery and inquiry that could be leveraged by other digital research projects at Indiana University. As part of this presentation we will: a) evaluate the various map-based tools with which we experimented including SIMILE Exhibit, Google Fusion, Neatline, and Leaflet, b) review the metadata challenges particular to this project and how they can be abstracted for future projects, and c) relay lessons learned when working with historical maps. We will conclude by proposing a model established by Professor Dierk's project team, using a combination of tools and techniques referenced above, as a way forward in supporting map-based digital research projects more generally.
The first mode of access by the community of digital humanities and informatics researchers and educators to the copyrighted content of the HathiTrust digital repository will be to extracted statistical and aggregated information about the copyrighted texts. But can the HathiTrust Research Center support scientific research that allows a researcher to carry out their own analysis and extract their own information?
This question is the focus of a 3-year, $606,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Plale, Prakash 2011-2014), which has resulted in a novel experimental framework that permits analytical investigation of a corpus but prohibits data from leaving the capsule. The HTRC Data Capsule is both a system architecture and set of policies that enable computational investigation over the protected content of the HT digital repository that is carried out and controlled directly by a researcher. It leverages the foundational security principles of the Data Capsules of A. Prakash of University of Michigan, which allows privileged access to sensitive data while also restricting the channels through which that data can be released.
Ongoing work extends the HTRC Data Capsule to give researchers more compute power at their fingertips. The new thrust, HT-DC Cloud, extends existing security guarantees and features to allow researchers to carry out compute-heavy tasks, like LDA topic modeling, on large-scale compute resources.
HTRC Data Capsule works by giving a researcher their own virtual machine that runs within the HTRC domain. The researcher can configure the VM as they would their own desktop with their own tools. After they are done, the VM switches into a "secure" mode, where network and other data channels are restricted in exchange for access to the data being protected. Results are emailed to the user.
In this talk we discuss the motivations for the HTRC Data Capsule, its successes and challenges. HTRC Data Capsule runs at Indiana University.
See more at
HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is the public research arm of the HathiTrust digital library where millions of volumes, such as books, journals, and government documents, are digitized and preserved. By Nov 2013, the HathiTrust collection has 10.8M total volumes of which 3.5M are in the public domain [1] and the rest are in-copyrighted content.
The public domain volumes of the HathiTrust collection by themselves are more than 2TB in storage. Each volume comes with a MARC metadata record for the original physical copy and a METS metadata file for provenance of digital object. Therefore the large-scale text raises challenges on the computational access to the collection, subsets of the collection, and the metadata. The large volume also poses a challenge on text mining, which is, how HTRC provides algorithms to exploit knowledge in the collections and accommodate various mining need.
In this workshop, we will introduce the HTRC infrastructure, portal and work set builder interface, and programmatic data retrieve API (Data API), the challenges and opportunities in HTRC big text data, and finish with a short demo to the HTRC tools.
More about HTRC
The HTRC is a collaborative research center launched jointly by Indiana University and the University of Illinois, along with the HathiTrust Digital Library, to help meet the technical challenges of dealing with massive amounts of digital text that researchers face by developing cutting-edge software tools and cyberinfrastructure to enable advanced computational access to the growing digital record of human knowledge. See for details.
Williams-Forson, Psyche A., Cooper, Tyron, Jones, Alisha Lola, Burnim, Mellonee V. (Mellonee Victoria), 1950-
A lecture and panel discussion exploring the intersections between sacred and secular African American music genres (funk, soul and gospel, in particular) and the ritual preparation and sharing of foods in promoting and sustaining African American communities, organized as part of Indiana University's Themester 2014 "Eat, Drink, Think: Food from Art to Science." After an introduction by Dr. Mellonee Burnim (Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology), featured guest speaker, Dr. Psyche Williams-Forson (Department of American Studies, University of Maryland College Park) provides a general introduction to the significance of food traditions as a signifier of African American life and culture (approximately 30 minutes). Following are shorter presentations by Dr. Alisha Lola Jones (Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology) and Dr. Tyron Cooper (Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies), who explore unifying linkages between sacred and secular music and traditional African American foodways, signifying the complementary roles these cultural practices play in demarcating various aspects of African American identity. At the conclusion is a brief question and answer session. The panel was held on October 27, 2014, from 4:30-6:00 p.m., in the Grand Hall, Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, at Indiana University, Bloomington. Presented by the Archives of African American Music and Culture; sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences—Themester; Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies; Department of Anthropology; Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology; Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center; Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs; and the Asian American Studies Program.
Beverly Rackley's mother said, "You can take those papers and tear them up, or I will tear them up in front of you." In this video, Beverly shares stories of her mother's advocacy on her behalf during her childhood, and discusses how, over the years, Beverly has become a strong advocate for herself and others. Her mother had been repeatedly presented with papers by Riley Hospital, to sign over her young daughter’s care to Muscatatuck State School. She refused. When the seven year old needed to start school in Indianapolis in the late 1960s, she and her husband had to fight the school board to allow Beverly to ride the bus. Beverly was interviewed in Indianapolis on December 8, 2014.
Join Shimon Sarraf, NSSE Assistant Director for Survey Operations, to learn more about the relationship of incentives and campus promotions to response rates. Based on recent research presented at the AIR Annual Forum in spring 2014, this webinar will focus on answering the following questions: a. What kinds of incentives do participating NSSE institutions typically use? b. Which ones appear to be most effective at increasing student participation? c. What impact do campus promotional campaigns have on response rates ?d. For those that invest in promotional campaigns, how do they implement them and who is involved?
Join NSSE staff members, Amy and Cindy, in this interactive webinar to discuss strategies for increasing dissemination and discussion of survey results. This webinar will present the updated NSSE Data User's Guide as a tool that can be adapted and customized for different audiences and campus groups. The webinar will include interactive activities, so make sure to have a printed copy of the User's Guide nearby! During this one-hour session, attendees will practice using the User's Guide with their campus data. In the box below, please list questions or topics you would like to have addressed in the webinar or barriers you have encountered when sharing NSSE data with different audiences. Additional questions can be raised via the chat feature during the webinar.
Matlab is a numerical programming environment with a large library of functions for numerical analysis and computation. This workshop will be an introduction to Matlab syntax and computation. We will cover:
Basic Matlab data structures and syntax
Importing and exporting data
Plotting curves and surfaces
Running simple statistical tests
Comments on Matlab’s use in image processing and GIS.
The workshop assumes no prior familiarity with Matlab.
Qualtrics ( is a software package for collecting survey data that has been widely adopted by leading research universities and major corporations. Many IU departments and centers are currently using Qualtrics, with more and more purchasing licenses each year. This speaks to the broad appeal of Qualtrics and the software’s flexibility of use.
This hands-on workshop will provide an overview of Qualtrics for use in creating and distributing online (web) surveys according to best practices. You will learn how to create an online survey from scratch, including how to format various types of questions and implement skip logic. You will also learn how to import your list of survey recipients, create an email invitation message, send the survey to recipients, and export your collected survey data. Time permitting, we will cover higher-end customizations and complex survey skip path methods. While we will focus on web survey examples, the skills that you will learn in this workshop can also be used to develop interview guides, data entry forms, and lab experiments in Qualtrics – you will learn that the tool is a versatile one!
The Hydra Project is a large collaboration among many institutions sharing needs for open software digital repository solutions. Indiana University is a Hydra Partner, and as such, is both developing new Hydra "heads" and leveraging heads developed by other partners. In this presentation, we will describe the Hydra Project objectives, the primary components of the technology (Fedora, Solr, Blacklight), how the community collaborates, and the benefits of this collaboration. The Avalon Media System was our first Hydra-based project, but now we are also collaborating on a new institutional repository solution as well as a new "page turner" Hydra head for digitized paged media. The Hydra Partner community holds great promise for lower cost, tailorable digital repositories for libraries and archives.
This session provides a refresher on ideas to promote the NSSE survey administration on your campus. Presenters Cindy Ahonen and Katherine Wheatle, NSSE Project Associates, have compiled tips and creative examples to consider during the 2014 NSSE survey administration, offer reminders and strategies for new partners and stakeholders to involve in your survey promotion plan, and provide ways to maximize technology and social media to reach the most students.
How do you usefully combine digital repository, library catalog, and library web site data so researchers can discover and make use of the data in support of their research? This session discusses plans to combine IU Libraries' digital repository data with library catalog and IUB Libraries' web site data to create a Solr-indexed data source that preserves context and provides thorough, useful, and sharable access to the information, collections, and resources at the Indiana University Libraries.
Martha Moutoux Steffens shifted her focus after 30 years in newspapers to education, sharing her expertise with college students at the University of Missouri School of Journalism and with hundreds of professionals around the world looking to expand both their skills and their news organizations’ reach.
Her years in news equipped her for her second act in academia. Steffens was an editor and reporter at the Evansville Courier, the Dayton Daily News, the Orange County Register, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the Minneapolis Star and the Los Angeles Times, where she was an editor on the business desk.
Later, she was executive editor of the Press & Sun Bulletin in Binghamton, N.Y. Steffens ended her newspaper career as executive editor of the San Francisco Examiner.
In 2002, she joined the University of Missouri as the Society of American Business Editors and Writers Endowed Chair, teaching business and financial journalism. Steffens’ interest in supporting journalism around the world led her to the Middle East to train journalists to cover elections, to Macedonia to train business journalists and to Saudi Arabia to conduct the first-ever training sessions for women journalists. To date, she has organized more than 100 workshops for journalists in 28 countries on topics from local business reporting to covering global financial markets.
Steffens has served on the boards of the Pew Center for Civic Journalism and CBS MarketWatch. Earlier this year, she was named to the executive board of the International Press Institute, an organization that seeks to monitor and support press freedom around the world. She is a member of journalism’s alumni board.
Steffens received the Society of American Business Editors and Writers President’s Award in 2013. She is co-author of Reporting Disaster on Deadline and author of the upcoming Dimension Reporting.
Video bio of Martin Plascak, inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2014.
Written by: Joe Misiewicz;
Interview Video: WTHI Television;
Narrator: Dave White;
Produced by: DreamVision Media Partners;
Martin Plascak began his broadcast career when he joined WBOW-AM in 1951 in Terre Haute, Indiana, and worked there for 25 years. In 1957, Jerome “Bill” William O’Conner purchased WBOW-AM and wanted to make Plascak the “News Voice of the Wabash Valley.” His days of playing records and voicing commercials came to an end and he served as WBOW-AM news director from 1954-1975. In 1976, Plascak became news director at WTHI-AM/FM, anchoring “Morning Drive” for Network Indiana as well as doing some television work like “Face to Face” with the CBS affiliate. Plascak died Oct. 30, 2021, at age 92.
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
IU's Fedora digital repository houses thousands of digitized items including pages of text, photographs, puzzles, three-dimensional artifacts, prints, audio, and moving pictures. These items are made accessible either through silo-ed collection sites or as a certain type of digital object (like images or finding aids). But there is a larger corpus of the entire repository that should be shared for greater understanding, discoverability, and use. Exposing the metadata we have in our repository allows others to make use of it, offering different perspectives on our items and collections and combining our collections with other similar collections around the world. Join us for the latest on our work to reveal our digital collections as data feeds.
Raju Narisetti has crafted a career that parallels journalism’s evolution into digital media and publishing’s move toward a viable business plan. Currently the senior vice president for strategy at News Corp, Narisetti leads the company’s global efforts on issues pertaining to digital newsrooms, advertising, data privacy and paywalls, among others.
But his first job after receiving his master’s degree was as a staff reporter at The Wall Street Journal. He moved up the ranks to deputy national editor in 2003. He then was managing editor of the WSJ’s Europe edition, where he established a global news desk.
In 2006, he returned to his native India and founded Mint, which became the country’s second largest business newspaper within its first year. He hired and trained a staff of 200, and later spearheaded a partnership with The Wall Street Journal.
In 2009, he returned to the States as managing editor at The Washington Post, directing editorial teams that won four Pulitzer Prizes during his tenure. He also was responsible for content, staff and digital strategy for as well as the Post’s mobile and tablet platforms.
In 2012, Narisetti rejoined The Wall Street Journal, where he led the digital network. He oversaw development of digital audiences, expanded social media reach and increased the organization’s global footprint in several new languages.
He moved to News Corp, WSJ’s parent company, in 2013.
In addition to his work, Narisetti has devoted time to organizations such as the South Asian Journalists Association, of which he’s a founding member. He is a trustee of the International Institute of Education, which administers global Fulbright fellowships, and the Scholar Rescue Fund. He was elected to three consecutive terms on the board of the World Editors Forum of the World Association of Newspapers.
Sharon Dunwoody is the Evjue-Bascom Professor Emerita at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She retired in 2013 after more than 30 years of teaching science journalism and science communication.
In her research, Dunwoody focuses on the construction of media science messages and on how people use those messages for various cognitive and behavioral purposes. She is author of numerous journal articles; has co-edited two volumes, Communicating Uncertainty and Scientists and Journalists; and is author of Reconstructing Science for Public Consumption.
Her research career has garnered many awards, including the Paul J. Deutschmann Award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. The first woman to receive the award, she was nominated by professors emeriti David H. Weaver and G. Cleve Wilhoit, who lauded her ability to collaborate with noted scholars as well as strike out in new directions of her own.
Dunwoody is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research and the Society for Risk Analysis. She has served twice as head of the section on General Interest in Science and Technology of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is former president of both the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Dunwoody has served as a Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer in Brazil, as a visiting journalism fellow at Deakin University in Australia and as Donnier Guest Professor at Stockholm University.
A former award-winning science reporter for The Light in San Antonio, Texas, Dunwoody earned a master’s degree in mass communication from Temple University in 1975 in the years between her two IU degrees.
Whom to marry? How to invest? Whom to trust? Complex problems require complex solutions – so we might think. And if the solution doesn’t work, we make it more complex. That recipe is perfect for a world of known risks, but not for an uncertain world, as the failure of the complex forecasting methods leading to the 2008 financial crisis illustrates. In order to reduce estimation error, good inferences under uncertainty counter-intuitively require ignoring part of the available information,. Less can be more. Yet although we face high degrees of uncertainty on a daily basis, most of economics and cognitive science deals exclusively with lotteries and similar situations in which all risks are perfectly known or can be easily estimated. In this talk, I invite you to explore the land of uncertainty, where mathematical probability is of limited value and people rely instead on simple heuristics, that is, on rules of thumb. We meet Homo heuristicus, who has been disparaged by many psychologists as irrational for ignoring information—unlike the more diligent Homo economicus. In an uncertain world, however, simple heuristics can be a smart tool and lead to even better decisions than with what are considered rational strategies. The study of heuristics has three goals. The first is descriptive: to analyze the heuristics in the “adaptive toolbox” of an individual or an institution. The second goal is normative: to identify the ecological rationality of a given heuristic, that is, the structures of environments in which it succeeds and fails. The third goal is engineering: to design intuitive heuristics such as fast-and-frugal trees that help physicians make better decisions.
In this talk, Cassidy Sugimoto argues that altmetrics have failed to deliver on their promise. She discusses criticisms of altmetrics (including those dealing with validity and reliability issues), but argues that the largest failure of altmetrics has been the focus on a single genre‰ÛÓthat is, the journal article‰ÛÓand setting altmetrics up as an alternative to citations. Sugimoto introduces the notion of outcomes-based evaluation and demonstrates that altmetrics cannot be equated with outcomes in this model. She urges the community to rethink ways in which we can build metrics that can capture larger societal impact. She discusses four axes of potential impact: production, dissemination, engagement, assessment. In each of these, she reviews various examples of current initiatives and challenges the audience to conceive of possible metrics to capture the desired outcome in each scenario.
Lecture delivered by Richard B. Gunderman, MD, PhD on September 30, 2014 about the importance of understanding the history of medicine to better serve the future.
Today's library patrons are increasingly using mobile devices to access library resources and services. This presentation will explore IU's mobile solution tools and directions as well as looking at examples from other libraries at other institutions. Together, we will consider ways the Libraries can better serve patrons through taking advantage of current and emerging mobile opportunities.
User Experience (UX) encompasses not just usability but a customer's total experience of products, services, and organizations. This talk focuses on the technology-mediated experience people have with the Libraries. I begin by explaining the key concepts of UX and give some examples of why it matters to us. I will describe a range of UX methods for improving UX and will talk about how those methods can be applied to technology-based products and services in the Libraries. I will also summarize the charter of the new UX consulting group in the Bloomington Libraries and describe we can assist with UX improvements. Although this talk will focus on libraries, most of it will apply to any technology-based project.
The distinctive features of human civilization, as opposed to animal societies, are such things as money, property, marriage, government, etc. These are created and partly constituted by linguistic representations. For this reason, they all have logical, propositional structures. John Searle will explain how they are created and maintained by certain sorts of speech acts and thus explain the nature of human civilization.
A lifetime of newspaper work culminated in journalism’s biggest accolade for Tim Nickens, who won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for editorial for his work with the Tampa Bay Times.
Nickens’ first newspaper job was at Jeffersonville High School in Indiana, where he was editor of The Hyphen. He attended IU’s High School Journalism Institute two summers in a row, and the experience cemented his career choice. He enrolled at IU, but took a year off after his first semester to work as a sports reporter for the Jeffersonville Evening News. He returned to IU, where he worked as a reporter, campus editor and editor-in-chief at the Indiana Daily Student.
After graduation, Nickens worked for the Journal Gazette in Fort Wayne. In 1983, he joined the St. Petersburg Times, now the Tampa Bay Times. He covered the Clearwater and St. Petersburg city halls as well as the criminal courts. From 1987 to 1990, he worked in the Tallahassee bureau. He left in 1990 to work for the Miami Herald, returning to the Times in 1995 as an editorial writer.
As political editor, he orchestrated coverage of the 2000 presidential campaigns of Al Gore and George W. Bush. The Times’ stories detailed the battle for Florida, which ended in a U.S. Supreme Court vote that sealed Bush’s victory.
Nickens became metro editor in 2001 and assistant managing editor in 2003. In 2004, he moved back to the editorial page. He became deputy editor of editorials and editor of editorials in 2008. With columnist Daniel Ruth, he shared the Pulitzer Prize for a series of editorials explaining why fluoride is critical to dental health and successfully urging county officials to restore fluoride to the water supply. He also won the 2013 Scripps Howard Foundation’s Walker Stone Award for his editorial writing during 2012.
UITS Research Technologies develops, delivers, and supports advanced technology to improve the productivity of and enable new possibilities in research, scholarly endeavors, and creative activity at IU. Join Robert Ping, RT Manager of Education and Outreach, as he introduces the nine service areas available to all IU faculty, staff, and students: Science Gateways, Computation, Data Storage, Visualization, Analysis and Software delivery and support, Services for biomedical biological and health-related research, Campus birding: connecting to local and national cyberinfrastructure, Education and outreach, and Grant support and custom for-fee services.
In preparation for the opening of the Indiana University Libraries' Scholars' Commons, staff from across the libraries including, Collection Development & Scholarly Communication, Library Technologies, Reference Services, and Arts & Humanities, will engage in an extended, hands-on learning project known as Research Now: Cross Training for Digital Scholarship. Our project team will develop a digital archive tentatively called The History of the Indiana University Libraries, which is conceived as a comprehensive, multimedia, and perpetual digital archive documenting the earliest days of the Indiana University (IU) Libraries through present times. The archive will serve as an engaged learning opportunity for first-year, front line Scholars' Commons staff as we retool our skills and knowledge in preparation for the opening of the Scholars' Commons.
The project aims to:
consolidate two parallel web sites that cover the history of the IU Libraries by migrating the existing content into services such as Archives Online, Image Collections Online, and other services for long-term digital preservation and access
digitize and describe existing content (35 mm slides, photographs, manuscripts, newspaper clippings and other ephemeral materials and objects) held by Lou Malcomb, Head of Social Sciences, Gov Docs and GeoSciences
cross-reference existing digital content about the libraries' history from related resources and repositories
identify, digitize, and describe additional materials in existing repositories across campus
create and compile original primary and secondary source contextual information by way of oral histories, essays, timelines and chronologies, biographical sketches, bibliographies, and other related information
Above all, this is a learning project for frontline Scholars' Commons staff with three broad goals:
to understand the multi-faceted dimensions, iterations and phases involved in designing and developing a curated digital archive
to contribute to this project as researchers
to cultivate ad-hoc learning strategies
Cross-training began in mid-November 2013, and we would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an overview of our praxis-based cross-training initiative, and an update several months into our program. For more on the Research Now: Cross-Training for Digital Scholarship initiative, visit our blog.
The most commonly reported use of NSSE results is for accreditation. NSSE's Accreditation Toolkits, designed for all regional and several specialized associations, map NSSE processes and items to the requirements and standards for each accreditor. The toolkits are available on the NSSE website. This webinar shows how NSSE items map to accreditation standards and discusses the potential for using NSSE data in institutional self-studies and quality improvement plans. The updated survey provides new items, topical modules, and more actionable Engagement Indicators, relevant to accreditation. If your self-study and site visit is fast approaching, or 5 or more years out, this session will be useful for your accreditation team.
In recent years, Omeka has become an important tool for the exhibit of digital object collections. As with many technologies, Omeka can present some issues with setup and configuration, but overall, Omeka is easy to use for managing digital content. A few of the recent projects to use Omeka are the Lilly Library's War of 1812 ( and Indiana University Library Moving Image Archive's World War II Propaganda Films ( The two projects discussed at this session are the Don C. Belton memorial site by the English Department, presented by Erika Jenns, and the ‰ÛÃRegeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film‰Û conference and workshop site presented by the Black Film Center/Archive graduate assistant Ardea Smith.
Using Omeka to Represent the Library of Professor Don C. Belton ( presented by Erika Jenns
Using my experiences cataloguing the collection of Professor Don Belton, the late novelist, book collector, and English professor at Indiana University Bloomington, I will address the benefits of using Omeka to create a dynamic access point for users. After Belton's death in 2009, the bulk of his collection was transferred to branch libraries on campus. Remaining books were kept by IU's English Department, which does not have a formal library. To make the collection more visible, I created an Omeka website, meant to function as a precursor to a visit to the collection. The site uses tags, rendering it more searchable. It also includes scans of book covers, digitized videos of Belton lecturing and reading, and posts by students who have worked with the collection. The site represents Belton's books both physically and electronically. Coupled with biographical information, it highlights Belton's research interests, sources of inspiration, and some of the works he produced.
The Proceedings of Regeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film ( presented by Ardea Smith
In 2013, the Black Film Center/Archive received a National Endowment for the Humanities Level I Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant to convene an interdisciplinary group of scholars, archivists, curators, and digital humanities technology specialists for a two-day conference and workshop, ‰ÛÃRegeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film.‰Û The conference and workshop proceedings were documented on video and fully transcribed. To enhance public access to these proceedings, I oversaw the creation of a website utilizing the open-source Omeka platform and VideoStream 2 plugin designed by project advisor Will Cowan at Indiana University. The website anchors streaming video content to keyword-searchable transcripts of the event proceedings. Drawing on the development process for the ‰ÛÃRegeneration‰Û website, my presentation will discuss the practical issues of building of an Omeka-based site using IU's webserve system with an aim to help individuals new to digital archival creation.
“We work with people who are at various stages in the job seeking process.” As an employment consultant, Wendy Druckemiller, works with people to overcome barriers to employment. Wendy uses a vocational assessment to help people figure out what type of work they would like to do. She helps with getting their resume put together and practice interviewing. If someone needs on site job coaching, an employment consultant can be there to assist in learning how to the job. There are times when Wendy does behind the scene job coaching. “We can intervene, you know, with the employer sometimes if there are issues that there's a communication breakdown maybe between the employee and the employer sometimes we can help to kind of facilitate.”
Join us for a step-by-step walkthrough of your NSSE Institutional Report 2014. We will review the redesigned reports and provide general strategies for utilizing and disseminating your results.
This workshop will give an overview of how to identify what types of data analysis tools to use for a project, along with basic “DIY” instructions. We will discuss the most common analysis tools for describing your data and performing significance tests (ANOVA, Regression, Correlation, Chi-square, etc), and how they should be selected based on the type of data and the type of research question you have. We will spend the first hour outlining ‘what analysis to use when’ and the second hour going through an example dataset in SPSS software “Comparing motivations for shopping at Farmer’s markets, CSA’s, or neither.” Bring your own data set to work along also.